
  • Präsident:Volodymyr Zelensky
  • Premierminister:Denys Shmyhal
  • Hauptstadt:Kyiv (Kiev)
  • Sprachen:Ukrainian (official) 67.5%, Russian (regional language) 29.6%, other (includes small Crimean Tatar-, Moldavian-, and Hungarian-speaking minorities) 2.9% (2001 est.) note: 2012 legislation enables a language spoken by at least 10% of an oblast's population to be given the status of "regional language," allowing for its use in courts, schools, and other government institutions; Ukrainian remains the country's only official nationwide language
  • Regierung
  • Nationales Amt für Statistik
  • Bevölkerung, Personen:37.441.260 (2024)
  • Fläche, km2:579.400
  • BIP pro Kopf, US$:5.070 (2023)
  • BIP, Milliarden aktuelle US $:178,8 (2023)
  • Gini-Koeffizient:25,6 (2020)
  • Ease-of-Doing-Business-Rang:64