United Nations Industrial Development Organization

The United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO), is a specialized agency in the United Nations system, headquartered in Vienna, Austria. The Organization's primary objective is the promotion and acceleration of industrial development in developing countries and countries with economies in transition and the promotion of international industrial cooperation. It is also a member of the United Nations Development Group.

Alle Datensätze: I
  • I
    • Juni 2022
      Quelle: United Nations Industrial Development Organization
      Hochgeladen von: Andrene Gayle
      Zugriff am: 28 Juni, 2022
      Datensatz auswählen
      Please refer the latest version here : https://knoema.com/UNIDOISR2022/industrial-statistics-database-indstat-4-2022-isic-revision-4 The UNIDO Industrial Statistics Database at the 2-digit level of ISIC (INDSTAT2) contains disaggregated data on the manufacturing sector. 
    • Juni 2024
      Quelle: United Nations Industrial Development Organization
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 12 Juni, 2024
      Datensatz auswählen
      The UNIDO Industrial Statistics Database at the 4-digit level of ISIC (INDSTAT4) contains highly disaggregated data on the manufacturing sector. Comparability of data over time and across the countries has been the main priority of developing and updating this database. INDSTAT4 offers a unique possibility of in-depth analysis of the structural transformation of economies over time.The database contains seven principle indicators of industrial statistics. The data are arranged at the 3- and 4-digit level of the International Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities (ISIC) Revision 3  and 4 pertaining to the manufacturing, which comprises more than 150 manufacturing sectors and sub-sectors.The database contains following indicators of industrial statistics:Number of establishments.Number of employees.Wages and salaries.Output.Value added.Gross fixed capital formation.Number of female employees Note: Knoema calculated the indicator Productivity Data cited at- https://stat.unido.org/database/INDSTAT%204%202022,%20ISIC%20Revision%204