Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development

The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) is an international economic organisation of 34 countries founded in 1961 to stimulate economic progress and world trade. It is a forum of countries committed to democracy and the market economy, providing a platform to compare policy experiences, seek answers to common problems, identify good practices and co-ordinate domestic and international policies of its members.

Alle Datensätze: 2 A
  • 2
    • August 2023
      Quelle: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 29 August, 2023
      Datensatz auswählen
      This dataset contains the main results of the 2017 Eurostat-OECD PPP comparison for the 49 countries that participated in the 2017 round of the Eurostat-OECD Purchasing Power Parity (PPP) Programme. Colombia and Costa Rica participated for the first time. Please note that time series for PPPs for GDP, actual individual consumption and household final consumption for these two countries in the National Accounts databases are still based on the 2011 ICP results until April 2020 (release of ICP 2017 results).
  • A
    • März 2025
      Quelle: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 04 März, 2025
      Datensatz auswählen
      This table shows annual Purchasing Power Parities (PPPs) for Gross Domestic Product (GDP), household final consumption expenditure and actual individual consumption. It also shows exchange rates (annual averages and end of period), sourced from the International Monetary Fund's database on International Financial Statistics. Final consumption expenditure is the expenditure of resident households on consumption goods or services, while individual consumption is the sum of household consumption plus the individual (not collective) consumption of the non-profit institutions serving households (NPISH) and General Government sectors. These indicators were presented in the previous dissemination system in the SNA_TABLE4 dataset. For further information on (PPPs) please check the following link: Purchasing Power Parities and more precisely FAQ 5: Purchasing power parities OECD statistics contact:
    • März 2025
      Quelle: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 06 März, 2025
      Datensatz auswählen
      Annual Purchasing Power Parities and exchange rates: This table shows annual Purchasing Power Parities (PPPs) for Gross Domestic Product (GDP), household final consumption expenditure and actual individual consumption. It also shows exchange rates (annual averages and end of period), sourced from the International Monetary Fund's database on International Financial Statistics.