
  • Präsident:Lương Cường
  • Premierminister:Phạm Minh Chính
  • Hauptstadt:Hanoi (Ha Noi)
  • Sprachen:Vietnamese (official), English (increasingly favored as a second language), some French, Chinese, and Khmer, mountain area languages (Mon-Khmer and Malayo-Polynesian)
  • Regierung
  • Nationales Amt für Statistik
  • Bevölkerung, Personen:100.675.292 (2024)
  • Fläche, km2:313.429
  • BIP pro Kopf, US$:4.282 (2023)
  • BIP, Milliarden aktuelle US $:429,7 (2023)
  • Gini-Koeffizient:36,1 (2022)
  • Ease-of-Doing-Business-Rang:70

Alle Datensätze: T
  • T
    • Dezember 2011
      Quelle: CEPII
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 11 Oktober, 2019
      Datensatz auswählen
      GeoDist makes available the exhaustive set of gravity variables used in Mayer and Zignago (2005). GeoDist provides several geographical variables, in particular bilateral distances measured using citylevel data to assess the geographic distribution of population inside each nation. We have calculated different measures of bilateral distances available for most countries across the world.  Colonial relationship after 1945: 1 =  Origin Country colonized by Destination Country,  Colonial link:1 = Yes Citation:  Mayer, T. & Zignago, S. (2011) Notes on CEPII’s distances measures : the GeoDist Database CEPII Working Paper 2011-25