Güter- und Dienstleistungsexporte

7.293.738.396 (US-Dollar) in 2023

Exports of goods and services consist of sales, barter, or gifts or grants, of goods and services from residents to non-residents. The treatment of exports and imports in the SNA is generally identical with that in the balance of payments accounts as described in the Balance of Payments Manual.

Datum Wert Ändern , %
2023 7.293.738.396 13,26 %
2022 6.439.864.482 46,94 %
2021 4.382.559.100 35,99 %
2020 3.222.731.514 -46,48 %
2019 6.021.399.698 -0,74 %
2018 6.066.399.359 18,20 %
2017 5.132.358.695 14,60 %
2016 4.478.409.544 5,48 %
2015 4.245.565.851 -2,27 %
2014 4.344.148.027 -0,40 %
2013 4.361.407.672 -2,41 %
2012 4.469.330.857