Capital city:Québec City
Location:Eastern part of Canada
- Lieutenant Governor:J. Michel Doyon
- Premier:Philippe Couillard
Official Website
Population, persons:8439325 (2018)
Land area, square km.:1.356.547,0 (2011)
Population density, persons per square km.:6,2 (2018)
Urban population, % of population:81,0 (2011)
GDP, millions of dollars at current prices:328687,5 (2017)
GDP per capita, dollars at current prices:44.499,3 (2013)
Manufacturing sales, $ millions:145.998,6 (2014)
Private and public capital expenditures, $ millions:68.547,6 (2014)
Retail trade, $ millions:109.041,1 (2014)
Employed labour force, persons:4223300 (2017)
Earnings, average weekly, current dollars:849,5 (2014)
A Wide-Area Perspective on the August 21, 2017 Total Solar Eclipse US
Aboriginal peoples survey, harvesting activities by Aboriginal identity, age group and sex, population aged 15 years and over, Canada, provinces and territories
Aboriginal peoples survey, making handcrafted goods by Aboriginal identity, age group and sex, population aged 15 years and over, Canada, provinces and territories
Aboriginal peoples survey, reasons for harvesting, by Aboriginal identity, age group and sex, population aged 15 years and over, Canada, provinces and territories
Aboriginal peoples survey, reasons for making handcrafted goods, by Aboriginal identity, age group and sex, population aged 15 years and over, Canada, provinces and territories
Access to a regular family physician, Canada
Access to and use of health care services by Aboriginal identity, Canada
Access to first contact services, household population aged 15 and over, Canada and provinces
Accommodation services, summary statistics, Canada
Acquisition or integration of advanced technologies by industry and enterprise size, Canada
Activities of foreign majority-owned affiliates in Canada, employment at establishment level, by province and industry (discontinued)
Activity prior to unemployment, monthly, unadjusted for seasonality, Canada
Actual hours worked by industry, monthly, unadjusted for seasonality, Canada
Actual hours worked by job type (main or all jobs), monthly, unadjusted for seasonality, Canada
Actual hours worked by occupation, Canada
Adoption of advanced business intelligence technologies, by industry and enterprise size, Canada
Adoption of advanced design, information control, processing and fabrication technologies, by industry and enterprise size, Canada
Adoption of advanced material handling, supply chain and logistics technologies, by industry and enterprise size, Canada
Adoption of bioproducts, by industry and enterprise size, Canada
Adoption of biotechnology, by industry and enterprise size, Canada
Adoption of geomatics or geospatial technologies, by industry and enterprise size, Canada
Adoption of nanotechnologies, by industry and enterprise size, Canada
Adult admissions to community services by age group, Canada
Adult admissions to community services by Indigenous identity, Canada
Adult admissions to community services by sex, Canada
Adult admissions to correctional services, Canada
Adult custody admissions to correctional services by age group, Canada
Adult custody admissions to correctional services by Indigenous identity, Canada
Adult custody admissions to correctional services by sex, Canada
Adult releases from correctional services by sex and aggregate time served, Canada
Adult sentenced custody admissions to correctional services by sex and sentence length ordered, Canada
Adults with and without disabilities, Canada
Adults with disabilities, by severity, Canada
Adults with disabilities, Canada
Advertising and related services, summary statistics, Canada
Air conditioners, Canada
Aircraft movements by class of operation, for airports with NAV CANADA flight service stations, annual
Aircraft movements, by class of operation, airports with NAV CANADA towers, annual
Alliances or collaborative arrangements related to bioproducts, by industry and enterprise size, Canada
Alliances or collaborative arrangements related to biotechnology, by industry and enterprise size, Canada
Alliances or collaborative arrangements related to geomatics or geospatial technologies, by industry and enterprise size, Canada
Amusement and recreation, summary statistics, Canada
Annual non-store retail survey, financial estimates, Canada
Annual retail store survey, financial estimates by store type and trade group based on the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS), Canada (discontinued)
Annual retail trade survey, financial estimates by type of store, Canada
Annual wholesale trade survey, financial estimates by the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS), Canada (discontinued)
Annual wholesale trade survey, financial estimates by trade group based on the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS), Canada (discontinued)
Annual wholesale trade survey, financial estimates, Canada
Applications related to biotechnology, by industry and enterprise size, Canada
Aquaculture economic statistics, value added account, Canada
Aquaculture, production and value, Canada
Architectural services, summary statistics, Canada
Area, Production and Farm Gate Value of Marketed Fruits, Canada
Area, production and farm gate value of vegetables, Canada
Area, Production and Farm Value of Potatoes, Canada
Asset management practices for municipally owned bridge and tunnel assets, by urban and rural, and population size, Canada
Asset management practices for municipally owned road assets, by urban and rural, and population size, Canada
Asset management practices for publicly owned bridge and tunnel assets, Canada
Asset management practices for publicly owned road assets, Canada
Automotive equipment rental and leasing, summary statistics, Canada
Average age measures of non-residential capital stock by industry, by asset, Canada, provinces and territories
Average counts of adults in provincial and territorial correctional programs, Canada
Average counts of young persons in provincial and territorial correctional services, Canada
Average expected useful life of new municipally owned bridge and tunnel assets, Canada
Average expected useful life of new municipally owned road assets, by urban and rural, and population size, Canada
Average expected useful life of new publicly owned bridge and tunnel assets, Canada
Average expected useful life of new publicly owned road assets, Canada
Average Full-time hourly wage paid and Payroll Employment by type of work, Industry and Occupation in Canada
Average hourly and weekly wages and average usual weekly hours by Aboriginal group, Canada
Average Hourly Earnings (including overtime) for salaried Employees by Industry, Canada
Average net market income of farms, by income quintile, Canada
Average net program payments and average net market income of farms, by farm type, Canada
Average net program payments and average net market income of farms, Canada
Average off-farm income and average net operating income of farm operators by revenue class, Canada
Average operating revenues and expenses of farms by revenue class, Canada
Average operating revenues and expenses of farms, by farm type, Canada
Average satisfaction with life and with selected domains of life by age group and sex, Canada, provinces and regions
Average total income of farm families by farm type, Canada
Average total income of farm families by income quintile, Canada
Average total income of farm operators by farm type, Canada
Average total income of farm operators by income quintile, Canada
Average usual and actual hours worked in a reference week by type of work (full- and part-time), Canada
Average weekly Earnings (including overtime) for all Employees by Enterprise size, Canada
Average weekly earnings (including overtime) for all employees by enterprise size, quarterly, unadjusted for seasonality, Canada
Average weekly hours (including overtime) for Employees Paid by the Hour and Enterprise size, Canada
Average weekly hours (including overtime) for employees paid by the hour, by enterprise size, quarterly, unadjusted for seasonality, Canada
Average weekly Hours for Employees paid by the Hour and Industry, Canada
Average Weekly Hours for Employees Paid by the Hour, by Industry, Monthly, Unadjusted for Seasonality, Canada
Awareness of air quality advisories and their influence on behaviours, Canada
Balance sheet of the agricultural sector as at December 31st, Canada
Barriers in the workplace for adults with disabilities, Canada
Barriers to accessing health information or advice, by time of day, household population aged 15 and over, Canada and provinces
Barriers to accessing immediate care for a minor health problem, by time of day, household population aged 15 and over, Canada and provinces
Barriers to accessing routine or on-going care, by time of day, household population aged 15 and over, Canada and provinces
Basket weights of the Consumer Price Index, Canada, provinces, Whitehorse, Yellowknife and Iqaluit
Birth-related indicators (low and high birth weight, small and large for gestational age, pre-term births), by sex, three-year average, Canada, provinces, territories, census metropolitan areas and metropolitan influence zones
Body mass index (BMI), Canada
Book publishers, detailed financial statistics by country of control, Canada
Book publishers, net value of book sales by customer category, Canada
Book publishers, summary statistics, Canada
Breastfeeding practices, Canada
Business enterprise in-house research and development characteristics, by industry group based on the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS), country of control and provinces and territories, Canada
Business sector characteristics of the waste management industry, Canada
Businesses by Industry and Employment size in Canada
Businesses by Industry in Canada
Canada and Quebec pension plan benefits of adults with and without disabilities
Canada and Quebec Pension Plans, revenue and expenditure, provincial economic accounts, annual, 1981 - 2009 (discontinued)
Canada Energy Future 2023: Energy Supply and Demand Projections to 2050
Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation, housing starts in all centres 10,000 and over, Canada, provinces, and census metropolitan areas, 6-month moving average
Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation, housing starts in all centres 10,000 and over, Canada, provinces, and census metropolitan areas, seasonally adjusted at annual rates
Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation, housing starts, all rural areas, Canada and provinces, 6-month moving average
Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation, housing starts, by type of dwelling and market type in centres 10,000 and over, Canada, provinces, census metropolitan areas and large census agglomerations
Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation, housing starts, under construction and completions in centres 10,000 and over, Canada, provinces, selected census metropolitan areas
Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation, housing under construction in all centres 10,000 and over for Canada, provinces and selected census metropolitan areas
Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation, housing under construction in all centres 50,000 and over for Canada, provinces and selected census metropolitan areas
Canada: Average hourly earnings for employees paid by the hour, by industry, monthly, unadjusted for seasonality
Canada: Average weekly earnings by industry, monthly, unadjusted for seasonality
Canada: Birth-related indicators (low and high birth weight, small and large for gestational age, pre-term births), by sex, three-year average, Canada, provinces, territories, health regions and peer groups
Canada: Births by census division and sex for the period from July 1 to June 30, based on the Standard Geographical Classification (SGC) 2006 (discontinued)
Canada: Births by economic region and sex for the period from July 1 to June 30, based on the Standard Geographical Classification (SGC) 2006 (discontinued)
Canada: Births, by economic regions and sex, 2001 Census boundaries (discontinued)
Canada: Building permits, by type of structure, area and geography, seasonally adjusted data, dollars and units, percentage change (discontinued)
Canada: Building permits, non-residential values by type of structure (discontinued)
Canada: Building permits, number of units by type of dwelling and area (discontinued)
Canada: Building permits, residential values and number of units by type of dwelling for census metropolitan areas (discontinued)
Canada: Building permits, values by activity sector (discontinued)
Canada: Building permits, values by activity sector and area (discontinued)
Canada: Canadian health characteristics, annual estimates
Canada: Canadian health characteristics, two-year period estimates
Canada: Census families by family type and family composition including before and after-tax median income of the family
Canada: Census families by total income, family type and number of children
Canada: Conventional thermal, annual generating capacity by class of electricity producer and principal fuel
Canada: Distribution of total income by census family type and age of older partner, parent or individual
Canada: Economic dependency profile of census families by family type and source of income
Canada: Economic dependency profile of tax filers by source of income and sex
Canada: Electric power generation, annual fuel consumed by electric utility thermal plants
Canada: Electric power, annual generation by class of producer
Canada: Electric power, electric utilities and industry, annual supply and disposition
Canada: Electricity from fuels, annual generation by electric utility thermal plants
Canada: Employment and unemployment rate, monthly, unadjusted for seasonality, population centres and rural areas
Canada: Employment by class of worker and industry, monthly, unadjusted for seasonality, population centres and rural areas
Canada: Employment insurance claims received by province and territory, monthly, seasonally adjusted
Canada: Farm financial survey, Canadian and regional agricultural balance sheet (gross farm revenue equal to or greater than $25,000)
Canada: Farm financial survey, capital investment and capital sales of farms, average per farm (gross farm revenue equal to or greater than $25,000)
Canada: Farm financial survey, financial structure by farm type, average per farm (gross farm revenue equal to or greater than $25,000)
Canada: Farm financial survey, financial structure of farms by revenue class, average per farm (gross farm revenue equal to or greater than $25,000)
Canada: Farms using computers in farm management and classified by total gross farm receipts, historical data
Canada: Gini coefficients of adjusted market, total and after-tax income
Canada: Income statistics by economic family type and income source
Canada: Infant and perinatal mortality, by sex, three-year average, Canada, provinces, territories, health regions and peer groups
Canada: Information system(s) usage for management of publicly owned road assets
Canada: Information system(s) used for management for municipally owned road assets, by urban and rural, and population size
Canada: Installed plants, annual generating capacity by type of electricity generation
Canada: Inventory distribution of publicly owned road assets by physical condition rating
Canada: Inventory of publicly owned bridge and tunnel assets
Canada: Investment in non-residential building construction, by type of building, province and census metropolitan area (discontinued)
Canada: Job vacancies, unemployed and unemployment-to-job vacancies ratio, three-month moving average, unadjusted for seasonality (discontinued)
Canada: Labour force characteristics by census metropolitan area, three-month moving average, seasonally adjusted and unadjusted, last 5 months, ( Discontinued)
Canada: Labour force characteristics by economic region, three-month moving average, unadjusted for seasonality, last 5 months, ( Discontinued)
Canada: Labour income profile of census families by family type
Canada: Labour income profile of tax filers by sex
Canada: Life expectancy and other elements of the life table, Canada and provinces (discontinued)
Canada: Logging industries, principal statistics by industry classification, total and 6-digit level, annual (discontinued)
Canada: Low income statistics by age, sex and economic family type
Canada: Low income statistics by economic family type
Canada: Maintenance and repair expenditures in housing
Canada: Market income, government transfers, total income, income tax and after-tax income by economic family type
Canada: Multiple jobholders by usual hours worked at all jobs, monthly, unadjusted for seasonality
Canada: Natural gas to and from the United States, monthly exports and imports, Canada
Canada: Natural gas utilities, monthly receipts and disposition
Canada: Natural gas, monthly supply and disposition
Canada: Pipeline movements, monthly summary
Canada: Primary Metal Manufacturing Trade Data by NAICS Industry Group
Canada: Selected characteristics of tax filers and dependants, income and demographics (final T1 Family File)
Canada: Selected income characteristics of census families by family type
Canada: Single-earner and dual-earner census families by number of children
Canada: Sources of income by census family type
Canada: Sources of income of senior census families by family type and age of older partner, parent or individual
Canada: Summary of charitable donors
Canada: Tax filers and dependants 15 years of age and over receiving employment insurance by age and sex
Canada: Tax filers and dependants 15 years of age and over with labour income by sex and age
Canada: Tax filers and dependants by sex, marital status and age
Canada: Tax filers and dependants with income by after-tax income, sex and age
Canada: Tax filers and dependants with income by sex, income taxes, selected deductions and benefits
Canada: Tax filers and dependants with income by source of income
Canada: Tax filers and dependants with income by total income, income taxes paid and after-tax income, sex and age
Canada: Tax filers and dependants with income by total income, sex and age
Canada: Unemployment rate and employment rate by type of student during summer months, monthly, unadjusted for seasonality, last 5 months
Canada: Upper income limit, income share and average income by economic family type and income decile
Canada: Upper income limit, income share and average of adjusted market, total and after-tax income by income decile
Canadian and international tuition fees by level of study
Canadian Business Counts with Employees
Canadian Business Counts without Employees
Canadian government finance statistics for Canada and Quebec pension plans
Canadian government finance statistics for colleges and universities
Canadian graduate tuition fees by field of study
Canadian health characteristics
Canadian health characteristics, two-year period estimates, census metropolitan areas and population centres
Canadian passenger bus and urban transit industries, operating revenue, by Industry
Canadian pipeline transport of oil and other liquid petroleum products, monthly (cubic metres)
Canadian students additional compulsory fees by level of study
Canadian students, tuition and additional compulsory fees, by level of study
Canadian undergraduate tuition fees by field of study
Cannabis consumer and producer prices, Canada
Cannabis consumer prices, Canada
Capital and operating expenditures on environmental protection, by type of activity, Canada
Capital and repair expenditures, non-residential tangible assets, by geography, Canada
Capital and repair expenditures, non-residential tangible assets, by type of ownership and geography, Canada
Capital expenditures in advanced technologies by industry and enterprise size, Canada
Capital expenditures on intellectual property product, by type of asset, Canada
Capital expenditures, non-residential tangible assets, by type of asset and geography, Canada
Carbon Pricing Initiative
Caregivers receiving federal tax credits for providing care to relatives or friends with a long-term illness, disability or aging needs, Canada
Caregivers receiving financial support from family or friends for providing care to relatives or friends with a long-term illness, disability or aging needs, Canada
Caregivers receiving financial support from government programs for providing care to relatives or friends with a long-term illness, disability or aging needs, Canada
Cash Receipts from Milk and Cream Sold off Farms in Canada
Cattle and calves statistics, number of farms reporting and average number of cattle and calves per farm, Canada
Cattle statistics, supply and disposition of cattle, Canada
Census families by age of older partner or parent and number of children, Canada
Certificates granted to registered apprentices and trade qualifiers in Red Seal trades, Canada
Channels of distribution for horticulture product sales and resales, Canada
Channels of distribution for nursery product sales and resales, Canada
Child tax benefits of adults with and without disabilities, Canada
Clean technology use by industry and enterprise size, Canada
Combined public and private expenditure on education as a percentage of gross domestic product (GDP) and index of change, Canada
Combined public and private expenditure on educational institutions, by level of education, Canada
Commercial and industrial machinery and equipment rental and leasing, summary statistics, Canada
Commercial sales of milk and cream, Canada
Construction Union Wage Rates Index in Canada, Monthly
Construction union wage rates index, Canada (discontinued)
Consulting services, summary statistics, Canada
Consumer goods rental, summary statistics, Canada
Consumer Price Index, monthly, not seasonally adjusted, Canada
Consumer Price Index, monthly, not seasonally adjusted, Canada
Consumer Price Index, monthly, not seasonally adjusted, Canada
Consumption of solid wood waste and spent pulping liquor for energy production, annual, Canada
Co-operation on innovation activities, by type and location of co-operation partners by industry and enterprise size, Canada
COVID-19 Community Mobility Report by Google (archived)
Crude oil and pentanes plus, monthly receipts and disposition by source, Canada
Culture and sport indicators by domain and sub-domain, by province and territory, industry perspective, Canada
Current transfers to other levels of government, provincial economic accounts, annual, 1961 - 1980, Canada (discontinued)
Database on Migrants in OECD Regions (archived)
Detailed household final consumption expenditure- sales taxes and expenditure excluding sales taxes, provincial and territorial, annual, Canada
Detailed household final consumption expenditure, provincial and territorial, annual, Canada
Development of nanotechnologies, by industry and enterprise size, Canada
Development or production of medical devices for human health, by industry and enterprise size, Canada
Difficulties accessing health information or advice, Canada
Difficulties accessing immediate care for a minor health problem, Canada
Difficulties accessing routine or on-going care, Canada
Difficulty of obstacles when exporting or attempting to export goods or services by industry and enterprise size, Canada
Disposal of waste, by source, Canada
Distribution of capital expenditures on pollution abatement and control (end-of-pipe), Canada
Distribution of employment income of individuals by sex and work activity, Canada, provinces and selected census metropolitan areas
Distribution of farm families by income group and family size, Canada
Distribution of farms, by farm type and net operating income group, Canada
Distribution of market, total and after-tax income by economic family type, Canada, provinces and selected census metropolitan areas (CMAs)
Distribution of market, total and after-tax income of individuals, Canada, provinces and selected census metropolitan areas
Distribution of operating expenditures on pollution abatement and control (end-of-pipe) and pollution prevention, Canada
Distribution of population aged 25 to 64 (total and with Aboriginal identity), by sex and educational attainment, Canada
Distribution of the population aged 25 to 64 (total and with Aboriginal identity), by highest certificate, diploma or degree and age group, Annual, Canada
Distributions of household economic accounts, income, consumption and savings, Canada, provinces and territorries, annual
Distributions of household economic accounts, wealth indicators, Canada, regions and provinces, annual
Distributions of household economic accounts, wealth, Canada, regions and provinces, annual
Duration of unemployment, Canada (discontinued)
Economic value of volunteering activity, Canada
Educational attainment and labour force status by Aboriginal Identity, Canada
Educational attainment in the population aged 25 to 64, off-reserve Aboriginal, non-Aboriginal and total population, Canada
Educational attainment of the population aged 25 to 64, by age group and sex, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), Canada, provinces and territories
Egg production in the year prior to the census, Canada
Electric power generation, annual cost of fuel consumed by electric utility thermal plants, Canada
Electric power generation, monthly generation by type of electricity, Canada
Electric power generation, monthly receipts, deliveries and availability, Canada
Electric power selling price index (nonresidential), Canada (discontinued)
Electric Power Selling Price Index, Canada
Electricity generated from fossil fuels, annual, Canada
Electronic commerce and electronic orders, by type of payment and geography, Canada
Electronic commerce, electronic orders by geography, Canada
Employee training related to the adoption of advanced technologies by industry and enterprise size, Canada
Employee wages by job permanency and union coverage, monthly, unadjusted for seasonality, Canada
Employee wages by occupation, Annual, Canada (discontinued)
Employees working overtime (weekly) by industry, Canada
Employment and average weekly earnings (including overtime) for all employees by province and territory, monthly, seasonally adjusted, Canada
Employment by class of worker, monthly, unadjusted for seasonality, Canada
Employment by economic regions and occupation, Canada, (Discontinued)
Employment by establishment size, monthly, unadjusted for seasonality, Canada
Employment by industry, monthly, seasonally adjusted and unadjusted, Canada
Employment by industry, three-month moving average, unadjusted for seasonality, Canada, (Discontinued)
Employment for all employees by enterprise size, quarterly, unadjusted for seasonality, Canada
Employment income for adults with and without disabilities, Canada
Employment insurance beneficiaries (regular benefits) by census metropolitan category, monthly, seasonally adjusted, Canada (discontinued)
Employment insurance beneficiaries (regular benefits) by province and territory, monthly, seasonally adjusted, Canada
Employment Insurance Beneficiaries (SA) by Occupation in Canada
Employment insurance beneficiaries by age group, monthly, unadjusted for seasonality, Canada
Employment insurance beneficiaries by census division, Canada (discontinued)
Employment Insurance Beneficiaries by Census Metropolitan Category (NSA) in Canada
Employment Insurance Beneficiaries by Census Metropolitan Category (SA) in Canada
Employment insurance beneficiaries by census metropolitan category, Canada (discontinued)
Employment insurance benefit characteristics by class of worker, monthly, unadjusted for seasonality, Canada
Employment Insurance benefits of adults with and without disabilities in Canada
Employment insurance claims received by province and territory, monthly, Canada
Employment Insurance Disqualifications and Disentitlements, Monthly, unadjusted for seasonality, Canada
Employment Insurance regular income benefit characteristics, monthly, seasonally adjusted, Canada
Employment services, summary statistics, Canada
Employment, average hourly and weekly earnings (including overtime), and average weekly hours for the industrial aggregate excluding unclassified businesses, monthly, seasonally adjusted, Canada
Enterprises that use advanced technology, by industry and enterprise size, Canada
Environmental and clean technology employment, Canada and region
Estimated areas, yield, production of corn for grain and soybeans, using genetically modified seed, Quebec and Ontario, in metric and imperial units, Canada
Estimated average scores and percent distribution of 15-year-old students, science, by proficiency level, Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA), Canada, provinces and participating countries, Council of Ministers of Education Canada (CMEC)
Estimated average scores of 15-year-old students, reading, mathematics and science, Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA), Canada and provinces, Council of Ministers of Education Canada (CMEC) (discontinued)
Estimated average scores of 15-year-old students, science assessment, by science scale and science sub-scales, Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA), Canada and provinces, Council of Ministers of Education Canada (CMEC) (discontinued)
Estimates and projections of population aged 0 to 29, by age group, Canada, provinces and territories
Estimates of births, by sex, annual, Canada
Estimates of deaths, by age and sex, Canada
Estimates of field-grown cut flowers area, production and sales, Canada
Estimates of greenhouse total area and months of operation, Canada
Estimates of nursery area, Canada
Estimates of sod area, sales and resales, Canada
Estimates of specialized greenhouse operations, greenhouse area, and months of operation, Canada
Estimates of the components of natural increase, quarterly, Canada
Expansion of capacity for services to complement the sale of goods by industry and enterprise size, Canada
Expenditures of universities and degree-granting colleges, Canada
Farm Capital, Operating Revenues and Operating Expenses, Census of Agriculture Historical Data, Canada
Farm cash receipts, Canada
Farm Debt Outstanding, classified by lender, Canada
Farm families and average total income by typology group, unincorporated sector, provinces, Canada
Farm financial survey, Canadian and regional agricultural balance sheet (gross farm revenue equal to or greater than $10,000), Canada (discontinued)
Farm financial survey, capital investment and capital sales of farms, average per farm (gross farm revenue equal to or greater than $10,000), Canada (discontinued)
Farm financial survey, financial structure by farm type, average per farm (gross farm revenue equal to or greater than $10,000), Canada (discontinued)
Farm financial survey, financial structure of farms by revenue class, average per farm (gross farm revenue equal to or greater than $10,000), Canada (discontinued)
Farm income in kind, Canada
Farm input price index (2002=100), Canada (discontinued)
Farm input price index, quarterly, Canada
Farm operating expenses, Canada
Farm product price index (FPPI), Canada
Farm product prices, crops and livestock, Canada
Farm supply and disposition of grains, Canada
Farms Classified by Operating Arrangement, Census of Agriculture Historical Data, Canada
Farms Classified by Total Farm Area, Census of Agriculture Historical Data, Canada
Farms classified by total gross farm receipts, 2015 constant dollars, historical data, Canada
Federal expenditures on science and technology, by type of science, performing sector and geography, Canada
Federal extramural expenditures on science and technology, type of science, performing sector, type of payment and geography, Canada
Federal government and government sector revenue and expenditure, provincial economic accounts, annual, 1961 - 1980, Canada (discontinued)
Federal personnel engaged in science and technology by geography, Canada
Federal, provincial and territorial government expenditures on culture, by culture activity, Canada
Fertilizer shipments to Canadian agriculture and export markets, by product type and fertilizer year, cumulative data
Fertilizer shipments to Canadian agriculture markets, by nutrient content and fertilizer year, cumulative data
Film and video distribution, summary statistics, Canada
Film, television and video post-production, industry profile based on domestic and foreign sales, Canada
Film, television and video post-production, industry profile based on type of revenue, Canada
Film, television and video post-production, summary statistics, Canada
Film, television and video production, summary statistics, Canada
Final demand categories, by commodity, S-level aggregation [1961 - 2008], Canada (discontinued)
Final domestic demand at 1986 prices, provincial economic accounts, annual, 1971 - 1991, Canada (discontinued)
Financial ratios of farms, by quartile boundary, Canada
Financial ratios of farms, Canada
Financial Resources Invested in Education (archived)
Fixed weighted Index of average Hourly Earnings for all Employees by Industry in Canada
Flows and stocks of fixed non-residential and residential capital, by sector and asset, Canada
Flows and stocks of fixed residential capital by type of asset, provincial and territorial, Canada
Food security by Aboriginal Identity, Canada
Food services and drinking places, distribution of total sales, Canada
Food services and drinking places, industry expenditures, Canada
Food services and drinking places, summary statistics, Canada
Forage seed usage by type of seed, Canada
Fowl and chicken meat production, weight and farm value, Canada
Full-time educators (headcount) in public elementary and secondary schools by sex and age group, Canada (discontinued)
Government sector revenue and expenditure, provincial economic accountss, annual, 1981 - 2009, Canada (discontinued)
Government subsidies and capital transfers, provincial economic accounts, annual, 1981 - 2009, Canada (discontinued)
Government transfer payments to business, provincial economic accounts, annual, 1961 - 1980, Canada (discontinued)
Government transfer payments to persons, provincial economic accounts, annual, 1981 - 2009, Canada (discontinued)
Greenhouse producers' operating expenses, Canada
Gross domestic expenditures on research and development, by science type and by funder and performer sector, Canada
Gross domestic product (GDP) at basic prices, by census metropolitan area (CMA), Canada
Gross domestic product (GDP) at factor cost, by selected industries, Canada (discontinued)
Gross domestic product (GDP), income-based, provincial economic accounts, annual, 1981 - 2010, Canada (discontinued)
Gross domestic product, expenditure-based, provincial and territorial, annual, Canada
Gross domestic product, income-based, provincial and territorial, annual, Canada
Gross output, by industry, Canada (discontinued)
Hawaii Monthly Visitor Statistics
Headcount enrolments in public school Aboriginal language programs, Canada (discontinued)
Health indicator profile, by Aboriginal identity and sex, age-standardized rate, four year estimates, Canada
Health indicator, age-standardazed rate, annual estimates, Canada
Health indicators, by Aboriginal identity, four-year period estimates, Canada
Health indicators, by linguistic characteristics, Canada
Health-adjusted life expectancy at birth, by province and territory and sex, Canada
Healthy aging indicators, Canada
Historical (real-time) releases of employment and average weekly earnings (including overtime) for all employees by province and territory, monthly, seasonally adjusted, Canada
Historical (real-time) releases of wholesale trade, sales, Canada
Hogs statistics, number of farms reporting and average number of hogs per farm, semi-annual, Canada
Hogs statistics, number of hogs on farms at end of semi-annual period, Canada
Hogs statistics, sows farrowed, pigs born and sows bred to farrow, semi-annual, Canada
Hogs statistics, supply and disposition of hogs, semi-annual, Canada
Homeless shelter capacity, bed and shelter counts for emergency shelters, transitional housing and violence against women shelters for Canada and provinces, Employment and Social Development Canada annual (number)
Homicide victims, number and rates (per 100,000 population), Canada
Hospital Needs and Death Projections (Discontinued)
Hospital revenue and expenditure, provincial economic accounts, annual, 1961 - 1980, Canada (discontinued)
Hours lost by reason of absence, Canada
Hours worked per week for adults with disabilities by age group, Canada
Household energy consumption, by household income, Canada and provinces
Household energy consumption, by type of dwelling, Canada and provinces
Household energy consumption, Canada and provinces
Household food insecurity, by living arrangement and food insecurity status, Canada
Household food insecurity, by presence of children in the household and food insecurity status, Canada
Household food insecurity, Canada
Household sector, current accounts, provincial and territorial, annual, Canada
Household sector, selected indicators, provincial and territorial, Canada
Household spending on prescription drugs as a percentage of after-tax income, Canada and provinces
Household spending, Canada, regions and provinces
Implicit price indexes, final domestic demand, provincial economic accounts, 1981=100, annual, 1971 - 1989, Canada (discontinued)
Implicit price indexes, gross domestic product (GDP), provincial economic accounts, 2002=100, annual, 1981 - 2010, Canada (discontinued)
Implicit price indexes, gross domestic product, provincial and territorial, Canada
Importance of speaking and understanding an Aboriginal language by Aboriginal Identity, Canada
Income of individuals by age group, sex and income source, Canada, provinces and selected census metropolitan areas
Indoor water conservation practices, Canada
Industrial product price index, for selected products, by region, Canada
Infant and perinatal mortality, by sex, three-year average, Canada, provinces, territories, census metropolitan areas and metropolitan influence zones
Infant mortality, by birth weight, Canada
Influenza immunization, Canada
Information system(s) usage for management of publicly owned bridge and tunnel assets, Canada
Information system(s) usage for management of publicly owned potable water assets, Canada
Information system(s) used for management for municipally owned potable water assets, by urban and rural, and population size, Canada
Information system(s) used for management for municipally owned stormwater assets, by urban and rural, and population size, Canada
Information system(s) used for management of municipally owned bridge and tunnel assets, by urban and rural, and population size, Canada
Innovation and business strategy, average marketing expenditures, Canada
Innovation and business strategy, current long term strategy implementation, Canada
Innovation and business strategy, determining the pace of work to achieve production performance targets, Canada
Innovation and business strategy, frequency of review of key production performance indicators by top or middle managers, Canada
Innovation and business strategy, most important long term strategy to enterprises, Canada
Innovation and business strategy, performance indicators used to monitor long term strategic objectives, Canada
Innovation and business strategy, planned major changes to current long term strategy, Canada
Innovation and business strategy, rewarding production performance target achievement, Canada
Innovation and business strategy, strategic focus regarding goods or services, Canada
Innovation and business strategy, strategic focus regarding marketing practices or methods, Canada
Innovation and business strategy, strategic focus regarding operations and business activities, Canada
Innovation and business strategy, strategic focus regarding organizational and management practices, Canada
Innovation, logging and manufacturing industries, affirmation of novelty of new or significantly improved products, Canada
Innovation, logging and manufacturing industries, development of new or significantly improved processes, Canada
Innovation, logging and manufacturing industries, development of new or significantly improved products, Canada
Innovation, logging and manufacturing industries, non-innovative plants, reasons why plants did not develop or introduce any new or significantly improved products or processes, Canada
Innovation, logging and manufacturing industries, novelty of new or significantly improved processes, Canada
Innovation, logging and manufacturing industries, novelty of new or significantly improved products or processes, Canada
Innovation, logging and manufacturing industries, number of new or significantly improved products introduced, Canada
Innovation, logging and manufacturing industries, percentage of innovative plants by innovator type, Canada
Innovation, logging and manufacturing industries, percentage of innovative plants engaged in innovation activities, Canada
Innovation, logging and manufacturing industries, percentage of innovative plants indicating importance of impacts from product or process innovations introduced, Canada
Innovation, logging and manufacturing industries, percentage of innovative plants that cooperated on innovation activities with other firms, Canada
Innovation, logging and manufacturing industries, percentage of innovative plants that cooperated with reasons important in determining involvement, Canada
Innovation, logging and manufacturing industries, percentage of innovative plant's total expenditures devoted to innovation activities, Canada
Innovation, logging and manufacturing industries, percentage of innovative plants using sources of information that provided information for new innovation projects, Canada
Innovation, logging and manufacturing industries, percentage of innovative plants with problems and obstacles that slowed down or caused problems for innovation activities or innovation projects, Canada
Innovation, logging and manufacturing industries, percentage of innovative plants, by location of cooperation partners, Canada
Innovation, logging and manufacturing industries, percentage of innovative plants, by the most valuable type of co-operation partner for innovation activities, Canada
Innovation, logging and manufacturing industries, percentage of plants that acquired licenses from other firms or organizations, Canada
Innovation, logging and manufacturing industries, percentage of plants that applied for a patent, Canada
Innovation, logging and manufacturing industries, percentage of plants that had subcontracting arrangements with other firms or organizations, Canada
Innovation, logging and manufacturing industries, percentage of plants that have a source of the license, Canada
Innovation, logging and manufacturing industries, percentage of plants that received external funding, Canada
Innovation, logging and manufacturing industries, percentage of plants that used government sponsored programs, Canada
Innovation, logging and manufacturing industries, percentage of plants' total expenditures on raw materials and components that were supplied from different locations, Canada
Innovation, logging and manufacturing industries, percentage of plants using methods to protect their intellectual property, Canada
Innovation, logging and manufacturing industries, percentage of plants who introduced new or significantly improved products onto the market before competitors, Canada
Innovation, logging and manufacturing industries, percentage of plants who introduced new or significantly improved products onto the market that were already available from competitors, Canada
Innovation, logging and manufacturing industries, percentage of plants whose operations are in geographical location(s) of other plants and operations in the firm, Canada
Innovation, logging and manufacturing industries, percentage of plants whose operations were part of a larger firm, Canada
Innovation, logging and manufacturing industries, percentage of plants with activities to develop product or process innovations that were abandoned, Canada
Innovation, logging and manufacturing industries, percentage of plants with activities to develop product or process innovations that were still ongoing, Canada
Innovation, logging and manufacturing industries, percentage of plants with any new or significantly improved products sold to natural resource industries, Canada
Innovation, logging and manufacturing industries, percentage of plants with expenditures on new machinery or equipment by different locations, Canada
Innovation, logging and manufacturing industries, percentage of plants with expenditures on new machinery or equipment that were supplied from different locations, Canada
Innovation, logging and manufacturing industries, percentage of plants with expenditures on research and development services by different locations, Canada
Innovation, logging and manufacturing industries, percentage of plants with expenditures on research and development services that were supplied from different locations, Canada
Innovation, logging and manufacturing industries, percentage of plants with full-Time employees who had a university degree or college or technical institute diploma, Canada
Innovation, logging and manufacturing industries, percentage of plants with full-time employees who were involved in marketing, sales or client services, Canada
Innovation, logging and manufacturing industries, percentage of plants with full-time employees who were involved in research and development activities, Canada
Innovation, logging and manufacturing industries, percentage of plants with new machinery or equipment supplied from different locations, Canada
Innovation, logging and manufacturing industries, percentage of plants with new machinery or equipment, Canada
Innovation, logging and manufacturing industries, percentage of plants with research and development services that were supplied from different locations, Canada
Innovation, logging and manufacturing industries, percentage of plants with research and development services, Canada
Innovation, logging and manufacturing industries, percentage of plants with sources of external funding, Canada
Innovation, logging and manufacturing industries, percentage of products protected by patents in terms of their contribution to total revenue, Canada
Innovation, logging and manufacturing industries, percentage of products protected by trademarks in terms of their contribution to total revenue, Canada
Innovation, logging and manufacturing industries, percentage of revenue of plants who introduced new or significantly improved products onto the market before competitors, Canada
Innovation, logging and manufacturing industries, percentage of revenue of plants who introduced new or significantly improved products onto the market that were already available from competitors, Canada
Innovation, logging and manufacturing industries, percentage of total revenue from the sale of products to selected industries, Canada
Innovation, logging and manufacturing industries, percentage of total value of production of plants that was generated through subcontracting arrangements with other firms or organizations, Canada
Innovation, logging and manufacturing industries, plant success factors, Canada
Innovation, logging and manufacturing industries, time it takes to develop a new or significantly improved product, Canada
Innovation, selected service industries, business unit success factors, Canada
Innovation, selected service industries, degree of novelty of the most innovative process, Canada
Innovation, selected service industries, degree of novelty of the most innovative product, Canada
Innovation, selected service industries, development of new or significantly improved processes, Canada
Innovation, selected service industries, development of new or significantly improved products, Canada
Innovation, selected service industries, innovative business units engaged in activities linked to product or process innovation, Canada
Innovation, selected service industries, innovative business units using sources of information needed for suggesting or contributing to the development of innovation, Canada
Innovation, selected service industries, innovative business units, percentage of total expenditures devoted to innovation activities, Canada
Innovation, selected service industries, logging and manufacturing industries, percentage of innovative plants by type of organization, Canada
Innovation, selected service industries, non-innovative business units, reasons why business units did not develop or introduce any new or significantly improved products or processes, Canada
Innovation, selected service industries, novelty of new or significantly improved processes, Canada
Innovation, selected service industries, novelty of new or significantly improved products, Canada
Innovation, selected service industries, number of new or significantly improved processes, Canada
Innovation, selected service industries, number of new or significantly improved products, Canada
Innovation, selected service industries, percentage of business units that carried out any geomatics activities, Canada
Innovation, selected service industries, percentage of business units that carried out certain types of geomatics activities, Canada
Innovation, selected service industries, percentage of business units that provided products to biotechnology or nanotechnology firms or organizations, Canada
Innovation, selected service industries, percentage of business units that used programs sponsored by the federal, provincial and/or territorial governments, Canada
Innovation, selected service industries, percentage of business units using methods to protect their intellectual property, Canada
Innovation, selected service industries, percentage of business units whose new or significantly improved products were sold to the mining industry and/or forestry and/or forest products industries, Canada
Innovation, selected service industries, percentage of business units whose operations were part of a larger firm, Canada
Innovation, selected service industries, percentage of full-time employees who were involved in research and development activities, Canada
Innovation, selected service industries, percentage of full-time employees who were university graduates, Canada
Innovation, selected service industries, percentage of innovative business units involved in cooperative and collaborative arrangements, Canada
Innovation, selected service industries, percentage of innovative business units that had an impact from new or significantly improved products or processes, Canada
Innovation, selected service industries, percentage of innovative business units with obstacles that caused problems when developing products or processes by the degree of importance, Canada
Innovation, selected service industries, percentage of innovative business units with obstacles that caused problems when developing products or processes by type of business units, Canada
Innovation, selected service industries, percentage of innovative business units, Canada
Innovation, selected service industries, percentage of products protected by patents, trademarks or copyrights (in terms of their contribution to total revenues), Canada
Innovation, selected service industries, percentage of revenues generated by new or significantly improved products, Canada
Innovation, selected service industries, percentage of revenues that came from the sale of products to clients outside of Canada
Innovation, selected service industries, percentage of total revenues from the sale of products to the mining and/or forestry and/or forest products industries, Canada
Innovation, selected service industries, reasons for involvement of innovative business units in cooperative and collaborative arrangements, Canada
Innovation, selected service industries, type and location of organizations with which innovative business units cooperated and collaborated in order to develop products or processes, Canada
Innovations that were new to one of the business’s markets with environmental benefits by industry and enterprise size, Canada
Innovations with environmental benefits by industry and enterprise size, Canada
Inputs and outputs, by industry and commodity, S-level aggregation, Canada (discontinued)
Installed plants, annual generating capacity by type of electricity generation, Canada
Intergovernmental transfers, provincial economic accounts, annual, 1981 - 2009, Canada (discontinued)
International graduate tuition fees by field of study, Canada
International tourists entering or returning to Canada, by province of entry
International travellers entering or returning to Canada, by province of entry, seasonally adjusted
International travellers entering or returning to Canada, by type of transport
International undergraduate tuition fees by field of study, Canada
Internet use by age group, household income and geography, Canada
Internet use by location of use, age group, household income and geography, Canada
Interprovincial and international trade flows at producer prices, Canada (discontinued)
Interprovincial and international trade flows, basic prices, summary level, Canada
Introduction of different types of innovation by industry and enterprise size, Canada
Introduction of innovations by industry and enterprise size, Canada
Introduction of marketing innovations by industry and enterprise size, Canada
Introduction of organizational innovations by industry and enterprise size, Canada
Introduction of process innovations by industry and enterprise size, Canada
Introduction of product innovations by industry and enterprise size, Canada
Inventory distribution of municipally owned bridge and tunnel assets by physical condition rating, urban and rural, and population size, Canada
Inventory distribution of municipally owned road assets by physical condition rating, urban and rural, and population size, Canada
Inventory distribution of publicly owned bridge and tunnel assets by physical condition rating, Canada
Inventory of municipally owned bridge and tunnel assets, by urban and rural, and population size, Canada
Inventory of municipally owned road assets by year of completed construction, urban and rural, and population size, Canada
Inventory of municipally owned road assets, by urban and rural, and population size, Canada
Inventory of publicly owned bridge and tunnel assets by year of completed construction, Canada
Inventory of publicly owned bridge and tunnel assets by year of completed construction, urban and rural, and population size, Canada
Inventory of publicly owned road assets by year of completed construction, Canada
Inventory of publicly owned road assets, Canada
Investment in Building Construction, Canada
Investment in new housing construction, by type of dwellings, Canada (discontinued)
Investment in non-residential building construction, by type of building, province and census metropolitan area, Canada (discontinued)
Investment income of adults with and without disabilities, Canada
Irrigation volume by province and drainage region, Canada
Job permanency (permanent and temporary) by industry, monthly, unadjusted for seasonality, Canada
Job satisfaction by age group and sex, Canada, provinces and regions
Job tenure by industry, monthly, unadjusted for seasonality, Canada
Job Tenure by Occupation, Monthly, Unadjusted for Seasonality, Canada
Job tenure by type of work (full- and part-time), monthly, unadjusted for seasonality, Canada
Job vacancies and average offered hourly wage by occupation (broad occupational category), quarterly, unadjusted for seasonality, Canada
Job Vacancies, Labour demand and job vacancy Rate (NSA, 3MA) in Canada (discontinued)
Job vacancies, labour demand and Job vacancy Rate in Canada (discontinued)
Job vacancies, payroll employees, job vacancy rate, and average offered hourly wage by industry sector, quarterly, unadjusted for seasonality, Canada
Job vacancies, Unemployed and Unemployment-to-job Vacancies ratio (NSA, 3MA) in Canada (discontinued)
Job vacancies, unemployed and unemployment-to-job vacancies ratio, annual, Canada (discontinued)
Johns Hopkins University Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) Data (discontinued)
Labour force characteristics by census metropolitan area, three-month moving average, Canada, (Discontinued)
Labour force characteristics by economic region, Canada , (Discontinued)
Labour force characteristics by educational attainment, Canada
Labour force characteristics by educational degree, Canada
Labour force characteristics by family age composition, Canada, (Discontinued)
Labour force characteristics by immigrant status, three-month moving average, Canada
Labour force characteristics by industry, annual, Canada
Labour force characteristics by industry, Canada
Labour force characteristics by occupation, monthly, unadjusted for seasonality, Canada
Labour force characteristics by province, region and Aboriginal group, Canada
Labour force characteristics by sex and detailed age group, monthly, unadjusted for seasonality, Canada
Labour force characteristics by sex and detailed age group, monthly, unadjusted for seasonality, Canada
Labour force characteristics, monthly, seasonally adjusted and trend-cycle, last 5 months, Canada
Labour force characteristics, monthly, seasonally adjusted and trend-cycle, last 5 months, Canada
Labour force status for adults with and without disabilities, Canada
Labour force status for adults with disabilities by disability type, Canada
Labour statistics consistent with the System of National Accounts (SNA), by job category and industry, Canada
Labour statistics consistent with the System of National Accounts (SNA), by province and territory, job category and North American Industry Classification System (NAICS), Canada
Land Use, Canada
Land Use, Census of Agriculture Historical Data, Canada
Laying type pullet, chick placements, Canada
Leisure-time physical activity, Canada
Life expectancy and other elements of the life table, Canada, all provinces except Prince Edward Island
Limitations and barriers to employment for adults with disabilities, Canada
Literacy, Numeracy - Average scores, distribution of proficiency levels, by Aboriginal status (off-reserve) and sex, Canada
Literacy, Numeracy - Average scores, distribution of proficiency levels, by health and community connectedness, Canada
Literacy, Numeracy - Average scores, distribution of proficiency levels, by industry and sex, employed population, Canada
Literacy, numeracy - Average scores, distribution of proficiency levels, by labour force status and age group, Canada
Literacy, numeracy - Average scores, distribution of proficiency levels, by sex and age group, Canada
Local government characteristics of the waste management industry, Canada
Local government revenue and expenditure, provincial economic accounts, annual, 1961 - 1980, Canada (discontinued)
Location of food preparation, Canada
Logging industries, principal statistics by North American Industry Classification System (NAICS), Canada
Long-run provincial and territorial data, Canada
Long-term health problems (self-reported) by Aborginal Identity, aged 12 years and over, Canada
Long-term health problems (self-reported) by Aborginal identity, Canada
Low birth weight babies, by province and territory, Canada
Lumber, production, shipments and stocks, monthly, Canada (Discontinued)
Main challenges in adopting geomatics or geospatial technologies, by industry and enterprise size, Canada
Main challenges in using or developing bioproducts, by industry and enterprise size, Canada
Main challenges in using or developing biotechnologies, by industry and enterprise size, Canada
Main source of financing for capital expenditures in advanced technologies by industry and enterprise size, Canada
Major and junior department store sales (excluding and including concessions), January 1981 - October 2002, Canada (discontinued)
Major wage settlements, by jurisdiction, industry based on the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) and cost of living adjustment (COLA), Employment and Social Development Canada - Labour Program
Major wage settlements, by jurisdiction, industry based on the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) and cost of living adjustment (COLA), Employment and Social Development Canada - Labour Program, occasional
Male full-time and part-time educators in public elementary and secondary schools, Canada (discontinued)
Maple taps, historical data, Canada
Materials diverted, by source, Canada
Materials diverted, by type, Canada
Measured adult body mass index (BMI) (World Health Organization classification), by age group and sex, Canada and provinces, Canadian Community Health Survey - Nutrition
Measured children and youth body mass index (BMI) (World Health Organization classification), by age group and sex, Canada and provinces, Canadian Community Health Survey - Nutrition
Measured children body mass index (BMI) (World Health Organization classification), by age group and sex, Canada and provinces, Canadian Community Health Survey - Nutrition
Measures taken to reduce obstacles to the adoption of advanced technologies, by industry and enterprise size, Canada
Mental health characteristics and suicidal thoughts, Canada
Mental health indicators, Canada
Milk production and utilization, Canada
Mobility and income of Immigrant taxfilers by admission year and years since landing, Canada, provinces and economic regions (discontinued)
Mobility Trends Report across Globe from Apple
Monthly department store sales and stocks, January 1991 - November 2005, Canada (discontinued)
Monthly survey of food services and drinking places, Canada
Month-to-month percentage changes in estimated levels of sales of wholesale merchants, seasonally adjusted, Canada (discontinued)
Mortgage and Housing Corporation, housing starts, all areas, and provinces, 6-month moving average, Canada
Mortgage and Housing Corporation, housing starts, all areas, and provinces, seasonally adjusted at annual rates, monthly, Canada
Mortgage and Housing Corporation, housing starts, all rural areas, and provinces, seasonally adjusted at annual rates, monthly, Canada
Mortgage and Housing Corporation, housing starts, by type of dwelling unit and market type in all centres of 10,000 and over for and provinces, Canada
Mortgage and Housing Corporation, housing starts, by type of dwelling unit and market type in all centres of 50,000 and over for and provinces, Canada
Mortgage and Housing Corporation, housing starts, under construction and completions in all centres of 10,000 and over for and provinces, Canada
Mortgage and Housing Corporation, housing starts, under construction and completions in all centres of 50,000 and over for and provinces, Canada
Mortgage and Housing Corporation, housing starts, under construction and completions, all areas, quarterly, Canada
Most critical co-operation partner for the business's innovation activities by industry and enterprise size, Canada
Most critical government program for the business's innovation activities by industry and enterprise size, Canada
Motion picture theatres, summary statistics, Canada
Motion picture theatres, theatre operations, Canada
Multiple jobholders by industry, monthly, unadjusted for seasonality, Canada
Multiple jobholders by occupation, Canada
Multiple jobholders by usual hours worked at all jobs, monthly, Canada
Natural Gas Distribution by Province in Canada
Natural Gas Storage by Province in Canada
Natural Gas Transmission by Province in Canada
Natural Gas, Monthly Sales, Canada
Net farm income, Canada
Net income of liquor authorities and government revenue from sale of alcoholic beverages, Canada
Neurological conditions in institutions, Canada
New housing price index (2007=100), Canada (discontinued)
New housing price index, Canada
New housing price index, monthly, Canada
New motor vehicle sales, by type of vehicle, Canada
New motor vehicle sales, Canada
Newspaper publishers, summary statistics, Canada
Non-emergency surgeries, by waiting times, Canada
Non-resident travellers entering Canada, by country of residence (excluding the United States)
Non-resident travellers entering Canada, by country of residence, seasonally adjusted
North America Rotary Rig Count
Number and area of farms and farmland area by tenure, historical data, Canada
Number and percentage distribution of registered apprentices by age group, Canada
Number and percentage distribution of registered apprentices, by sex and major trade groups, Canada
Number and percentage distribution of registered apprenticeship completions, by major trade group and sex, Canada
Number and rates of new cases of primary cancer (based on the November 2017 CCR tabulation file), by cancer type, age group and sex, Canada
Number and value of mink pelts produced, by colour type, Canada
Number of advanced technologies used, by industry and enterprise size, Canada
Number of advanced technology domains used, by industry and enterprise size, Canada
Number of apprenticeship program registrations in Red Seal trades, Canada
Number of apprenticeship program registrations, Canada
Number of cattle, by class and farm type, Canada
Number of certificates granted to registered apprentices and trade qualifiers, Canada
Number of certificates granted to registered apprentices, Canada
Number of clients assisted by victim service agencies, by type of victim service agency, Canada (discontinued)
Number of clients assisted by victim service agencies, by type of victimization and sex, Canada (discontinued)
Number of families on farms, classified by type and size of family, Canada
Number of families on unincorporated farms, classified by family type, major source of operator income and income classes in the year prior to the census, Canada
Number of farm operators and persons in the labour force classified by country of birth, Canada
Number of farm operators by sex, age and paid non-farm work, historical data, Canada
Number of farm operators classified by class of worker, age and number of operators per farm, Canada
Number of farm operators classified by class of worker, level of educational attainment and number of operators per farm, Canada
Number of farm operators classified by class of worker, sex and number of operators per farm, Canada
Number of farm operators classified by income class in the year prior to the census, age and number of operators per farm, Canada
Number of farm operators classified by income class in the year prior to the census, level of educational attainment and number of operators per farm, Canada
Number of farm operators classified by income class in the year prior to the census, sex and number of operators per farm, Canada
Number of farm operators classified by level of educational attainment and age, Canada
Number of farm operators classified by level of educational attainment and sex, Canada
Number of farm operators classified by major source of income in the year prior to the census, age and number of operators per farm, Canada
Number of farm operators classified by major source of income in the year prior to the census, level of educational attainment and number of operators per farm, Canada
Number of farm operators classified by major source of income in the year prior to the census, sex and number of operators per farm, Canada
Number of farm operators classified by marital status, age and number of operators per farm, Canada
Number of farm operators classified by marital status, level of educational attainment and number of operators per farm, Canada
Number of farm operators classified by marital status, sex and number of operators per farm, Canada
Number of farm operators classified by mother tongue, age and number of operators per farm, Canada
Number of farm operators classified by mother tongue, level of educational attainment and number of operators per farm, Canada
Number of farm operators classified by mother tongue, sex and number of operators per farm, Canada
Number of farm operators classified by occupation, age and number of operators per farm, Canada
Number of farm operators classified by occupation, level of educational attainment and number of operators per farm, Canada
Number of farm operators classified by occupation, sex and number of operators per farm, Canada
Number of farms by irrigation method, Canada
Number of farms by irrigation status, Canada
Number of farms by reason for using an off-farm irrigation water source, Canada
Number of farms by water and energy conservation practices, Canada
Number of farms classified by number of operators per farm and household income class in the year prior to the census, Canada
Number of farms classified by number of operators per farm, major source of household income and income class in the year prior to the census, Canada
Number of farms that stopped irrigating or did not irrigate by reason, Canada
Number of full-time and part-time educators in public elementary and secondary schools, by age group and sex, Canada (discontinued)
Number of new cases and age-standardized rates of primary cancer (based on the November 2017 CCR tabulation file), by cancer type and sex, Canada
Number of persons in the farm and non-farm populations, for rural areas and population centres, Canada
Number of persons in the total population and the farm population, classified by religious affiliation, Canada
Number of persons in the total population and the farm population, for rural areas and population centres, classified by sex and age, Canada
Number of reportable dangerous goods accidents, by province, territory and mode, Transport Canada
Number of sheep and lambs on farms, Canada
Number of students in Aboriginal language programs, public elementary and secondary schools, by program type, Canada
Number of students in regular programs for youth, public elementary and secondary schools, by age and sex, Canada
Number of vehicles travelling between Canada and the United States
Nursery and sod producers' operating expenses, Canada
Nursery stock sales and resales, Canada
Nursery tree and plant production, Canada
Objectives of adopting advanced technologies, by industry and enterprise size, Canada
Obstacles to innovation and measures taken by industry and enterprise size, Canada
Obstacles to the adoption of advanced technologies, by industry and enterprise size, Canada
Operating and financial summary of the cable and other program distribution industry, Canada
Operation and maintenance costs of drinking water plants, Canada
Organic products for sale, Canada
Other current transfers to government from persons, provincial economic accounts, annual, 1961 - 1980, Canada (discontinued)
Other government income for adults with and without disabilities, Canada
Outdoor water usage by households, Canada, provinces and census metropolitan areas (CMA)
Output, by sector and industry, provincial and territorial, Canada
Paid agricultural work, historical data, Canada
Pap smear, Canada
Participation in cultural activities in the past 12 months by age group, sex, current employment status, and perceived health, Canada, provinces and regions
Participation in outdoor activities, Canada
Participation rate in education, population aged 15 to 29, by age group and type of institution attended, Canada
Participation rate in education, population aged 18 to 34, by age group and type of institution attended, Canada
Part-time employment by reason, Canada
Path to obtaining high school diploma and postsecondary education by Aboriginal Identity, Canada
Patient satisfaction with any health care services received in past 12 months, Canada
Patient satisfaction with any health care services received in the past 12 months, by age group and sex, household population aged 15 and over, Canadian Community Health Survey (CCHS 1.1, 2.1 and 3.1), Canada, provinces and territories
Patient satisfaction with most recent family doctor or other physician care received in past 12 months, Canada
Patient satisfaction with most recent family doctor or other physician care received in the past 12 months, Canada
Patient satisfaction with most recent hospital care received in past 12 months, Canada
Patient satisfaction with most recent hospital care received in the past 12 months, by age group and sex, household population aged 15 and over, Canadian Community Health Survey (CCHS 1.1, 2.1 and 3.1), Canada, provinces and territories
Perceived general health by Aboriginal identity, Canada
Perceived health, Canada
Perceived mental health and suicidal thoughts by Aboriginal identity, Canada
Percentage of the population aged 0 to 24 in low income, by age group and type of living arrangement, Canada
Percentage of total energy intake from carbohydrates, by dietary reference intake age-sex group, household population aged 1 and over, Canadian Community Health Survey (CCHS) - Nutrition, Canada and provinces
Percentage of total energy intake from fat, by dietary reference intake age-sex group, household population aged 1 and over, Canadian Community Health Survey (CCHS) - Nutrition, Canada and provinces
Percentage of total energy intake from protein, by dietary reference intake age-sex group, household population aged 1 and over, Canadian Community Health Survey (CCHS) - Nutrition, Canada and provinces
Percentage of total research and development (R&D) expenditure by performing sector, Canada and provinces, and G-7 countries
Performing arts, detailed sources of revenue, not-for-profit, Canada
Performing arts, performances and attendance, not-for-profit, Canada
Performing arts, sources of performance revenue, not-for-profit, Canada
Performing arts, sources of private sector revenue, not-for-profit, Canada
Performing arts, sources of public sector grants, not-for-profit, Canada
Performing arts, sources of revenue, not-for-profit, Canada
Performing arts, summary statistics, Canada
Periodical publishers, advertising, circulation and custom publishing revenue, Canada
Periodical publishers, print circulation by channel of distribution, Canada
Periodical publishers, print circulation by type of publication, Canada
Periodical publishers, summary statistics, Canada
Personal income, personal income per person, and personal disposable income, annual, 1926 - 1990, Canada (discontinued)
Personnel engaged in research and development, by geography, Canada
Petroleum Products by Supply and Disposition, Canada
Physical activity, changes between 1994/1995 and 2010/2011, Canada
Placement of chicks and turkey poults for production, Canada
Police officers by rank and gender, Canada, provinces and territories
Police personnel and selected crime statistics, Canada, provinces and territories
Population of Canada and the provinces, annual, 1926 - 1960 (discontinued)
Population providing care to a family member or friend with a long-term illness, disability or aging needs by sex and age group, Canada
Population providing care to a family member or friend with a long-term illness, disability or aging needs by sex and household income of respondent, Canada
Population providing care to a family member or friend with a long-term illness, disability or aging needs by sex and main activity of respondent, Canada
Population providing care to a family member or friend with a long-term illness, disability or aging needs by sex and presence of children under 18 years in the household, Canada
Population providing care to a family member or friend with a long-term illness, disability or aging needs by sex and relationship between respondent and primary care receiver, Canada
Population served by drinking water plants, Canada
Postsecondary Enrolments, by Credential Type, Age Group, Registration Status, Program Type and Gender, Canada
Postsecondary enrolments, by program type, credential type and International Standard Classification of Education (ISCED), Canada
Postsecondary enrolments, by program type, credential type, Classification of Instructional Programs, Primary Grouping (CIP_PG), registration status and sex, Canada
Postsecondary enrolments, by registration status, institution type, status of student in Canada and sex
Postsecondary Graduates, by Credential Type, Age Group, Program Type and Gender, Canada
Postsecondary Graduates, by Field of Study, Program Type, Credential Type, and Gender, Canada
Postsecondary graduates, by institution type, status of student in Canada and sex
Postsecondary graduates, by International Standard Classification of Education (ISCED), program type and credential type, Canada
Postsecondary savings for children 0 to 17 years old, by province, Canada
Potable water use by sector and average daily use, Canada
Potable water volumes processed by drinking water plants, by month, Canada
Potable water volumes processed by drinking water plants, by source water type, Canada
Premature and potentially avoidable mortality, Canada, provinces and territories
Prevalence of cannabis use in the past three months, self-reported, Canada
Prevalence of disability for adults, Canada
Private Non-Profit Organization in-House Research and Development Characteristics by Provinces and Territories, Canada
Private nursing and residential care facilities, summary statistics, Canada
Problem-solving in a technology-rich environment - Distribution of non-respondents and proficiency levels by Aboriginal status (off-reserve) and sex, Canada
Problem-solving in a technology-rich environment - Distribution of non-respondents and proficiency levels by industry and sex, employed population, Canada
Problem-solving in a technology-rich environment - Distribution of non-respondents and proficiency levels, by health and community connectedness, Canada
Problem-solving in a technology-rich environment - Distribution of non-respondents and proficiency levels, by labour force status and age group, Canada
Problem-solving in a technology-rich environment - Distribution of non-respondents and proficiency levels, by sex and age groups, Canada
Producer Deliveries of Major Grains, Canada
Product or process innovations with environmental benefits by industry and enterprise size, Canada
Production and disposition of eggs, Canada
Production and sale of greenhouse flowers and plants, Canada
Production and value of greenhouse vegetables, Canada
Production and value of honey, Canada
Production and value of maple products, Canada
Production of butterfat, Canada
Production of concentrated milk products, Canada
Production of plants, flowers and tree seedlings, Canada
Production of selected butter products, Canada
Production of selected dairy products, Canada
Production, disposition and farm value of poultry meat, Canada
Property income of households, provincial and territorial, Canada
Proportion of the school age population, by selected characteristics, in and out of census metropolitan areas (CMAs), Canada
Proportion of working students, aged 15 to 29, by age group and type of institution attended, Canada
Provincial and territorial consumption of fixed capital at replacement cost, by sector, Canada
Provincial estimates of research and development expenditures in the higher education sector, by funding sector and type of science, Canada
Provincial government revenue and expenditure, provincial economic accounts, annual, 1961 - 1980, Canada (discontinued)
Provincial gross domestic product (GDP), expenditure-based, provincial economic accounts, annual, 1961 - 1980, Canada (discontinued)
Provincial gross domestic product (GDP), income-based, provincial economic accounts, annual, 1961 - 1980, Canada (discontinued)
Provincial input-output tables, final demand, summary level, basic prices, Canada (discontinued)
Provincial input-output tables, inputs and outputs, summary level, basic prices, Canada (discontinued)
Public and private elementary and secondary education expenditures, by direct source of funds, Canada
Public nursing and residential care facilities, summary statistics, Canada
Purchase of goods or services by industry and enterprise size, Canada
Purpose of using geomatics or geospatial technologies, by industry and enterprise size, Canada
Railway industry diesel fuel consumption by area, Canada
Railway industry length of track operated at the end of the year by area, by company, Canada
Real estate agents, brokers and appraisers, summary statistics, Canada
Real estate rental and leasing and property management, summary statistics, Canada
Reason for leaving job during previous year, monthly, unadjusted for seasonality, Canada
Reason for not looking for work, monthly, Canada
Reasons for not adopting or using advanced technologies by industry and enterprise size, Canada
Reasons for not having a regular family physician, household population aged 15 and over, Canada and provinces
Reasons for not investing capital expenditures in advanced technologies by industry and enterprise size, Canada
Recruitment pertaining to the adoption of advanced technologies by industry and enterprise size, Canada
Refinery supply of crude oil and equivalent, monthly, Canada
Refinery use of other materials, monthly, Canada
Regional Dataset, Canada (Discontinued)
Regional Innovation
Regional Labour
Regional Social and Environmental indicators
Regional Well-Being (Archived)
Registered studies by
Repair and maintenance services, summary statistics, Canada
Reported occasion of food consumption, Canada
Residential construction investment, Canada (discontinued)
Residential property values, Canada
Resilience by age group and sex, Canada, provinces and regions
Retail non-store financial estimates, Canada (discontinued)
Retail store financial estimates, Canada (discontinued)
Retail Trade Sales by Province and Territory, Canada
Retail trade, by kind of business, Canada, provinces, territories and selected census metropolitan areas (discontinued)
Retail trade, Canada by trade group, provinces, territories and selected census metropolitan areas (discontinued)
Retail trade, Canada by trade group, provinces, territories and selected census metropolitan areas, unadjusted for seasonality (discontinued)
Retail trade, sales by trade group based on the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS), monthly, Canada (discontinued)
Retirement income of adults with and without disabilities, Canada
Revenue Generated by Carbon Pricing Initiatives
Revenues from environmental and clean technology goods and services exports, Canada and region
Revenues from sales of environmental and clean technology goods and services, by type of good and service, Canada and region (discontinued)
Revenues of Community Colleges and Vocational Schools, Canada
Revenues of universities and degree-granting colleges, Canada
Road motor vehicle registrations, by type of vehicle, Canada
Sales of Alcoholic Beverages at Liquor Authorities and other Retail Outlets in Canada
Sales of alcoholic beverages by liquor authorities and other retail outlets, by type of outlet, Canada
Sales of fuel used for road motor vehicles, annual, Canada
Sales of gasoline used for road motor vehicles, monthly, Canada (discontinued)
Sales of liquor, wine and beer, by kind of business and class of customer, Canada, provinces and territories (discontinued)
School board expenditures, by function and economic classification, Canada
School board expenditures, Canada
School board revenues, by direct source of funds and geography, Canada
School-age population by living arrangements and age group, Canada
School-age population by work activity of parents and age group, Canada
Selected commodities by size, historical data, Canada
Selected crops, historical data, Canada
Selected diagnostic tests, by waiting times, Canada
Selected economic indicators, provincial economic accounts, 2002=100, annual, 1981 - 2010, Canada (discontinued)
Selected economic indicators, provincial economic accounts, annual, 1926 - 1980, Canada (discontinued)
Selected farm machinery, historical data, Canada
Selected land management practices and tillage practices used to prepare land for seeding, historical data, Canada
Selected livestock and poultry, historical data, Canada
Selected natural resource reserves, Canada
Selected population characteristics, Canada, provinces and territories
Self-rated ability to speak and understand an Aboriginal language by Aboriginal identity, Canada
Self-reported unmet health care needs, by type of service, household population aged 15 and over, Canada and provinces
Services offered to complement the sale of goods by industry and enterprise size, Canada
Sheep statistics, quantity of wool purchased, used on farms, price and farm value, Canada
Sheep statistics, supply and disposition of sheep and lambs, Canada
Smoking status by Aboriginal identity, Canada
Smoking, changes between 1994/1995 and 2004/2005, 2006/2007, 2008/2009 and 2010/2011, Canada
Socioeconomic characteristics of persons classified by sex and activity in the labour force, Canada
Software development and computer services, summary statistics, Canada
Sound recording and music publishing, summary statistics, Canada
Sound recording and music publishing, total sales of recordings based on nationality of artists, Canada
Sources and disposition of personal income, provincial economic accounts, annual, 1981 - 2010, Canada (discontinued)
Sources of financing for enterprises that had capital expenditures in advanced technologies, by industry and enterprise size, Canada
Sources of funds for expenditures on research and development (R&D) in the higher education sector, Canada
Sources of funds for expenditures on research and development (R&D) in the higher education sector, in dollars and as a percentage of total funding, Canada and provinces
Sources of income of adults with and without disabilities, Canada
Specialist visits for a new illness or condition, by waiting times, Canada
Specialized design services, summary statistics, Canada
Specialized greenhouse producers' operating expenses, Canada
Standard work week for Salaried Employees by Industry, Canada
Stocks of frozen and chilled meats, domestic and imported, in cold storage, quarterly, Canada
Stocks of frozen eggs and edible dried eggs, Canada
Stocks of frozen poultry meat, Canada
Stocks of grain and oilseeds at March 31, July 31 and December 31, Canada
Stocks of specified dairy products, Canada
Strategic focus regarding goods or services (products) by industry and enterprise size, Canada
Summary characteristics of Canadian tax filers (preliminary T1 Family File)
Supplementary unemployment rates, Canada
Supply and demand of natural gas liquids, annual, Canada
Supply and demand of primary and secondary energy in natural units, Canada
Supply and demand of primary and secondary energy in terajoules, annual, Canada
Supply and demand of refined petroleum products for non-energy use, annual, Canada
Supply and disposition of corn, Canada
Supply and disposition of crude oil and equivalent, Canada
Supply and disposition of crude oil and equivalent, Canada
Supply and disposition of mink and fox on fur farms, Canada
Supply and disposition of natural gas, monthly (data in thousands), Canada
Supply and disposition of refined petroleum products, monthly, Canada
Supply and use tables, summary level, provincial and territorial, Canada
Survey of Mining Companies
Tax filers and dependants by census family type and age, Canada
Tax filers and dependants by single years of age, Canada
Tax filers and dependants, seniors with income by source of income and age, Canada
Tax filers with charitable donations by sex and age, Canada
Teachers' Statutory Salaries - Subnational
Telecommunications statistics, by operating and financial detail and North American Industrial Classification (NAICS), Canada
Television broadcasting industry, Canada
The State of Restaurant Industry During and After the Pandemic
Time spent providing care to a family member or friend with a long-term illness, disability or aging needs by sex and age group, Canada
Time spent providing care to a family member or friend with a long-term illness, disability or aging needs by sex and household income of respondent, Canada
Time spent providing care to a family member or friend with a long-term illness, disability or aging needs by sex and main activity of respondent, Canada
Time spent providing care to a family member or friend with a long-term illness, disability or aging needs by sex and presence of children under 18 years in the household, Canada
Time spent providing care to a family member or friend with a long-term illness, disability or aging needs by sex and relationship between respondent and primary care receiver, Canada
TomTom European Traffic Congestion Index
Total and average off-farm income by source and total and average net operating income of farm operators, Canada
Total and average off-farm income by source, Canada
Total area that received irrigation by crop type, Canada
Total capital expenditures of drinking water plants, Canada
Total domestic expenditures on research and development (R&D) as percentage of gross domestic product (GDP), Canada and provinces, and G-7 countries
Total energy intake from foods, by dietary reference intake age-sex group, household population aged 1 and over, Canadian Community Health Survey (CCHS) - Nutrition, Canada and provinces
Total greenhouse area in use and mushrooms, historical data, Canada
Total greenhouse, sod and nursery employees, Canada
Total income for adults with and without disabilities, Canada
Total number of employees of specialized greenhouse operations, Canada
Total number of farms and farm operators, Canada
Total value of farm capital, Canada
Total value of greenhouse products, Canada
Total water costs in manufacturing industries, by water cost component by drainage region and North American Industry Classification System, Canada
Total water costs in mineral extraction and thermal-electric power generation industries, by water cost component and region, Canada
Training in the workplace for adults with disabilities, Canada
Travel arrangement services, summary statistics, Canada
Traveller accommodation services price index, Canada
Traveller accommodation services price index, monthly, Canada
Traveller accommodation services price index, quarterly, Canada
Treatment of main source of water by households, Canada, provinces and census metropolitan areas (CMA)
Trees, bushes and hedges on property, Canada
Type of expenditures made by Canadian residents, by province visited and visit duration (discontinued)
Types of alliances or collaborative arrangements related to bioproducts, by industry and enterprise size, Canada
Undergraduate tuition fees, Canadian students, by selected standard geographic areas and by field of study
Unemployment by type of work sought and search method, monthly, unadjusted for seasonality, Canada
Unemployment rate and employment rate by type of student during summer months, monthly, unadjusted for seasonality, last 5 months, Canada
Unemployment rate, participation rate, and employment rate by type of student during school months, monthly, unadjusted for seasonality, Canada
Unemployment rates of 25- to 29-year-olds, by educational attainment, Canada and provinces
Union coverage by industry, monthly, unadjusted for seasonality, Canada
Use of advanced or emerging technologies by industry and enterprise size, Canada
Use of business practices, by industry and enterprise size, Canada
Use of collaboration practices, by industry and enterprise size, Canada
Use of energy-saving lights, Canada and provinces
Use of fertilizer and pesticides, Canada
Use of government programs to aid innovation activities by industry and enterprise size, Canada
Use of manufacturing and control management practices, by industry and enterprise size, Canada
Use of nanotechnologies, by industry and enterprise size, Canada
Use of other business practices, by industry and enterprise size, Canada
Use of product development practices, by industry and enterprise size, Canada
Use of quality management practices, by industry and enterprise size, Canada
Use of technology by age group and sex, Canada, provinces and regions
Use of thermostats, Canada
Usual hours worked by industry, monthly, unadjusted for seasonality, Canada
Usual hours worked by job type (main or all jobs), monthly, unadjusted for seasonality, Canada
Usual hours worked by occupation, Canada
Usual hours worked by occupation, monthly, unadjusted for seasonality, Canada
Wages and salaries and supplementary labour income, by industry, by province or territory, monthly, 1961 - 1996, Canada (discontinued)
Wages and salaries based on the 1948 and 1980 Standard Industrial Classifications (SIC), by province or territory, annual, 1926 - 1960, Canada (discontinued)
Wages, salaries and employers' social contributions, Canada
Wages, salaries and supplementary labour income by province or territory, annual, 1926 - 1990, Canada (discontinued)
Water acquisition costs in manufacturing industries by drainage region, Canada
Water discharge in manufacturing industries, by point of discharge, by drainage region, Canada
Water discharge in manufacturing industries, by type of final treatment and by drainage region, Canada
Water Footprints of Biofuels
Water Footprints of Crops and Derived Crop Products (Discontinued)
Water intake in manufacturing industries, by source, by drainage region, Canada
Water use parameters in manufacturing industries by drainage regions, Canada
Weekly Performance Indicators of Grain Transportation by Rail in Canada
Wholesale trade, sales by trade group based on the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS), Canada (discontinued)
Wholesale trade, sales by trade group, Canada (discontinued)
Wholesale trade, sales, Canada
Work stoppages in Canada, by jurisdiction and industry based on the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS), Employment and Social Development Canada - Labour Program
Work stoppages in Canada, by jurisdiction and industry based on the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS), Employment and Social Development Canada - Labour Program occasional (number unless otherwise noted)
Work stoppages in Canada, by jurisdiction and industry based on the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS), Employment and Social Development Canada - Labour Program quarterly (number unless otherwise noted)
Year-to-year percentage changes in estimated levels of sales and inventories of wholesale merchants, Canada (discontinued)
Youth admissions to community services, by sentence length ordered and sex, Canada
Youth admissions to correctional services, by age and sex, Canada
Youth admissions to correctional services, by Indigenous identity and sex, Canada
Youth admissions to correctional services, Canada
Youth admissions to secure and open custody, by sentence length ordered and sex, Canada
Youth commencing correctional services, by initial entry status, Canada
Youth releases from correctional services, by length of time served and sex, Canada
Youth releases from pre-trial detention, by length of time served and sex, Canada