Güter- und Dienstleistungsimporte

253.665.216.645 (US-Dollar) in 2023

Imports of goods and services comprise all transactions between residents of a country and the rest of the world involving a change of ownership from nonresidents to residents of general merchandise, non-monetary gold, and services. Data are in current U.S. dollars.

Datum Wert Ändern , %
2023 253.665.216.645 -10,61 %
2022 283.757.847.486 19,80 %
2021 236.855.429.232 26,92 %
2020 186.613.472.171 -11,50 %
2019 210.860.152.697 -4,95 %
2018 221.831.504.025 9,97 %
2017 201.713.611.086 11,36 %
2016 -3,06 %
2015 186.856.480.005 -14,36 %
2014 0,62 %
2013 216.845.113.406 0,62 %
2012 215.500.546.429