National Bureau of Statistics of the Republic of Moldova

The National Bureau of Statistics (NBS), Moldova is the central administrative authority which, as the central statistical body, manages and coordinates the activity in the field of statistics from the country.

Alle Datensätze: E I
  • E
    • Juni 2023
      Quelle: National Bureau of Statistics of the Republic of Moldova
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 30 Juni, 2023
      Datensatz auswählen
      The information is presented without the data on enterprises and organization from the left side of the river Nistru and municipality Bender Countries ..Georgia (CIS) Starting with 2009 Georgia is no longer part of the Commonwealth of Independent State European Union countries (EU-28) Starting with 2013, after Croatia has joined to the EU, European Union counts 28 member states ..Serbia and Montenegro Since 2008 Serbia and Montenegro split into two separate countries: Serbia, Montenegro Years 2017 Final data
    • August 2023
      Quelle: National Bureau of Statistics of the Republic of Moldova
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 16 August, 2023
      Datensatz auswählen
      The information is presented without the data on enterprises and organization from the left side of the river Nistru and municipality BenderYears2017Final data
  • I
    • Juni 2023
      Quelle: National Bureau of Statistics of the Republic of Moldova
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 30 Juni, 2023
      Datensatz auswählen
      The information is presented without the data on enterprises and organization from the left side of the river Nistru and municipality Bender Countries ..Georgia (CIS) Since 2009 Georgia is no longer part of the Commonwealth of Independent State European Union countries (EU-28) Starting with 2013, after Croatia has joined to the EU, European Union counts 28 member states ..Serbia and Montenegro Since 2008 Serbia and Montenegro split into two separate countries: Serbia, Montenegro Years 2017 Final data