Güterimporte (Zahlungsbilanz, zu laufenden Preisen in US-Dollar)

16.811.130.810 (US-Dollar) in 2023

Goods imports refer to all movable goods (including non-monetary gold) involved in a change of ownership from nonresidents to residents. Data are in current U.S. dollars.

Datum Wert Ändern , %
2023 16.811.130.810 -8,09 %
2022 -11,37 %
2021 20.637.417.206 28,54 %
2020 16.055.375.878 -19,47 %
2019 19.937.080.206 -10,33 %
2018 22.232.726.809 5,97 %
2017 20.979.796.295 9,37 %
2016 19.182.844.730 1,31 %
2015 18.934.596.583 -2,48 %
2014 19.416.766.445 7,85 %
2013 18.002.755.385 -6,19 %