- Governor:Lee Si-jong
Total Population, Persons:1.558.912 (2014)
Area, Sq. Km:7.434,40 (2010)
Population Density, Persons per Sq. Km:203,4 (2010)
Official Web-Site of the Region
Total Fertility Rate, Children per Woman:1,37 (2013)
Crude Birth Rate, Births per 1,000 Population:8,8 (2013)
Crude Death Rate, Deaths per 100,000 Persons:6,7 (2013)
GDP, current prices, million won:46.735.318 (2013)
Gross disposable income, billion won:45.982 (2013)
GDP per capita, current prices, thousand won:32.052 (2013)
Gross disposable income per capita, thousand Won:26.183 (2013)
Access to basic services and housing
Access to information on learning possibilities by type of participation in education and training (discontinued)
Accidental injuries at work in 1999, by sex (Unit: Percentage in each Member State)
Activation-Support - LMP participants per 100 persons wanting to work (source: DG EMPL) (discontinued)
Additional indicators
Agricultural Statistics of South Korea
Air transport of freight by NUTS 2 regions (questionnaire)
Air transport of passengers by NUTS 2 regions (questionnaire)
Annual aquaculture production - live weight in tonnes
Annual average population (1 000) by sex - NUTS 3 regions (discontinued)
Annual bonuses as % of annual earnings by NUTS 1 regions and economic activity (enterprises with 10 employees or more) - NACE Rev. 2, B-N (discontinued)
Annual gross income of workers with higher education (ISCED 5-6), by sex (2006) (discontinued)
Annual gross income of workers, by education level (2006) (discontinued)
Annual production and utilisation of milk on the farm
Area of the regions (discontinued)
Area under wine-grape vine varieties broken down by type of production, yield class and regions
Area under wine-grape vine varieties broken down by vine variety and by age of the vines - Austria
Area under wine-grape vine varieties broken down by vine variety and by age of the vines - France
Area under wine-grape vine varieties broken down by vine variety and by age of the vines - Germany
Area under wine-grape vine varieties broken down by vine variety and by age of the vines - Greece
Area under wine-grape vine varieties broken down by vine variety and by age of the vines - Italy
Area under wine-grape vine varieties broken down by vine variety and by age of the vines - Luxembourg
Area under wine-grape vine varieties broken down by vine variety and by age of the vines - Portugal
Area under wine-grape vine varieties broken down by vine variety and by age of the vines - Slovenia
Area under wine-grape vine varieties broken down by vine variety and by age of the vines - United Kingdom
Area under wine-grape vine varieties broken down by vine variety, age of the vines and regions - Spain
Area under wine-grape vine varieties which have been grubbed, planted or replanted, by type of production, yield class and regions
Areas harvested, yields, production by NUTS 2 regions (discontinued)
Arrears (mortgage or rent, utility bills or hire purchase) until 2001 (source: ECHP)
Arrivals due to internal migration (excluding intra-regional migration) by sex and age - NUTS 2 regions (discontinued)
Arrivals of non-residents at tourist accommodation establishments - 1990-2011 - world geographical breakdown - monthly data
At-risk-of poverty rate
At-risk-of-poverty rate by poverty threshold and work intensity of the household (source: ECHP)
At-risk-of-poverty thresholds (source: SILC)
Austria - Internal regional migration by sex, region of origin (GEO) and destination (PARTNER), excluding intra-regional migration - NUTS 2 regions (discontinued)
Average age at which employed persons started receiving a retirement pension - by sex and main financial incentive to stay at work
Average age at which not employed persons started receiving a retirement pension - by granting of other individual benefits and sex
Average age at which not employed persons started receiving a retirement pension - by sex and main labour status just after leaving last job
Average age at which not employed persons started receiving a retirement pension - by sex and main reason for retirement or early retirement
Average annual gross earnings by economic activity - NACE Rev. 2
Average annual gross earnings by occupation
Average annual population to calculate regional GDP data (thousand persons), by NUTS 3 regions (discontinued)
Average exit age from the labour force - annual data (discontinued)
Average number of overtime hours of employees, by sex, age and occupation
Average number of paid overtime hours of employees, by sex, age and occupation
Average number of rooms per person by tenure status and dwelling type until 2001 (source: ECHP)
Average number of rooms per person by type of household and income group until 2001 (source: ECHP)
Average number of years spent working - by sex and main financial incentive to stay at work
Average population (mid-year)
Average usual working hours of employed persons between 15 and 64 years old by main childcare-related reasons given for not working or not working more
Average usual working hours of employed persons between 15 and 64 years old by main type of childcare used for own/spouse's children up to 14 while working
Average usual working hours of employed persons between 15 and 64 years old by regular care of other children or people in need of care
Average usual working hours of employed persons between 15 and 64 years old by wish to change the organisation of their working life and care responsibilities
Average usual working hours of employees, by possibility to have variable working hours, sex and age
Average usual working hours of employees, by possibility to work variable hours in the reference week, sex and age
Economic activity
Education attainment (ISCED 5-6), by parents education and age - % (discontinued)
Education attainment (ISCED 5-6), by parents education and sex - % (discontinued)
Education attainment (ISCED 5-6), by sex and age - % (discontinued)
Education attainment of persons aged 25-39 (ISCED 5-6), by study field and sex - % (discontinued)
Education indicators by NUTS 2 regions
Education/occupation mismatch (ISCED 5-6) of persons aged 25-34 by study field and sex (2003-2007) - % (discontinued)
Educational Statistics of South Korea
Employed in service sector and occupational status of recent school-leavers
Employed persons by sex, age group, educational attainment level, occupation (ISCO-88) and NUTS 3 regions
Employed persons, average number of years spent working of employed persons - by sex and occupation
Employment characteristics
Energy - historical data (2004-2007, former methodology and source)
Energy: primary production and final consumption by NUTS 2 regions - 1 000 tonnes of oil equivalent (discontinued)
ENP countries: agricultural
ENP countries: Annual national accounts -breakdown of final consumption expenditure
ENP countries: balance of payments
ENP countries: energy
ENP countries: exchange rates and interest rates
ENP countries: forestry statistics
ENP countries: GDP and main aggregates
ENP countries: Government statistics
ENP countries: information society statistics
ENP countries: international trade - main indicators
ENP countries: living conditions
ENP countries: main economic indicators
ENP countries: monetary and other financial statistics
ENP countries: population - demography
ENP countries: prices
ENP countries: science and technology
ENP countries: SI - Economic Reform (discontinued)
ENP countries: SI - Employment (discontinued)
ENP countries: SI - Environment (discontinued)
ENP countries: SI - General Economic Background (discontinued)
ENP countries: SI - Innovation and Research (discontinued)
ENP countries: SI - Social Cohesion (discontinued)
ENP countries: terms of trade
ENP countries: tourism
ENP countries: Trade by commodity (SITC)
ENP countries: transport
Enterprises evaluating the effect of CVT courses as % of all enterprises providing CVT courses, by NACE
Enterprises evaluating the effect of CVT courses as % of all enterprises providing CVT courses, by NACE
Enterprises evaluating the effect of CVT courses as % of training enterprises, by size class (discontinued)
Enterprises providing CVT courses, by particular population category (%) (discontinued)
Enterprises providing CVT courses, by type of contribution to collective funding arrangements (%)
Enterprises providing CVT courses, by type of receipt from collective funding arrangements (%)
Enterprises that needed to obtain or develop new skills in the period 1997-1999 by NACE Rev 1.1 and by the main ways used to obtain or develop those new skills (%)
Enterprises that needed to obtain or develop new skills in the period 1997-1999 by size and by the main ways used to obtain or develop those new skills (%)
Enterprises which establish the training needs of their personnel as % of training enterprises, by NACE Rev. 2 (discontinued)
Enterprises with a training budget including provision for CVT as % of training enterprises by size class (discontinued)
Enterprises with a training centre used exclusively or partly for CVT as % of training enterprises, by type of training and size class (discontinued)
Enterprises with a training plan including CVT as % of training enterprises by size class (discontinued)
Enterprises with an agreement on CVT as % of training enterprises by size class (discontinued)
Entrants (ISCED 5A) in % of secondary school graduates, by sex (discontinued)
Environmental protection expenditure by NUTS 2 regions (discontinued)
EU direct investment positions, breakdown by country and economic activity (NACE Rev. 2)
Exchange rates
Expenditure by LMP intervention - United Kingdom (source: DG EMPL) (discontinued)
Expenditure in institutions per student (ISCED 5-6), by type (discontinued)
Expenditure on public and private educational institutions
Expenditure on public educational institutions
Headline indicators (discontinued)
Health Statistics of South Korea
Heating degree-days by NUTS 2 regions - annual data (discontinued)
Higher education
Holdings and areas under wine-grape vine varieties, broken down by vine area size class and classes of % of area producing quality wines produced in specific regions (quality wines psr) in the total area under wine-grape vines
Holdings, cultivated area under vines (CAV) and agricultural area in use broken down by type of production, size class and regions
Hours actually worked compared to hours paid - NACE Rev. 2 (source LCS 2008) (discontinued)
Hours in CVT courses per 1 000 hours worked (all enterprises), by size class
Hours in CVT courses per 1 000 hours worked (all enterprises), by size class (discontinued)
Hours in CVT courses per 1 000 hours worked (only enterprises with CVT courses), by size class (discontinued)
Hours in CVT courses per employee (all enterprises), by sex and size class
Hours in CVT courses per employee (all enterprises), by size class (discontinued)
Hours in CVT courses per employee (CVT enterprises) and NACE Rev. 2 (discontinued)
Hours in CVT courses per employee (CVT enterprises), by size class (discontinued)
Hours in CVT courses per employee in enterprises with and without a joint CVT agreement, by size class
Hours in CVT courses per employee in enterprises with and without 'new technologies', by size class
Hours in CVT courses per participant and NACE Rev. 2 (discontinued)
Hours in CVT courses per participant, by sex and size class
Hours in CVT courses per participant, by size class (discontinued)
Hours worked compared to hours paid
Household Statistics of South Korea
Housing cost overburden rate for young people by sex, age and poverty status (discontinued)
Hungary - Internal regional migration by sex, region of origin (GEO) and destination (PARTNER), excluding intra-regional migration - NUTS 2 regions (discontinued)
Labour cost index - Country weights
Labour cost, wages and salaries (including apprentices) - NACE Rev. 2 (source LCS 2008) (discontinued)
Labour cost, wages and salaries, and direct remuneration by NUTS 1 regions
Labour cost, wages and salaries, and direct remuneration by NUTS 1 regions - NACE Rev. 2 (source LCS 2008) (discontinued)
Labour cost, wages and salaries, direct remuneration
Labour costs annual data - NACE Rev. 2
Labour force: number of persons and farm work (AWU) by sex of worker, category of worker, legal status of holding, size of farm (UAA) and NUTS 2 regions
Land use by NUTS 2 regions (discontinued)
Language learning
Lemon trees since 2002 by regions (area in ha) (discontinued)
LMP expenditure (source: DG EMPL) (discontinued)
LMP participants by type of action - summary tables (source: DG EMPL) (discontinued)
Net entry rate (ISCED 5A) by age and sex - % (discontinued)
Net social protection benefits
Netherlands - Internal regional migration by sex, region of origin (GEO) and destination (PARTNER), excluding intra-regional migration - NUTS 2 regions (discontinued)
Nights spent by non-residents at tourist accommodation establishments - 1990-2011 - world geographical breakdown - monthly data
Non-financial transactions (discontinued)
Norway - Internal regional migration by sex, region of origin (GEO) and destination (PARTNER), excluding intra-regional migration - NUTS 2 regions (discontinued)
Not employed persons, average number of years spent working - by granting of other individual benefits and sex
Not employed persons, average number of years spent working - by sex and occupation (previous job)
Number of employed persons - by planned age for stopping work, sex and full time/part time work (1 000)
Number of employed persons between 15 and 64 years old having to make working time arrangements over the last 12 months to care for children, by occupation
Number of employed persons between 15 and 64 years old having to make working time arrangements over the last 12 months to care for children,. by working time pattern
Number of employed persons between 15 and 64 years old regularly taking care of other children or people in need of care
Number of employed persons between 15 and 64 years old taking time off over the last 12 months for family sickness or emergencies, by educational attainment level
Number of employed persons between 15 and 64 years old taking time off over the last 12 months for family sickness or emergencies, by occupation
Number of employed persons between 15 and 64 years old who can take whole days off for family reasons, by occupation
Number of employed persons between 15 and 64 years old who can vary start/end of working day for family reasons, by occupation
Number of employed persons between 15 and 64 years old wishing to change the organisation of their working life and care responsibilities
Number of employed persons who reduced their working hours in a move to full retirement - by sex, age and full time/part time work (1 000)
Number of employed persons who would stay longer at work (or not) if more flexible working time arrangements were available - by sex and occupation (1 000)
Number of employed persons who would stay longer at work (or not) if their workplace was healthier and/or safer - by sex and occupation (1 000)
Number of employed persons who would stay longer at work (or not) if they could update their skills - by sex and occupation (1 000)
Number of employees by economic activity corresponding to earnings data - NACE Rev. 2
Number of employees finding it convenient for personal life to do shift work or on-call work, by sex, age and occupation
Number of employees finding it convenient for personal life to work in the evening, or at night, or during weekends, by sex, age and occupation
Number of employees with the possibility to work variable hours in the reference week, by sex, age and occupation
Number of employees with variable working hours, by sex, age and occupation
Number of employees, hours actually worked and paid - NACE Rev. 2 (source LCS 2008) (discontinued)
Number of employees, hours actually worked and paid by NUTS 1 regions
Number of employees, hours actually worked and paid by NUTS 1 regions - NACE Rev. 2 (source LCS 2008) (discontinued)
Number of hours actually worked and paid per employee - NACE Rev. 2 (source LCS 2008) (discontinued)
Number of hours actually worked and paid per employee by NUTS 1 regions
Number of hours actually worked and paid per employee by NUTS 1 regions - NACE Rev. 2 (source LCS 2008) (discontinued)
Number of known species
Number of not employed persons having reduced their working hours in a move to full retirement - by sex and age (1 000)
Number of not employed persons who would have stayed longer at work (or not) if more flexible working time arrangements had been available - by sex and occupation (previous job) (1 000)
Number of not employed persons who would have stayed longer at work (or not) if their workplace had been healthier and/or safer - by sex and occupation (previous job) (1 000)
Number of not employed persons who would have stayed longer at work (or not) if they had had more opportunities to update their skills - by sex and occupation (previous job) (1 000)
Number of part-time employees, by working time pattern compared with 'full-timers', sex, age and occupation
Number of persons between 15 and 64 years old regularly taking care of other children up to 14 or people older than 15 in need of care
Number of persons between 15 and 64 years old wishing to change the organisation of their working life and care responsibilities
Number of self-employed persons who can control their own work methods and schedule, by sex, age and occupation
Number of statistical units - NACE Rev. 2 (source LCS 2008) (discontinued)
Number of statistical units by NUTS 1 regions
Number of statistical units by NUTS 1 regions - NACE Rev. 2 (source LCS 2008) (discontinued)
Number of work-related health problems by diagnosis group, sex and number of complaints per victim
Parents educational attainment level
Participants by LMP intervention - United Kingdom (source: DG EMPL) (discontinued)
Participants in other form of CVT as a percentage of employees in all enterprises, by type of training and NACE Rev. 2 (discontinued)
Participants in other forms of CVT as a % of employees in CVT other form enterprises by size class (discontinued)
Participants studying by making use of educational broadcasting by educational attainment level and labour status
Participants studying by making use of educational broadcasting by sex and age
Participation in any learning activities by degree of urbanisation
Participation in any learning activities by educational attainment level and labour status
Participation in any learning activities by sex and age
Participation in any learning activities by size of the local unit
Participation in formal education by degree of urbanisation
Participation in formal education by educational attainment level and labour status
Participation in formal education by sex and age
Participation in formal education by sex and labour status
Participation in informal learning by degree of urbanisation
Participation in informal learning by educational attainment level and labour status
Participation in informal learning by sex and age
Participation in job-related non-formal education and training by size of the local unit
Participation in non-formal education and training by degree of urbanisation
Participation in non-formal education and training by educational attainment level and labour status
Participation in non-formal education and training by main reason for participating in the taught activity
Participation in non-formal education and training by number of activities
Participation in non-formal education and training by number of taught activities, sex and age
Participation in non-formal education and training by number of taught activities, sex and labour status
Participation in non-formal education and training by sex and age
Participation in non-formal education and training within (or not) paid hours by sex and labour status
Participation in non-formal education and training within (or not) paid working hours
Participation/ Enrolment in education (ISCED 0-4)
Participation/ Enrolment in education by sex
Peach trees 'unspecified flesh' since 2002 by regions (area in ha) (discontinued)
Peach trees 'white flesh' since 2002 by regions (area in ha) (discontinued)
Peach trees 'yellow flesh' since 2002 by regions (area in ha) (discontinued)
Percentage distribution of assistance needed by not employed disabled people by sex
Percentage distribution of assistance provided to employed disabled people by sex
Percentage distribution of duration of disability (in years) since onset, by cause of disability and sex
Percentage distribution of severities of disability by sex and age
Percentage distribution of types of assistance needed by not employed disabled people by sex
Percentage distribution of types of assistance provided to employed disabled people by sex
Percentage enterprises with specific categories of person employed or persons employed with specific contract types and who provided specific courses for them, by size class (discontinued)
Percentage of all non-training enterprises, by reason for not providing CVT and NACE Rev 1.1
Percentage of all non-training enterprises, by reason for not providing CVT and size class
Percentage of direct cost of CVT courses, by type of direct cost
Percentage of employees (all enterprises) participating in CVT courses, by sex and size class
Percentage of employees (all enterprises) participating in CVT courses, by size class and age (discontinued)
Percentage of employees (only enterprises with CVT courses) participating in CVT courses, by age and size class (discontinued)
Percentage of employees (only enterprises with CVT courses) participating in CVT courses, by sex and size class
Percentage of employees in enterprises with and without a joint CVT agreement participating in CVT courses, by size class
Percentage of employees in enterprises with and without 'new technologies' participating in CVT courses, by size class
Percentage of employees working overtime, by sex, age and occupation
Percentage of employees working paid overtime, by sex, age and occupation
Percentage of enterprises evaluating the effect of CVT courses, by type of evaluation and NACE
Percentage of enterprises evaluating the effect of CVT courses, by type of evaluation and size class
Percentage of enterprises not evaluating the effect of CVT courses, by reason for not evaluating and NACE
Percentage of enterprises not evaluating the effect of CVT courses, by reason for not evaluating and size class
Percentage of enterprises providing IVT by size class (discontinued)
Percentage of IVT participants to persons employed all enterprises by size class (discontinued)
Percentage of IVT participants to persons employed in IVT enterprises by size class (discontinued)
Percentage of the total hours in CVT courses, by field of training and size class
Percentage of the total hours in CVT courses, by field of training and size class (discontinued)
Percentage of the total hours in CVT courses, by type of course and size class (discontinued)
Percentage of the total hours in external CVT courses, by training provider and size class
Percentage of the total hours in external CVT courses, by training provider and size class (discontinued)
Percentage of threatened species
Percentage of training enterprises having a specific person or unit responsible for training by size class (discontinued)
Percentage of training enterprises making use of an External advisory service by size class (discontinued)
Persons by type of building and NUTS 3 regions
Person-years lived between exact ages (Lx) - NUTS 2 regions (discontinued)
Poland - Internal regional migration by sex, region of origin (GEO) and destination (PARTNER), excluding intra-regional migration - NUTS 2 regions (discontinued)
Police officers
Policies on North Korean Defectors
Population by sex and age groups on 1 January (discontinued)
Population by sex, age group, educational attainment level, current activity status and NUTS 3 regions
Population by sex, age group, household status and NUTS 3 regions
Population by sex, age group, size of household and NUTS 3 regions
Population by sex, citizenship and NUTS 3 regions
Population connected to public water supply by NUTS 2 regions (discontinued)
Population connected to Wastewater Treatment
Population density (discontinued)
Population with lower secondary education attainment by sex and age (discontinued)
Population with tertiary education attainment by sex and age (discontinued)
Population with upper secondary education attainment by sex and age (discontinued)
Population with upper secondary or tertiary education attainment by sex and age (discontinued)
Poverty lines
Poverty ratio
Prevalence of disability by sex, age and educational attainment level
Prevalence of disability by sex, age and labour status
Prevalence of disability by sex, age and marital status
Prevalence of disability by sex, age and occupation
Prevalence of disability by sex, economic activity (NACE Rev. 1) and NUTS 2 regions
Price indices of agricultural input/output at nominal value (2000 = 100)
Prices (Annual series)
Prison population: historical data 1987-2000 (discontinued)
Private expenditure in institutions (ISCED 5-6) as % of public and private funding (discontinued)
Private households by composition, age group of children and NUTS 3 regions
Private households by composition, size and NUTS 3 regions
Probability of surviving between exact ages (px) - NUTS 2 regions (discontinued)
Proportion of persons living in jobless households
Protected areas
Psychological distress of young people (average score) by sex and age - collection round 2008
Public education expenditure (ISCED 5-6) as % of public expenditure and GDP (discontinued)
Public education expenditure (ISCED 5-6) spent as students aid, by type of aid - % (discontinued)
Public expenditure on education
Pupil/Student - teacher ratio and average class size (ISCED 1-3)
Self defined health status by income level by sex and age (source: ECHP)
Self-perceived health of young people by sex, age and income quintile (discontinued)
Self-perceived long-standing limitations of young people in usual activities due to health problems by sex, age and income quintile (discontinued)
Self-reported unmet needs of young people for medical examination for reasons of barriers of access, by sex, age and income quintile (discontinued)
Self-studying (with printed materials) participants by educational attainment level and labour status
Self-studying (with printed materials) participants by sex and age
Services by employment size class (NACE Rev. 2, H-N, S95)
Severe housing deprivation rate for young people by age, sex and poverty status (discontinued)
Severe material deprivation of young people by sex and age (discontinued)
Severe material deprivation rate of young people by sex, age and living/not living with parents
Share of Renewable Energy in Final Energy Consumption by NUTS 2 regions - % (discontinued)
Share of young people living with their parents by sex and age (discontinued)
Shift work patterns used by employees, by sex, age and occupation
Slovakia - Internal regional migration by sex, region of origin (GEO) and destination (PARTNER), excluding intra-regional migration - NUTS 2 regions (discontinued)
Slovenia - Internal regional migration by sex, region of origin (GEO) and destination (PARTNER), excluding intra-regional migration - NUTS 2 regions (discontinued)
Small-fruited citrus trees since 2002 by regions (area in ha) (discontinued)
Spain - Internal regional migration by sex, region of origin (GEO) and destination (PARTNER), excluding intra-regional migration - NUTS 2 regions (discontinued)
Specific land use parameters by NUTS 2 regions (discontinued)
Specific transport parameters (NUTS2) (discontinued)
Structural information
Structure of costs of CVT courses per employee in enterprises with CVT courses (PPS) (discontinued)
Structure of costs of CVT courses per participant (PPS) (discontinued)
Structure of labour cost as % of total cost - NACE Rev. 2 (source LCS 2008) (discontinued)
Structure of labour cost as % of total cost by NUTS 1 regions
Structure of labour costs (%) - NACE Rev. 2
Students (ISCED 5A) studying part-time, by age group and sex - % (discontinued)
Students abroad (ISCED 5A-6) as % of students in country of origin by sex (discontinued)
Students from abroad by level of education and origin
Students from abroad by level of education and sex
Students going abroad by level of education and destination
Students in ISCED 1-3 by modern foreign language studied
Students in ISCED 1-3 by number of modern foreign languages studied
Supply table - constant prices (NACE Rev. 2) (discontinued)
Sweden - Internal regional migration by sex, region of origin (GEO) and destination (PARTNER), excluding intra-regional migration - NUTS 2 regions (discontinued)