
  • König:Ibrahim Iskandar
  • Premierminister:Anwar Ibrahim
  • Hauptstadt:Kuala Lumpur (official/royal), Putrajaya (administrative)
  • Sprachen:Bahasa Malaysia (official), English, Chinese (Cantonese, Mandarin, Hokkien, Hakka, Hainan, Foochow), Tamil, Telugu, Malayalam, Panjabi, Thai note: in East Malaysia there are several indigenous languages; most widely spoken are Iban and Kadazan
  • Regierung
  • Nationales Amt für Statistik
  • Bevölkerung, Personen:35.344.242 (2024)
  • Fläche, km2:328.550
  • BIP pro Kopf, US$:11.379 (2023)
  • BIP, Milliarden aktuelle US $:399,7 (2023)
  • Gini-Koeffizient:40,7 (2021)
  • Ease-of-Doing-Business-Rang:12

Alle Datensätze: D E G P T
  • D
    • Mai 2016
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 31 Mai, 2016
      Datensatz auswählen
      Structural business statistics (SBS) describes the structure, conduct and performance of economic activities, down to the most detailed activity level (several hundred economic sectors). SBS are transmitted annually by the EU Member States on the basis of a legal obligation from 1995 onwards.   SBS covers all activities of the business economy with the exception of agricultural activities and personal services and the data are provided by all EU Member States, Norway and Switzerland, some candidate and potential candidate countries. The data are collected by domain of activity (annex) : Annex I - Services, Annex II - Industry, Annex III - Trade and Annex IV- Constructions and by datasets. Each annex contains several datasets as indicated in the SBS Regulation. The majority of the data is collected by National Statistical Institutes (NSIs) by means of statistical surveys, business registers or from various administrative sources. Regulatory or controlling national offices for financial institutions or central banks often provide the information required for the financial sector (NACE Rev 2 Section K / NACE Rev 1.1 Section J). Member States apply various statistical methods, according to the data source, such as grossing up, model based estimation or different forms of imputation, to ensure the quality of SBSs produced. Main characteristics (variables) of the SBS data category:Business Demographic variables (e.g. Number of enterprises)"Output related" variables (e.g. Turnover, Value added)"Input related" variables: labour input (e.g. Employment, Hours worked); goods and services input (e.g. Total of purchases); capital input (e.g. Material investments) All SBS characteristics are published on Eurostat’s website by tables and an example of the existent tables is presented below:Annual enterprise statistics: Characteristics collected are published by country and detailed on NACE Rev 2 and NACE Rev 1.1 class level (4-digits). Some classes or groups in 'services' section have been aggregated.Annual enterprise statistics broken down by size classes: Characteristics are published by country and detailed down to NACE Rev 2 and NACE Rev 1.1 group level (3-digits) and employment size class. For trade (NACE Rev 2 and NACE Rev 1.1 Section G) a supplementary breakdown by turnover size class is available.Annual regional statistics: Four characteristics are published by NUTS-2 country region and detailed on NACE Rev 2 and NACE Rev 1.1 division level (2-digits) (but to group level (3-digits) for the trade section). More information on the contents of different tables: the detail level and breakdowns required starting with the reference year 2008 is defined in Commission Regulation N° 251/2009. For previous reference years it is included in Commission Regulations (EC) N° 2701/98 and amended by Commission Regulation N°1614/2002 and Commission Regulation N°1669/2003. Several important derived indicators are generated in the form of ratios of certain monetary characteristics or per head values. A list with the available derived indicators is available below in the Annex.
  • E
    • März 2009
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 29 November, 2015
      Datensatz auswählen
      The tables presented in the topic of active population cover the total population for 31 countries (for more information on received tables and geographic coverage, see "2001 Census Round - Tables Received" in the Annex at the bottom of the page). The level of completeness of the tables depends largely on the availability of data at the respective national statistical institutes. There are four ways of collecting census data, namely: - the traditional method of using census questionnaires (exhaustive census); - the method of using registers and/or other administrative sources; - a combination of registers and/or other administrative sources and - surveys (complete enumerations or sample surveys). Other methods (other mixed census or micro-census) can be used as well. Details for the method employed by each country are provided in "2001 Census Method"in the Annex at the bottom of the page. In the same table you can find the dates on which the census was carried out in each country.
    • März 2009
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 29 November, 2015
      Datensatz auswählen
      The tables presented in the topic of active population cover the total population for 31 countries (for more information on received tables and geographic coverage, see "2001 Census Round - Tables Received" in the Annex at the bottom of the page). The level of completeness of the tables depends largely on the availability of data at the respective national statistical institutes. There are four ways of collecting census data, namely: - the traditional method of using census questionnaires (exhaustive census); - the method of using registers and/or other administrative sources; - a combination of registers and/or other administrative sources and - surveys (complete enumerations or sample surveys). Other methods (other mixed census or micro-census) can be used as well. Details for the method employed by each country are provided in "2001 Census Method"in the Annex at the bottom of the page. In the same table you can find the dates on which the census was carried out in each country.
    • März 2009
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 31 Dezember, 2015
      Datensatz auswählen
      The tables presented in the topic of active population cover the total population for 31 countries (for more information on received tables and geographic coverage, see "2001 Census Round - Tables Received" in the Annex at the bottom of the page). The level of completeness of the tables depends largely on the availability of data at the respective national statistical institutes. There are four ways of collecting census data, namely: - the traditional method of using census questionnaires (exhaustive census); - the method of using registers and/or other administrative sources; - a combination of registers and/or other administrative sources and - surveys (complete enumerations or sample surveys). Other methods (other mixed census or micro-census) can be used as well. Details for the method employed by each country are provided in "2001 Census Method"in the Annex at the bottom of the page. In the same table you can find the dates on which the census was carried out in each country.
    • März 2009
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 29 November, 2015
      Datensatz auswählen
      The tables presented in the topic of active population cover the total population for 31 countries (for more information on received tables and geographic coverage, see "2001 Census Round - Tables Received" in the Annex at the bottom of the page). The level of completeness of the tables depends largely on the availability of data at the respective national statistical institutes. There are four ways of collecting census data, namely: - the traditional method of using census questionnaires (exhaustive census); - the method of using registers and/or other administrative sources; - a combination of registers and/or other administrative sources and - surveys (complete enumerations or sample surveys). Other methods (other mixed census or micro-census) can be used as well. Details for the method employed by each country are provided in "2001 Census Method"in the Annex at the bottom of the page. In the same table you can find the dates on which the census was carried out in each country.
  • G
    • Februar 2017
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 20 Februar, 2017
      Datensatz auswählen
      In this version, seven GVCs indicators are presented for 59 economies (34 OECD and 23 non-OECD economies, plus the "rest of the world" and the European Union) for 18 industries in the years 1995, 2000, 2005, 2008-2011. The indicators are calculated based on the five global input-output matrices of the TiVA database. More details can be downloaded at The GVC participation index indicates the extent to which a country is involved in a vertically fragmented production process (in relative and absolute terms). It distinguishes the use of foreign inputs in exports (backward participation) and the use of domestic intermediates in third country exports (forward participation).
  • P
    • März 2009
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 29 November, 2015
      Datensatz auswählen
      The European Union Labour Force Survey (EU-LFS) provides population estimates for the main labour market characteristics, such as employment, unemployment, inactivity, hours of work, occupation, economic activity and much else, as well as important socio-demographic characteristics, such as sex, age, education, households and regions of residence. Since 1999 an inherent part of the European Union labour force survey (LFS) are the so called 'ad-hoc modules' (AHM). Council Regulation No 577/98 specifies that a further set of variables (the AHM) may be added to supplement the information obtained from the core questionnaire of the LFS. The topic covered by the ad hoc module change every year, although some of them have been repeated.
    • März 2009
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 29 November, 2015
      Datensatz auswählen
      The tables presented in the Census 1990/91 round cover the total population and housing for 19 countries. Five main topics are covered: structure of population, active population, education level, households and dwellings. The level of completeness of the tables depends largely on the availability of data at the respective national statistical institutes.
    • März 2009
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 29 November, 2015
      Datensatz auswählen
      The European Union Labour Force Survey (EU-LFS) provides population estimates for the main labour market characteristics, such as employment, unemployment, inactivity, hours of work, occupation, economic activity and much else, as well as important socio-demographic characteristics, such as sex, age, education, households and regions of residence. Since 1999 an inherent part of the European Union labour force survey (LFS) are the so called 'ad-hoc modules' (AHM). Council Regulation No 577/98 specifies that a further set of variables (the AHM) may be added to supplement the information obtained from the core questionnaire of the LFS. The topic covered by the ad hoc module change every year, although some of them have been repeated.
    • März 2009
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 15 Mai, 2014
      Datensatz auswählen
      Eurostat Dataset Id:hlth_db_emrena In order to provide data for the European Year of People with Disabilities 2003, the 2002 European Union Labour Force Survey (LFS) contained an ad hoc module concerning the employment of disabled people. The module consisted of 11 variables dealing with the existence, type, cause and duration of longstanding health problem or disability, work limitations (regarding the kind of work or the amount of work, and mobility problems), and assistance needed or provided to work. The results refer to persons aged 16-64 years, living in private households. Disabled persons are those who stated that they had a longstanding health problem or disability (LSHPD) for 6 months or more or expected to last 6 months or more. The indicator used is the percentage prevalence of people with disabilities in various socioeconomic groups as well as the percentage distribution of certain characteristics of disability or of certain socioeconomic characteristics among those reporting disability. The survey was conducted in all the 15 old Member States of the EU as well as in 9 at that time acceding or candidate countries (Czech Republic, Estonia, Cyprus, Latvia, Hungary, Malta, Slovenia, Slovak Republic and Romania) and in Norway.
  • T
    • März 2009
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 30 März, 2023
      Datensatz auswählen
      The “Business services statistics” (BS) collection contains harmonised statistics on business services. BS is a driver of the knowledge-based economy and their labour-intensive nature has attracted interest in their potential as providers of new jobs in the future. Contributing to the recent increase in the demand for business services, the growing trend in outsourcing has seen many enterprises use service providers for non-core professional activities. Technological progress and the Internet are also important factors which have provided new production possibilities and new modes of supply. Due to its growing importance, BS data are collected since 2000 reference year. The data were collected under Gentlemen agreement until 2007 reference year and from 2008 onwards it become part of the regular mandatory annual data collection of SBS. The BS’s data requirements before 2008 reference year included more variables, but data is available only for a small number of countries. The following variables are available until 2007 reference year: Number of enterprisesTurnover or gross premiums writtenValue added at factor costPersonnel costsNumber of persons employedNumber of employeesNumber of part-time employees The “Turnover or gross premiums written” variable is broken down by product and residence of client. In addition, there is information on the turnover shares of product and client specialised enterprises. The statistics on “Turnover by product” permits analyses on each product's relative importance in the turnover, consistency of product level statistics and product specialisation. On the other hand, information on “Turnover by client” enables analyses on type and location of client and client specialisation. The economic variables make it possible to extend the analysis to productivity and personnel cost issues. From 2008 onwards, the BS’s data requirements are only for variable “Turnover” broken down by products and by type of residence of client. The majority of the data is collected annually by National Statistical Institutes (NSIs) by means of statistical surveys, business registers or from various administrative sources.
    • März 2009
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 30 März, 2023
      Datensatz auswählen
      The “Business services statistics” (BS) collection contains harmonised statistics on business services. BS is a driver of the knowledge-based economy and their labour-intensive nature has attracted interest in their potential as providers of new jobs in the future. Contributing to the recent increase in the demand for business services, the growing trend in outsourcing has seen many enterprises use service providers for non-core professional activities. Technological progress and the Internet are also important factors which have provided new production possibilities and new modes of supply. Due to its growing importance, BS data are collected since 2000 reference year. The data were collected under Gentlemen agreement until 2007 reference year and from 2008 onwards it become part of the regular mandatory annual data collection of SBS. The BS’s data requirements before 2008 reference year included more variables, but data is available only for a small number of countries. The following variables are available until 2007 reference year: Number of enterprisesTurnover or gross premiums writtenValue added at factor costPersonnel costsNumber of persons employedNumber of employeesNumber of part-time employees The “Turnover or gross premiums written” variable is broken down by product and residence of client. In addition, there is information on the turnover shares of product and client specialised enterprises. The statistics on “Turnover by product” permits analyses on each product's relative importance in the turnover, consistency of product level statistics and product specialisation. On the other hand, information on “Turnover by client” enables analyses on type and location of client and client specialisation. The economic variables make it possible to extend the analysis to productivity and personnel cost issues. From 2008 onwards, the BS’s data requirements are only for variable “Turnover” broken down by products and by type of residence of client. The majority of the data is collected annually by National Statistical Institutes (NSIs) by means of statistical surveys, business registers or from various administrative sources.
    • März 2009
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 30 März, 2023
      Datensatz auswählen
      The “Business services statistics” (BS) collection contains harmonised statistics on business services. BS is a driver of the knowledge-based economy and their labour-intensive nature has attracted interest in their potential as providers of new jobs in the future. Contributing to the recent increase in the demand for business services, the growing trend in outsourcing has seen many enterprises use service providers for non-core professional activities. Technological progress and the Internet are also important factors which have provided new production possibilities and new modes of supply. Due to its growing importance, BS data are collected since 2000 reference year. The data were collected under Gentlemen agreement until 2007 reference year and from 2008 onwards it become part of the regular mandatory annual data collection of SBS. The BS’s data requirements before 2008 reference year included more variables, but data is available only for a small number of countries. The following variables are available until 2007 reference year: Number of enterprisesTurnover or gross premiums writtenValue added at factor costPersonnel costsNumber of persons employedNumber of employeesNumber of part-time employees The “Turnover or gross premiums written” variable is broken down by product and residence of client. In addition, there is information on the turnover shares of product and client specialised enterprises. The statistics on “Turnover by product” permits analyses on each product's relative importance in the turnover, consistency of product level statistics and product specialisation. On the other hand, information on “Turnover by client” enables analyses on type and location of client and client specialisation. The economic variables make it possible to extend the analysis to productivity and personnel cost issues. From 2008 onwards, the BS’s data requirements are only for variable “Turnover” broken down by products and by type of residence of client. The majority of the data is collected annually by National Statistical Institutes (NSIs) by means of statistical surveys, business registers or from various administrative sources.