Güter- und Dienstleistungsimporte

7.596.252.560 (US-Dollar) in 2021

Imports of goods and services comprise all transactions between residents of a country and the rest of the world involving a change of ownership from nonresidents to residents of general merchandise, non-monetary gold, and services. Data are in current U.S. dollars.

Datum Wert Ändern , %
2021 7.596.252.560 19,83 %
2020 6.339.123.348 -3,35 %
2019 6.558.539.255 7,85 %
2018 8,33 %
2017 5.613.468.994 -0,74 %
2016 5.655.569.750 8,99 %
2015 5.188.952.012 -5,15 %
2014 5.470.629.794 3,59 %
2013 5.280.833.076 33,57 %
2012 3.953.493.489 2,53 %
2011 3.856.021.855 2,87 %
2010 3.748.446.863