
  • Präsident:Sergio Mattarella
  • Premierminister:Giorgia Meloni
  • Hauptstadt:Rome
  • Sprachen:Italian (official), German (parts of Trentino-Alto Adige region are predominantly German speaking), French (small French-speaking minority in Valle d'Aosta region), Slovene (Slovene-speaking minority in the Trieste-Gorizia area)
  • Regierung
  • Nationales Amt für Statistik
  • Bevölkerung, Personen:59.435.141 (2024)
  • Fläche, km2:295.720
  • BIP pro Kopf, US$:39.003 (2023)
  • BIP, Milliarden aktuelle US $:2.300,9 (2023)
  • Gini-Koeffizient:34,8 (2021)
  • Ease-of-Doing-Business-Rang:58

Alle Datensätze: 3 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Y
  • 3
    • Oktober 2016
      Quelle: Philipps-University of Marburg, Empirical Institutional Economics
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 07 Dezember, 2016
      Datensatz auswählen
      The 3P Anti-trafficking Policy Index evaluates governmental anti-trafficking efforts in the three main policy dimensions (3Ps), based on the requirements prescribed by the United Nations Protocol to Prevent, Suppress and Punish Trafficking in Persons, especially Women and Children (2000).   The three main policy dimensions (3Ps) are:Prosecution of perpetrators of human traffickingPrevention of human traffickingProtection of the victims of human trafficking Each of the 3P areas is evaluated on a 5-point scale and each index is aggregated to the overall 3P Anti-trafficking Index as the  sum (score 3-15).Prosecution Index Score: 1 (no compliance) - 5 (full compliance)Prevention Index Score: 1 (no compliance) - 5 (full compliance)Protection Index Score: 1 (no compliance) - 5 (full compliance)3P Anti-trafficking Policy Index Score: 3 (no compliance for any of the three areas) - 15 (full compliance for all of the three areas) The 3P Anti-trafficking Policy Index is available for each country and each year and currently includes up to 189 countries for the preiod from 2000 to 2015.
  • A
    • Januar 2020
      Quelle: Editorial Projects in Education
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 09 Juni, 2020
      Datensatz auswählen
      Post Secondary Education of United States, 2015
    • August 2021
      Quelle: Lao Statistics Bureau
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 12 September, 2021
      Datensatz auswählen
      TRANSLATE with xEnglishArabicHebrewPolishBulgarianHindiPortugueseCatalanHmong DawRomanianChinese SimplifiedHungarianRussianChinese TraditionalIndonesianSlovakCzechItalianSlovenianDanishJapaneseSpanishDutchKlingonSwedishEnglishKoreanThaiEstonianLatvianTurkishFinnishLithuanianUkrainianFrenchMalayUrduGermanMalteseVietnameseGreekNorwegianWelshHaitian CreolePersian  TRANSLATE with COPY THE URL BELOW BackEMBED THE SNIPPET BELOW IN YOUR SITEEnable collaborative features and customize widget: Bing Webmaster PortalBack
    • Juni 2024
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 14 Juni, 2024
      Datensatz auswählen
      The source for the regional labour market information down to NUTS level 2 is the EU Labour Force Survey (EU-LFS). This is a quarterly household sample survey conducted in all Member States of the EU and in EFTA and Candidate countries.  The EU-LFS survey follows the definitions and recommendations of the International Labour Organisation (ILO). To achieve further harmonisation, the Member States also adhere to common principles when formulating questionnaires. The LFS' target population is made up of all persons in private households aged 15 and over. For more information see the EU Labour Force Survey (lfsi_esms, see paragraph 21.1.).  The EU-LFS is designed to give accurate quarterly information at national level as well as annual information at NUTS 2 regional level and the compilation of these figures is well specified in the regulation. Microdata including the NUTS 2 level codes are provided by all the participating countries with a good degree of geographical comparability, which allows the production and dissemination of a complete set of comparable indicators for this territorial level. At present the transmission of the regional labour market data at NUTS 3 level has no legal basis. However many countries transmit NUTS 3 figures to Eurostat on a voluntary basis, under the understanding that they are not for publication with such detail, but for aggregation in few categories per country, i.e., metropolitan regions and urban-rural typology. Most of the NUTS 3 data are based on the LFS while some countries transmit data based on registers, administrative data, small area estimation and other reliable sources.
    • Juni 2024
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 14 Juni, 2024
      Datensatz auswählen
      The source for the regional labour market information down to NUTS level 2 is the EU Labour Force Survey (EU-LFS). This is a quarterly household sample survey conducted in all Member States of the EU and in EFTA and Candidate countries.  The EU-LFS survey follows the definitions and recommendations of the International Labour Organisation (ILO). To achieve further harmonisation, the Member States also adhere to common principles when formulating questionnaires. The LFS' target population is made up of all persons in private households aged 15 and over. For more information see the EU Labour Force Survey (lfsi_esms, see paragraph 21.1.).  The EU-LFS is designed to give accurate quarterly information at national level as well as annual information at NUTS 2 regional level and the compilation of these figures is well specified in the regulation. Microdata including the NUTS 2 level codes are provided by all the participating countries with a good degree of geographical comparability, which allows the production and dissemination of a complete set of comparable indicators for this territorial level. At present the transmission of the regional labour market data at NUTS 3 level has no legal basis. However many countries transmit NUTS 3 figures to Eurostat on a voluntary basis, under the understanding that they are not for publication with such detail, but for aggregation in few categories per country, i.e., metropolitan regions and urban-rural typology. Most of the NUTS 3 data are based on the LFS while some countries transmit data based on registers, administrative data, small area estimation and other reliable sources.
    • Juli 2020
      Quelle: National Institute of Statistics, Italy
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 26 Juli, 2020
      Datensatz auswählen
    • März 2013
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 24 November, 2013
      Datensatz auswählen
      Eurostat Dataset Id:demo_r_mdthrt The regional demographic statistics provides annual data on population, vital events (live births and deaths), total and land areas of the regions and key demographic indicators for regions and statistical regions at NUTS2 and NUTS3 levels for 35 countries: each EU-27 Member State, Acceding, Candidate and EFTA countries. The completeness of the tables depends on the availability of data received from the responsible national statistical institutes (NSIs).  The label of each table indicates the lowest NUTS level for which data are available; for the upper NUTS levels data are included as well. Starting with March 2013, demographic statistics at regional level reflect the new NUTS-2010 classification for EU-27 Member States and the new statistical regions for Croatia. Countries affected by the NUTS-2010 changes are expected to transmit to Eurostat the time series for the new regional breakdown. As a general approach, the regions with no data available are not listed in the tables. For a calendar year T, the deadline of the regional demographic data collection is 15 December, and data included have a different degree of detail for regions at NUTS2 and NUTS3 levels: NUTS2 level - high level of data detail:Population by sex and single year of age at 1st January: years T and T-1Live births by single year of age and year of birth of the mother: year T-1 Deaths by sex and single years of age and year of birth: year T-1  NUTS3 level - low level of data detail:Surface area in km2 at 1st January (total area including inland waters and land area): year TPopulation by sex and broad age groups at 1st January, namely for 0-14 (0 up to 14 years), 15-64 (15 up to 64 years) and 65+ (persons of 65 years and older): years T and T-1 Live births and deaths (total number of demographic events): year T-1  Tables are updated mainly during March of the next year (T+1), but also along the year whenever revised data are sent by the official data providers. Demographic indicators at regional level are computed by Eurostat using a harmonised methodology and common concepts for all regions of all countries, namely:average population on 1st January (in thousands), population density;demographic balance and crude rates (population change, natural change, net migration including statistical adjustments, crude birth rate, crude death rate, crude rate of population change, crude rate of natural change, crude rate of net migration (including statistical adjustments));age-specific-fertility rates and Total Fertility Rates;life tables that include age-specific-mortality-rates and life expectancy at given exact age;infant mortality and crude rate of infant mortality. At national level a larger number of demographic indicators are computed, as more detailed demographic data are collected only at this level.   
    • März 2016
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 15 März, 2016
      Datensatz auswählen
    • Mai 2020
      Quelle: International Labour Organization
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 08 Mai, 2020
      Datensatz auswählen
      Imputed observations are not based on national data, are subject to high uncertainty and should not be used for country comparisons or rankings. The series is part of the ILO estimates and is harmonized to account for differences in national data and scope of coverage, collection and tabulation methodologies as well as for other country-specific factors. For more information, refer to the ILO estimates and projections methodological note.
    • Juli 2022
      Quelle: Food and Agriculture Organization
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 22 August, 2023
      Datensatz auswählen
      The Agri-environmental Indicators—Land domain provides information on the annual evolution of the distribution of agricultural and forest areas, and their sub-components, including irrigated areas, at national, regional and global levels.
    • Oktober 2023
      Quelle: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 08 Oktober, 2023
      Datensatz auswählen
      This dataset is used to report the tying status of bilateral ODA commitments. Members have agreed that administrative costs and technical co-operation expenditure should be disregarded in assessing the percentages of tied, partially untied and untied aid. These items have not been included in the data reported in this data set.
    • Mai 2024
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 07 Mai, 2024
      Datensatz auswählen
      Due to the nature of transport, a spatial reference is built into most legal acts dealing with transport statistics. In a few cases, these sources can be directly used for the derivation of regional transport indicators, while other indicators are collected on a voluntary basis. This is the case of the regional transport data collection in which both data types are used. Three types of regional data can be distinguished depending on their source: two are based on data collections performed on the basis of legal acts (the Maritime and Aviation data) and one is a voluntary data collection (infrastructures, vehicles and road accidents). Regional data collected on voluntary basis: The current regional data collection taking place on a voluntary basis comprises a set of transport indicators at NUTS 0, 1 and 2[1] levels for the road, railways, inland waterways (infrastructure), vehicle stocks, road accidents. The information collected is then disseminated in Eurostat dissemination database (Eurobase) under “General and regional statistics/Regional statistics by NUTS classification/Regional transport statistics” theme and also mirrored under “Transport/Multimodal data/Regional transport statistics” theme. Annual data collection for infrastructure, vehicle stocks and road accidents was launched at the beginning of 2002 covering both Member States and Candidate countries. Since 2007, it includes EFTA countries as well. Regional data are collected directly from the countries using a questionnaire: data on transport infrastructure, vehicle stocks and road accidents (collected previously – till 2006 – on Excel sheets and then – till 2012 – using on-line questionnaires). Currently regional datasets are provided via EDAMIS application. For the voluntary data collection via EDAMIS portal, the definitions from the 4th edition of the Illustrated Glossary for Transport Statistics (jointly elaborated by Eurostat, ECMT, UNECE) were proposed and countries should use them when transmitting data. Regional data based on legal acts: For the collection based on legal acts, regional data are actually derived from the information provided by the participating countries in the frame of the legal data collections at port and airport level. Maritime transport data collection is legally based – Directive 2009/42/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 6 May 2009 on statistical returns in respect of carriage of goods and passengers by sea (OJ L141 of 6.6.2009, page 29), which is the recast of the original Council Directive 95/64/EC of 8 December 1995. The air transport regional data have been calculated using data collected at the airport level in the frame of draft Council and Parliament Regulation (Regulation (EC) No 437/2003 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 February 2003 on statistical returns in respect of the carriage of passengers, freight and mail by air). Within the collection Maritime transport - data aggregated at standard regional levels (NUTS) there are two tables: Maritime transport of passengers at regional level (new methodology);Maritime transport of freight at regional level (new methodology). Within the collection Air transport - data aggregated at standard regional levels (NUTS) there are two tables: Air transport of passengers at regional levelAir transport of freight at regional level The tables present the evolution of the number of passengers carried (if not available passengers on board) and the volume of freight and mail loaded or unloaded (if not available freight and mail on board) to/from the NUTS regions (level 2, 1 and 0) since 1999. The data is presented at annual level. Before the legal act on air transport statistics was introduced (2003 with 3 years transitional period), air transport statistics have been collected using the statistical questionnaire (voluntary basis). Some countries provided figures for passenger transport taking into account “passengers on board” and some “passenger carried”. Until 2007 reference year, the disseminated numbers of passengers aggregated at regional level are actually a mixture of passengers on board and passengers carried data. The air transport regional data have been calculated using data collected at the airport level in the frame of the regulatory data collection on air transport. Only airports with more than 150 000 passenger units serviced annually are taken into account when aggregating the data at regional levels, because they provide statistics detailed enough to solve the problem of double counting. For each aggregate it is necessary to start at the airport level in order to identify the mirror declarations, i.e. the airport routes for which both airports report the volume, since these constitute the routes where the problem of double counting occurs. When calculating the total volume in such cases, only the departure declarations of the concerned airports have been taken into account. The problem of the double counting only appears for the calculation of the total passengers but not for the total arrivals (respectively total departures), which corresponds to the sum of the arrivals (respectively departures) at each domestic airport. For the tables presenting maritime data at regional level the same aggregation method (exclusion of double counting) is applied taking into account main ports only. Only for these ports (handling more than one million tonnes of goods or recording more than 200 000 passenger movements annually ) the detailed statistics allow such aggregation. For some Member States (up to 1998 data) and for others that joint the EU more recently (up to 2002) transport flows through ports and airports had been collected, via questionnaire. Because of the difference in the methodologies applied, the data for air and maritime transport at regional level up to 2002 reference year are available in separate tablesor some Member States (up to 1998 data) and for others that joint the EU more recently (up to 2002) transport flows through ports and airports had been collected, via questionnaire. Because of the difference in the methodologies applied, the data for air and maritime transport at regional level up to 2002 reference year are avilable in separate tables (listed below) and are no longer updated: Maritime transport of passengers by NUTS 2 regions (questionnaire) (tran_r_mapa_om).Maritime transport of freight by NUTS 2 regions (questionnaire) (tran_r_mago_om).Air transport of passengers by NUTS 2 regions (questionnaire) (tran_r_avpa_om).Air transport of freight by NUTS 2 regions (questionnaire) (tran_r_avgo_om). [1] Regulation (EC) No 1059/2003 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 26 May 2003 on the establishment of a common classification of territorial units for statistics (NUTS) and its amendments. More information on NUTS classification can be found under the following link.
    • August 2024
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 14 September, 2024
      Datensatz auswählen
      The air transport regional data have been calculated using data collected at the airport level in the frame of Commission Regulation (EC) No 1358/2003. They are aggregated at regional level (NUTS 1 and NUTS 2) and also at national level (NUTS0), excluding double counting within each region.
    • März 2009
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 21 April, 2014
      Datensatz auswählen
      Eurostat Dataset Id:tran_r_avgo_om Due to the nature of transport, a spatial reference is built into most legal acts dealing with transport statistics. In a few cases, these sources can be directly used for the derivation of regional transport indicators, while other indicators are collected on a voluntary basis. This is the case of the regional transport data collection in which both data types are used. Three types of regional data can be distinguished depending on their source: two are based on data collections performed on the basis of legal acts (the Maritime and Aviation data) and one is a voluntary data collection (infrastructures, vehicles and road accidents). Regional data collected on voluntary basis: The current regional data collection taking place on a voluntary basis comprises a set of transport indicators at NUTS 0, 1 and 2[1] levels for the road, railways, inland waterways (infrastructure), vehicle stocks, road accidents. The information collected is then disseminated in Eurostat dissemination database (Eurobase) under “General and regional statistics/Regional statistics/Regional transport statistics” theme and also mirrored under “Transport/Regional transport statistics” theme. Annual data collection for infrastructure, vehicle stocks and road accidents was launched at the beginning of 2002 covering both Member States and Candidate countries. Since 2007, it includes EFTA countries as well. Regional data are collected directly from the countries using a questionnaire: data on transport infrastructure, vehicle stocks and road accidents (collected previously – till 2006 – on Excel sheets and then – till 2012- using on-line questionnaires). Currently regional datasets are provided via eDAMIS application. For the voluntary data collection via eDAMIS portal, the definitions from the 4th edition of the Glossary for transport statistics(jointly elaborated by Eurostat, ECMT, UNECE) were proposed and countries should use them when transmitting data. Regional data based on legal acts: For the collection based on legal acts, regional data are actually derived from the information provided by the participating countries in the frame of the legal data collections at port and airport level. Maritime transport data collection is legally based – Directive 2009/42/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 6 May 2009 on statistical returns in respect of carriage of goods and passengers by sea (OJ L141 of 6.6.2009, page 29), which is the recast of the original Council Directive 95/64/EC of 8 December 1995. Within the collection Maritime transport - data aggregated at standard regional levels (NUTS) there are two tables:Maritime transport of passengers at regional level (new methodology);Maritime transport of freight at regional level (new methodology).   Within the collection Air transport - data aggregated at standard regional levels (NUTS) there are two tables:Air transport of passengers at regional levelAir transport of freight at regional level   The tables present the evolution of the number of passengers carried (if not available passengers on board) and the volume of freight and mail loaded or unloaded (if not available freight and mail on board) to/from the NUTS regions (level 2, 1 and 0) since 1999. The data is presented at annual level. The air transport regional data have been calculated using data collected at the airport level in the frame of draft Council and Parliament Regulation (Regulation 95/C 325/08 on statistical returns in respect of carriage of passenger, freight and mail by air). [1] Regulation (EC) No 1059/2003 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 26 May 2003 on the establishment of a common classification of territorial units for statistics (NUTS) and its amendments. More information on NUTS clasiffication can be found under the following link.
    • Mai 2023
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 30 Mai, 2023
      Datensatz auswählen
      The air transport regional data have been calculated using data collected at the airport level in the frame of Commission Regulation (EC) No 1358/2003. They are aggregated at regional level (NUTS 1 and NUTS 2) and also at national level (NUTS0), excluding double counting within each region.
    • Mai 2024
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 06 Mai, 2024
      Datensatz auswählen
      Due to the nature of transport, a spatial reference is built into most legal acts dealing with transport statistics. In a few cases, these sources can be directly used for the derivation of regional transport indicators, while other indicators are collected on a voluntary basis. This is the case of the regional transport data collection in which both data types are used. Three types of regional data can be distinguished depending on their source: two are based on data collections performed on the basis of legal acts (the Maritime and Aviation data) and one is a voluntary data collection (infrastructures, vehicles and road accidents). Regional data collected on voluntary basis: The current regional data collection taking place on a voluntary basis comprises a set of transport indicators at NUTS 0, 1 and 2[1] levels for the road, railways, inland waterways (infrastructure), vehicle stocks, road accidents. The information collected is then disseminated in Eurostat dissemination database (Eurobase) under “General and regional statistics/Regional statistics by NUTS classification/Regional transport statistics” theme and also mirrored under “Transport/Multimodal data/Regional transport statistics” theme. Annual data collection for infrastructure, vehicle stocks and road accidents was launched at the beginning of 2002 covering both Member States and Candidate countries. Since 2007, it includes EFTA countries as well. Regional data are collected directly from the countries using a questionnaire: data on transport infrastructure, vehicle stocks and road accidents (collected previously – till 2006 – on Excel sheets and then – till 2012 – using on-line questionnaires). Currently regional datasets are provided via EDAMIS application. For the voluntary data collection via EDAMIS portal, the definitions from the 4th edition of the Illustrated Glossary for Transport Statistics (jointly elaborated by Eurostat, ECMT, UNECE) were proposed and countries should use them when transmitting data. Regional data based on legal acts: For the collection based on legal acts, regional data are actually derived from the information provided by the participating countries in the frame of the legal data collections at port and airport level. Maritime transport data collection is legally based – Directive 2009/42/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 6 May 2009 on statistical returns in respect of carriage of goods and passengers by sea (OJ L141 of 6.6.2009, page 29), which is the recast of the original Council Directive 95/64/EC of 8 December 1995. The air transport regional data have been calculated using data collected at the airport level in the frame of draft Council and Parliament Regulation (Regulation (EC) No 437/2003 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 February 2003 on statistical returns in respect of the carriage of passengers, freight and mail by air). Within the collection Maritime transport - data aggregated at standard regional levels (NUTS) there are two tables: Maritime transport of passengers at regional level (new methodology);Maritime transport of freight at regional level (new methodology). Within the collection Air transport - data aggregated at standard regional levels (NUTS) there are two tables: Air transport of passengers at regional levelAir transport of freight at regional level The tables present the evolution of the number of passengers carried (if not available passengers on board) and the volume of freight and mail loaded or unloaded (if not available freight and mail on board) to/from the NUTS regions (level 2, 1 and 0) since 1999. The data is presented at annual level. Before the legal act on air transport statistics was introduced (2003 with 3 years transitional period), air transport statistics have been collected using the statistical questionnaire (voluntary basis). Some countries provided figures for passenger transport taking into account “passengers on board” and some “passenger carried”. Until 2007 reference year, the disseminated numbers of passengers aggregated at regional level are actually a mixture of passengers on board and passengers carried data. The air transport regional data have been calculated using data collected at the airport level in the frame of the regulatory data collection on air transport. Only airports with more than 150 000 passenger units serviced annually are taken into account when aggregating the data at regional levels, because they provide statistics detailed enough to solve the problem of double counting. For each aggregate it is necessary to start at the airport level in order to identify the mirror declarations, i.e. the airport routes for which both airports report the volume, since these constitute the routes where the problem of double counting occurs. When calculating the total volume in such cases, only the departure declarations of the concerned airports have been taken into account. The problem of the double counting only appears for the calculation of the total passengers but not for the total arrivals (respectively total departures), which corresponds to the sum of the arrivals (respectively departures) at each domestic airport. For the tables presenting maritime data at regional level the same aggregation method (exclusion of double counting) is applied taking into account main ports only. Only for these ports (handling more than one million tonnes of goods or recording more than 200 000 passenger movements annually ) the detailed statistics allow such aggregation. For some Member States (up to 1998 data) and for others that joint the EU more recently (up to 2002) transport flows through ports and airports had been collected, via questionnaire. Because of the difference in the methodologies applied, the data for air and maritime transport at regional level up to 2002 reference year are available in separate tablesor some Member States (up to 1998 data) and for others that joint the EU more recently (up to 2002) transport flows through ports and airports had been collected, via questionnaire. Because of the difference in the methodologies applied, the data for air and maritime transport at regional level up to 2002 reference year are avilable in separate tables (listed below) and are no longer updated: Maritime transport of passengers by NUTS 2 regions (questionnaire) (tran_r_mapa_om).Maritime transport of freight by NUTS 2 regions (questionnaire) (tran_r_mago_om).Air transport of passengers by NUTS 2 regions (questionnaire) (tran_r_avpa_om).Air transport of freight by NUTS 2 regions (questionnaire) (tran_r_avgo_om). [1] Regulation (EC) No 1059/2003 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 26 May 2003 on the establishment of a common classification of territorial units for statistics (NUTS) and its amendments. More information on NUTS classification can be found under the following link.
    • März 2009
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 21 April, 2014
      Datensatz auswählen
      Eurostat Dataset Id:tran_r_avpa_om Due to the nature of transport, a spatial reference is built into most legal acts dealing with transport statistics. In a few cases, these sources can be directly used for the derivation of regional transport indicators, while other indicators are collected on a voluntary basis. This is the case of the regional transport data collection in which both data types are used. Three types of regional data can be distinguished depending on their source: two are based on data collections performed on the basis of legal acts (the Maritime and Aviation data) and one is a voluntary data collection (infrastructures, vehicles and road accidents). Regional data collected on voluntary basis: The current regional data collection taking place on a voluntary basis comprises a set of transport indicators at NUTS 0, 1 and 2[1] levels for the road, railways, inland waterways (infrastructure), vehicle stocks, road accidents. The information collected is then disseminated in Eurostat dissemination database (Eurobase) under “General and regional statistics/Regional statistics/Regional transport statistics” theme and also mirrored under “Transport/Regional transport statistics” theme. Annual data collection for infrastructure, vehicle stocks and road accidents was launched at the beginning of 2002 covering both Member States and Candidate countries. Since 2007, it includes EFTA countries as well. Regional data are collected directly from the countries using a questionnaire: data on transport infrastructure, vehicle stocks and road accidents (collected previously – till 2006 – on Excel sheets and then – till 2012- using on-line questionnaires). Currently regional datasets are provided via eDAMIS application. For the voluntary data collection via eDAMIS portal, the definitions from the 4th edition of the Glossary for transport statistics(jointly elaborated by Eurostat, ECMT, UNECE) were proposed and countries should use them when transmitting data. Regional data based on legal acts: For the collection based on legal acts, regional data are actually derived from the information provided by the participating countries in the frame of the legal data collections at port and airport level. Maritime transport data collection is legally based – Directive 2009/42/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 6 May 2009 on statistical returns in respect of carriage of goods and passengers by sea (OJ L141 of 6.6.2009, page 29), which is the recast of the original Council Directive 95/64/EC of 8 December 1995. Within the collection Maritime transport - data aggregated at standard regional levels (NUTS) there are two tables: Maritime transport of passengers at regional level (new methodology);Maritime transport of freight at regional level (new methodology). Within the collection Air transport - data aggregated at standard regional levels (NUTS) there are two tables: Air transport of passengers at regional levelAir transport of freight at regional level The tables present the evolution of the number of passengers carried (if not available passengers on board) and the volume of freight and mail loaded or unloaded (if not available freight and mail on board) to/from the NUTS regions (level 2, 1 and 0) since 1999. The data is presented at annual level. The air transport regional data have been calculated using data collected at the airport level in the frame of draft Council and Parliament Regulation (Regulation 95/C 325/08 on statistical returns in respect of carriage of passenger, freight and mail by air). [1] Regulation (EC) No 1059/2003 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 26 May 2003 on the establishment of a common classification of territorial units for statistics (NUTS) and its amendments. More information on NUTS clasiffication can be found under the following link.
    • Juni 2021
      Quelle: The General Aviation Manufacturers Association
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 11 Oktober, 2021
      Datensatz auswählen
      General aviation operations are defined by the FAA based Source: FAA Operations Network (OPSNET) on the traffic operations counted in the OPSNET. Air Traffic Control data shows federal, non-federal, and military through 2005, while 2006 through 2011 are FAA and contract.    TRANSLATE with xEnglishArabicHebrewPolishBulgarianHindiPortugueseCatalanHmong DawRomanianChinese SimplifiedHungarianRussianChinese TraditionalIndonesianSlovakCzechItalianSlovenianDanishJapaneseSpanishDutchKlingonSwedishEnglishKoreanThaiEstonianLatvianTurkishFinnishLithuanianUkrainianFrenchMalayUrduGermanMalteseVietnameseGreekNorwegianWelshHaitian CreolePersian  TRANSLATE with COPY THE URL BELOW BackEMBED THE SNIPPET BELOW IN YOUR SITEEnable collaborative features and customize widget: Bing Webmaster PortalBack
    • April 2024
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 29 April, 2024
      Datensatz auswählen
      Causes of Death data refer to the underlying cause which - according to the World Health Organisation (WHO) - is the disease or injury which initiated the train of morbid events leading directly to death, or the circumstances of the accident or violence which produced the fatal injury"."
    • Februar 2024
      Quelle: National Institute of Statistics, Italy
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 13 Februar, 2024
      Datensatz auswählen
      Data source(s) used: Crimes reported to the Judicial authorities by the State Police, Carabinieri and Guardia di Finanza: Are processed the data on felonies and people who were reported by police to the court Other data characteristics: Data referring to social demographic characteristics of alleged offenders could not coincide with data on reports because of the different timing of extraction from police forces database.The sum of the crimes by province could not coincide with the total of the region, and that of the regions with the total Italy, because of the missed precise statement, for some crimes, of the place where they have been committed (or of the region of the committed crime but not of the province).
    • März 2018
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 17 März, 2018
      Datensatz auswählen
    • Januar 2017
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 12 April, 2017
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      The domain EUROFARM (ef) contains information (statistical tables) on structure of agricultural holdings collected through agricultural structure surveys. The data of the domain have been organised into two collections:Results of the farm structure surveys contains data from 1990 onwards based on the 1988 legislation andResults of the farm structure surveys based on the legislation from 2008. This collection contains the data from the 2010 Census onwards as well as the data for the surveys 2007 and 2005. Farm Structure Survey data are used to collect information on agricultural holdings in the Member States at different geographic levels (Member States, regions, districts) and over periods (follow up the changes in agricultural sector), thus provide a base for decision making in the Common Agricultural Policy. Two kinds of Farm Structure Survey (FSS) are carried out by Member States:a basic survey (full scope Agricultural Census - AC) every 10 years,several sample based intermediate surveys between them. However for certain characteristics the Member States may use sample base for every survey. The calendar for the surveys to be held in all Member States is agreed by the Agricultural Statistics Committee of the European Commission. For a given survey year, Member States have to conduct their surveys within the agreed time-frame, thus all the data are as comparable as possible. The FSS are organised in all Member States on a harmonised base. Whereas the characteristics are based on community legislation, the same data are available for all countries in case of each survey. The data on individual agricultural holdings are collected by all Member States and sent to Eurostat. The aggregated results are disseminated through statistical tables. The variables are arranged into groups:general overview with key variables,and other specialized groups containing detailed data onland uselivestockfarm labour forcerural development issues as well as management and practices. The 2010 survey additionally provides the results of the survey on agricultural production methods (SAPM). The scope of the survey is agriculture, while the survey unit is the agricultural holding (farm). Data for basic surveys are available in a three-level geographical breakdown of the whole country, the regions and the district; while data for intermediate surveys are only available upon the two-levels of country and regions. Since FSS 1999/2000 information about local farm location is collected in most countries, so that the data can also be disseminated by NUTS and are robust regarding the changes in the NUTS definition. The FSS 2009/2010 information is inline with the NUTS 2010 classification: Regulation (EU) No 31/2011 amending the NUTS classification from January 2003. The Eurofarm domain does not cover the whole territory only the land covered by the agricultural holdings. So the land use data without link with other farm characteristics should be downloaded by the user from the relevant domain. Specific national data about crops, animals or agricultural labour force can be found in other domains, without link between the other information at farm level. For a comprehensive description of the domain, please consult detailed structure (See annex at the bottom of the page). Regional Data Data for basic surveys are available in a three-level geographical breakdown of the whole country, the regions and the district; while data for intermediate surveys are only available upon the two-levels of country and regions. Since FSS 1999/2000 information about local farm location is collected in most countries, so that the data can also be disseminated by NUTS classification and are robust regarding the changes in the NUTS definition. The FSS 2009/2010 information is inline with the NUTS 2010 classification: Regulation (EU) No 31/2001 amending the NUTS classification from January 2012. Please note that for paragraphs where no metadata for regional data has been specified, the regional metadata is identical to the metadata provided for the national data.
    • Januar 2017
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 12 April, 2017
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      The domain EUROFARM (ef) contains information (statistical tables) on structure of agricultural holdings collected through agricultural structure surveys. The data of the domain have been organised into two collections:Results of the farm structure surveys contains data from 1990 onwards based on the 1988 legislation andResults of the farm structure surveys based on the legislation from 2008. This collection contains the data from the 2010 Census onwards as well as the data for the surveys 2007 and 2005. Farm Structure Survey data are used to collect information on agricultural holdings in the Member States at different geographic levels (Member States, regions, districts) and over periods (follow up the changes in agricultural sector), thus provide a base for decision making in the Common Agricultural Policy. Two kinds of Farm Structure Survey (FSS) are carried out by Member States:a basic survey (full scope Agricultural Census - AC) every 10 years,several sample based intermediate surveys between them. However for certain characteristics the Member States may use sample base for every survey. The calendar for the surveys to be held in all Member States is agreed by the Agricultural Statistics Committee of the European Commission. For a given survey year, Member States have to conduct their surveys within the agreed time-frame, thus all the data are as comparable as possible. The FSS are organised in all Member States on a harmonised base. Whereas the characteristics are based on community legislation, the same data are available for all countries in case of each survey. The data on individual agricultural holdings are collected by all Member States and sent to Eurostat. The aggregated results are disseminated through statistical tables. The variables are arranged into groups:general overview with key variables,and other specialized groups containing detailed data onland uselivestockfarm labour forcerural development issues as well as management and practices. The 2010 survey additionally provides the results of the survey on agricultural production methods (SAPM). The scope of the survey is agriculture, while the survey unit is the agricultural holding (farm). Data for basic surveys are available in a three-level geographical breakdown of the whole country, the regions and the district; while data for intermediate surveys are only available upon the two-levels of country and regions. Since FSS 1999/2000 information about local farm location is collected in most countries, so that the data can also be disseminated by NUTS and are robust regarding the changes in the NUTS definition. The FSS 2009/2010 information is inline with the NUTS 2010 classification: Regulation (EU) No 31/2011 amending the NUTS classification from January 2003. The Eurofarm domain does not cover the whole territory only the land covered by the agricultural holdings. So the land use data without link with other farm characteristics should be downloaded by the user from the relevant domain. Specific national data about crops, animals or agricultural labour force can be found in other domains, without link between the other information at farm level. For a comprehensive description of the domain, please consult detailed structure (See annex at the bottom of the page). Regional Data Data for basic surveys are available in a three-level geographical breakdown of the whole country, the regions and the district; while data for intermediate surveys are only available upon the two-levels of country and regions. Since FSS 1999/2000 information about local farm location is collected in most countries, so that the data can also be disseminated by NUTS classification and are robust regarding the changes in the NUTS definition. The FSS 2009/2010 information is inline with the NUTS 2010 classification: Regulation (EU) No 31/2001 amending the NUTS classification from January 2012. Please note that for paragraphs where no metadata for regional data has been specified, the regional metadata is identical to the metadata provided for the national data.
    • Dezember 2024
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 03 Dezember, 2024
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      Animal production statistics cover three main sub-domains based on three pieces of relevant legislation and related gentlemen’s agreements. Livestock and meat statistics are collected under Regulation (EC) No 1165/2008. They cover meat production, as activity of slaughterhouses (monthly) and as other slaughtering (annual), meat production (gross indigenous production) forecast (semi-annual or quarterly), livestock statistics, including regional statistics. A quality report is also collected every third year.Milk and milk product statistics are collected under Decision 97/80/EC implementing Directive 96/16/EC. They cover farm production and utilisation of milk (annual), collection (monthly for cows’ milk) and production activity by dairies (annual) and statistics on the structure of dairies (every third year). An annual methodological report is also collected.Statistics on eggs for hatching and farmyard poultry chicks are collected under Regulation (EC) No 617/2008, implementing Regulation (EC) No 1234/2007 (Single CMO Regulation). They cover statistics on the structure (annual) and the activity (monthly) of hatcheries as well as reports on the external trade of chicks. European Economic Area countries (EEA, Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway) are requested to provide milk statistics, with the exception of those related to home consumption, as stated in Annex XXI of the EEA Agreement. As Iceland is now a candidate country and Liechtenstein is exempted in the Agreement, only Norway is concerned. The Agreement between the European Community and the Swiss Confederation on cooperation in the field of statistics states that Switzerland must provide Eurostat with national milk statistics. It has been amended in 2013 for covering also some livestock and meat statistics. The same statistics are requested from the candidate countries as acquis communautaire. Further data about the same topics refer to repealed legal acts or agreements. The tables on animal product supply balance sheets (apro_mk_bal, apro_mt_bal and apro_ec_bal), statistics on the structure of rearing (apro_mt_str) and the number of laying hens (apro_ec_lshen) are therefore no longer updated. The same applies to some variables (external trade of animals and meat), periods (surveys in April or August) or items (number of horses) included in other tables. The statistical tables disseminated by Eurostat are organised into three groups of tables on Agricultural products (apro), i.e. Milk and milk products (apro_mk), Livestock and meat (apro_mt) and Poultry farming (apro_ec). This last label covers statistics on hatcheries and on trade in chicks. The regional animal production statistics collected on livestock (agr_r_animal) and on cows’ milk production on farms (agr_r_milk_pr) are disseminated separately. Due to the change in the legal basis or in the methodology, the time series may be broken. This is indicated by a flag in the tables. The detailed content of each table and the reference to its legal definition is provided in the table below.   Table 3.1: Data tables disseminated regarding animal production statistics
    • Dezember 2024
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 03 Dezember, 2024
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      Livestock numbers are derived from surveys of farms or from administrative sources in November or December for each Member State.
    • März 2014
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 13 April, 2014
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      Eurostat Dataset Id:demo_r_d3avg The regional demographic statistics provides annual data on population, vital events (live births and deaths), total and land areas of the regions and key demographic indicators for regions and statistical regions at NUTS2 and NUTS3 levels for 35 countries: each EU-27 Member State, Acceding, Candidate and EFTA countries. The completeness of the tables depends on the availability of data received from the responsible national statistical institutes (NSIs).  The label of each table indicates the lowest NUTS level for which data are available; for the upper NUTS levels data are included as well. Starting with March 2013, demographic statistics at regional level reflect the new NUTS-2010 classification for EU-27 Member States and the new statistical regions for Croatia. Countries affected by the NUTS-2010 changes are expected to transmit to Eurostat the time series for the new regional breakdown. As a general approach, the regions with no data available are not listed in the tables. For a calendar year T, the deadline of the regional demographic data collection is 15 December, and data included have a different degree of detail for regions at NUTS2 and NUTS3 levels: NUTS2 level - high level of data detail: Population by sex and single year of age at 1st January: years T and T-1Live births by single year of age and year of birth of the mother: year T-1 Deaths by sex and single years of age and year of birth: year T-1  NUTS3 level - low level of data detail: Surface area in km2 at 1st January (total area including inland waters and land area): year TPopulation by sex and broad age groups at 1st January, namely for 0-14 (0 up to 14 years), 15-64 (15 up to 64 years) and 65+ (persons of 65 years and older): years T and T-1 Live births and deaths (total number of demographic events): year T-1  Tables are updated mainly during March of the next year (T+1), but also along the year whenever revised data are sent by the official data providers. Demographic indicators at regional level are computed by Eurostat using a harmonised methodology and common concepts for all regions of all countries, namely: average population on 1st January (in thousands), population density;demographic balance and crude rates (population change, natural change, net migration including statistical adjustments, crude birth rate, crude death rate, crude rate of population change, crude rate of natural change, crude rate of net migration (including statistical adjustments));age-specific-fertility rates and Total Fertility Rates;life tables that include age-specific-mortality-rates and life expectancy at given exact age;infant mortality and crude rate of infant mortality. At national level a larger number of demographic indicators are computed, as more detailed demographic data are collected only at this level.Â
    • Mai 2014
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 09 Juni, 2014
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      Eurostat Dataset Id:earn_ses10_rbns The Structure of Earnings Survey (SES) is a 4-yearly survey which provides EU-wide harmonised structural data on gross earnings, hours paid and annual days of paid holiday leave, which are collected every four years under Council Regulation (EC) No 530/1999 concerning structural statistics on earnings and on labour costs, and Commission Regulation (EC) No 1738/2005 amending Regulation (EC) No 1916/2000 as regards the definition and transmission of information on the structure of earnings. The objective of this legislation is so that National Statistical Institutes (NSIs) provide accurate and harmonised data on earnings in EU Member States and other countries for policy-making and research purposes. The SES 2010 provides detailed and comparable information on relationships between the level of hourly, monthly and annual remuneration, personal characteristics of employees (sex, age, occupation, length of service, highest educational level attained, etc.) and their employer (economic activity, size and economic control of the enterprise). Regional data is also available for some countries and regional metadata is identical to that provided for national data.
    • März 2025
      Quelle: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 08 März, 2025
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      This dataset provides the whole set of OECD annual simplified non-financial accounts by institutional sector data and is recommended for users who wish to query a large amount of data. It is not designed for visualising results using the Table and Chart buttons. To access the ‘Developer API query builder’, click on the ‘Developer API’ button above. The application programming interface (API), based on the SDMX standard, allows a developer to access the data using simple RESTful URL and HTTP header options for various choices of response formats including JSON. The query filter is generated according to the current data selection. To change the data selection, use the filters on the left. To get started check the API documentation .For any question contact us
    • Juni 2023
      Quelle: Statistics Denmark
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 09 Juni, 2023
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    • Juni 2023
      Quelle: Statistics Denmark
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 09 Juni, 2023
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    • April 2024
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 30 April, 2024
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      Total Surface Area (TSA)  – Total Surface Area is defined as the area of any given statistical area and includes land area and inland waters (lakes, rivers etc.). The sub-national areas (e.g. LAU and NUTS areas) defined by statistical and/or administrative boundaries are the building blocks for calculating both concepts. By definition Total Surface Area does not cover areas that are not statistical areas. Total Land Area (TLA) is defined as TSA excluding lakes, rivers, transitional and coastal waters. Mountainous regions, glaciers, forests, wetlands and other tempoarily or permanently uninhabitable regions are included in TLA. Both TSA and TLA are provided per Member State and for all statistical units from NUTS level 1 to NUTS level 3. TSA and TLA are the denominator in area based indicators, such as population density. Both datasets have the same reference date as the current valid NUTS classification (2013). A more generalised version (scale 1: 1 000 000) of the NUTS areas than used for the calculation of TSA and TLA can be downloaded from the Eurostat website
    • August 2020
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 29 August, 2020
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    • März 2012
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 28 November, 2015
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      The domain VIT contains the results of surveys of areas under vines in statistical tables. The data of the domain have been organised into two collections: - vit_an contains all available data from annual intermediate surveys. These surveys collect only data on areas under vines of wine grape varieties.  - vit_bs includes the data collected via basic surveys every ten years. The scope of these surveys is the area under all type of vines. Surveys on vineyards are used to collect information on vines and wine production in the Member States at different geographic levels (Member States and regions) and over time (follow up the changes); thus they provide basic information in framework of the common market organisation of wine. The intermediate annual surveys  cover the area under vines of wine grape varieties in the holdings and relate to changes which have taken place in that area during the preceding wine-growing year. Information regarding the following characteristics is available: - area under vines for wine grape varieties, - area under vines grubbed or no longer cultivated, - area under vines replanted, - area under vines newly planted. All of these are broken down according to their normal use for the production of - quality wines psr (produced in specific regions), - other wines (including wines compulsorily intended for the manufacture of certain potable spirits obtained from wine with a registered designation of origin). The areas under vines cultivated with wine grape varieties are also broken down into yield classes based upon the potential and (optionally) effective yield per hectare (hl/ha of grape must or wine).   The basic surveys cover all holdings having a cultivated area under vines normally intended for the production for sale of grapes, grape must, wine or vegetative propagation material for vines. Information regarding the following characteristics is available for each unit: - agricultural area in use, - area under vines cultivated; broken down according to its normal production into: area under wine grape varieties (separate the quality wines produced in special regions  and the other wines),area under table grape varieties,area planted with root-stock for future grafting,area cultivated solely for production of vegetative propagation material for vines (subdivided into nurseries and parent vines for root-stock areas),area under grapes intended for drying (raisins). The areas under vines cultivated with wine grape varieties as recorded in the basic surveys are broken down into yield classes based upon the potential and (optionally) effective yield per hectare (hl/ha of grape must or wine). Data are available for different territorial breakdowns for each country (wine-growing regions). Data is available for the following EU Member States: Germany, Greece, Spain, France, Italy, Luxembourg, Austria, Portugal, United Kingdom.
    • März 2014
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 13 April, 2014
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      Eurostat Dataset Id:agr_r_crops
    • Oktober 2021
      Quelle: National Institute of Statistics and Census, Ecuador
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 05 September, 2022
      Datensatz auswählen
      Ecuador: Arrival and Departure Statistics
    • Oktober 2024
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 30 Oktober, 2024
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      Accommodation statistics are a key part of the system of tourism statistics in the EU and have a long history of data collection. Annex I of the Regulation (EU) 692/2011 of the European Parliament and of the Council deals with accommodation statistics and includes 4 sections focusing on accommodation statistics of which sections 1 and 2 include the requirements concerning rented accommodation (capacity and occupancy respectively). Data are collected by the competent national authorities of the Member States and are compiled according to a harmonised methodology established by EU regulations before transmission to Eurostat. Most of the time, data are collected via sample or census surveys. However, in a few cases data are compiled from a demand-side perspective (i.e. via visitor surveys or border surveys). Surveys on the occupancy of accommodation establishments are generally conducted on a monthly basis. The concepts and definitions used in the collection of data shall conform to the specifications described in the Methodological manual for tourism statistics. Accommodation statistics comprise the following information: Monthly data on tourism industries (NACE 55.1, 55.2 and 55.3) Monthly occupancy of tourist accommodation establishments: arrivals and nights spent by residents and non-residents Net occupancy rate of bed-places and bedrooms in hotels and similar accommodation Annual data on tourism industries(NACE 55.1, 55.2 and 55.3) Occupancy of tourist accommodation establishments: arrivals and nights spent by residents and non-residents Capacity of tourist accommodation establishments: number of establishments, bedrooms and bed places Regional data  Annual occupancy (arrivals and nights spent by residents and non-residents) of tourist accommodation establishments at NUTS 2 level, by degree of urbanisation and by coastal/non-coastal area Annual data on number of establishments, bedrooms and bed places at NUTS 2 level, by degree of urbanisation and by coastal/non-coastal area Data on number of establishments, bedrooms and bed places are available by activity at NUTS 3 level until 2011. Please note that for paragraphs where no metadata for regional data has been specified, the regional metadata is identical to the metadata provided for the national data.
    • Dezember 2009
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 22 April, 2014
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      Eurostat Dataset Id:migr_r_2arr The data comprises series of internal (in the country) regional migration on NUTS2 level during the reference year. Data on arrivals and departures due to internal migration are disaggregated by NUTS2 region of arrival/departure, sex and single year age. Data on migration by region of origin and destination (excluding intra-regional migration) are presented separately for each country for which such data are available. The tables are in the form of matrix (NUTS2 region of origin and destination) excluding intra-refional migration, disaggregated by sex. The data source is administrative records or national surveys. The completeness of the tables depends largely on the availability of data from the relevant national statistical institutes.
    • Dezember 2023
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 02 Dezember, 2023
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      The domain "Income and living conditions" covers four topics: people at risk of poverty or social exclusion, income distribution and monetary poverty, living conditions and material deprivation, which are again structured into collections of indicators on specific topics. The collection "People at risk of poverty or social exclusion" houses main indicator on risk of poverty or social inclusion included in the Europe 2020 strategy as well as the intersections between sub-populations of all Europe 2020 indicators on poverty and social exclusion. The collection "Income distribution and monetary poverty" houses collections of indicators relating to poverty risk, poverty risk of working individuals as well as the distribution of income. The collection "Living conditions" hosts indicators relating to characteristics and living conditions of households, characteristics of the population according to different breakdowns, health and labour conditions, housing conditions as well as childcare related indicators. The collection "Material deprivation" covers indicators relating to economic strain, durables, housing deprivation and environment of the dwelling.
    • Juli 2024
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 01 August, 2024
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      The persons with an equivalised disposable income below the risk-of-poverty threshold, which is set at 60 % of the national median equivalised disposable income.
    • Dezember 2020
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 17 Dezember, 2020
      Datensatz auswählen
      The domain "Income and living conditions" covers four topics: people at risk of poverty or social exclusion, income distribution and monetary poverty, living conditions and material deprivation, which are again structured into collections of indicators on specific topics. The collection "People at risk of poverty or social exclusion" houses main indicator on risk of poverty or social inclusion included in the Europe 2020 strategy as well as the intersections between sub-populations of all Europe 2020 indicators on poverty and social exclusion. The collection "Income distribution and monetary poverty" houses collections of indicators relating to poverty risk, poverty risk of working individuals as well as the distribution of income. The collection "Living conditions" hosts indicators relating to characteristics and living conditions of households, characteristics of the population according to different breakdowns, health and labour conditions, housing conditions as well as childcare related indicators. The collection "Material deprivation" covers indicators relating to economic strain, durables, housing deprivation and environment of the dwelling.
    • Juli 2024
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 28 Juli, 2024
      Datensatz auswählen
      The domain "Income and living conditions" covers four topics: people at risk of poverty or social exclusion, income distribution and monetary poverty, living conditions and material deprivation, which are again structured into collections of indicators on specific topics. The collection "People at risk of poverty or social exclusion" houses main indicator on risk of poverty or social inclusion included in the Europe 2020 strategy as well as the intersections between sub-populations of all Europe 2020 indicators on poverty and social exclusion. The collection "Income distribution and monetary poverty" houses collections of indicators relating to poverty risk, poverty risk of working individuals as well as the distribution of income. The collection "Living conditions" hosts indicators relating to characteristics and living conditions of households, characteristics of the population according to different breakdowns, health and labour conditions, housing conditions as well as childcare related indicators. The collection "Material deprivation" covers indicators relating to economic strain, durables, housing deprivation and environment of the dwelling.
    • Dezember 2009
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 22 April, 2014
      Datensatz auswählen
      Eurostat Dataset Id:migr_r_2at The data comprises series of internal (in the country) regional migration on NUTS2 level during the reference year. Data on arrivals and departures due to internal migration are disaggregated by NUTS2 region of arrival/departure, sex and single year age. Data on migration by region of origin and destination (excluding intra-regional migration) are presented separately for each country for which such data are available. The tables are in the form of matrix (NUTS2 region of origin and destination) excluding intra-refional migration, disaggregated by sex. The data source is administrative records or national surveys. The completeness of the tables depends largely on the availability of data from the relevant national statistical institutes.
    • Februar 2024
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 21 Februar, 2024
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      Regional accounts are a regional specification of the national accounts and therefore based on the same concepts and definitions as national accounts (see domain nama10). The main specific regional issues are addressed in chapter 13 of ESA2010, but not practically specified. For practical rules and recommendations on sources and methods see the publication "Manual on regional accounts methods": . Gross domestic product (GDP) at market prices is the final result of the production activity of resident producer units. It can be defined in three ways: 1. Output approach GDP is the sum of gross value added of the various institutional sectors or the various industries plus taxes and less subsidies on products (which are not allocated to sectors and industries). It is also the balancing item in the total economy production account. 2. Expenditure approach GDP is the sum of final uses of goods and services by resident institutional units (final consumption expenditure and gross capital formation), plus exports and minus imports of goods and services. At regional level the expenditure approach cannot be used in the EU, because there is no data on regional exports and imports.  3. Income approach GDP is the sum of uses in the total economy generation of income account: compensation of employees plus gross operating surplus and mixed income plus taxes on products less subsidies plus consumption of fixed capital. The different measures for the regional GDP are absolute figures in € and Purchasing Power Standards (PPS), figures per inhabitant and relative data compared to the EU28 average.
    • März 2014
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 14 April, 2014
      Datensatz auswählen
      Eurostat Dataset Id:nama_r_e3popgdp National accounts are a coherent and consistent set of macroeconomic indicators, which provide an overall picture of the economic situation and are widely used for economic analysis and forecasting, policy design and policy making. Eurostat publishes annual and quarterly national accounts, annual and quarterly sector accounts as well as supply, use and input-output tables, which are each presented with associated metadata. Annual national accounts are compiled in accordance with the European System of Accounts - ESA 1995 (Council Regulation 2223/96). Annex B of the Regulation consists of a comprehensive list of the variables to be transmitted for Community purposes within specified time limits. This transmission programme has been updated by Regulation (EC) N° 1392/2007 of the European Parliament and of the Council. Meanwhile, the ESA95 has been reviewed to bring national accounts in the European Union, in line with new economic environment, advances in methodological research and needs of users and the updated national accounts framework at the international level, the SNA 2008. The revisions are reflected in an updated Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on the European system of national and regional accounts in the European Union of 2010 (ESA 2010). The associated transmission programme is also updated and data transmissions in accordance with ESA 2010 are compulsory from September 2014 onwards. Further information on the transition from ESA 95 to ESA 2010 is presented on the Eurostat website. The domain consists of the following collections: GDP and main aggregates. The data are recorded at current and constant prices and include the corresponding implicit price indices. Final consumption aggregates, including the split into household and government consumption. The data are recorded at current and constant prices and include the corresponding implicit price indices. Income, saving and net lending / net borrowing at current prices. Disposable income is also shown in real terms. Exports and imports by Member States of the EU/third countries. The data are recorded at current and constant prices and include the corresponding implicit price indices. Breakdowns of gross value added, compensation of employees, wages and salaries, operating surplus, employment (domestic scope), gross fixed capital formation (GFCF) and fixed assets and other main aggregates by industry; investment by products and household final consumption expenditure by consumption purposes (COICOP). The data are recorded at current and constant prices and include the corresponding implicit price indices. Auxiliary indicators: Population and employment national data, purchasing power parities, contributions to GDP growth, labour productivity, unit labour cost and GDP per capita. Geographical entities covered are the European Union, the euro area, EU Member States, Candidate Countries, EFTA countries, US, Japan and possibly other countries on an ad-hoc basis. The data are published: - in ECU/euro, in national currencies (including euro converted from former national currencies using the irrevocably fixed rate for all years) and in Purchasing Power Standards (PPS); - at current prices and in volume terms; - Population and employment are measured in persons. Employment is also measured in total hours worked. Data sources: National Statistical Institutes
    • Oktober 2023
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 06 Oktober, 2023
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      Labour cost statistics provide a comprehensive and detailed picture of the level, structure and short-term development of labour costs in the different sectors of economic activity in the European Union and certain other countries. All statistics are based on a harmonised definition of labour costs. Structural information on labour costs is collected through four-yearly Labour Cost Surveys (LCS), which provides details on the level and structure of labour cost data, hours worked and hours paid. LCS results are available for the reference years 2000, 2004, 2008 and 2012. All EU Member States together with Norway and Iceland (2004 onwards), Turkey and Macedonia (2008), as well as Serbia (2012) participated in the LCS. As far as available data and confidentiality rules permit, all variables and proportions are further broken down by enterprise size category, economic activity and region (for larger countries only). The data are collected by the National Statistical Institutes in most cases on the basis of stratified random samples of enterprises or local units, restricted in most countries to units with at least 10 employees. The stratification is based on economic activity, size category and region (where appropriate). Regional metadata is identical to the metadata provided for national data. Some countries also complement the survey results with administrative data. Monetary variables are expressed in EUR, national currencies (for non-euro-area countries) and Purchasing Power Standards (PPS). Labour costs are quoted in total per year, per month and per hour, as well as per capita and per full-time equivalents (FTE). Information on staff, hours worked and hours paid is quoted in aggregate and separately for full- and part-time employees.
    • November 2023
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 28 November, 2023
      Datensatz auswählen
      The domain "Income and living conditions" covers four topics: people at risk of poverty or social exclusion, income distribution and monetary poverty, living conditions and material deprivation, which are again structured into collections of indicators on specific topics. The collection "People at risk of poverty or social exclusion" houses main indicator on risk of poverty or social inclusion included in the Europe 2020 strategy as well as the intersections between sub-populations of all Europe 2020 indicators on poverty and social exclusion. The collection "Income distribution and monetary poverty" houses collections of indicators relating to poverty risk, poverty risk of working individuals as well as the distribution of income. The collection "Living conditions" hosts indicators relating to characteristics and living conditions of households, characteristics of the population according to different breakdowns, health and labour conditions, housing conditions as well as childcare related indicators. The collection "Material deprivation" covers indicators relating to economic strain, durables, housing deprivation and environment of the dwelling.
    • Juni 2024
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 14 Juni, 2024
      Datensatz auswählen
      The source for the regional labour market information down to NUTS level 2 is the EU Labour Force Survey (EU-LFS). This is a quarterly household sample survey conducted in all Member States of the EU and in EFTA and Candidate countries.  The EU-LFS survey follows the definitions and recommendations of the International Labour Organisation (ILO). To achieve further harmonisation, the Member States also adhere to common principles when formulating questionnaires. The LFS' target population is made up of all persons in private households aged 15 and over. For more information see the EU Labour Force Survey (lfsi_esms, see paragraph 21.1.).  The EU-LFS is designed to give accurate quarterly information at national level as well as annual information at NUTS 2 regional level and the compilation of these figures is well specified in the regulation. Microdata including the NUTS 2 level codes are provided by all the participating countries with a good degree of geographical comparability, which allows the production and dissemination of a complete set of comparable indicators for this territorial level. At present the transmission of the regional labour market data at NUTS 3 level has no legal basis. However many countries transmit NUTS 3 figures to Eurostat on a voluntary basis, under the understanding that they are not for publication with such detail, but for aggregation in few categories per country, i.e., metropolitan regions and urban-rural typology. Most of the NUTS 3 data are based on the LFS while some countries transmit data based on registers, administrative data, small area estimation and other reliable sources.
  • B
  • C
    • Dezember 2024
      Quelle: Government of Canada
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 11 Dezember, 2024
      Datensatz auswählen
      This dataset is updated with data obtained from Statistics Canada and the U.S. Census Bureau. Trade Data is updated on a monthly and annual basis, with revisions in March, April, May, August and November to previous year's data. Trade Data is available on both product and industry-based versions. The product Trade Data is classified by Harmonized System (HS) codes while the industry data is based on North American Industry Classification System(NAICS) classification codes. Source: Statistics Canada and the U.S.Census Bureau
    • Januar 2024
      Quelle: American Cancer Society
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 01 Februar, 2024
      Datensatz auswählen
      This data set provides the Estimated numbers of new cancer cases and deaths in 2023. In 2023, 1,958,310 new cancer cases and 609,820 cancer deaths are projected to occur in the United States. 
    • Dezember 2018
      Quelle: Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 02 Januar, 2019
      Datensatz auswählen
      Data cited: Global Burden of Disease Collaborative Network. Global Burden of Disease Study 2016 (GBD 2016) Cancer Incidence, Mortality, Years of Life Lost, Years Lived with Disability, and Disability-Adjusted Life Years 1990-2016. Seattle, United States: Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME), 2018.   The Global Burden of Disease Study 2016 (GBD 2016), coordinated by the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME), estimated the burden of diseases, injuries, and risk factors for 195 countries and territories and at the subnational level for a subset of countries. Estimates for deaths, disability-adjusted life years (DALYs), years lived with disability (YLDs), years of life lost (YLLs), prevalence, and incidence for 29 cancer groups by age and sex for 1990-2016 are available from the GBD Results Tool. Files available in this record are the web tables published in JAMA Oncology in June 2018 in "Global, Regional, and National Cancer Incidence, Mortality, Years of Life Lost, Years Lived With Disability, and Disability-Adjusted Life-years for 29 Cancer Groups, 1990 to 2016."
    • März 2025
      Quelle: National Bureau of Statistics, Nigeria
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 03 März, 2025
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    • Oktober 2023
      Quelle: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 09 Oktober, 2023
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    • April 2024
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 30 April, 2024
      Datensatz auswählen
      Data on causes of death (COD) provide information on mortality patterns and form a major element of public health information. COD data refer to the underlying cause which - according to the World Health Organisation (WHO) - is "the disease or injury which initiated the train of morbid events leading directly to death, or the circumstances of the accident or violence which produced the fatal injury". Causes of death are classified by the 86 causes of the "European shortlist" of causes of death. This shortlist is based on the International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems (ICD). COD data are derived from death certificates. The medical certification of death is an obligation in all Member States. Countries code the information provided in the medical certificate of cause of death into ICD codes according to the rules specified in the ICD. Data are broken down by sex, 5-year age groups, cause of death and by residency and country of occurrence. For stillbirths and neonatal deaths additional breakdows might include age of mother. Data are available for EU-28, Iceland, Norway, Liechtenstein, Switzerland, Serbia and Turkey. Regional data (NUTS level 2) are available for most of the countries. Annual national data are provided in absolute number, crude death rates and standardised death rates. At regional level (NUTS level 2) the same is provided in form of 3 years averages. Annual crude death rates are also available at NUTS level 2.
    • Oktober 2023
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 20 Oktober, 2023
      Datensatz auswählen
      Data on causes of death (COD) provide information on mortality patterns and form a major element of public health information. COD data refer to the underlying cause which - according to the World Health Organisation (WHO) - is "the disease or injury which initiated the train of morbid events leading directly to death, or the circumstances of the accident or violence which produced the fatal injury". Causes of death are classified by the 86 causes of the "European shortlist" of causes of death. This shortlist is based on the International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems (ICD). COD data are derived from death certificates. The medical certification of death is an obligation in all Member States. Countries code the information provided in the medical certificate of cause of death into ICD codes according to the rules specified in the ICD. Data are broken down by sex, 5-year age groups, cause of death and by residency and country of occurrence. For stillbirths and neonatal deaths additional breakdows might include age of mother. Data are available for EU-28, Iceland, Norway, Liechtenstein, Switzerland, Serbia and Turkey. Regional data (NUTS level 2) are available for most of the countries. Annual national data are provided in absolute number, crude death rates and standardised death rates. At regional level (NUTS level 2) the same is provided in form of 3 years averages. Annual crude death rates are also available at NUTS level 2.
    • April 2024
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 30 April, 2024
      Datensatz auswählen
    • März 2019
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 05 Juni, 2019
      Datensatz auswählen
      Data on causes of death (COD) provide information on mortality patterns and form a major element of public health information. COD data refer to the underlying cause which - according to the World Health Organisation (WHO) - is "the disease or injury which initiated the train of morbid events leading directly to death, or the circumstances of the accident or violence which produced the fatal injury". Causes of death are classified by the 86 causes of the "European shortlist" of causes of death. This shortlist is based on the International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems (ICD). COD data are derived from death certificates. The medical certification of death is an obligation in all Member States. Countries code the information provided in the medical certificate of cause of death into ICD codes according to the rules specified in the ICD. Data are broken down by sex, 5-year age groups, cause of death and by residency and country of occurrence. For stillbirths and neonatal deaths additional breakdows might include age of mother. Data are available for EU-28, Iceland, Norway, Liechtenstein, Switzerland, Serbia and Turkey. Regional data (NUTS level 2) are available for most of the countries. Annual national data are provided in absolute number, crude death rates and standardised death rates. At regional level (NUTS level 2) the same is provided in form of 3 years averages. Annual crude death rates are also available at NUTS level 2.
    • März 2019
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 04 Juni, 2019
      Datensatz auswählen
      Data on causes of death (COD) provide information on mortality patterns and form a major element of public health information. COD data refer to the underlying cause which - according to the World Health Organisation (WHO) - is "the disease or injury which initiated the train of morbid events leading directly to death, or the circumstances of the accident or violence which produced the fatal injury". Causes of death are classified by the 86 causes of the "European shortlist" of causes of death. This shortlist is based on the International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems (ICD). COD data are derived from death certificates. The medical certification of death is an obligation in all Member States. Countries code the information provided in the medical certificate of cause of death into ICD codes according to the rules specified in the ICD. Data are broken down by sex, 5-year age groups, cause of death and by residency and country of occurrence. For stillbirths and neonatal deaths additional breakdows might include age of mother. Data are available for EU-28, Iceland, Norway, Liechtenstein, Switzerland, Serbia and Turkey. Regional data (NUTS level 2) are available for most of the countries. Annual national data are provided in absolute number, crude death rates and standardised death rates. At regional level (NUTS level 2) the same is provided in form of 3 years averages. Annual crude death rates are also available at NUTS level 2.
    • März 2019
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 04 Juni, 2019
      Datensatz auswählen
      Data on causes of death (COD) provide information on mortality patterns and form a major element of public health information. COD data refer to the underlying cause which - according to the World Health Organisation (WHO) - is "the disease or injury which initiated the train of morbid events leading directly to death, or the circumstances of the accident or violence which produced the fatal injury". Causes of death are classified by the 86 causes of the "European shortlist" of causes of death. This shortlist is based on the International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems (ICD). COD data are derived from death certificates. The medical certification of death is an obligation in all Member States. Countries code the information provided in the medical certificate of cause of death into ICD codes according to the rules specified in the ICD. Data are broken down by sex, 5-year age groups, cause of death and by residency and country of occurrence. For stillbirths and neonatal deaths additional breakdows might include age of mother. Data are available for EU-28, Iceland, Norway, Liechtenstein, Switzerland, Serbia and Turkey. Regional data (NUTS level 2) are available for most of the countries. Annual national data are provided in absolute number, crude death rates and standardised death rates. At regional level (NUTS level 2) the same is provided in form of 3 years averages. Annual crude death rates are also available at NUTS level 2.
    • Juni 2013
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 21 August, 2013
      Datensatz auswählen
      Notes: Eurostat Hierarchy: General and regional statistics > Population and social conditions > Health (health) > Public health (hlth) > Causes of death (hlth_cdeath).
    • April 2020
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 19 April, 2020
      Datensatz auswählen
      Data on causes of death (COD) provide information on mortality patterns and form a major element of public health information. COD data refer to the underlying cause which - according to the World Health Organisation (WHO) - is "the disease or injury which initiated the train of morbid events leading directly to death, or the circumstances of the accident or violence which produced the fatal injury". Causes of death are classified by the 86 causes of the "European shortlist" of causes of death. This shortlist is based on the International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems (ICD). COD data are derived from death certificates. The medical certification of death is an obligation in all Member States. Countries code the information provided in the medical certificate of cause of death into ICD codes according to the rules specified in the ICD. Data are broken down by sex, 5-year age groups, cause of death and by residency and country of occurrence. For stillbirths and neonatal deaths additional breakdows might include age of mother. Data are available for EU-28, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Albania, Iceland, Norway, Liechtenstein and Switzerland. Regional data (NUTS level 2) are available for most of the countries. Annual national data are provided in absolute number, crude death rates and standardised death rates. At regional level (NUTS level 2) the same is provided in form of 3 years averages. Annual crude death rates are also available at NUTS level 2.
    • März 2019
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 19 April, 2019
      Datensatz auswählen
      Data on causes of death (COD) provide information on mortality patterns and form a major element of public health information. COD data refer to the underlying cause which - according to the World Health Organisation (WHO) - is "the disease or injury which initiated the train of morbid events leading directly to death, or the circumstances of the accident or violence which produced the fatal injury". Causes of death are classified by the 86 causes of the "European shortlist" of causes of death. This shortlist is based on the International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems (ICD). COD data are derived from death certificates. The medical certification of death is an obligation in all Member States. Countries code the information provided in the medical certificate of cause of death into ICD codes according to the rules specified in the ICD. Data are broken down by sex, 5-year age groups, cause of death and by residency and country of occurrence. For stillbirths and neonatal deaths additional breakdows might include age of mother. Data are available for EU-28, Iceland, Norway, Liechtenstein, Switzerland, Serbia and Turkey. Regional data (NUTS level 2) are available for most of the countries. Annual national data are provided in absolute number, crude death rates and standardised death rates. At regional level (NUTS level 2) the same is provided in form of 3 years averages. Annual crude death rates are also available at NUTS level 2.
    • März 2019
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 12 April, 2019
      Datensatz auswählen
      Data on causes of death (COD) provide information on mortality patterns and form a major element of public health information. COD data refer to the underlying cause which - according to the World Health Organisation (WHO) - is "the disease or injury which initiated the train of morbid events leading directly to death, or the circumstances of the accident or violence which produced the fatal injury". Causes of death are classified by the 86 causes of the "European shortlist" of causes of death. This shortlist is based on the International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems (ICD). COD data are derived from death certificates. The medical certification of death is an obligation in all Member States. Countries code the information provided in the medical certificate of cause of death into ICD codes according to the rules specified in the ICD. Data are broken down by sex, 5-year age groups, cause of death and by residency and country of occurrence. For stillbirths and neonatal deaths additional breakdows might include age of mother. Data are available for EU-28, Iceland, Norway, Liechtenstein, Switzerland, Serbia and Turkey. Regional data (NUTS level 2) are available for most of the countries. Annual national data are provided in absolute number, crude death rates and standardised death rates. At regional level (NUTS level 2) the same is provided in form of 3 years averages. Annual crude death rates are also available at NUTS level 2.
    • März 2019
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 04 Juni, 2019
      Datensatz auswählen
      Data on causes of death (COD) provide information on mortality patterns and form a major element of public health information. COD data refer to the underlying cause which - according to the World Health Organisation (WHO) - is "the disease or injury which initiated the train of morbid events leading directly to death, or the circumstances of the accident or violence which produced the fatal injury". Causes of death are classified by the 86 causes of the "European shortlist" of causes of death. This shortlist is based on the International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems (ICD). COD data are derived from death certificates. The medical certification of death is an obligation in all Member States. Countries code the information provided in the medical certificate of cause of death into ICD codes according to the rules specified in the ICD. Data are broken down by sex, 5-year age groups, cause of death and by residency and country of occurrence. For stillbirths and neonatal deaths additional breakdows might include age of mother. Data are available for EU-28, Iceland, Norway, Liechtenstein, Switzerland, Serbia and Turkey. Regional data (NUTS level 2) are available for most of the countries. Annual national data are provided in absolute number, crude death rates and standardised death rates. At regional level (NUTS level 2) the same is provided in form of 3 years averages. Annual crude death rates are also available at NUTS level 2.
    • März 2019
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 18 April, 2019
      Datensatz auswählen
      Data on causes of death (COD) provide information on mortality patterns and form a major element of public health information. COD data refer to the underlying cause which - according to the World Health Organisation (WHO) - is "the disease or injury which initiated the train of morbid events leading directly to death, or the circumstances of the accident or violence which produced the fatal injury". Causes of death are classified by the 86 causes of the "European shortlist" of causes of death. This shortlist is based on the International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems (ICD). COD data are derived from death certificates. The medical certification of death is an obligation in all Member States. Countries code the information provided in the medical certificate of cause of death into ICD codes according to the rules specified in the ICD. Data are broken down by sex, 5-year age groups, cause of death and by residency and country of occurrence. For stillbirths and neonatal deaths additional breakdows might include age of mother. Data are available for EU-28, Iceland, Norway, Liechtenstein, Switzerland, Serbia and Turkey. Regional data (NUTS level 2) are available for most of the countries. Annual national data are provided in absolute number, crude death rates and standardised death rates. At regional level (NUTS level 2) the same is provided in form of 3 years averages. Annual crude death rates are also available at NUTS level 2.
    • Dezember 2018
      Quelle: Editorial Projects in Education
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 31 Dezember, 2018
      Datensatz auswählen
      Chance for Success Index Indicators, United States
    • März 2023
      Quelle: Statistics Finland
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 31 März, 2023
      Datensatz auswählen
      ... confidentialFor reasons of privacy protection, cells with less than 10 cases of citizenship by municipality have been marked with three dots. Starting from 1750 Population statistics have been digitized into PDF format in the National Library's Doria service: Publications on Population structure and Vital statistics in Doria (in Finnish) Publications on Population censuses in Doria (in Finnish) --- Description of statistic Quality descriptions Concepts and definitionsAreaThese statistics apply the regional division of 1 January 2019 to the whole time series. Data for merged municipalities have been combined. Partial municipal mergers have not been taken into account in the years preceding the merger.NationalityCountries (ISO 3166). The used classification of continents is the classification of Eurostat, where Cyprus and Turkey belong to Europe. In the classification of continents, Europe does not include the figures for Finland. Non-autonomous states are combined with the mother country. Czech Republic = Czech Republic + Former Czechoslovakia Sudan = Sudan + Former Sudan If a person has two nationalities and one of them is Finnish, he/she will be included in statistics as a Finnish national. --- HDI = Human Development Index Ranking according to the 2016 HDI index by country: The former Soviet Union is included in the Russia HDI category The former Czechoslovakia is included in the Czech Republic HDI category The former Yugoslavia and Serbia and Montenegro are included in the Serbia HDI categoryInformationPopulation 31 DecPopulation at the end of the statistical reference period.
    • Juni 2018
      Quelle: Statistics Finland
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 29 November, 2018
      Datensatz auswählen
      Data cited at: Statistics Finland Publication: 030 -- Citizenship by sex, by region and municipality in 1990 to 2017 License: Concepts and definitions Description Quality descriptionThese statistics apply the regional division of 1 January 2018 to the whole time series.Population statistics from 1750 to 2000 have been digitised into PDF format in the National Library's Doria service.Publications on Population structure and vital statistics in Doria (in Finnish) Publications on Population censuses in Doria (in Finnish)AreaFor reasons of privacy protection, cells with less than 10 cases of citizenship, country of birth, background country or language by municipality have been marked with two dots. Continent sums have not been hidden in municipality data nor have regional data concerning individual languages or countries.CitizenshipIf a person has two nationalities and one of them is Finnish, he/she will be included in statistics as a Finnish national. The used classification of continents is the classification of Eurostat, where Cyprus and Turkey belong to Europe. Citizens of non-autonomous states are summed under the mother country.CitizenshipCzech RepublicCzech Republic + Former CzechoslovakiaSudanSudan + Former Sudan
    • Dezember 2020
      Quelle: Lao Statistics Bureau
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 22 Januar, 2021
      Datensatz auswählen
      Meteorology and Hydrology Statistics of Lao PDR. This data set contains information of The statistics yearbook 2017 is compiled and published by Lao statistics Bureau, Ministry of Planning and Investment. Lao statistics Bureau of expressing gratitude provincial statistics Centre, line ministries involved, ministry-equivalent agencies and other parties to contribute to compile statistical data Economic, Social and Natural Resources and Environment cooperation throughout, Lao Statistics Bureau welcome the proposal, comments and feedback to guide the improvement this magazines better. Meanwhile, the Lao Statistics Bureau express thanks to highly among those interested in using information and statistics to Lao Statistics Bureau.
    • Dezember 2016
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 29 Dezember, 2016
      Datensatz auswählen
    • Dezember 2016
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 08 April, 2017
      Datensatz auswählen
    • Dezember 2016
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 28 März, 2017
      Datensatz auswählen
      Intellectual property refers broadly to the creations of the human mind. Intellectual property rights protect the interests of creators by giving them property rights over their creations. Designs constitute means by which creators seek protection for their industrial property. Designs reflect the non-technological innovation in every sector of economic life, including services. In this context, indicators based on Design data can provide a link between innovation and the market. A design is the outward appearance of a product or part of it, resulting from the lines, contours, colours, shape, texture, materials and/or its ornamentation. The design or shape of a product can be synonymous with the branding and image of a company and can become an asset with increasing monetary value. This domain provides users with data concerning Community Designs. Community Designs refer to design protections throughout the European Union, which covers 28 countries. The Office for Harmonization in the Internal Market (EUIPO) is the official office of the European Union for the registration of Community Trade marks and Designs. A registered Community design (RCD) is an exclusive right that covers the outward appearance of a product or part of it. The fact that the right is registered confers on the design great certainty should infringement occur. An RCD initially has a life of five years from the filing date and can be renewed in blocks of five years up to a maximum of 25 years. Applicants may market a design for up to 12 months before filing for an RCD without destroying its novelty (Source: EUIPO).
    • Dezember 2016
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 29 Dezember, 2016
      Datensatz auswählen
    • Dezember 2016
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 28 März, 2017
      Datensatz auswählen
      Intellectual property refers broadly to the creations of the human mind. Intellectual property rights protect the interests of creators by giving them property rights over their creations. Designs constitute means by which creators seek protection for their industrial property. Designs reflect the non-technological innovation in every sector of economic life, including services. In this context, indicators based on Design data can provide a link between innovation and the market. A design is the outward appearance of a product or part of it, resulting from the lines, contours, colours, shape, texture, materials and/or its ornamentation. The design or shape of a product can be synonymous with the branding and image of a company and can become an asset with increasing monetary value. This domain provides users with data concerning Community Designs. Community Designs refer to design protections throughout the European Union, which covers 28 countries. The Office for Harmonization in the Internal Market (EUIPO) is the official office of the European Union for the registration of Community Trade marks and Designs. A registered Community design (RCD) is an exclusive right that covers the outward appearance of a product or part of it. The fact that the right is registered confers on the design great certainty should infringement occur. An RCD initially has a life of five years from the filing date and can be renewed in blocks of five years up to a maximum of 25 years. Applicants may market a design for up to 12 months before filing for an RCD without destroying its novelty (Source: EUIPO).
    • Dezember 2016
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 28 März, 2017
      Datensatz auswählen
      Intellectual property refers broadly to the creations of the human mind. Intellectual property rights protect the interests of creators by giving them property rights over their creations. Designs constitute means by which creators seek protection for their industrial property. Designs reflect the non-technological innovation in every sector of economic life, including services. In this context, indicators based on Design data can provide a link between innovation and the market. A design is the outward appearance of a product or part of it, resulting from the lines, contours, colours, shape, texture, materials and/or its ornamentation. The design or shape of a product can be synonymous with the branding and image of a company and can become an asset with increasing monetary value. This domain provides users with data concerning Community Designs. Community Designs refer to design protections throughout the European Union, which covers 28 countries. The Office for Harmonization in the Internal Market (EUIPO) is the official office of the European Union for the registration of Community Trade marks and Designs. A registered Community design (RCD) is an exclusive right that covers the outward appearance of a product or part of it. The fact that the right is registered confers on the design great certainty should infringement occur. An RCD initially has a life of five years from the filing date and can be renewed in blocks of five years up to a maximum of 25 years. Applicants may market a design for up to 12 months before filing for an RCD without destroying its novelty (Source: EUIPO).
    • Dezember 2016
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 29 Dezember, 2016
      Datensatz auswählen
    • Dezember 2016
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 29 Dezember, 2016
      Datensatz auswählen
    • Februar 2024
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 21 Februar, 2024
      Datensatz auswählen
      Regional accounts are a regional specification of the national accounts and therefore based on the same concepts and definitions as national accounts (see domain nama10). The main specific regional issues are addressed in chapter 13 of ESA2010, but not practically specified. For practical rules and recommendations on sources and methods see the publication "Manual on regional accounts methods": . Gross domestic product (GDP) at market prices is the final result of the production activity of resident producer units. It can be defined in three ways: 1. Output approach GDP is the sum of gross value added of the various institutional sectors or the various industries plus taxes and less subsidies on products (which are not allocated to sectors and industries). It is also the balancing item in the total economy production account. 2. Expenditure approach GDP is the sum of final uses of goods and services by resident institutional units (final consumption expenditure and gross capital formation), plus exports and minus imports of goods and services. At regional level the expenditure approach cannot be used in the EU, because there is no data on regional exports and imports.  3. Income approach GDP is the sum of uses in the total economy generation of income account: compensation of employees plus gross operating surplus and mixed income plus taxes on products less subsidies plus consumption of fixed capital. The different measures for the regional GDP are absolute figures in € and Purchasing Power Standards (PPS), figures per inhabitant and relative data compared to the EU28 average.
    • Februar 2015
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 18 August, 2015
      Datensatz auswählen
    • April 2021
      Quelle: United Nations ComTRADE
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 28 Oktober, 2021
      Datensatz auswählen
      Both ethanol and biodiesel are classified under the HS-6 digit categories that also contain other products. Biodiesel is an industrial product (as it is produced through a chemical process called transesterification) and classified under HS code 382490 - products, preparations and residual products of the chemical or allied industries not elsewhere specified. Ethanol is classified as an agriculture product under HS code 2207, which covers un-denatured (HS 2207 10) and denatured alcohol (HS 2207 20).
    • Mai 2020
      Quelle: International Labour Organization
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 08 Mai, 2020
      Datensatz auswählen
      Imputed observations are not based on national data, are subject to high uncertainty and should not be used for country comparisons or rankings. The series is part of the ILO estimates and is harmonized to account for differences in national data and scope of coverage, collection and tabulation methodologies as well as for other country-specific factors. For more information, refer to the ILO estimates and projections methodological note.
    • April 2015
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 29 Dezember, 2015
      Datensatz auswählen
      The 2011 Population and Housing Census marks a milestone in census exercises in Europe. For the first time, European legislation defined in detail a set of harmonised high-quality data from the population and housing censuses conducted in the EU Member States. As a result, the data from the 2011 round of censuses offer exceptional flexibility to cross-tabulate different variables and to provide geographically detailed data. EU Member States have developed different methods to produce these census data.  The national differences reflect the specific national situations in terms of data source availability, as well as the administrative practices and traditions of that country. The EU census legislation respects this diversity. The Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on population and housing censuses (Regulation (EC) No 763/2008) is focussed on output harmonisation rather than input harmonisation. Member States are free to assess for themselves how to conduct their 2011 censuses and which data sources, methods and technology should be applied given the national context. This gives the Member States flexibility, in line with the principles of subsidiarity and efficiency, and with the competences of the statistical institutes in the Member States. However, certain important conditions must be met in order to achieve the objective of comparability of census data from different Member States and to assess the data quality: Regulation (EC) No 1201/20092 contains definitions and technical specifications for the census topics (variables) and their breakdowns that are required to achieve Europe-wide comparability. The specifications are based closely on international recommendations and have been designed to provide the best possible information value. The census topics include geographic, demographic, economic and educational characteristics of persons, international and internal migration characteristics as well as household, family and housing characteristics. Regulation (EU) No 519/2010 requires the data outputs that Member States transmit to the Eurostat to comply with a defined programme of statistical data (tabulation) and with set rules concerning the replacement of statistical data. The content of the EU census programme serves major policy needs of the European Union. Regionally, there is a strong focus on the NUTS 2 level. The data requirements are adapted to the level of regional detail. The Regulation does not require transmission of any data that the Member States consider to be confidential. The statistical data must be completed by metadata that will facilitate interpretation of the numerical data, including country-specific definitions plus information on the data sources and on methodological issues. This is necessary in order to achieve the transparency that is a condition for valid interpretation of the data. Users of output-harmonised census data from the EU Member States need to have detailed information on the quality of the censuses and their results. Regulation (EU) No 1151/2010) therefore requires transmission of a quality report containing a systematic description of the data sources used for census purposes in the Member States and of the quality of the census results produced from these sources. A comparably structured quality report for all EU Member States will support the exchange of experience from the 2011 round and become a reference for future development of census methodology (EU legislation on the 2011 Population and Housing Censuses - Explanatory Notes ). In order to ensure proper transmission of the data and metadata and provide user-friendly access to this information, a common technical format is set for transmission for all Member States and for the Commission (Eurostat). The Regulation therefore requires the data to be transmitted in a harmonised structure and in the internationally established SDMX format from every Member State. In order to achieve this harmonised transmission, a new system has been developed – the CENSUS HUB. The Census Hub is a conceptually new system used for the dissemination of the 2011 Census. It is based on the concept of data sharing, where a group of partners (Eurostat on one hand and National Statistical Institutes on the other) agree to provide access to their data according to standard processes, formats and technologies. The Census Hub is a readily-accessible system that provided the following functions: • Data providers (the NSIs) can make data available directly from their systems through a querying system. In parallel, • Data users browse the hub to define a dataset of interest via the above structural metadata and retrieve the dataset from the NSIs. From the data management point of view, the hub is based on agreed hypercubes (data-sets in the form of multi-dimensional aggregations). The hypercubes are not sent to the central system. Instead the following process operates: 1. a user defines a dataset through the web interface of the central hub and requests it; 2. the central hub translates the user request in one or more queries and sends them to the related NSIs’ systems; 3. NSIs’ systems process the query and send the result to the central hub in a standard format; 4. the central hub puts together all the results sent by the NSI systems and presents them in a user-specified format.
    • Juni 2024
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 22 Juni, 2024
      Datensatz auswählen
    • Juni 2024
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 22 Juni, 2024
      Datensatz auswählen
    • September 2017
      Quelle: Knoema
      Hochgeladen von: Ragothamman Piskalan
      Zugriff am: 03 Oktober, 2017
      Datensatz auswählen
      Cost of health consulting services, diagnostics services and clinical procedures in major cities/towns and the public and private healthcare services points in each location.
    • Februar 2025
      Quelle: Numbeo
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 05 Februar, 2025
      Datensatz auswählen
      Data cited at NUMBEO Numbeo is the world’s largest database of user-contributed data about cities and countries worldwide. Numbeo provides current and timely information on world living conditions including cost of living, housing indicators, health care, traffic, crime and pollution. For more information please check   About dataset: These indices are relative to New York City (NYC). Which means that for New York City, each index should be 100(%). If another city has, for example, rent index of 120, it means rents in average in that city are 20% more expensive than in New York City. If a city has rent index of 70, that means in the average in that city rents are 30% less expensive than in New York City. Cost of Living Index (Excl. Rent) is a relative indicator of consumer goods price, including groceries, restaurants, transportation and utilities. Cost of Living Index doesn't include accommodation expenses such as rent or mortgage. If a city has a Cost of Living Index of 120, it means Numbeo estimates it is 20% more expensive than New York (excluding rent). Rent Index is estimation of prices of renting apartments in the city compared to New York City. If Rent index is 80, Numbeo estimates that price for renting in that city is 80% of price in New York. Groceries Index is an estimation of grocery prices in the city compared to New York City. To calculate this section, Numbeo uses "Markets"section of each city. Restaurants Index is a comparison of prices of meals and drinks in restaurants and bars compared to NYC. Cost of Living Plus Rent Index is an estimation of consumer goods prices including rent in the city comparing to New York City. Local Purchasing Power shows relative purchasing power in buying goods and services in a given city for the average wage in that city. If domestic purchasing power is 40, this means that the inhabitants of that city with the average salary can afford to buy 60% less typical goods and services than New York City residents with an average salary.
    • Januar 2024
      Quelle: NYU Stern
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 10 Mai, 2024
      Datensatz auswählen
      Citation: Damodaran, Aswath, Equity Risk Premiums (ERP): Determinants, Estimation and Implications – The 2016 Edition (March 5, 2016). Available at SSRN: or   This dataset summarizes the latest bond ratings and appropriate default spreads for different countries. While you can use these numbers as rough estimates of country risk premiums, you may want to modify the premia to reflect the additional risk of equity markets. To estimate the long term country equity risk premium, I start with a default spread, which I obtain in one of two ways: (1) I use the local currency sovereign rating (from Moody's: and estimate the default spread for that rating (based upon traded country bonds) over a default free government bond rate. For countries without a Moody's rating but with an S&P rating, I use the Moody's equivalent of the S&P rating. To get the default spreads by sovereign rating, I use the CDS spreads and compute the average CDS spread by rating. Using that number as a basis, I extrapolate for those ratings for which I have no CDS spreads. (2) I start with the CDS spread for the country, if one is available and subtract out the US CDS spread, since my mature market premium is derived from the US market. That difference becomes the country spread. For the few countries that have CDS spreads that are lower than the US, I will get a negative number. You can add just this default spread to the mature market premium to arrive at the total equity risk premium. I add an additional step. In the short term especially, the equity country risk premium is likely to be greater than the country's default spread. You can estimate an adjusted country risk premium by multiplying the default spread by the relative equity market volatility for that market (Std dev in country equity market/Std dev in country bond). I have used the emerging market average of 1.12 (estimated by comparing a emerging market equity index to an emerging market government/public bond index) to estimate country risk premium.I have added this to my estimated risk premium of 5.08% for mature markets (obtained by looking at the implied premium for the S&P 500) to get the total risk premium. Notes:  The year of publication has been considered as per publication date. For example, data published on 2018-Jan considered as 2018, similarly 2019-Jan as 2019    
    • März 2022
      Quelle: Statistics Finland
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 10 April, 2022
      Datensatz auswählen
      The data in the table concerning country of birth were corrected on 22 May 2019.For some with country of birth data recorded as 'unknown' (2,404 people), some other foreign country has been specified as the country of birth.Description of statistic Quality descriptions Concepts and definitionsStarting from 1750 Population statistics have been digitised into PDF format in the National Library's Doria service: Publications on Population structure and Vital statistics in Doria (in Finnish) Publications on Population censuses in Doria (in Finnish) ---RegionThese statistics apply the regional division of 1 January 2019 to the whole time series.Country of birthCountries (ISO 3166). The used classification of continents is the classification of Eurostat, where Cyprus and Turkey belong to Europe. In the classification of continents, Europe does not include the figures for Finland. Non-autonomous states are combined with the mother country. Sudan = Sudan + Former Sudan --- HDI = Human Development Index Ranking according to the 2016 HDI index by country: The former Soviet Union is included in the Russia HDI category The former Czechoslovakia is included in the Czech Republic HDI category The former Yugoslavia and Serbia and Montenegro are included in the Serbia HDI categoryAgeAge refers to a person's age in whole years as at 31 December.InformationPopulation 31 DecPopulation at the end of the statistical reference period.
    • Februar 2020
      Quelle: Australian Bureau of Statistics
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 14 Februar, 2020
      Datensatz auswählen
      LGA2011 based data for Country Of Birth Of Person by Sex, Time Series Profiles Table t08, for 2011 Census ABS Census Homepage
    • Februar 2019
      Quelle: Australian Bureau of Statistics
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 12 Februar, 2019
      Datensatz auswählen
      SA1 based data for by Sex, Basic Community Profile Table B09, for 2011 Census ABS Census Homepage
    • Februar 2020
      Quelle: Australian Bureau of Statistics
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 16 Februar, 2020
      Datensatz auswählen
      Australia/State/SA4/SA3/SA2 based data for Country Of Birth Of Person by Sex, Time Series Profiles Table t08, for 2011 Census ABS Census Homepage
    • Februar 2019
      Quelle: Australian Bureau of Statistics
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 12 Februar, 2019
      Datensatz auswählen
      LGA2011 based data for Year of Arrival in Australia, Basic Community Profile Table B10, for 2011 Census ABS Census Homepage
    • August 2023
      Quelle: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 23 August, 2023
      Datensatz auswählen
      Note: CPA data for 2018 and 2019 are projections from the 2016 Survey on Forward Spending Plans. Country Programmable Aid (CPA), outlined in our Development Brief  and also known as “core” aid, is the portion of aid donors programme for individual countries, and over which partner countries could have a significant say. CPA is much closer than ODA to capturing the flows of aid that goes to the partner country, and has been proven in several studies to be a good proxy of aid recorded at country level. CPA was developed in 2007 in close collaboration with DAC members. It is derived on the basis of DAC statistics and was retroactively calculated from 2000 onwards
    • Januar 2016
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 21 Januar, 2016
      Datensatz auswählen
    • Januar 2025
      Quelle: Numbeo
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 15 Januar, 2025
      Datensatz auswählen
      Data cited at: Numbeo Methodology: The Index has been calculated twice per year by considering the latest 36 months. A). Beginning of the Year and B). Mid Year Crime Index is an estimation of the overall level of crime in a given city or a country. We consider crime levels lower than 20 as very low, crime levels between 20 and 40 as being low, crime levels between 40 and 60 as being moderate, crime levels between 60 and 80 as being high and finally crime levels higher than 80 as being very high. Safety index is, on the other way, quite the opposite of crime index. If the city has a high safety index, it is considered very safe.
    • April 2024
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 24 April, 2024
      Datensatz auswählen
    • Dezember 2009
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 22 April, 2014
      Datensatz auswählen
      Eurostat Dataset Id:migr_r_2hr The data comprises series of internal (in the country) regional migration on NUTS2 level during the reference year. Data on arrivals and departures due to internal migration are disaggregated by NUTS2 region of arrival/departure, sex and single year age. Data on migration by region of origin and destination (excluding intra-regional migration) are presented separately for each country for which such data are available. The tables are in the form of matrix (NUTS2 region of origin and destination) excluding intra-refional migration, disaggregated by sex. The data source is administrative records or national surveys. The completeness of the tables depends largely on the availability of data from the relevant national statistical institutes.
    • August 2023
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 02 August, 2023
      Datensatz auswählen
      Crop statistics refer to the following types of annual data: area under cultivation, harvested production, yield,  humidity and main area for cereals and for other main field crops (mainly dried pulses, root crops, fodder and industrial crops);harvested area, harvested production and main area for vegetables ;production area, harvested production and main area for permanent crop.The data are provided at national level. For some products regional figures (NUTS 1 or 2) are available too. The areas  are expressed in 1 000 hectares,  the harvested quantities in 1 000 tonnes and the yields in t/ha. The production and yield data are available in EU standard humidity (apro_cpsh) and in national humidity (apro_cpnh). The information concerns more than 100 crop products. The earliest data are available from 1955 for cereals and from the early 1960's for fruits and vegetables. However, most Member States have started to send in data in the 1970's and 1980's. The statistical system has progressively improved and enlarged. The current Regulation (EC) No 543/2009 entered into force in January 2010. The annex was updated in 2015 through a Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) No 2015/1557. At present Eurostat receives and publishes harmonised statistical data from 28 Member States, form the EFTA countries and from the candidate and potential candidate countries broken down in: 17 categories and subcategories for cereals;29 categories and  subcategories for other main crops (mainly dry pulses and protein crops, root crops industrial crops and plants harvested green from arable land);40 categories and subcategories for vegetables;41 categories and subcategories for permanent crops;18 categories and subcategories for the Utilised Agricultural Area (UAA). For the full list of crops, please consult Annex. Some additional crops and transmission deadlines are covered by an ESS agreement on annual crop statistics. The main data sources are administrative records, surveys and expert estimates. National Statistical Institutes or Ministries of Agriculture are responsible for the national data collection in accordance with the Regulations and agreements in force. Eurostat is responsible for drawing the EU aggregations. Regional metadata Please note that for paragraphs where no metadata for regional data has been specified the regional metadata is identical to the metadata for the national data.
    • Dezember 2024
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 17 Dezember, 2024
      Datensatz auswählen
      Crop statistics refer to the following types of annual data: area under cultivation, harvested production, yield,  humidity and main area for cereals and for other main field crops (mainly dried pulses, root crops, fodder and industrial crops);harvested area, harvested production and main area for vegetables ;production area, harvested production and main area for permanent crop.The data are provided at national level. For some products regional figures (NUTS 1 or 2) are available too. The areas  are expressed in 1 000 hectares,  the harvested quantities in 1 000 tonnes and the yields in t/ha. The production and yield data are available in EU standard humidity (apro_cpsh) and in national humidity (apro_cpnh). The information concerns more than 100 crop products. The earliest data are available from 1955 for cereals and from the early 1960's for fruits and vegetables. However, most Member States have started to send in data in the 1970's and 1980's. The statistical system has progressively improved and enlarged. The current Regulation (EC) No 543/2009 entered into force in January 2010. The annex was updated in 2015 through a Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) No 2015/1557. At present Eurostat receives and publishes harmonised statistical data from 28 Member States, form the EFTA countries and from the candidate and potential candidate countries broken down in: 17 categories and subcategories for cereals;29 categories and  subcategories for other main crops (mainly dry pulses and protein crops, root crops industrial crops and plants harvested green from arable land);40 categories and subcategories for vegetables;41 categories and subcategories for permanent crops;18 categories and subcategories for the Utilised Agricultural Area (UAA). For the full list of crops, please consult Annex. Some additional crops and transmission deadlines are covered by an ESS agreement on annual crop statistics. The main data sources are administrative records, surveys and expert estimates. National Statistical Institutes or Ministries of Agriculture are responsible for the national data collection in accordance with the Regulations and agreements in force. Eurostat is responsible for drawing the EU aggregations. Regional metadata Please note that for paragraphs where no metadata for regional data has been specified the regional metadata is identical to the metadata for the national data.
    • Dezember 2024
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 17 Dezember, 2024
      Datensatz auswählen
      Crop statistics refer to the following types of annual data:area under cultivation, harvested production, yield,  humidity and main area for cereals and for other main field crops (mainly dried pulses, root crops, fodder and industrial crops);harvested area, harvested production and main area for vegetables ;production area, harvested production and main area for permanent crop. The data are provided at national level. For some products regional figures (NUTS 1 or 2) are available too. The areas  are expressed in 1 000 hectares,  the harvested quantities in 1 000 tonnes and the yields in t/ha. The production and yield data are available in EU standard humidity (apro_cpsh) and in national humidity (apro_cpnh). The information concerns more than 100 crop products. The earliest data are available from 1955 for cereals and from the early 1960's for fruits and vegetables. However, most Member States have started to send in data in the 1970's and 1980's. The statistical system has progressively improved and enlarged. The current Regulation (EC) No 543/2009 entered into force in January 2010. The annex was updated in 2015 through a Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) No 2015/1557. At present Eurostat receives and publishes harmonised statistical data from 28 Member States, form the EFTA countries and from the candidate and potential candidate countries broken down in:17 categories and subcategories for cereals;29 categories and  subcategories for other main crops (mainly dry pulses and protein crops, root crops industrial crops and plants harvested green from arable land);40 categories and subcategories for vegetables;41 categories and subcategories for permanent crops;18 categories and subcategories for the Utilised Agricultural Area (UAA). For the full list of crops, please consult Annex. Some additional crops and transmission deadlines are covered by an ESS agreement on annual crop statistics. The main data sources are administrative records, surveys and expert estimates. National Statistical Institutes or Ministries of Agriculture are responsible for the national data collection in accordance with the Regulations and agreements in force. Eurostat is responsible for drawing the EU aggregations. Regional metadata Please note that for paragraphs where no metadata for regional data has been specified the regional metadata is identical to the metadata for the national data.
    • Februar 2017
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 06 Februar, 2017
      Datensatz auswählen
    • Februar 2018
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 21 Februar, 2018
      Datensatz auswählen
    • Mai 2020
      Quelle: European Commission
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 13 Mai, 2020
      Datensatz auswählen
      Note: (1) Source: Council Regulation (EC) n°2964/95 of 20 December 1995. (2) The cif price includes the fob price (the price actually invoiced at the port of loading), the cost of transport, insurance and certain charges linked to crude oil transfer operations. (3) Due to confidentiality Czech Republic is excluded from EU(28). (4) For Romania November-2016 and December-2016 are estimations derived from Eurostat data
    • Dezember 2009
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 22 April, 2014
      Datensatz auswählen
      Eurostat Dataset Id:migr_r_2cz The data comprises series of internal (in the country) regional migration on NUTS2 level during the reference year. Data on arrivals and departures due to internal migration are disaggregated by NUTS2 region of arrival/departure, sex and single year age. Data on migration by region of origin and destination (excluding intra-regional migration) are presented separately for each country for which such data are available. The tables are in the form of matrix (NUTS2 region of origin and destination) excluding intra-refional migration, disaggregated by sex. The data source is administrative records or national surveys. The completeness of the tables depends largely on the availability of data from the relevant national statistical institutes.
  • D
    • März 2023
      Quelle: Statistics Denmark
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 02 März, 2023
      Datensatz auswählen
    • Oktober 2023
      Quelle: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 08 Oktober, 2023
      Datensatz auswählen
    • Mai 2020
      Quelle: International Labour Organization
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 08 Mai, 2020
      Datensatz auswählen
      Time lost per occupational injury is defined as the average number of calendar days lost per new cases of non-fatal occupational injury resulting in temporary incapacity. For more information, refer to our resources on methods.
    • April 2024
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 30 April, 2024
      Datensatz auswählen
      Causes of Death data refer to the underlying cause which - according to the World Health Organisation (WHO) - is the disease or injury which initiated the train of morbid events leading directly to death, or the circumstances of the accident or violence which produced the fatal injury". Death due to accidents refer to all kind of accident (transport, drowning, fire, ...).
    • April 2024
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 28 April, 2024
      Datensatz auswählen
      Causes of Death data refer to the underlying cause which - according to the World Health Organisation (WHO) - is the disease or injury which initiated the train of morbid events leading directly to death, or the circumstances of the accident or violence which produced the fatal injury". Death due to cancer refer to all death caused by a malignant neoplasm."
    • April 2024
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 29 April, 2024
      Datensatz auswählen
      Causes of Death data refer to the underlying cause which - according to the World Health Organisation (WHO) - is the disease or injury which initiated the train of morbid events leading directly to death, or the circumstances of the accident or violence which produced the fatal injury". Death due to ischaemic heart diseases refer to all death caused by reduced blood supply to the heart. Most of these deaths are due to 'heart attack'.
    • April 2024
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 30 April, 2024
      Datensatz auswählen
      Causes of Death data refer to the underlying cause which - according to the World Health Organisation (WHO) - is the disease or injury which initiated the train of morbid events leading directly to death, or the circumstances of the accident or violence which produced the fatal injury". Death due to transport accidents refer to all kind of transport (road: car, pedestrian, cyclist, ..; water; air; ...).
    • September 2024
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 06 September, 2024
      Datensatz auswählen
    • März 2024
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 14 März, 2024
      Datensatz auswählen
    • März 2024
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 28 März, 2024
      Datensatz auswählen
    • Juni 2023
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 13 Juni, 2023
      Datensatz auswählen
      "Death" means the permanent disappearance of all evidence of life at any time after live birth has taken place (post-natal cessation of vital functions without capability of resuscitation).
    • Juni 2018
      Quelle: Lao Statistics Bureau
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 02 April, 2019
      Datensatz auswählen
    • Dezember 2009
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 22 April, 2014
      Datensatz auswählen
      Eurostat Dataset Id:migr_r_2dk The data comprises series of internal (in the country) regional migration on NUTS2 level during the reference year. Data on arrivals and departures due to internal migration are disaggregated by NUTS2 region of arrival/departure, sex and single year age. Data on migration by region of origin and destination (excluding intra-regional migration) are presented separately for each country for which such data are available. The tables are in the form of matrix (NUTS2 region of origin and destination) excluding intra-refional migration, disaggregated by sex. The data source is administrative records or national surveys. The completeness of the tables depends largely on the availability of data from the relevant national statistical institutes.
    • Dezember 2022
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 21 Dezember, 2022
      Datensatz auswählen
      Data on dentists should refer to those “immediately serving patients”, i.e. dentists who have direct contact with patients as consumers of health care services. In the context of comparing health care services across Member States, Eurostat considers that this is the concept which best describes the availability of health care resources. However, Member States use different concepts when they report the number of health care professionals. Therefore for some countries the data might refer to dentists ‘licensed to practice’ (i.e. successfully graduated dentists irrespective whether they see patients or not) or they might include dentists who work in their profession but do not see patients (i.e. they work in research, administration etc.). Please have a look in the annexes of the metadata to see for which concept these data refer to for each country.
    • Dezember 2009
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 22 April, 2014
      Datensatz auswählen
      Eurostat Dataset Id:migr_r_2dep The data comprises series of internal (in the country) regional migration on NUTS2 level during the reference year. Data on arrivals and departures due to internal migration are disaggregated by NUTS2 region of arrival/departure, sex and single year age. Data on migration by region of origin and destination (excluding intra-regional migration) are presented separately for each country for which such data are available. The tables are in the form of matrix (NUTS2 region of origin and destination) excluding intra-refional migration, disaggregated by sex. The data source is administrative records or national surveys. The completeness of the tables depends largely on the availability of data from the relevant national statistical institutes.
    • Januar 2025
      Quelle: U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of Economic Analysis
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 05 Januar, 2025
      Datensatz auswählen
      Direct Investment by Country measures the value of direct investment in the United States by overseas investors and U.S. investment in other countries. This Dataset provides data for a large set of countries broken down by major industry.
    • Juni 2021
      Quelle: U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of Economic Analysis
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 06 September, 2022
      Datensatz auswählen
      Note: Data for the European Union (EU) reflect the EU membership during the reference period. In 1994, the EU was comprised of Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Portugal, Spain, and the United Kingdom. Beginning with 1995, Austria, Finland, and Sweden were included. Beginning with second quarter 2004, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Poland, Slovakia, and Slovenia were included. Bulgaria and Romania were included beginning with first quarter 2007 and Croatia was included beginning with third quarter 2013. The United Kingdom was excluded beginning with first quarter 2020.
    • Juli 2024
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 04 Juli, 2024
      Datensatz auswählen
      The source for the regional labour market information down to NUTS level 2 is the EU Labour Force Survey (EU-LFS). This is a quarterly household sample survey conducted in all Member States of the EU and in EFTA and Candidate countries.  The EU-LFS survey follows the definitions and recommendations of the International Labour Organisation (ILO). To achieve further harmonisation, the Member States also adhere to common principles when formulating questionnaires. The LFS' target population is made up of all persons in private households aged 15 and over. For more information see the EU-LFS (Statistics Explained) webpage. The EU-LFS is designed to give accurate quarterly information at national level as well as annual information at NUTS 2 regional level and the compilation of these figures is well specified in the regulation. Microdata including the NUTS 2 level codes are provided by all the participating countries with a good degree of geographical comparability, which allows the production and dissemination of a complete set of comparable indicators for this territorial level. At present the transmission of the regional labour market data at NUTS 3 level has no legal basis. However, many countries transmit NUTS 3 figures to Eurostat on a voluntary basis, under the understanding that they are not for publication with such detail, but for aggregation by territorial typologies, i.e. urban-rural, metropolitan, coastal, mountain, borders and island typology. Most of the NUTS 3 data are based on the LFS while some countries transmit data based on registers, administrative data, small area estimation and other reliable sources.
    • April 2014
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 18 Oktober, 2015
      Datensatz auswählen
      The dispersion of regional GDP (at NUTS level 2 and 3) is measured by the sum of the absolute differences between regional and national GDP per inhabitant, weighted with the share of population and expressed in percent of the national GDP per inhabitant. The indicator is calculated from regional GDP figures based on the European System of Accounts (ESA95).
    • Juli 2024
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 04 Juli, 2024
      Datensatz auswählen
      The source for the regional labour market information down to NUTS level 2 is the EU Labour Force Survey (EU-LFS). This is a quarterly household sample survey conducted in all Member States of the EU and in EFTA and Candidate countries.  The EU-LFS survey follows the definitions and recommendations of the International Labour Organisation (ILO). To achieve further harmonisation, the Member States also adhere to common principles when formulating questionnaires. The LFS' target population is made up of all persons in private households aged 15 and over. For more information see the EU Labour Force Survey (lfsi_esms, see paragraph 21.1.).  The EU-LFS is designed to give accurate quarterly information at national level as well as annual information at NUTS 2 regional level and the compilation of these figures is well specified in the regulation. Microdata including the NUTS 2 level codes are provided by all the participating countries with a good degree of geographical comparability, which allows the production and dissemination of a complete set of comparable indicators for this territorial level. At present the transmission of the regional labour market data at NUTS 3 level has no legal basis. However many countries transmit NUTS 3 figures to Eurostat on a voluntary basis, under the understanding that they are not for publication with such detail, but for aggregation in few categories per country, i.e., metropolitan regions and urban-rural typology. Most of the NUTS 3 data are based on the LFS while some countries transmit data based on registers, administrative data, small area estimation and other reliable sources.
    • Februar 2024
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 21 Februar, 2024
      Datensatz auswählen
      The disposable income of private households is the balance of primary income (operating surplus/mixed income plus compensation of employees plus property income received minus property income paid) and the redistribution of income in cash. These transactions comprise social contributions paid, social benefits in cash received, current taxes on income and wealth paid, as well as other current transfers. Disposable income does not include social transfers in kind coming from public administrations or non-profit institutions serving households.
    • Juli 2023
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 08 Juli, 2023
      Datensatz auswählen
      The aim of this section is to provide comparable statistics and indicators on education in the 27 Member States of the European Union, at the regional level NUTS 2. In order to facilitate comparison between countries, data from each Member State are allocated to the various education levels of the International Standard Classification of Education (ISCED), UNESCO 1997.
    • September 2009
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 18 Oktober, 2015
      Datensatz auswählen
      Census round 2011 The tables presented cover the total dwellings for 33 countries.The "traditional" census, with enumeration based on questionnaires through door-to-door visits - with interviews of respondents by enumerators or self-compilation of the forms by the respondents - and manual data entry by operators;The "Register based" census which enumerate population on the basis of administrative sources of information. Data collection is based on the use of registers (inhabitants' registers, registers of buildings and dwellings, geographical co-ordinates, school registers, social security, tax, business and company registers). In addition, countries that produce their population statistics from population-register information automatically seem to follow the de jure population concept. Indeed, it must at least be assumed that population registers include only residents who habitually live in the country;The "mixed" census, the third possible census method based on a combination of statistical inquiries and sources. In this case enumeration is always carried out on specific topics or on a sample of the population, and is combined with existing regular statistical surveys, registers, lists, or ad hoc organised activities. (See R 763/2008 Article 4) Census round 2001 The tables presented cover the total dwellings for 31 countries. In the census round 2001 four ways of collecting census data were used, namely: - the traditional method of using census questionnaires (exhaustive census); - the method of using registers and/or other administrative sources; - a combination of registers and/or other administrative sources and - surveys (complete enumerations or sample surveys). Census round 1991 The tables presented in the census 1990/1991 round cover the total dwellings for 19 countries. Five main topics are covered: structure of population, active population, education level, households and dwellings. The level of completeness of the tables depends largely on the availability of data at the respective national statistical institutes.
  • E
    • Februar 2020
      Quelle: Editorial Projects in Education
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 06 Februar, 2020
      Datensatz auswählen
      Early-Childhood Education of United States
    • September 2023
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 15 September, 2023
      Datensatz auswählen
      The indicator is defined as the percentage of the population aged 18-24 with at most lower secondary education and who were not in further education or training during the last four weeks preceding the survey. Lower secondary education refers to ISCED (International Standard Classification of Education) 2011 level 0-2 for data from 2014 onwards and to ISCED 1997 level 0-3C short for data up to 2013. The indicator is based on the EU Labour Force Survey.
    • Juni 2024
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 14 Juni, 2024
      Datensatz auswählen
      The aim of this section is to provide comparable statistics and indicators on education in the 27 Member States of the European Union, at the regional level NUTS 2. In order to facilitate comparison between countries, data from each Member State are allocated to the various education levels of the International Standard Classification of Education (ISCED), UNESCO 1997.
    • Juli 2013
      Quelle: Earth Policy Institute
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 08 Juli, 2013
      Datensatz auswählen
      Contains annual data series on water consumption, irrigated area, solar water and space heating area, countries overpumping aquifers and water deficits for the countries and regions through the time period from 1961 to 2013.
    • Mai 2016
      Quelle: World Health Organization
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 14 Juni, 2016
      Datensatz auswählen
    • November 2024
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 30 November, 2024
      Datensatz auswählen
      The Economic Accounts for Agriculture (EAA) provide detailed information on income in the agricultural sector. The purpose is to analyse the production process of the agricultural industry and the primary income generated by this production. The accounts are therefore based on the industry concept. The EAA are detailed data on the value of output (measured in both producer prices and basic prices), intermediate consumption, subsidies and taxes, consumption of fixed capital, rent and interest, capital formation etc. The values are available in both current prices and constant prices. Agricultural Labour Input (ALI) statistics and Unit Values (UV) are an integrated part of the overall concept of the EAA. The EAA are a satellite account of the European System of Accounts (ESA), providing complementary information and concepts adapted to the particular nature of the agricultural industry. Although their structure very closely matches that of the national accounts, their compilation requires the formulation of appropriate rules and methods. National Statistical Institutes or Ministries of Agriculture are responsible for data collection and calculations of national EAA, in accordance with EC Regulations. Eurostat is responsible for the EU aggregations. Regional data The EAA are also compiled at regional level (NUTS2), but only in values at current prices. The agricultural labour input data and unit values, however, are not available at regional levels. Please note that for paragraphs where no metadata for regional data has been specified, the regional metadata is identical to the metadata provided for national data. Frequency of data collection for data under Regulation (EC) 138/2004 and gentlemen's agreement l
    • August 2021
      Quelle: Lao Statistics Bureau
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 15 September, 2021
      Datensatz auswählen
      This data set contains information of The statistics yearbook 2017 is compiled and published by Lao statistics Bureau, Ministry of Planning and Investment. Lao statistics Bureau of expressing gratitude provincial statistics Centre, line ministries involved, ministry-equivalent agencies and other parties to contribute to compile statistical data Economic, Social and Natural Resources and Environment cooperation throughout, Lao Statistics Bureau welcome the proposal, comments and feedback to guide the improvement this magazines better. Meanwhile, the Lao Statistics Bureau express thanks to highly among those interested in using information and statistics to Lao Statistics Bureau. TRANSLATE with xEnglishArabicHebrewPolishBulgarianHindiPortugueseCatalanHmong DawRomanianChinese SimplifiedHungarianRussianChinese TraditionalIndonesianSlovakCzechItalianSlovenianDanishJapaneseSpanishDutchKlingonSwedishEnglishKoreanThaiEstonianLatvianTurkishFinnishLithuanianUkrainianFrenchMalayUrduGermanMalteseVietnameseGreekNorwegianWelshHaitian CreolePersian  TRANSLATE with COPY THE URL BELOW BackEMBED THE SNIPPET BELOW IN YOUR SITEEnable collaborative features and customize widget: Bing Webmaster PortalBack
    • Juni 2024
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 14 Juni, 2024
      Datensatz auswählen
      The source for the regional labour market information down to NUTS level 2 is the EU Labour Force Survey (EU-LFS). This is a quarterly household sample survey conducted in all Member States of the EU and in EFTA and Candidate countries.  The EU-LFS survey follows the definitions and recommendations of the International Labour Organisation (ILO). To achieve further harmonisation, the Member States also adhere to common principles when formulating questionnaires. The LFS' target population is made up of all persons in private households aged 15 and over. For more information see the EU Labour Force Survey (lfsi_esms, see paragraph 21.1.).  The EU-LFS is designed to give accurate quarterly information at national level as well as annual information at NUTS 2 regional level and the compilation of these figures is well specified in the regulation. Microdata including the NUTS 2 level codes are provided by all the participating countries with a good degree of geographical comparability, which allows the production and dissemination of a complete set of comparable indicators for this territorial level. At present the transmission of the regional labour market data at NUTS 3 level has no legal basis. However many countries transmit NUTS 3 figures to Eurostat on a voluntary basis, under the understanding that they are not for publication with such detail, but for aggregation in few categories per country, i.e., metropolitan regions and urban-rural typology. Most of the NUTS 3 data are based on the LFS while some countries transmit data based on registers, administrative data, small area estimation and other reliable sources.
    • Juni 2024
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 14 Juni, 2024
      Datensatz auswählen
      The source for the regional labour market information down to NUTS level 2 is the EU Labour Force Survey (EU-LFS). This is a quarterly household sample survey conducted in all Member States of the EU and in EFTA and Candidate countries.  The EU-LFS survey follows the definitions and recommendations of the International Labour Organisation (ILO). To achieve further harmonisation, the Member States also adhere to common principles when formulating questionnaires. The LFS' target population is made up of all persons in private households aged 15 and over. For more information see the EU Labour Force Survey (lfsi_esms, see paragraph 21.1.).  The EU-LFS is designed to give accurate quarterly information at national level as well as annual information at NUTS 2 regional level and the compilation of these figures is well specified in the regulation. Microdata including the NUTS 2 level codes are provided by all the participating countries with a good degree of geographical comparability, which allows the production and dissemination of a complete set of comparable indicators for this territorial level. At present the transmission of the regional labour market data at NUTS 3 level has no legal basis. However many countries transmit NUTS 3 figures to Eurostat on a voluntary basis, under the understanding that they are not for publication with such detail, but for aggregation in few categories per country, i.e., metropolitan regions and urban-rural typology. Most of the NUTS 3 data are based on the LFS while some countries transmit data based on registers, administrative data, small area estimation and other reliable sources.
    • Juni 2024
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 14 Juni, 2024
      Datensatz auswählen
      The source for the regional labour market information down to NUTS level 2 is the EU Labour Force Survey (EU-LFS). This is a quarterly household sample survey conducted in all Member States of the EU and in EFTA and Candidate countries.  The EU-LFS survey follows the definitions and recommendations of the International Labour Organisation (ILO). To achieve further harmonisation, the Member States also adhere to common principles when formulating questionnaires. The LFS' target population is made up of all persons in private households aged 15 and over. For more information see the EU Labour Force Survey (lfsi_esms, see paragraph 21.1.).  The EU-LFS is designed to give accurate quarterly information at national level as well as annual information at NUTS 2 regional level and the compilation of these figures is well specified in the regulation. Microdata including the NUTS 2 level codes are provided by all the participating countries with a good degree of geographical comparability, which allows the production and dissemination of a complete set of comparable indicators for this territorial level. At present the transmission of the regional labour market data at NUTS 3 level has no legal basis. However many countries transmit NUTS 3 figures to Eurostat on a voluntary basis, under the understanding that they are not for publication with such detail, but for aggregation in few categories per country, i.e., metropolitan regions and urban-rural typology. Most of the NUTS 3 data are based on the LFS while some countries transmit data based on registers, administrative data, small area estimation and other reliable sources.
    • Juli 2023
      Quelle: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 27 Juli, 2023
      Datensatz auswählen
      The OECD, in cooperation with the EU, has developed a harmonised definition of urban areas which overcomes previous limitations linked to administrative definitions (OECD, 2012). According to this definition an urban area is a functional economic unit characterised by densely inhabited “city core” and “commuting zone” whose labour market is highly integrated with the core. The Metropolitan database provides indicators of 649 OECD metropolitan areas identified in 33 OECD countries and the functional urban areas of Colombia. Comparable values of population, GDP, employment, and other indicators are presented.
    • Mai 2013
      Quelle: Editorial Projects in Education
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 15 Oktober, 2014
      Datensatz auswählen
      Education Accountability of United States, 2012
    • September 2021
      Quelle: Editorial Projects in Education
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 23 Februar, 2022
      Datensatz auswählen
      Education Achievement United States
    • Juni 2018
      Quelle: Lao Statistics Bureau
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 25 März, 2019
      Datensatz auswählen
      This data set contains information of The statistics yearbook 2017 is compiled and published by Lao statistics Bureau, Ministry of Planning and Investment. Lao statistics Bureau of expressing gratitude provincial statistics Centre, line ministries involved, ministry-equivalent agencies and other parties to contribute to compile statistical data Economic, Social and Natural Resources and Environment cooperation throughout, Lao Statistics Bureau welcome the proposal, comments and feedback to guide the improvement this magazines better. Meanwhile, the Lao Statistics Bureau express thanks to highly among those interested in using information and statistics to Lao Statistics Bureau.
    • März 2019
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 19 März, 2019
      Datensatz auswählen
      Eurostat Dataset Id:educ_regind The aim of this section is to provide comparable statistics and indicators on education in the 27 Member States of the European Union, at the regional level NUTS 2. In order to facilitate comparison between countries, data from each Member State are allocated to the various education levels of the International Standard Classification of Education (ISCED), UNESCO 1997.
    • Mai 2011
      Quelle: Editorial Projects in Education
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 22 Oktober, 2014
      Datensatz auswählen
      Education Technology United States, 2007
    • März 2024
      Quelle: Institute of Statistics and Economic Studies of Burundi
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 27 Januar, 2025
      Datensatz auswählen
    • August 2024
      Quelle: Central Bank of Mauritania
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 26 August, 2024
      Datensatz auswählen
    • April 2021
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 15 April, 2021
      Datensatz auswählen
    • Juni 2024
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 14 Juni, 2024
      Datensatz auswählen
    • März 2009
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 31 Dezember, 2015
      Datensatz auswählen
      The tables presented in the topic of active population cover the total population for 31 countries (for more information on received tables and geographic coverage, see "2001 Census Round - Tables Received" in the Annex at the bottom of the page). The level of completeness of the tables depends largely on the availability of data at the respective national statistical institutes. There are four ways of collecting census data, namely: - the traditional method of using census questionnaires (exhaustive census); - the method of using registers and/or other administrative sources; - a combination of registers and/or other administrative sources and - surveys (complete enumerations or sample surveys). Other methods (other mixed census or micro-census) can be used as well. Details for the method employed by each country are provided in "2001 Census Method"in the Annex at the bottom of the page. In the same table you can find the dates on which the census was carried out in each country.
    • März 2009
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 27 Januar, 2025
      Datensatz auswählen
      Eurostat Dataset Id:cens_01reisco The tables presented in the topic of educational level cover the total population for 31 countries (for more information on received tables and geographic coverage, see "2001 Census Round - Tables Received" in the Annex at the bottom of the page). The level of completeness of the tables depends largely on the availability of data at the respective national statistical institutes. There are four ways of collecting census data, namely: - the traditional method of using census questionnaires (exhaustive census); - the method of using registers and/or other administrative sources; - a combination of registers and/or other administrative sources and - surveys (complete enumerations or sample surveys). Other methods (other mixed census or micro-census) can be used as well. Details for the method employed by each country are provided in "2001 Census Method"in the Annex at the bottom of the page. In the same table you can find the dates on which the census was carried out in each country.
    • Mai 2020
      Quelle: International Labour Organization
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 08 Mai, 2020
      Datensatz auswählen
      Imputed observations are not based on national data, are subject to high uncertainty and should not be used for country comparisons or rankings. The series is part of the ILO estimates and is harmonized to account for differences in national data and scope of coverage, collection and tabulation methodologies as well as for other country-specific factors. For more information, refer to the ILO estimates and projections methodological note.
    • Juli 2023
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 29 Juli, 2023
      Datensatz auswählen
    • Dezember 2022
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 08 Dezember, 2022
      Datensatz auswählen
    • Mai 2020
      Quelle: International Labour Organization
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 08 Mai, 2020
      Datensatz auswählen
      Imputed observations are not based on national data, are subject to high uncertainty and should not be used for country comparisons or rankings. The series is part of the ILO estimates and is harmonized to account for differences in national data and scope of coverage, collection and tabulation methodologies as well as for other country-specific factors. For more information, refer to the ILO estimates and projections methodological note.
    • Februar 2015
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 18 August, 2015
      Datensatz auswählen
    • August 2024
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 09 August, 2024
      Datensatz auswählen
      Regional accounts are a regional specification of the national accounts and therefore based on the same concepts and definitions as national accounts (see domain nama10). The main specific regional issues are addressed in chapter 13 of ESA2010, but not practically specified. For practical rules and recommendations on sources and methods see the publication "Manual on regional accounts methods": . Gross domestic product (GDP) at market prices is the final result of the production activity of resident producer units. It can be defined in three ways: 1. Output approach GDP is the sum of gross value added of the various institutional sectors or the various industries plus taxes and less subsidies on products (which are not allocated to sectors and industries). It is also the balancing item in the total economy production account. 2. Expenditure approach GDP is the sum of final uses of goods and services by resident institutional units (final consumption expenditure and gross capital formation), plus exports and minus imports of goods and services. At regional level the expenditure approach cannot be used in the EU, because there is no data on regional exports and imports.  3. Income approach GDP is the sum of uses in the total economy generation of income account: compensation of employees plus gross operating surplus and mixed income plus taxes on products less subsidies plus consumption of fixed capital. The different measures for the regional GDP are absolute figures in € and Purchasing Power Standards (PPS), figures per inhabitant and relative data compared to the EU28 average.
    • März 2025
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 14 März, 2025
      Datensatz auswählen
      Regional accounts are a regional specification of the national accounts and therefore based on the same concepts and definitions as national accounts (see domain nama10). The main specific regional issues are addressed in chapter 13 of ESA2010, but not practically specified. For practical rules and recommendations on sources and methods see the publication "Manual on regional accounts methods": . Gross domestic product (GDP) at market prices is the final result of the production activity of resident producer units. It can be defined in three ways: 1. Output approach GDP is the sum of gross value added of the various institutional sectors or the various industries plus taxes and less subsidies on products (which are not allocated to sectors and industries). It is also the balancing item in the total economy production account. 2. Expenditure approach GDP is the sum of final uses of goods and services by resident institutional units (final consumption expenditure and gross capital formation), plus exports and minus imports of goods and services. At regional level the expenditure approach cannot be used in the EU, because there is no data on regional exports and imports.  3. Income approach GDP is the sum of uses in the total economy generation of income account: compensation of employees plus gross operating surplus and mixed income plus taxes on products less subsidies plus consumption of fixed capital. The different measures for the regional GDP are absolute figures in € and Purchasing Power Standards (PPS), figures per inhabitant and relative data compared to the EU28 average.
    • Juni 2024
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 14 Juni, 2024
      Datensatz auswählen
      The source for the regional labour market information down to NUTS level 2 is the EU Labour Force Survey (EU-LFS). This is a quarterly household sample survey conducted in all Member States of the EU, the United Kingdom, EFTA and Candidate countries.  The EU-LFS survey follows the definitions and recommendations of the International Labour Organisation (ILO). To achieve further harmonisation, the Member States also adhere to common principles when formulating questionnaires. The LFS' target population is made up of all persons in private households aged 15 and over. For more information see the EU-LFS (Statistics Explained) webpage. The EU-LFS is designed to give accurate quarterly information at national level as well as annual information at NUTS 2 regional level and the compilation of these figures is well specified in the regulation. Microdata including the NUTS 2 level codes are provided by all the participating countries with a good degree of geographical comparability, which allows the production and dissemination of a complete set of comparable indicators for this territorial level. At present the transmission of the regional labour market data at NUTS 3 level has no legal basis. However, many countries transmit NUTS 3 figures to Eurostat on a voluntary basis, under the understanding that they are not for publication with such detail, but for aggregation by territorial typologies, i.e. urban-rural, metropolitan, coastal, mountain, borders and island typology. Most of the NUTS 3 data are based on the LFS while some countries transmit data based on registers, administrative data, small area estimation and other reliable sources.
    • Dezember 2024
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 13 Dezember, 2024
      Datensatz auswählen
      The source for the regional labour market information down to NUTS level 2 is the EU Labour Force Survey (EU-LFS). This is a quarterly household sample survey conducted in all Member States of the EU and in EFTA and Candidate countries.  The EU-LFS survey follows the definitions and recommendations of the International Labour Organisation (ILO). To achieve further harmonisation, the Member States also adhere to common principles when formulating questionnaires. The LFS' target population is made up of all persons in private households aged 15 and over. For more information see the EU Labour Force Survey (lfsi_esms, see paragraph 21.1.).  The EU-LFS is designed to give accurate quarterly information at national level as well as annual information at NUTS 2 regional level and the compilation of these figures is well specified in the regulation. Microdata including the NUTS 2 level codes are provided by all the participating countries with a good degree of geographical comparability, which allows the production and dissemination of a complete set of comparable indicators for this territorial level. At present the transmission of the regional labour market data at NUTS 3 level has no legal basis. However many countries transmit NUTS 3 figures to Eurostat on a voluntary basis, under the understanding that they are not for publication with such detail, but for aggregation in few categories per country, i.e., metropolitan regions and urban-rural typology. Most of the NUTS 3 data are based on the LFS while some countries transmit data based on registers, administrative data, small area estimation and other reliable sources.
    • Juni 2024
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 14 Juni, 2024
      Datensatz auswählen
      The source for the regional labour market information down to NUTS level 2 is the EU Labour Force Survey (EU-LFS). This is a quarterly household sample survey conducted in all Member States of the EU and in EFTA and Candidate countries.  The EU-LFS survey follows the definitions and recommendations of the International Labour Organisation (ILO). To achieve further harmonisation, the Member States also adhere to common principles when formulating questionnaires. The LFS' target population is made up of all persons in private households aged 15 and over. For more information see the EU Labour Force Survey (lfsi_esms, see paragraph 21.1.).  The EU-LFS is designed to give accurate quarterly information at national level as well as annual information at NUTS 2 regional level and the compilation of these figures is well specified in the regulation. Microdata including the NUTS 2 level codes are provided by all the participating countries with a good degree of geographical comparability, which allows the production and dissemination of a complete set of comparable indicators for this territorial level. At present the transmission of the regional labour market data at NUTS 3 level has no legal basis. However many countries transmit NUTS 3 figures to Eurostat on a voluntary basis, under the understanding that they are not for publication with such detail, but for aggregation in few categories per country, i.e., metropolitan regions and urban-rural typology. Most of the NUTS 3 data are based on the LFS while some countries transmit data based on registers, administrative data, small area estimation and other reliable sources.
    • Juni 2024
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 15 Juni, 2024
      Datensatz auswählen
      The data shows the employment in high-tech sectors (code HTC) as a percentage of total employment. The data are aggregated according to the sectoral approach at NACE Rev.2 on 2-digit level and is oriented on the ratio of highly qualified working in these areas.
    • Februar 2023
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 16 Februar, 2023
      Datensatz auswählen
      'Statistics on high-tech industry and knowledge-intensive services' (sometimes referred to as simply 'high-tech statistics') comprise economic, employment and science, technology and innovation (STI) data describing manufacturing and services industries or products traded broken down by technological intensity. The domain uses various other domains and sources of  Eurostat's official statistics (CIS, COMEXT, HRST, LFS, PATENT, R&D and SBS) and its coverage is therefore dependent on these other primary sources. Two main approaches are used in the domain to identify technology-intensity: the sectoral approach and the product approach. A third approach is used for data on high-tech and biotechnology patents aggregated on the basis of the International Patent Classification (IPC) 8th edition (see summary table in Annex 1 for which approach is used by each type of data). The sectoral approach: The sectoral approach is an aggregation of the manufacturing industries according to technological intensity (R&D expenditure/value added) and based on the Statistical classification of economic activities in the European Community (NACE) at 2-digit level. The level of R&D intensity served as a criterion of classification of economic sectors into high-technology, medium high-technology, medium low-technology and low-technology industries. Services are mainly aggregated into knowledge-intensive services (KIS) and less knowledge-intensive services (LKIS) based on the share of tertiary educated persons at NACE 2-digit level. The sectoral approach is used for all indicators except data on high-tech trade and patents. Note that due to the revision of the NACE from NACE Rev. 1.1 to NACE Rev. 2 the definition of high-technology industries and knowledge-intensive services has changed in 2008. For high-tech statistics it means that two different definitions (one according NACE Rev. 1.1 and one according NACE Rev. 2) are used in parallel and the data according to both NACE versions are presented in separated tables depending on the data availability. For example as the LFS provides the results both by NACE Rev. 1.1 and NACE Rev. 2, all the table using this source have been duplicated to present the results by NACE Rev. 2 from 2008. For more details, see both definitions of high-tech sectors in Annex 2 and 3. Within the sectoral approach, a second classification was created, named Knowledge Intensive Activities KIA) and based on the share of tertiary educated people in each sectors of industries and services according to NACE at 2-digit level and for all EU28 Member States. A threshold was applied to judge sectors as knowledge intensive. In contrast to first sectoral approach mixing two methodologies, one for manufacturing industries and one for services, the KIA classification is based on one methodology for all the sectors of industries and services covering even public sector activities. The aggregations in use are Total Knowledge Intensive Activities (KIA) and Knowledge Intensive Activities in Business Industries (KIABI). Both classifications are made according to NACE Rev. 1.1 and NACE Rev. 2 at 2- digit level. Note that due to revision of the NACE Rev.1.1 to NACE Rev. 2 the list of Knowledge Intensive Activities has changed as well, the two definitions are used in parallel and the data are shown in two separate tables. NACE Rev.2 collection includes data starting from 2008 reference year. For more details please see the definitions in Annex 7 and 8. The product approach: The product approach was created to complement the sectoral approach and it is used for data on high-tech trade. The product list is based on the calculations of R&D intensity by groups of products (R&D expenditure/total sales). The groups classified as high-technology products are aggregated on the basis of the Standard International Trade Classification (SITC). The initial definition was built based on SITC Rev.3 and served to compile the high-tech product aggregates until 2007. With the implementation in 2007 of the new version of SITC Rev.4, the definition of high-tech groups was revised and adapted according to new classification. Starting from 2007 the Eurostat presents the trade data for high-tech groups aggregated based on the SITC Rev.4. For more details, see definition of high-tech products in Annex 4 and 5. High-tech patents: High-tech patents are defined according to another approach. The groups classified as high-tech patents are aggregated on the basis of the International Patent Classification (IPC 8th edition). Biotechnology patents are also aggregated on the basis of the IPC 8th edition. For more details, see the aggregation list of high-tech and biotechnology patents in Annex 6. The high-tech domain also comprises the sub-domain Venture Capital Investments: data are provided by INVEST Europe (formerly named the European Private Equity and Venture Capital Association EVCA). More details are available in the Eurostat metadata under Venture capital investments. Please note that for paragraphs where no metadata for regional data has been specified, the regional metadata is identical to the metadata provided for the national data.
    • Dezember 2024
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 13 Dezember, 2024
      Datensatz auswählen
      'Statistics on high-tech industry and knowledge-intensive services' (sometimes referred to as simply 'high-tech statistics') comprise economic, employment and science, technology and innovation (STI) data describing manufacturing and services industries or products traded broken down by technological intensity. The domain uses various other domains and sources of  Eurostat's official statistics (CIS, COMEXT, HRST, LFS, PATENT, R&D and SBS) and its coverage is therefore dependent on these other primary sources. Two main approaches are used in the domain to identify technology-intensity: the sectoral approach and the product approach. A third approach is used for data on high-tech and biotechnology patents aggregated on the basis of the International Patent Classification (IPC) 8th edition (see summary table in Annex 1 for which approach is used by each type of data). The sectoral approach: The sectoral approach is an aggregation of the manufacturing industries according to technological intensity (R&D expenditure/value added) and based on the Statistical classification of economic activities in the European Community (NACE) at 2-digit level. The level of R&D intensity served as a criterion of classification of economic sectors into high-technology, medium high-technology, medium low-technology and low-technology industries. Services are mainly aggregated into knowledge-intensive services (KIS) and less knowledge-intensive services (LKIS) based on the share of tertiary educated persons at NACE 2-digit level. The sectoral approach is used for all indicators except data on high-tech trade and patents. Note that due to the revision of the NACE from NACE Rev. 1.1 to NACE Rev. 2 the definition of high-technology industries and knowledge-intensive services has changed in 2008. For high-tech statistics it means that two different definitions (one according NACE Rev. 1.1 and one according NACE Rev. 2) are used in parallel and the data according to both NACE versions are presented in separated tables depending on the data availability. For example as the LFS provides the results both by NACE Rev. 1.1 and NACE Rev. 2, all the table using this source have been duplicated to present the results by NACE Rev. 2 from 2008. For more details, see both definitions of high-tech sectors in Annex 2 and 3. Within the sectoral approach, a second classification was created, named Knowledge Intensive Activities KIA) and based on the share of tertiary educated people in each sectors of industries and services according to NACE at 2-digit level and for all EU28 Member States. A threshold was applied to judge sectors as knowledge intensive. In contrast to first sectoral approach mixing two methodologies, one for manufacturing industries and one for services, the KIA classification is based on one methodology for all the sectors of industries and services covering even public sector activities. The aggregations in use are Total Knowledge Intensive Activities (KIA) and Knowledge Intensive Activities in Business Industries (KIABI). Both classifications are made according to NACE Rev. 1.1 and NACE Rev. 2 at 2- digit level. Note that due to revision of the NACE Rev.1.1 to NACE Rev. 2 the list of Knowledge Intensive Activities has changed as well, the two definitions are used in parallel and the data are shown in two separate tables. NACE Rev.2 collection includes data starting from 2008 reference year. For more details please see the definitions in Annex 7 and 8. The product approach: The product approach was created to complement the sectoral approach and it is used for data on high-tech trade. The product list is based on the calculations of R&D intensity by groups of products (R&D expenditure/total sales). The groups classified as high-technology products are aggregated on the basis of the Standard International Trade Classification (SITC). The initial definition was built based on SITC Rev.3 and served to compile the high-tech product aggregates until 2007. With the implementation in 2007 of the new version of SITC Rev.4, the definition of high-tech groups was revised and adapted according to new classification. Starting from 2007 the Eurostat presents the trade data for high-tech groups aggregated based on the SITC Rev.4. For more details, see definition of high-tech products in Annex 4 and 5. High-tech patents: High-tech patents are defined according to another approach. The groups classified as high-tech patents are aggregated on the basis of the International Patent Classification (IPC 8th edition). Biotechnology patents are also aggregated on the basis of the IPC 8th edition. For more details, see the aggregation list of high-tech and biotechnology patents in Annex 6. The high-tech domain also comprises the sub-domain Venture Capital Investments: data are provided by INVEST Europe (formerly named the European Private Equity and Venture Capital Association EVCA). More details are available in the Eurostat metadata under Venture capital investments. Please note that for paragraphs where no metadata for regional data has been specified, the regional metadata is identical to the metadata provided for the national data.
    • Februar 2023
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 16 Februar, 2023
      Datensatz auswählen
      'Statistics on high-tech industry and knowledge-intensive services' (sometimes referred to as simply 'high-tech statistics') comprise economic, employment and science, technology and innovation (STI) data describing manufacturing and services industries or products traded broken down by technological intensity. The domain uses various other domains and sources of  Eurostat's official statistics (CIS, COMEXT, HRST, LFS, PATENT, R&D and SBS) and its coverage is therefore dependent on these other primary sources. Two main approaches are used in the domain to identify technology-intensity: the sectoral approach and the product approach. A third approach is used for data on high-tech and biotechnology patents aggregated on the basis of the International Patent Classification (IPC) 8th edition (see summary table in Annex 1 for which approach is used by each type of data). The sectoral approach: The sectoral approach is an aggregation of the manufacturing industries according to technological intensity (R&D expenditure/value added) and based on the Statistical classification of economic activities in the European Community (NACE) at 2-digit level. The level of R&D intensity served as a criterion of classification of economic sectors into high-technology, medium high-technology, medium low-technology and low-technology industries. Services are mainly aggregated into knowledge-intensive services (KIS) and less knowledge-intensive services (LKIS) based on the share of tertiary educated persons at NACE 2-digit level. The sectoral approach is used for all indicators except data on high-tech trade and patents. Note that due to the revision of the NACE from NACE Rev. 1.1 to NACE Rev. 2 the definition of high-technology industries and knowledge-intensive services has changed in 2008. For high-tech statistics it means that two different definitions (one according NACE Rev. 1.1 and one according NACE Rev. 2) are used in parallel and the data according to both NACE versions are presented in separated tables depending on the data availability. For example as the LFS provides the results both by NACE Rev. 1.1 and NACE Rev. 2, all the table using this source have been duplicated to present the results by NACE Rev. 2 from 2008. For more details, see both definitions of high-tech sectors in Annex 2 and 3. Within the sectoral approach, a second classification was created, named Knowledge Intensive Activities KIA) and based on the share of tertiary educated people in each sectors of industries and services according to NACE at 2-digit level and for all EU28 Member States. A threshold was applied to judge sectors as knowledge intensive. In contrast to first sectoral approach mixing two methodologies, one for manufacturing industries and one for services, the KIA classification is based on one methodology for all the sectors of industries and services covering even public sector activities. The aggregations in use are Total Knowledge Intensive Activities (KIA) and Knowledge Intensive Activities in Business Industries (KIABI). Both classifications are made according to NACE Rev. 1.1 and NACE Rev. 2 at 2- digit level. Note that due to revision of the NACE Rev.1.1 to NACE Rev. 2 the list of Knowledge Intensive Activities has changed as well, the two definitions are used in parallel and the data are shown in two separate tables. NACE Rev.2 collection includes data starting from 2008 reference year. For more details please see the definitions in Annex 7 and 8. The product approach: The product approach was created to complement the sectoral approach and it is used for data on high-tech trade. The product list is based on the calculations of R&D intensity by groups of products (R&D expenditure/total sales). The groups classified as high-technology products are aggregated on the basis of the Standard International Trade Classification (SITC). The initial definition was built based on SITC Rev.3 and served to compile the high-tech product aggregates until 2007. With the implementation in 2007 of the new version of SITC Rev.4, the definition of high-tech groups was revised and adapted according to new classification. Starting from 2007 the Eurostat presents the trade data for high-tech groups aggregated based on the SITC Rev.4. For more details, see definition of high-tech products in Annex 4 and 5. High-tech patents: High-tech patents are defined according to another approach. The groups classified as high-tech patents are aggregated on the basis of the International Patent Classification (IPC 8th edition). Biotechnology patents are also aggregated on the basis of the IPC 8th edition. For more details, see the aggregation list of high-tech and biotechnology patents in Annex 6. The high-tech domain also comprises the sub-domain Venture Capital Investments: data are provided by INVEST Europe (formerly named the European Private Equity and Venture Capital Association EVCA). More details are available in the Eurostat metadata under Venture capital investments. Please note that for paragraphs where no metadata for regional data has been specified, the regional metadata is identical to the metadata provided for the national data.
    • Juni 2024
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 14 Juni, 2024
      Datensatz auswählen
      'Statistics on high-tech industry and knowledge-intensive services' (sometimes referred to as simply 'high-tech statistics') comprise economic, employment and science, technology and innovation (STI) data describing manufacturing and services industries or products traded broken down by technological intensity. The domain uses various other domains and sources of  Eurostat's official statistics (CIS, COMEXT, HRST, LFS, PATENT, R&D and SBS) and its coverage is therefore dependent on these other primary sources. Two main approaches are used in the domain to identify technology-intensity: the sectoral approach and the product approach. A third approach is used for data on high-tech and biotechnology patents aggregated on the basis of the International Patent Classification (IPC) 8th edition (see summary table in Annex 1 for which approach is used by each type of data). The sectoral approach: The sectoral approach is an aggregation of the manufacturing industries according to technological intensity (R&D expenditure/value added) and based on the Statistical classification of economic activities in the European Community (NACE) at 2-digit level. The level of R&D intensity served as a criterion of classification of economic sectors into high-technology, medium high-technology, medium low-technology and low-technology industries. Services are mainly aggregated into knowledge-intensive services (KIS) and less knowledge-intensive services (LKIS) based on the share of tertiary educated persons at NACE 2-digit level. The sectoral approach is used for all indicators except data on high-tech trade and patents. Note that due to the revision of the NACE from NACE Rev. 1.1 to NACE Rev. 2 the definition of high-technology industries and knowledge-intensive services has changed in 2008. For high-tech statistics it means that two different definitions (one according NACE Rev. 1.1 and one according NACE Rev. 2) are used in parallel and the data according to both NACE versions are presented in separated tables depending on the data availability. For example as the LFS provides the results both by NACE Rev. 1.1 and NACE Rev. 2, all the table using this source have been duplicated to present the results by NACE Rev. 2 from 2008. For more details, see both definitions of high-tech sectors in Annex 2 and 3. Within the sectoral approach, a second classification was created, named Knowledge Intensive Activities KIA) and based on the share of tertiary educated people in each sectors of industries and services according to NACE at 2-digit level and for all EU28 Member States. A threshold was applied to judge sectors as knowledge intensive. In contrast to first sectoral approach mixing two methodologies, one for manufacturing industries and one for services, the KIA classification is based on one methodology for all the sectors of industries and services covering even public sector activities. The aggregations in use are Total Knowledge Intensive Activities (KIA) and Knowledge Intensive Activities in Business Industries (KIABI). Both classifications are made according to NACE Rev. 1.1 and NACE Rev. 2 at 2- digit level. Note that due to revision of the NACE Rev.1.1 to NACE Rev. 2 the list of Knowledge Intensive Activities has changed as well, the two definitions are used in parallel and the data are shown in two separate tables. NACE Rev.2 collection includes data starting from 2008 reference year. For more details please see the definitions in Annex 7 and 8. The product approach: The product approach was created to complement the sectoral approach and it is used for data on high-tech trade. The product list is based on the calculations of R&D intensity by groups of products (R&D expenditure/total sales). The groups classified as high-technology products are aggregated on the basis of the Standard International Trade Classification (SITC). The initial definition was built based on SITC Rev.3 and served to compile the high-tech product aggregates until 2007. With the implementation in 2007 of the new version of SITC Rev.4, the definition of high-tech groups was revised and adapted according to new classification. Starting from 2007 the Eurostat presents the trade data for high-tech groups aggregated based on the SITC Rev.4. For more details, see definition of high-tech products in Annex 4 and 5. High-tech patents: High-tech patents are defined according to another approach. The groups classified as high-tech patents are aggregated on the basis of the International Patent Classification (IPC 8th edition). Biotechnology patents are also aggregated on the basis of the IPC 8th edition. For more details, see the aggregation list of high-tech and biotechnology patents in Annex 6. The high-tech domain also comprises the sub-domain Venture Capital Investments: data are provided by INVEST Europe (formerly named the European Private Equity and Venture Capital Association EVCA). More details are available in the Eurostat metadata under Venture capital investments. Please note that for paragraphs where no metadata for regional data has been specified, the regional metadata is identical to the metadata provided for the national data.
    • Februar 2023
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 16 Februar, 2023
      Datensatz auswählen
      'Statistics on high-tech industry and knowledge-intensive services' (sometimes referred to as simply 'high-tech statistics') comprise economic, employment and science, technology and innovation (STI) data describing manufacturing and services industries or products traded broken down by technological intensity. The domain uses various other domains and sources of  Eurostat's official statistics (CIS, COMEXT, HRST, LFS, PATENT, R&D and SBS) and its coverage is therefore dependent on these other primary sources. Two main approaches are used in the domain to identify technology-intensity: the sectoral approach and the product approach. A third approach is used for data on high-tech and biotechnology patents aggregated on the basis of the International Patent Classification (IPC) 8th edition (see summary table in Annex 1 for which approach is used by each type of data). The sectoral approach: The sectoral approach is an aggregation of the manufacturing industries according to technological intensity (R&D expenditure/value added) and based on the Statistical classification of economic activities in the European Community (NACE) at 2-digit level. The level of R&D intensity served as a criterion of classification of economic sectors into high-technology, medium high-technology, medium low-technology and low-technology industries. Services are mainly aggregated into knowledge-intensive services (KIS) and less knowledge-intensive services (LKIS) based on the share of tertiary educated persons at NACE 2-digit level. The sectoral approach is used for all indicators except data on high-tech trade and patents. Note that due to the revision of the NACE from NACE Rev. 1.1 to NACE Rev. 2 the definition of high-technology industries and knowledge-intensive services has changed in 2008. For high-tech statistics it means that two different definitions (one according NACE Rev. 1.1 and one according NACE Rev. 2) are used in parallel and the data according to both NACE versions are presented in separated tables depending on the data availability. For example as the LFS provides the results both by NACE Rev. 1.1 and NACE Rev. 2, all the table using this source have been duplicated to present the results by NACE Rev. 2 from 2008. For more details, see both definitions of high-tech sectors in Annex 2 and 3. Within the sectoral approach, a second classification was created, named Knowledge Intensive Activities KIA) and based on the share of tertiary educated people in each sectors of industries and services according to NACE at 2-digit level and for all EU28 Member States. A threshold was applied to judge sectors as knowledge intensive. In contrast to first sectoral approach mixing two methodologies, one for manufacturing industries and one for services, the KIA classification is based on one methodology for all the sectors of industries and services covering even public sector activities. The aggregations in use are Total Knowledge Intensive Activities (KIA) and Knowledge Intensive Activities in Business Industries (KIABI). Both classifications are made according to NACE Rev. 1.1 and NACE Rev. 2 at 2- digit level. Note that due to revision of the NACE Rev.1.1 to NACE Rev. 2 the list of Knowledge Intensive Activities has changed as well, the two definitions are used in parallel and the data are shown in two separate tables. NACE Rev.2 collection includes data starting from 2008 reference year. For more details please see the definitions in Annex 7 and 8. The product approach: The product approach was created to complement the sectoral approach and it is used for data on high-tech trade. The product list is based on the calculations of R&D intensity by groups of products (R&D expenditure/total sales). The groups classified as high-technology products are aggregated on the basis of the Standard International Trade Classification (SITC). The initial definition was built based on SITC Rev.3 and served to compile the high-tech product aggregates until 2007. With the implementation in 2007 of the new version of SITC Rev.4, the definition of high-tech groups was revised and adapted according to new classification. Starting from 2007 the Eurostat presents the trade data for high-tech groups aggregated based on the SITC Rev.4. For more details, see definition of high-tech products in Annex 4 and 5. High-tech patents: High-tech patents are defined according to another approach. The groups classified as high-tech patents are aggregated on the basis of the International Patent Classification (IPC 8th edition). Biotechnology patents are also aggregated on the basis of the IPC 8th edition. For more details, see the aggregation list of high-tech and biotechnology patents in Annex 6. The high-tech domain also comprises the sub-domain Venture Capital Investments: data are provided by INVEST Europe (formerly named the European Private Equity and Venture Capital Association EVCA). More details are available in the Eurostat metadata under Venture capital investments. Please note that for paragraphs where no metadata for regional data has been specified, the regional metadata is identical to the metadata provided for the national data.
    • Juni 2024
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 14 Juni, 2024
      Datensatz auswählen
      'Statistics on high-tech industry and knowledge-intensive services' (sometimes referred to as simply 'high-tech statistics') comprise economic, employment and science, technology and innovation (STI) data describing manufacturing and services industries or products traded broken down by technological intensity. The domain uses various other domains and sources of  Eurostat's official statistics (CIS, COMEXT, HRST, LFS, PATENT, R&D and SBS) and its coverage is therefore dependent on these other primary sources. Two main approaches are used in the domain to identify technology-intensity: the sectoral approach and the product approach. A third approach is used for data on high-tech and biotechnology patents aggregated on the basis of the International Patent Classification (IPC) 8th edition (see summary table in Annex 1 for which approach is used by each type of data). The sectoral approach: The sectoral approach is an aggregation of the manufacturing industries according to technological intensity (R&D expenditure/value added) and based on the Statistical classification of economic activities in the European Community (NACE) at 2-digit level. The level of R&D intensity served as a criterion of classification of economic sectors into high-technology, medium high-technology, medium low-technology and low-technology industries. Services are mainly aggregated into knowledge-intensive services (KIS) and less knowledge-intensive services (LKIS) based on the share of tertiary educated persons at NACE 2-digit level. The sectoral approach is used for all indicators except data on high-tech trade and patents. Note that due to the revision of the NACE from NACE Rev. 1.1 to NACE Rev. 2 the definition of high-technology industries and knowledge-intensive services has changed in 2008. For high-tech statistics it means that two different definitions (one according NACE Rev. 1.1 and one according NACE Rev. 2) are used in parallel and the data according to both NACE versions are presented in separated tables depending on the data availability. For example as the LFS provides the results both by NACE Rev. 1.1 and NACE Rev. 2, all the table using this source have been duplicated to present the results by NACE Rev. 2 from 2008. For more details, see both definitions of high-tech sectors in Annex 2 and 3. Within the sectoral approach, a second classification was created, named Knowledge Intensive Activities KIA) and based on the share of tertiary educated people in each sectors of industries and services according to NACE at 2-digit level and for all EU28 Member States. A threshold was applied to judge sectors as knowledge intensive. In contrast to first sectoral approach mixing two methodologies, one for manufacturing industries and one for services, the KIA classification is based on one methodology for all the sectors of industries and services covering even public sector activities. The aggregations in use are Total Knowledge Intensive Activities (KIA) and Knowledge Intensive Activities in Business Industries (KIABI). Both classifications are made according to NACE Rev. 1.1 and NACE Rev. 2 at 2- digit level. Note that due to revision of the NACE Rev.1.1 to NACE Rev. 2 the list of Knowledge Intensive Activities has changed as well, the two definitions are used in parallel and the data are shown in two separate tables. NACE Rev.2 collection includes data starting from 2008 reference year. For more details please see the definitions in Annex 7 and 8. The product approach: The product approach was created to complement the sectoral approach and it is used for data on high-tech trade. The product list is based on the calculations of R&D intensity by groups of products (R&D expenditure/total sales). The groups classified as high-technology products are aggregated on the basis of the Standard International Trade Classification (SITC). The initial definition was built based on SITC Rev.3 and served to compile the high-tech product aggregates until 2007. With the implementation in 2007 of the new version of SITC Rev.4, the definition of high-tech groups was revised and adapted according to new classification. Starting from 2007 the Eurostat presents the trade data for high-tech groups aggregated based on the SITC Rev.4. For more details, see definition of high-tech products in Annex 4 and 5. High-tech patents: High-tech patents are defined according to another approach. The groups classified as high-tech patents are aggregated on the basis of the International Patent Classification (IPC 8th edition). Biotechnology patents are also aggregated on the basis of the IPC 8th edition. For more details, see the aggregation list of high-tech and biotechnology patents in Annex 6. The high-tech domain also comprises the sub-domain Venture Capital Investments: data are provided by INVEST Europe (formerly named the European Private Equity and Venture Capital Association EVCA). More details are available in the Eurostat metadata under Venture capital investments. Please note that for paragraphs where no metadata for regional data has been specified, the regional metadata is identical to the metadata provided for the national data.
    • Dezember 2024
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 13 Dezember, 2024
      Datensatz auswählen
      Regional (NUTS level 2) employment rate of the age group 15-64 represents employed persons aged 15-64 as a percentage of the population of the same age group. The indicator is based on the EU Labour Force Survey. The survey covers the entire population living in private households and excludes those in collective households such as boarding houses, halls of residence and hospitals. The employed persons are those aged 15-64, who during the reference week did any work for pay, profit or family gain for at least one hour, or were not at work but had a job or business from which they were temporarily absent.
    • April 2023
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 27 April, 2023
      Datensatz auswählen
      Regional (NUTS level 2) employment rate of the age group 20-64 represents employed persons aged 20-64 as a percentage of the population of the same age group. The indicator is based on the EU Labour Force Survey. The survey covers the entire population living in private households and excludes those in collective households such as boarding houses, halls of residence and hospitals. The employed persons are those aged 20-64, who during the reference week did any work for pay, profit or family gain for at least one hour, or were not at work but had a job or business from which they were temporarily absent.
    • April 2023
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 27 April, 2023
      Datensatz auswählen
      Regional (NUTS level 2) employment rate of the age group 55-64 represents employed persons aged 55-64 as a percentage of the population of the same age group. Employed persons are those who, during the reference week, did any work for pay, profit or family gain for at least one hour, or were not at work but had a job or business from which they were temporarily absent.
    • Dezember 2024
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 13 Dezember, 2024
      Datensatz auswählen
      The source for the regional labour market information down to NUTS level 2 is the EU Labour Force Survey (EU-LFS). This is a quarterly household sample survey conducted in all Member States of the EU and in EFTA and Candidate countries.  The EU-LFS survey follows the definitions and recommendations of the International Labour Organisation (ILO). To achieve further harmonisation, the Member States also adhere to common principles when formulating questionnaires. The LFS' target population is made up of all persons in private households aged 15 and over. For more information see the EU Labour Force Survey (lfsi_esms, see paragraph 21.1.).  The EU-LFS is designed to give accurate quarterly information at national level as well as annual information at NUTS 2 regional level and the compilation of these figures is well specified in the regulation. Microdata including the NUTS 2 level codes are provided by all the participating countries with a good degree of geographical comparability, which allows the production and dissemination of a complete set of comparable indicators for this territorial level. At present the transmission of the regional labour market data at NUTS 3 level has no legal basis. However many countries transmit NUTS 3 figures to Eurostat on a voluntary basis, under the understanding that they are not for publication with such detail, but for aggregation in few categories per country, i.e., metropolitan regions and urban-rural typology. Most of the NUTS 3 data are based on the LFS while some countries transmit data based on registers, administrative data, small area estimation and other reliable sources.
    • Juni 2024
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 14 Juni, 2024
      Datensatz auswählen
      The source for the regional labour market information down to NUTS level 2 is the EU Labour Force Survey (EU-LFS). This is a quarterly household sample survey conducted in all Member States of the EU and in EFTA and Candidate countries.  The EU-LFS survey follows the definitions and recommendations of the International Labour Organisation (ILO). To achieve further harmonisation, the Member States also adhere to common principles when formulating questionnaires. The LFS' target population is made up of all persons in private households aged 15 and over. For more information see the EU Labour Force Survey (lfsi_esms, see paragraph 21.1.).  The EU-LFS is designed to give accurate quarterly information at national level as well as annual information at NUTS 2 regional level and the compilation of these figures is well specified in the regulation. Microdata including the NUTS 2 level codes are provided by all the participating countries with a good degree of geographical comparability, which allows the production and dissemination of a complete set of comparable indicators for this territorial level. At present the transmission of the regional labour market data at NUTS 3 level has no legal basis. However many countries transmit NUTS 3 figures to Eurostat on a voluntary basis, under the understanding that they are not for publication with such detail, but for aggregation in few categories per country, i.e., metropolitan regions and urban-rural typology. Most of the NUTS 3 data are based on the LFS while some countries transmit data based on registers, administrative data, small area estimation and other reliable sources.
    • Juni 2024
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 14 Juni, 2024
      Datensatz auswählen
      The source for the regional labour market information down to NUTS level 2 is the EU Labour Force Survey (EU-LFS). This is a quarterly household sample survey conducted in all Member States of the EU and in EFTA and Candidate countries.  The EU-LFS survey follows the definitions and recommendations of the International Labour Organisation (ILO). To achieve further harmonisation, the Member States also adhere to common principles when formulating questionnaires. The LFS' target population is made up of all persons in private households aged 15 and over. For more information see the EU Labour Force Survey (lfsi_esms, see paragraph 21.1.).  The EU-LFS is designed to give accurate quarterly information at national level as well as annual information at NUTS 2 regional level and the compilation of these figures is well specified in the regulation. Microdata including the NUTS 2 level codes are provided by all the participating countries with a good degree of geographical comparability, which allows the production and dissemination of a complete set of comparable indicators for this territorial level. At present the transmission of the regional labour market data at NUTS 3 level has no legal basis. However many countries transmit NUTS 3 figures to Eurostat on a voluntary basis, under the understanding that they are not for publication with such detail, but for aggregation in few categories per country, i.e., metropolitan regions and urban-rural typology. Most of the NUTS 3 data are based on the LFS while some countries transmit data based on registers, administrative data, small area estimation and other reliable sources.
    • September 2023
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 15 September, 2023
      Datensatz auswählen
      The aim of this section is to provide comparable statistics and indicators on education in the 27 Member States of the European Union, at the regional level NUTS 2. In order to facilitate comparison between countries, data from each Member State are allocated to the various education levels of the International Standard Classification of Education (ISCED), UNESCO 1997.
    • Mai 2020
      Quelle: International Labour Organization
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 08 Mai, 2020
      Datensatz auswählen
      Imputed observations are not based on national data, are subject to high uncertainty and should not be used for country comparisons or rankings. The series is part of the ILO estimates and is harmonized to account for differences in national data and scope of coverage, collection and tabulation methodologies as well as for other country-specific factors. For more information, refer to the ILO estimates and projections methodological note.
    • Dezember 2024
      Quelle: International Labour Organization
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 20 Februar, 2025
      Datensatz auswählen
      Imputed observations are not based on national data, are subject to high uncertainty and should not be used for country comparisons or rankings. The employment-to-population ratio expresses the number of persons who are employed as a percent of the total working age population. The series is part of the ILO modelled estimates and is harmonized to account for differences in national data and scope of coverage, collection and tabulation methodologies as well as for other country-specific factors. For more information, refer to the ILOSTAT pages on concepts and definitions and ILO modelled estimates and projections.
    • August 2022
      Quelle: Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 20 Oktober, 2022
      Datensatz auswählen
      BGR provides the biennial energy study which covers data and developments concerning German and Global energy supplies. In addition the study also provides information on the global generation of renewable energies, including geothermal energy and hydrogen. 
    • September 2015
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 05 Oktober, 2015
      Datensatz auswählen
      Eurostat Dataset Id:env_rpep
    • März 2019
      Quelle: National Statistical Committee, Kyrgyz Republic
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 02 April, 2019
      Datensatz auswählen
    • April 2013
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 22 April, 2014
      Datensatz auswählen
      Eurostat Dataset Id:env_ac_exp4r2 Data show environmental protection expenditure (EPE). Environmental protection includes all activities directly aimed at the prevention, reduction and elimination of pollution or any other degradation of the environment. Data on regional EPE were collected from the European countries for the first time in 2010 through the Eurostat Questionnaire on Regional Environmental Data Collection (REQ) based on a Gentlemen's Agreement. The scope of environmental protection is defined according to the Classification of Environmental Protection Activities (CEPA 2000), which distinguishes nine environmental domains: protection of ambient air and climate; wastewater management; waste management; protection and remediation of soil, groundwater and surface water; noise and vibration abatement; protection of biodiversity and landscape; protection against radiation; research and development and other environmental protection activities. The data cover three economic sectors (public sector, specialised producers and industry), one economic variable (total environmental protection expenditure) and the nine environmental domains mentioned above. Data are published for years 2000-2009.
    • April 2021
      Quelle: Australian Bureau of Statistics
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 30 April, 2021
      Datensatz auswählen
      The estimated resident population (ERP) is the official measure of the Australian population. This dataset contains annual ERP by country of birth, age and sex at the Australia level. At the state/territory level it is available for Census years only. Population_Estimates:_Concepts,_Sources_and_Methods_2009
    • Februar 2020
      Quelle: Australian Bureau of Statistics
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 17 Februar, 2020
      Datensatz auswählen
      The estimated resident population (ERP) is the official measure of the Australian population. This dataset contains annual ERP by country of birth, age and sex at the Australia level. At the state/territory level it is available for Census years only.
    • Dezember 2019
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 19 Dezember, 2019
      Datensatz auswählen
      Data on soil erosion are published under agreement with data provider - Joint Research Centre of the European Commission (JRC – Ispra), one of the partners of the Memorandum of Understanding for cooperation on the development of Agri-environmental indicators. Soil erosion by water is one of the most widespread forms of soil degradation in Europe. Since it is difficult to measure at large scales, soil erosion models are a crucial estimation tool at regional, national and European levels. This dataset represents the soil erosion rates by water estimated on the basis of the Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation (RUSLE) empirical computer model in tonnes per ha of EU territory per year (t ha-1 yr-1), in EU-28 Member States for NUTS 3 level administrative areas. Note that Eurostat is not the producer of these data, only re-publishes them. For more information please consult the Eurostat Statistics Explained article Agri-environmental indicator – Soil erosion.
    • Dezember 2016
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 28 März, 2017
      Datensatz auswählen
      Intellectual property refers broadly to the creations of the human mind. Intellectual property rights protect the interests of creators by giving them property rights over their creations. Trade marks constitute means by which creators seek protection for their industrial property. Trade marks reflect the non-technological innovation in every sector of economic life, including services. In this context, indicators based on Trade mark data can provide a link between innovation and the market. Trade marks such as words or figurative marks are an essential part of the “identity” of goods and services. They help deliver brand recognition, in logos for example, and play an important role in marketing and communication. It is possible to register a variety of Trade marks including words, other graphical representations, and even sounds. Rights owners have a choice of obtaining protection on a country-by-country basis, or using international systems. This domain provides users with data concerning European Union Trade marks. European Union Trade marks refer to trade mark protections throughout the European Union, which covers 28 countries. The European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO) is the official office of the European Union for the registration of European Union Trade marks and Designs. A European Union Trade mark is an exclusive right that protects distinctive signs, valid across the EU, registered directly with EUIPO in Alicante in accordance with the conditions specified in the EUTM Regulations (Source: EUIPO).
    • Dezember 2016
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 08 April, 2017
      Datensatz auswählen
    • März 2025
      Quelle: XE
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 14 März, 2025
      Datensatz auswählen
      This dataset contains the exchange rate of 1USD to their country local currency.
    • Juli 2020
      Quelle: National Institute of Statistics, Italy
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 21 Juli, 2020
      Datensatz auswählen
      Data source(s) used: The source of the cross-country indicators is OECD: "Education at a glance". For further details please see the publication at the link The source of the final consumption expenditure by general government on education and training by region is Istat: regional economic accounts.
    • Februar 2015
      Quelle: World Integrated Trade Solution
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 04 Januar, 2019
      Datensatz auswählen
      The Export of Value Added (EVA) dataset illustrates the strength of economy- wide linkages. It provides data on how value added structures and services linkages to trade have evolved over time. Thanks to repeated updating of the GTAP dataset, we have data for both cross border linkages in recent years, and how these have changed since the early 1990s. This serves as the basis for the database, which builds on Christen, Francois, and Hoekman (2012) and Francois, Manchin, and Tomberger (2012). We work with a panel of global input-output data (a set of global social accounting matrices spanning intermittent years from 1992 to 2011) that covers not only key OECD economies, but also a range of developing countries as well. Sector_GMatrix:  This matrix contains the total domestic value added based on linkages. Depending whether rows or columns are considered its sum corresponds to forward (row) or backward (colunn) linkages. Thus reading a row for a given sector (sector presented on the y-axis) provides information about how much this sector went into each sector (on the x-axis) as inputs DomVAshare: This vector denotes the domestic share of value added of gross value of output per sector. GXshare: Denotes the share of each sector in total exports per country based on the gross value of exports. DXshare: Denotes the share of each sector’s exports of total exports per country based on direct value added, ignoring linkages. VXsharefwd: Denotes the total value added in exports based on forward linkages per sector and country. VXsharebwd: Denotes the total value added in exports based on backward linkages. It is obtained by taking the column-sums of matrix H.
    • September 2021
      Quelle: National Agency of Statistics and Demography, Senegal
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 02 Oktober, 2021
      Datensatz auswählen
      Exports by Country for Senegal
    • März 2019
      Quelle: Statistics Canada
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 13 März, 2024
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    • Mai 2021
      Quelle: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 04 Mai, 2021
      Datensatz auswählen
      Air pollution is considered one of the most pressing environmental and health issues across OECD countries and beyond. According to the World Health Organisation (WHO), exposure to fine particulate matter (PM2.5) has potentially the most significant adverse effects on health compared to other pollutants. PM2.5 can be inhaled and cause serious health problems including both respiratory and cardiovascular disease, having its most severe effects on children and elderly people. Exposure to PM2.5 has been shown to considerably increase the risk of heart disease and stroke in particular. For these reasons, population exposure to (outdoor or ambient) PM2.5 has been identified as an OECD Green Growth headline indicator. The underlying PM2.5 concentrations estimates are taken from van Donkelaar et al. (2016). They have been derived using satellite observations and a chemical transport model, calibrated to global ground-based measurements using Geographically Weighted Regression at 0.01° resolution. The underlying population data, Gridded Population of the World, version 4 (GPWv4) are taken from the Socioeconomic Data and Applications Center (SEDAC) at the NASA. The underlying boundary geometries are taken from the Global Administrative Unit Layers (GAUL) developed by the FAO, and the OECD Territorial Classification, when available. The current version of the database presents much more variation with respect to the previous one. The reason is that the underlying concentration estimates previously included smoothed multi-year averages and interpolations; while in the current version annual concentration estimates are used. Establishing trends of pollution exposure should be done with care, especially at smaller output areas, as their inputs (e.g. underlying data and models) can change from year to year. We recommend using a 3-year moving average for visualisation.
    • Januar 2024
      Quelle: Statistics Norway
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 16 Januar, 2024
      Datensatz auswählen
      If a search in the StatBank does not return any result, this does not necessarily mean that there is no trade or that the country code is not valid in the particular period. A zero (0) could also imply that the figures are confidential or that the value is less than half of the unit used. From 2006 on the following countries had their belonging to continent changed - Cyprus from Asia to Europe, and Armenia, Georgia, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan from Europe to Asia. The total for Trade are/continent includes this change - while in the selections of countries in the pull-down menu for European/Asian countries it is the present classification that will be shown for the whole time period (Cypros belonging to Europe and the other countries to Asia). Statistics Norway do not publish figures for the trade region previously Comecon after 2011. For more information, see About the statisticsMonthly figures are released on the 15th of the month after the observation period (the previous month), or the first subsequent working day. These figures are preliminary. Corresponding yearly figures are published together with the monthly figures for December. With regard to the current year, all the monthly figures are updated in every publication. Final figures for the preceding year are released twice. For the first time in May the following year, while the corrected final figures are published in May one year later.countryEUCroatia is included in the trade with the EU from 2014 on.Palestine (2013-)Previously: West Bank/Gaza Stripe (2001-2012)
    • Februar 2024
      Quelle: Statistics Norway
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 16 Februar, 2024
      Datensatz auswählen
      If a search in the StatBank does not return any result, this does not necessarily mean that there is no trade or that the country code is not valid in the particular period. A zero (0) could also imply that the figures are confidential or that the value is less than half of the unit used. From 2006 on the following countries had their belonging to continent changed - Cyprus from Asia to Europe, and Armenia, Georgia, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan from Europe to Asia. The total for Trade are/continent includes this change - while in the selections of countries in the pull-down menu for European/Asian countries it is the present classification that will be shown for the whole time period (Cypros belonging to Europe and the other countries to Asia). Statistics Norway do not publish figures for the trade region previously Comecon after 2011. For more information, see About the statisticsMonthly figures are released on the 15th of the month after the observation period (the previous month), or the first subsequent working day. These figures are preliminary. Corresponding yearly figures are published together with the monthly figures for December. With regard to the current year, all the monthly figures are updated in every publication. Final figures for the preceding year are released twice. For the first time in May the following year, while the corrected final figures are published in May one year later.countryEUCroatia is included in the trade with the EU from 2014 on.Palestine (2013-)Previously: West Bank/Gaza Stripe (2001-2012)
    • November 2023
      Quelle: State Statistical Office, Republic of North Macedonia
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 07 November, 2023
      Datensatz auswählen
      Methodological explanationsSymbols usedSource: State Statistical Office, Year 2018M12, preliminary data
    • November 2023
      Quelle: State Statistical Office, Republic of North Macedonia
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 07 November, 2023
      Datensatz auswählen
      Methodological explanationsSymbols usedSource: State Statistical OfficeYear2018preliminary data
    • März 2019
      Quelle: National Statistical Committee, Kyrgyz Republic
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 02 April, 2019
      Datensatz auswählen
  • F
    • April 2015
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 29 Dezember, 2015
      Datensatz auswählen
      The 2011 Population and Housing Census marks a milestone in census exercises in Europe. For the first time, European legislation defined in detail a set of harmonised high-quality data from the population and housing censuses conducted in the EU Member States. As a result, the data from the 2011 round of censuses offer exceptional flexibility to cross-tabulate different variables and to provide geographically detailed data. EU Member States have developed different methods to produce these census data.  The national differences reflect the specific national situations in terms of data source availability, as well as the administrative practices and traditions of that country. The EU census legislation respects this diversity. The Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on population and housing censuses (Regulation (EC) No 763/2008) is focussed on output harmonisation rather than input harmonisation. Member States are free to assess for themselves how to conduct their 2011 censuses and which data sources, methods and technology should be applied given the national context. This gives the Member States flexibility, in line with the principles of subsidiarity and efficiency, and with the competences of the statistical institutes in the Member States. However, certain important conditions must be met in order to achieve the objective of comparability of census data from different Member States and to assess the data quality: Regulation (EC) No 1201/20092 contains definitions and technical specifications for the census topics (variables) and their breakdowns that are required to achieve Europe-wide comparability. The specifications are based closely on international recommendations and have been designed to provide the best possible information value. The census topics include geographic, demographic, economic and educational characteristics of persons, international and internal migration characteristics as well as household, family and housing characteristics. Regulation (EU) No 519/2010 requires the data outputs that Member States transmit to the Eurostat to comply with a defined programme of statistical data (tabulation) and with set rules concerning the replacement of statistical data. The content of the EU census programme serves major policy needs of the European Union. Regionally, there is a strong focus on the NUTS 2 level. The data requirements are adapted to the level of regional detail. The Regulation does not require transmission of any data that the Member States consider to be confidential. The statistical data must be completed by metadata that will facilitate interpretation of the numerical data, including country-specific definitions plus information on the data sources and on methodological issues. This is necessary in order to achieve the transparency that is a condition for valid interpretation of the data. Users of output-harmonised census data from the EU Member States need to have detailed information on the quality of the censuses and their results. Regulation (EU) No 1151/2010) therefore requires transmission of a quality report containing a systematic description of the data sources used for census purposes in the Member States and of the quality of the census results produced from these sources. A comparably structured quality report for all EU Member States will support the exchange of experience from the 2011 round and become a reference for future development of census methodology (EU legislation on the 2011 Population and Housing Censuses - Explanatory Notes ). In order to ensure proper transmission of the data and metadata and provide user-friendly access to this information, a common technical format is set for transmission for all Member States and for the Commission (Eurostat). The Regulation therefore requires the data to be transmitted in a harmonised structure and in the internationally established SDMX format from every Member State. In order to achieve this harmonised transmission, a new system has been developed – the CENSUS HUB. The Census Hub is a conceptually new system used for the dissemination of the 2011 Census. It is based on the concept of data sharing, where a group of partners (Eurostat on one hand and National Statistical Institutes on the other) agree to provide access to their data according to standard processes, formats and technologies. The Census Hub is a readily-accessible system that provided the following functions: • Data providers (the NSIs) can make data available directly from their systems through a querying system. In parallel, • Data users browse the hub to define a dataset of interest via the above structural metadata and retrieve the dataset from the NSIs. From the data management point of view, the hub is based on agreed hypercubes (data-sets in the form of multi-dimensional aggregations). The hypercubes are not sent to the central system. Instead the following process operates: 1. a user defines a dataset through the web interface of the central hub and requests it; 2. the central hub translates the user request in one or more queries and sends them to the related NSIs’ systems; 3. NSIs’ systems process the query and send the result to the central hub in a standard format; 4. the central hub puts together all the results sent by the NSI systems and presents them in a user-specified format.
    • März 2009
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 29 März, 2023
      Datensatz auswählen
      The domain EUROFARM (ef) contains information (statistical tables) on structure of agricultural holdings collected through agricultural structure surveys. The data of the domain have been organised into two collections: Results of the farm structure surveys contains data from 1990 onwards based on the 1988 legislation andResults of the farm structure surveys based on the legislation from 2008. This collection contains the data from the 2010 Census onwards as well as the data for the surveys 2007 and 2005. Farm Structure Survey data are used to collect information on agricultural holdings in the Member States at different geographic levels (Member States, regions, districts) and over periods (follow up the changes in agricultural sector), thus provide a base for decision making in the Common Agricultural Policy. Two kinds of Farm Structure Survey (FSS) are carried out by Member States: a basic survey (full scope Agricultural Census - AC) every 10 years,several sample based intermediate surveys between them. However for certain characteristics the Member States may use sample base for every survey. The calendar for the surveys to be held in all Member States is agreed by the Agricultural Statistics Committee of the European Commission. For a given survey year, Member States have to conduct their surveys within the agreed time-frame, thus all the data are as comparable as possible. The FSS are organised in all Member States on a harmonised base. Whereas the characteristics are based on community legislation, the same data are available for all countries in case of each survey. The data on individual agricultural holdings are collected by all Member States and sent to Eurostat. The aggregated results are disseminated through statistical tables. The variables are arranged into groups: general overview with key variables,and other specialized groups containing detailed data onland uselivestockfarm labour forcerural development issues as well as management and practices. The 2010 survey additionally provides the results of the survey on agricultural production methods (SAPM). The scope of the survey is agriculture, while the survey unit is the agricultural holding (farm). Data for basic surveys are available in a three-level geographical breakdown of the whole country, the regions and the district; while data for intermediate surveys are only available upon the two-levels of country and regions. Since FSS 1999/2000 information about local farm location is collected in most countries, so that the data can also be disseminated by NUTS and are robust regarding the changes in the NUTS definition. The FSS 2009/2010 information is inline with the NUTS 2010 classification: Regulation (EU) No 31/2011 amending the NUTS classification from January 2003. The Eurofarm domain does not cover the whole territory only the land covered by the agricultural holdings. So the land use data without link with other farm characteristics should be downloaded by the user from the relevant domain. Specific national data about crops, animals or agricultural labour force can be found in other domains, without link between the other information at farm level. For a comprehensive description of the domain, please consult detailed structure (See annex at the bottom of the page). Regional Data Data for basic surveys are available in a three-level geographical breakdown of the whole country, the regions and the district; while data for intermediate surveys are only available upon the two-levels of country and regions. Since FSS 1999/2000 information about local farm location is collected in most countries, so that the data can also be disseminated by NUTS classification and are robust regarding the changes in the NUTS definition. The FSS 2009/2010 information is inline with the NUTS 2010 classification: Regulation (EU) No 31/2001 amending the NUTS classification from January 2012. Please note that for paragraphs where no metadata for regional data has been specified, the regional metadata is identical to the metadata provided for the national data.
    • März 2009
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 30 März, 2023
      Datensatz auswählen
      Eurostat Dataset Id:ef_lu_ovcropaa The domain EUROFARM (ef) contains information (statistical tables) on structure of agricultural holdings collected through agricultural structure surveys. The data of the domain have been organised into two collections: Results of the farm structure surveys contains data from 1990 onwards Standard Gross Margin (SGM) and Standard Output (SO) coefficients. Farm Structure Survey data are used to collect information on agricultural holdings in the Member States at different geographic levels (Member States, regions, districts) and over periods (follow up the changes in agricultural sector), thus provide a base for decision making in the Common Agricultural Policy. Two kinds of Farm Structure Survey (FSS) are carried out by Member States: a basic survey (full scope Agricultural Census - AC) every 10 years, several sample based intermediate surveys between them. However for certain characteristics the Member States may use sample base for every survey. The calendar for the surveys to be held in all Member States is agreed by the Agricultural Statistics Committee of the European Commission. For a given survey year, Member States have to conduct their surveys within the agreed time-frame, thus all the data are as comparable as possible. The FSS are organised in all Member States on a harmonised base. Whereas the characteristics are based on community legislation, the same data are available for all countries in case of each survey. The data on individual agricultural holdings are collected by all Member States and sent to Eurostat. The aggregated results are disseminated through statistical tables. The variables are arranged into groups: one general overview with the key variables, and other specialized groups containing detailed data on land use livestock special interest topics: farm labour force, rural development issues as well as management and practices. The scope of the survey is agriculture, while the survey unit is the agricultural holding (farm). Data for basic surveys are available in a three-level geographical breakdown of the whole country, the regions and the district; while data for intermediate surveys are only available upon the two-levels of country and regions. Since FSS 1999/2000 information about local farm location is collected in most countries, so that the data can also be disseminated by NUTS and are robust regarding the changes in the NUTS definition. The FSS 2009/2010 information is inline with the NUTS 2010 classification: Regulation (EU) No 31/2001 amending the NUTS classification from January 2012. The Eurofarm domain does not cover the whole territory only the land covered by the agricultural holdings. So the land use data without link with other farm characteristics should be downloaded by the user from the relevant domain. Specific national data about crops, animals or agricultural labour force can be found in other domains, without link between the other information at farm level. For a comprehensive description of the domain, please consult detailed structure. Regional Data Data for basic surveys are available in a three-level geographical breakdown of the whole country, the regions and the district; while data for intermediate surveys are only available upon the two-levels of country and regions. Since FSS 1999/2000 information about local farm location is collected in most countries, so that the data can also be disseminated by NUTS classification and are robust regarding the changes in the NUTS definition. The FSS 2009/2010 information is inline with the NUTS 2010 classification: Regulation (EU) No 31/2001 amending the NUTS classification from January 2012. Please note that for paragraphs where no metadata for regional data has been specified, the regional metadata is identical to the metadata provided for the national data.
    • Mai 2020
      Quelle: International Labour Organization
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 08 Mai, 2020
      Datensatz auswählen
      An occupational injury is defined as any personal injury, disease or death resulting from an occupational accident; The case is fatal where death occurred within one year of the day of the accident. Data provided refers to new fatal occupational injuries per 100'000 in reference group coverage. For more information, refer to our resources on methods.
    • August 2023
      Quelle: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 23 August, 2023
      Datensatz auswählen
      The FDI Regulatory Restrictiveness Index (FDI Index) measures statutory restrictions on foreign direct investment across 22 economic sectors. It gauges the restrictiveness of a country’s FDI rules by looking at the four main types of restrictions on FDI: 1) Foreign equity limitations; 2) Discriminatory screening or approval mechanisms; 3) Restrictions on the employment of foreigners as key personnel and 4) Other operational restrictions, e.g. restrictions on branching and on capital repatriation or on land ownership by foreign-owend enterprises. Restrictions are evaluated on a 0 (open) to 1 (closed) scale. The overall restrictiveness index is the average of sectoral scores. The discriminatory nature of measures, i.e. when they apply to foreign investors only, is the central criterion for scoring a measure. State ownership and state monopolies, to the extent they are not discriminatory towards foreigners, are not scored. The FDI Index is not a full measure of a country’s investment climate. A range of other factors come into play, including how FDI rules are implemented. Entry barriers can also arise for other reasons, including state ownership in key sectors. A country’s ability to attract FDI will be affected by others factors such as the size of its market, the extent of its integration with neighbours and even geography among other. Nonetheless, FDI rules can be a critical determinant of a country’s attractiveness to foreign investors.
    • Mai 2020
      Quelle: International Labour Organization
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 07 Mai, 2020
      Datensatz auswählen
      Imputed observations are not based on national data, are subject to high uncertainty and should not be used for country comparisons or rankings. The labour force comprises all persons of working age who furnish the supply of labour for the production of goods and services during a specified time-reference period. It refers to the sum of all persons of working age who are employed and those who are unemployed. The working-age population is commonly defined as persons aged 15 years and older, but this varies from country to country. The series is part of the ILO estimates and is harmonized to account for differences in national data and scope of coverage, collection and tabulation methodologies as well as for other country-specific factors. For more information, refer to the ILO estimates and projections methodological note.
    • März 2024
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 27 März, 2024
      Datensatz auswählen
    • September 2024
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 04 September, 2024
      Datensatz auswählen
    • März 2024
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 27 März, 2024
      Datensatz auswählen
    • Oktober 2023
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 20 Oktober, 2023
      Datensatz auswählen
      Data on causes of death (COD) provide information on mortality patterns and form a major element of public health information. COD data refer to the underlying cause which - according to the World Health Organisation (WHO) - is "the disease or injury which initiated the train of morbid events leading directly to death, or the circumstances of the accident or violence which produced the fatal injury". Causes of death are classified by the 86 causes of the "European shortlist" of causes of death. This shortlist is based on the International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems (ICD). COD data are derived from death certificates. The medical certification of death is an obligation in all Member States. Countries code the information provided in the medical certificate of cause of death into ICD codes according to the rules specified in the ICD. Data are broken down by sex, 5-year age groups, cause of death and by residency and country of occurrence. For stillbirths and neonatal deaths additional breakdows might include age of mother. Data are available for EU-28, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Albania, Iceland, Norway, Liechtenstein and Switzerland. Regional data (NUTS level 2) are available for most of the countries. Annual national data are provided in absolute number, crude death rates and standardised death rates. At regional level (NUTS level 2) the same is provided in form of 3 years averages. Annual crude death rates are also available at NUTS level 2.
    • Januar 2020
      Quelle: National Institute of Statistics, Italy
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 21 Januar, 2020
      Datensatz auswählen
      Data source(s) used: Data source(s) usedThe source of data is OECD (PISA - Programme for international student assessment). The PISA survey aims to evaluate education systems every 3 years by assessing 15-years-olds' competencies in the key subjects: reading, mathematicas and science. The first Italian survey was in 2000 and it was conducted by Invalsi and the source is OECD/Invalsi- Pisa.
    • Mai 2022
      Quelle: Tax Justice Network
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 31 Mai, 2022
      Datensatz auswählen
      Data cited at: tax justice network -;  License term -     Jurisdiction Note for Year 2020: Footnote 1: The territories marked in dark color are Overseas Territories (OTs) and Crown Dependencies (CDs) where the Queen is head of state; powers to appoint key government officials rest with the British Crown; laws must be approved in London; and the UK government holds various other powers (see here for more details: Territories marked in light color are British Commonwealth territories which are not OTs or CDs but whose final court of appeal is the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council in London (see here for more details: Footnote 6: For jurisdictions marked with 2, we provide special narrative reports exploring the history and politics of their offshore sectors. You can read and download these reports by clicking on the country name.
    • Dezember 2009
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 22 April, 2014
      Datensatz auswählen
      Eurostat Dataset Id:migr_r_2fi The data comprises series of internal (in the country) regional migration on NUTS2 level during the reference year. Data on arrivals and departures due to internal migration are disaggregated by NUTS2 region of arrival/departure, sex and single year age. Data on migration by region of origin and destination (excluding intra-regional migration) are presented separately for each country for which such data are available. The tables are in the form of matrix (NUTS2 region of origin and destination) excluding intra-refional migration, disaggregated by sex. The data source is administrative records or national surveys. The completeness of the tables depends largely on the availability of data from the relevant national statistical institutes.
    • März 2020
      Quelle: Statistics Finland
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 20 März, 2020
      Datensatz auswählen
      Data cited at: Statistics Finland Publication: 004 -- International trade in services by region, 1 000 000 euros License: The statistics on international trade in goods and services cover international trade in balance of payments terms on the quarterly level. The statistics form a link for goods trade in customs and balance of payments terms, describe the breakdown of quarterly trade in services, and indicate the total exports of goods and services by area. . = Category not applicable. .. = Data not available or too uncertain for presentation, or subject to secrecy. Description of statistics Concepts and definitionsRegion Region and statesYear Year.Data Import The value of imports, 1 000 000 euros.Export The value of exports, 1 000 000 euros.
    • März 2018
      Quelle: Statistics Finland
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 29 November, 2018
      Datensatz auswählen
      Data cited at: Statistics Finland Publication: 008 -- Nationality according to age and sex by region in 1990 to 2017 License: Concepts and definitions Description Quality description These statistics apply the regional division of 1 January 2018 to the whole time series. Population statistics from 1750 to 2000 have been digitised into PDF format in the National Library's Doria service. Publications on Population structure in Doria (in Finnish) Publications on Vital statistics in Doria (in Finnish) Publications on Population censuses in Doria (in Finnish)Nationality If a person has two nationalities and one of them is Finnish, he/she will be included in statistics as a Finnish national. The used classification of continents is the classification of Eurostat, where Cyprus and Turkey belong to Europe. Citizens of non-autonomous states are summed under the mother country.Nationality Czech Republic Czech Republic + Former CzechoslovakiaSudan Sudan + Former Sudan
    • März 2018
      Quelle: Statistics Finland
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 29 November, 2018
      Datensatz auswählen
      Data cited at: Statistics Finland Publication: 009 -- Finnish citizens with dual nationality by age and second nationality in 2000 to 2017 License: Concepts and definitions Description Quality description Population statistics from 1750 to 2000 have been digitized into PDF format in the National Library's Doria service. Publications on Population structure in Doria (in Finnish) Publications on Vital statistics in Doria (in Finnish) Publications on Population censuses in Doria (in Finnish) second nationality If a person has two nationalities and one of them is Finnish, he/she will be included in statistics as a Finnish national. second nationality   Czech Republic Czech Republic + Former Czechoslovakia Sudan Sudan + Former Sudan
    • März 2023
      Quelle: Food and Agriculture Organization
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 28 April, 2023
      Datensatz auswählen
      This database contains capture production statistics by country or territory, species item, and FAO Major Fishing Area.
    • September 2017
      Quelle: Knoema
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 11 September, 2017
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    • Juli 2022
      Quelle: Department of Statistics, Malaysia
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 21 Juli, 2022
      Datensatz auswählen
    • November 2021
      Quelle: Open Data Platform, Mexico
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 06 September, 2022
      Datensatz auswählen
    • Juli 2021
      Quelle: U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of Economic Analysis
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 06 September, 2022
      Datensatz auswählen
      The activities of multinational enterprises statistics available here provide a picture of the overall activities of US affiliates of foreign parents and contain a wide variety of indicators of their financial structure and operations. These statistics cover items that are needed in analyzing the characteristics, performance, and economic impact of MNEs, and are obtained from mandatory surveys of US affiliates of foreign parents conducted by BEA.
    • September 2021
      Quelle: National Bank of Belgium
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 07 November, 2021
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    • September 2021
      Quelle: National Bank of Belgium
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 05 November, 2021
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    • November 2024
      Quelle: National Bank of Angola
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 04 Dezember, 2024
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    • November 2024
      Quelle: Gambia Bureau of Statistics
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 11 Dezember, 2024
      Datensatz auswählen
      International Merchandise Trade Statistics
    • August 2024
      Quelle: National Centre for Statistics and Information, Oman
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 22 August, 2024
      Datensatz auswählen
      Data cited at: this Data set covers the statistical indicators illustrating the development of trade between Oman and other countries, and classification of  merchandise exports, re-exports and merchandise imports by commodity group, nature of materials, their final utilization and port of entry.  It includes also a table on of the balance of payments estimates.   The commodity classification used in the presentation of foreign trade data is the Hormonised System, which has been adopted in Oman since 1987, in addition to the SITC Revision (4) for international comparison.  Commodity values are estimated in Rial Omani on the basis of the (C.I.F.) value for imports (i.e. the cost, insurance and freight of goods to the custom points in Oman) and (F.O.B.) for exports and re-exports.
    • Juni 2023
      Quelle: bp
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 15 Juni, 2024
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    • Februar 2025
      Quelle: Freedom House
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 15 Februar, 2025
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      Freedom Status obtained by Combined Average of the Political Rights and Civil Liberties Ratings (Freedom Rating) Range 1-7; 1-2.5 Free; 3-5: Partly Free and 5.5-7: Not Free The score for the A. Electoral Process subcategory The score for the B. Political Pluralism and Participation subcategory The score for the C. Functioning of Government subcategory The score for the Political Rights category The score for the D. Freedom of Expression and Belief subcategory The score for the E. Associational and Organizational Rights subcategory The score for the F. Rule of Law subcategory The score for the G. Personal Autonomy and Individual Rights subcategory The score for the Civil Liberties category Total aggregate Score for all categories  
    • April 2017
      Quelle: Freedom House
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 09 Oktober, 2018
      Datensatz auswählen
      Variables converted from character to numeric as follow:Variables under consideration are top 3 vars i.e. Status, print and Broadcast 1 = Free (F) 2 = Partly Free (PF) 3 = Not Free (NF) Under source it values are present like: "F" , "PF" and "NF"  Note:- Date range has been considered as follow: Jan.1981-Aug.1982 is considered as 1982 Aug.1982-Nov.1983 is considered as 1983 Nov.1983-Nov.1984 is considered as 1984 Nov.1984-Nov.1985 is considered as 1985 Nov.1985-Nov.1986 is considered as 1986 Nov.1986-Nov.1987 is considered as 1987   About Freedom of the press: Freedom of the Press, an annual report on media independence around the world which assesses the degree of print, broadcast, and digital media freedom in 199 countries and territories. Published since 1980, it provides numerical scores and country narratives evaluating the legal environment for the media, political pressures that influence reporting, and economic factors that affect access to news and information. Freedom of the Press is the most comprehensive data set available on global media freedom and serves as a key resource for policymakers, international institutions, journalists, activists, and scholars worldwide.
    • März 2014
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 22 April, 2014
      Datensatz auswählen
      Eurostat Dataset Id:env_watres_r2 Yearly data on freshwater resources, water abstraction and use, wastewater treatment (connection rates of resident population to wastewater treatment and treatment capacities of wastewater treatment plants), sewage sludge production and disposal, generation and discharge of wastewater collected biennially by means of the OECD/Eurostat Joint Questionnaire - Inland Waters. Data aggregation: national territories.
    • Dezember 2023
      Quelle: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 19 Dezember, 2023
      Datensatz auswählen
      Data include pension funds per the OECD classification by type of pension plans and by type of pension funds. All types of plans are included (occupational and personal, mandatory and voluntary). The OECD classification considers both funded and book reserved pension plans that are workplace-based (occupational pension plans) or accessed directly in retail markets (personal pension plans). Both mandatory and voluntary arrangements are included. The data include plans where benefits are paid by a private sector entity (classified as private pension plans by the OECD) as well as those paid by a funded public sector entity. A full description of the OECD classification can be found at: Pension funds include also some personal pension arrangements like the Individual Retirement Accounts (IRAs) in the United States as well as funds for government workers. The coverage of the statistics follows the regulatory and supervisory framework. All authorised pension funds are therefore normally covered by the Global Pension Statistics exercise. Assets pertaining to reserve funds in social security systems are excluded.
  • G
    • September 2017
      Quelle: Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 27 Oktober, 2017
      Datensatz auswählen
      The Global Burden of Disease Study 2015 (GBD 2015), coordinated by the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME), estimated the burden of diseases, injuries, and risk factors at the global, regional, national, territorial, and, for a subset of countries, subnational level. This dataset measures progress towards the Millennium Development Goal 5 (MDG 5) target of a 75% reduction in the maternal mortality ratio between 1990 and 2015. Maternal mortality ratio estimates for 21 regions, 195 countries and territories and 4 United Kingdom subnational units for 1990-2015 (quinquennial) are available by age and cause from the GBD Results Tool. Files available in this record include tables published in The Lancet in October 2016 in "Global, regional, and national levels of maternal mortality, 1990–2015: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2015.
    • November 2021
      Quelle: Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 19 November, 2021
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    • März 2025
      Quelle: Global Database of Events, Language, and Tone
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 08 März, 2025
      Datensatz auswählen
      Data cited at: Global Database of Events, Language, and Tone   The GDELT Event Database records over 300 categories of physical activities around the world, from riots and protests to peace appeals and diplomatic exchanges, georeferenced to the city or mountain top, across the entire planet dating back to January 1, 1979 and updated every 15 minutes. Essentially it takes a sentence like "The United States criticized Russia yesterday for deploying its troops in Crimea, in which a recent clash with its soldiers left 10 civilians injured" and transforms this blurb of unstructured text into three structured database entries, recording US CRITICIZES RUSSIA, RUSSIA TROOP-DEPLOY UKRAINE (CRIMEA), and RUSSIA MATERIAL-CONFLICT CIVILIANS (CRIMEA). Nearly 60 attributes are captured for each event, including the approximate location of the action and those involved. This translates the textual descriptions of world events captured in the news media into codified entries in a grand "global spreadsheet."
    • April 2021
      Quelle: National Statistics and Information Authority (NSIA), Afghanistan
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 14 Juni, 2021
      Datensatz auswählen
      Macro Economic indicators for Afghanistan 
    • Juni 2022
      Quelle: World Bank
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 23 Januar, 2023
      Datensatz auswählen
      Data cited at: The World Bank Topic: Gender Statistics Publication: License:
    • September 2023
      Quelle: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 06 September, 2023
      Datensatz auswählen
      The GID-DB is a database providing researchers and policymakers with key data on gender-based discrimination in social institutions. This data helps analyse women’s empowerment and understand gender gaps in other key areas of development.Covering 180 countries and territories, the GID-DB contains comprehensive information on legal, cultural and traditional practices that discriminate against women and girls.
    • September 2023
      Quelle: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 14 September, 2023
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    • September 2023
      Quelle: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 14 September, 2023
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      Bilateral ODA commitments by purpose. Data cover the years 2005 to 2009. Amounts are expressed in USD million. The sectoral distribution of bilateral ODA commitments refers to the economic sector of destination (i.e. the specific area of the recipient's economic or social structure whose development is, or is intended to be fostered by the aid), rather than to the type of goods or services provided. These are aggregates of individual projects notified under the Creditor Reporting System, supplemented by reporting on the sectoral distribution of technical co-operation, and on actual disbursements of food and emergency aid.
    • April 2024
      Quelle: Food and Agriculture Organization
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 02 Juli, 2024
      Datensatz auswählen
      This database contains statistics on production volume and value by species, country or area, fishing area and culture environment
    • Juli 2011
      Quelle: World Bank
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 21 September, 2017
      Datensatz auswählen
      Data cited at: The World Bank Topic: Global Bilateral Migration Database Publication: License:   Global Bilateral Migration Database: Global matrices of bilateral migrant stocks spanning the period 1960-2000, disaggregated by gender and based primarily on the foreign-born concept are presented. Over one thousand census and population register records are combined to construct decennial matrices corresponding to the last five completed census rounds. For the first time, a comprehensive picture of bilateral global migration over the last half of the twentieth century emerges. The data reveal that the global migrant stock increased from 92 to 165 million between 1960 and 2000. South-North migration is the fastest growing component of international migration in both absolute and relative terms. The United States remains the most important migrant destination in the world, home to one fifth of the world’s migrants and the top destination for migrants from no less than sixty sending countries. Migration to Western Europe remains largely from elsewhere in Europe. The oil-rich Persian Gulf countries emerge as important destinations for migrants from the Middle East, North Africa and South and South-East Asia. Finally, although the global migrant stock is still predominantly male, the proportion of women increased noticeably between 1960 and 2000.
    • September 2017
      Quelle: Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 14 November, 2017
      Datensatz auswählen
      The Global Burden of Disease Study 2015 (GBD 2015), coordinated by the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME), estimated the burden of diseases, injuries, and risk factors at the global, regional, national, territorial, and, for a subset of countries, subnational level. As part of this study, estimates for obesity and overweight prevalence and the disease burden attributable to high body mass index (BMI) were produced by sex, age group, and year for 195 countries and territories. Estimates for high BMI-attributable deaths, DALYs, and other measures (1990-2015) are available from the GBD Results Tool. Files available in this record include obesity and overweight prevalence estimates for 1980-2015. Study results were published in The New England Journal of Medicine in June 2017 in "Health Effects of Overweight and Obesity in 195 Countries over 25 Years."
    • Juli 2021
      Quelle: Food and Agriculture Organization
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 13 Oktober, 2021
      Datensatz auswählen
      This database contains statistics on the annual production of fishery commodities and imports and exports of fishery commodities by country and commodities in terms of volume and value from 1976.
    • März 2025
      Quelle: Global Entrepreneurship Monitor
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 08 März, 2025
      Datensatz auswählen
      The GEM Adult Population Survey (APS) measures the level and nature of entrepreneurial activity around the world. It is administered to a representative national sample of at least 2000 respondents. The Global Entrepreneurship Monitor is the world's foremost study of entrepreneurship. Through a vast, centrally coordinated, internationally executed data collection effort, GEM is able to provide high quality information, comprehensive reports and interesting stories, to enhance the understanding of the entrepreneurial phenomenon.
    • März 2024
      Quelle: Global Entrepreneurship Monitor
      Hochgeladen von: Jonathan Kilach
      Zugriff am: 11 März, 2024
      Datensatz auswählen
      Data cited at:  GEM National Expert Survey The GEM National Expert Survey (NES) monitors the factors that are believed to have a significant impact on entrepreneurship, known as the Entrepreneurial Framework Conditions (EFCs). It is administered to a minimum of 36 carefully chosen 'experts' in each country. The Global Entrepreneurship Monitor is the world's foremost study of entrepreneurship. Through a vast, centrally coordinated, internationally executed data collection effort, GEM is able to provide high quality information, comprehensive reports and interesting stories, to enhance the understanding of the entrepreneurial phenomenon.
    • September 2024
      Quelle: United Nations Statistics Division
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 07 Januar, 2025
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    • September 2022
      Quelle: World Bank
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 24 September, 2022
      Datensatz auswählen
      Data cited at: The World Bank Topic: Global Financial Development Publication: License:   The Global Financial Development Database is an extensive dataset of financial system characteristics for 206 economies. The database includes measures of (1) size of financial institutions and markets (financial depth), (2) degree to which individuals can and do use financial services (access), (3) efficiency of financial intermediaries and markets in intermediating resources and facilitating financial transactions (efficiency), and (4) stability of financial institutions and markets (stability).For a complete description of the dataset and a discussion of the underlying literature, see: Martin Cihak; Asli Demirguc-Kunt; Erik Feyen; and Ross Levine, 2012. "Benchmarking Financial Systems Around the World." World Bank Policy Research Working Paper 6175, World Bank, Washington, D.C.
    • Oktober 2018
      Quelle: World Bank
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 14 November, 2018
      Datensatz auswählen
      Financial inclusion is critical in reducing poverty and achieving inclusive economic growth. When people can participate in the financial system, they are better able to start and expand businesses, invest in their children’s education, and absorb financial shocks. Yet prior to 2011, little was known about the extent of financial inclusion and the degree to which such groups as the poor, women, and rural residents were excluded from formal financial systems.  The dataset help us to know about how adults around the world manage their day-to-day finances, the Global Findex allows policy makers, researchers, businesses, and development practitioners to track how the use of financial services has changed over time. The database can also be used to identify gaps in access to the formal financial system and design policies to expand financial inclusion.
    • März 2023
      Quelle: Food and Agriculture Organization
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 08 Juni, 2023
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      Contains global production statistics (capture and aquaculture). This database contains the volume of aquatic species caught by country or area, by species items, by FAO major fishing areas, and year, for all commercial, industrial, recreational and subsistence purposes. The harvest from maricultural, aquaculture and other kinds of fish farming is also included
    • September 2015
      Quelle: Food and Agriculture Organization
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 05 Oktober, 2015
      Datensatz auswählen
      DescriptionThe Global Forest Resources Assessment 2015 (FRA 2015) is the most comprehensive assessment of forests and forestry to date - not only in terms of the number of countries and people involved - but also in terms of scope. It examines the current status and recent trends for about 90 variables covering the extent, condition, uses and values of forests and other wooded land, with the aim of assessing all benefits from forest resources. Information has been collated from 233 countries and territories for four points in time: 1990, 2000, 2005 and 2010. The results are presented according to the seven thematic elements of sustainable forest management. FAO worked closely with countries and specialists in the design and implementation of FRA 2010 - through regular contact, expert consultations, training for national correspondents and ten regional and subregional workshops. More than 900 contributors were involved, including 178 officially nominated national correspondents and their teams. The outcome is better data, a transparent reporting process and enhanced national capacity in developing countries for data analysis and reporting. The final report of FRA 2010 was published at the start of the latest biennial meeting of the FAO' Committee on Forestry and World Forest Week, in Rome.
    • Juni 2021
      Quelle: Internal Displacement Monitoring Centre
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 06 September, 2022
      Datensatz auswählen
      Global Internal Displacement Database (GIDD) aims to provide comprehensive information on internal displacement worldwide. It covers all countries and territories for which IDMC has obtained data on situations of internal displacement, and provides data on situations of internal displacement associated with conflict and generalized violence (2014-2015), displacement associated with sudden-onset natural hazard-related disasters (2008-2015).
    • Juni 2018
      Quelle: Food and Agriculture Organization
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 14 Dezember, 2018
      Datensatz auswählen
      FAO - GLEAM Global greenhouse gas emissions from livestock summary data (2017)
    • Dezember 2016
      Quelle: World Bank
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 09 Oktober, 2018
      Datensatz auswählen
      GPSS data (Accounts & Access, retail payment transactions and RTGS transactions – volumes and values). The World Bank’s Global Payment Systems Survey (GPSS) surveys national and regional central banks and monetary authorities on the status of payment systems. The GPSS is the only global survey that combines quantitative and qualitative measures of payment system development and covers all aspects of national payment systems – from infrastructure and the legal and regulatory environment to technological and business model innovations, international remittances, and oversight framework. The GPSS aims to take an accurate snapshot of payment systems worldwide to obtain information on payment system reforms and the factors which hinder and/or facilitate them in order to help guide policy-dialogue at the international and national levels, and World Bank Group technical assistance. In April 2007, the World Bank launched the first Global Payment Systems Survey among national central banks to collect information on the situation of national payment and securities settlement systems worldwide and provide a payment systems snapshot of both advanced and emerging economies in order to identify main issues that should guide the agenda of authorities, multilateral and market players in the field over the next few years.
    • Juni 2024
      Quelle: Institute for Economics and Peace
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 20 Juni, 2024
      Datensatz auswählen
      Data cited at: Institute for Economics and Peace retrieved from Vision of Humanity  The Global Peace Index 2022
    • Februar 2025
      Quelle: Institute for Economics and Peace
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 12 März, 2025
      Datensatz auswählen
      Data cited at:  Institute for Economics & Peace and available from Note: The Year of data has been considered as year of publication, for example 2020 report is considered as year 2020.   The Global Terrorism Index (GTI) is a comprehensive study which accounts for the direct and indirect impact of terrorism in 163 countries in terms of its effect on lives lost, injuries, property damage and the psychological aftereffects of terrorism. This study covers 99.6 per cent of the world's population. It aggregates the most authoritative data source on terrorism today, the Global Terrorism Database (GTD) collated by the National Consortium for the Study of Terrorism and Responses to Terrorism (START) into a composite score in order to provide an ordinal ranking of nations on the negative impact of terrorism. The GTD is unique in that it consists of systematically and comprehensively coded data on domestic as well as international terrorist incidents and now includes more than 140,000 cases.  
    • Januar 2016
      Quelle: Food and Agriculture Organization
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 21 Juli, 2016
      Datensatz auswählen
    • Januar 2022
      Quelle: U.S. Geological Survey
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 25 Februar, 2022
      Datensatz auswählen
    • September 2021
      Quelle: National Institute of Statistics and Censuses, Costa Rica
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 06 September, 2022
      Datensatz auswählen
      National Accounts of Costa Rica
    • Mai 2014
      Quelle: Editorial Projects in Education
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 15 Oktober, 2014
      Datensatz auswählen
      Graduation Indicators of United States, 2013
    • September 2024
      Quelle: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 06 September, 2024
      Datensatz auswählen
      The OECD Green Growth database contains selected indicators for monitoring progress towards green growth to support policy making and inform the public at large. The database synthesises data and indicators across a wide range of domains including a range of OECD databases as well as external data sources. The database covers OECD member and accession countries, key partners (including Brazil, China, India, Indonesia and South Africa) and other selected non-OECD countries.
    • März 2025
      Quelle: Climate Watch
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 05 März, 2025
      Datensatz auswählen
      Data cited at: CAIT, retrieved from Climate Watch Climate Watch Historical Emission data contains sector-level greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions data for 194 countries and the European Union (EU) for the period 1990-2019, including emissions of the six major GHGs from most major sources and sinks. Non-CO2 emissions are expressed in CO2 equivalents using 100-year global warming potential values from IPCC Fourth Assessment Report.
    • Februar 2024
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 20 Februar, 2024
      Datensatz auswählen
      Regional accounts are a regional specification of the national accounts and therefore based on the same concepts and definitions as national accounts (see domain nama10). The main specific regional issues are addressed in chapter 13 of ESA2010, but not practically specified. For practical rules and recommendations on sources and methods see the publication "Manual on regional accounts methods": . Gross domestic product (GDP) at market prices is the final result of the production activity of resident producer units. It can be defined in three ways: 1. Output approach GDP is the sum of gross value added of the various institutional sectors or the various industries plus taxes and less subsidies on products (which are not allocated to sectors and industries). It is also the balancing item in the total economy production account. 2. Expenditure approach GDP is the sum of final uses of goods and services by resident institutional units (final consumption expenditure and gross capital formation), plus exports and minus imports of goods and services. At regional level the expenditure approach cannot be used in the EU, because there is no data on regional exports and imports.  3. Income approach GDP is the sum of uses in the total economy generation of income account: compensation of employees plus gross operating surplus and mixed income plus taxes on products less subsidies plus consumption of fixed capital. The different measures for the regional GDP are absolute figures in € and Purchasing Power Standards (PPS), figures per inhabitant and relative data compared to the EU28 average.
    • März 2014
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 14 April, 2014
      Datensatz auswählen
      Eurostat Dataset Id:nama_r_e2gdp Gross domestic product - GDP at market prices - is the final result of the production activity of resident producer units (ESA 1995, 8.89). It can be defined in three ways: 1. Output approach GDP is the sum of gross value added of the various institutional sectors or the various industries plus taxes and less subsidies on products (which are not allocated to sectors and industries). It is also the balancing item in the total economy production account. 2. Expenditure approach GDP is the sum of final uses of goods and services by resident institutional units (final consumption expenditure and gross capital formation), plus exports and minus imports of goods and services. At regional level the expediture approach is not used in the EU, because there is no data on regional exports and imports.  3. Income approach GDP is the sum of uses in the total economy generation of income account: compensation of employees, taxes on production, less subsidies, gross operating surplus and mixed income of the total economy. The different measures for the regional GDP are absolute figures in € and Purchasing Power Standards (PPS), figures per inhabitant and relative data compared to the EU27 average.
    • Februar 2025
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 12 Februar, 2025
      Datensatz auswählen
      Regional accounts are a regional specification of the national accounts and therefore based on the same concepts and definitions as national accounts (see domain nama10). The main specific regional issues are addressed in chapter 13 of ESA2010, but not practically specified. For practical rules and recommendations on sources and methods see the publication "Manual on regional accounts methods": . Gross domestic product (GDP) at market prices is the final result of the production activity of resident producer units. It can be defined in three ways: 1. Output approach GDP is the sum of gross value added of the various institutional sectors or the various industries plus taxes and less subsidies on products (which are not allocated to sectors and industries). It is also the balancing item in the total economy production account. 2. Expenditure approach GDP is the sum of final uses of goods and services by resident institutional units (final consumption expenditure and gross capital formation), plus exports and minus imports of goods and services. At regional level the expenditure approach cannot be used in the EU, because there is no data on regional exports and imports.  3. Income approach GDP is the sum of uses in the total economy generation of income account: compensation of employees plus gross operating surplus and mixed income plus taxes on products less subsidies plus consumption of fixed capital. The different measures for the regional GDP are absolute figures in € and Purchasing Power Standards (PPS), figures per inhabitant and relative data compared to the EU Member States average.
    • Februar 2014
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 14 April, 2014
      Datensatz auswählen
      Eurostat Dataset Id:nama_r_e3gdp National accounts are a coherent and consistent set of macroeconomic indicators, which provide an overall picture of the economic situation and are widely used for economic analysis and forecasting, policy design and policy making. Eurostat publishes annual and quarterly national accounts, annual and quarterly sector accounts as well as supply, use and input-output tables, which are each presented with associated metadata. Annual national accounts are compiled in accordance with the European System of Accounts - ESA 1995 (Council Regulation 2223/96). Annex B of the Regulation consists of a comprehensive list of the variables to be transmitted for Community purposes within specified time limits. This transmission programme has been updated by Regulation (EC) N° 1392/2007 of the European Parliament and of the Council. Meanwhile, the ESA95 has been reviewed to bring national accounts in the European Union, in line with new economic environment, advances in methodological research and needs of users and the updated national accounts framework at the international level, the SNA 2008. The revisions are reflected in an updated Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on the European system of national and regional accounts in the European Union of 2010 (ESA 2010). The associated transmission programme is also updated and data transmissions in accordance with ESA 2010 are compulsory from September 2014 onwards. Further information on the transition from ESA 95 to ESA 2010 is presented on the Eurostat website. The domain consists of the following collections: GDP and main aggregates. The data are recorded at current and constant prices and include the corresponding implicit price indices. Final consumption aggregates, including the split into household and government consumption. The data are recorded at current and constant prices and include the corresponding implicit price indices. Income, saving and net lending / net borrowing at current prices. Disposable income is also shown in real terms. Exports and imports by Member States of the EU/third countries. The data are recorded at current and constant prices and include the corresponding implicit price indices. Breakdowns of gross value added, compensation of employees, wages and salaries, operating surplus, employment (domestic scope), gross fixed capital formation (GFCF) and fixed assets and other main aggregates by industry; investment by products and household final consumption expenditure by consumption purposes (COICOP). The data are recorded at current and constant prices and include the corresponding implicit price indices. Auxiliary indicators: Population and employment national data, purchasing power parities, contributions to GDP growth, labour productivity, unit labour cost and GDP per capita. Geographical entities covered are the European Union, the euro area, EU Member States, Candidate Countries, EFTA countries, US, Japan and possibly other countries on an ad-hoc basis. The data are published: - in ECU/euro, in national currencies (including euro converted from former national currencies using the irrevocably fixed rate for all years) and in Purchasing Power Standards (PPS); - at current prices and in volume terms; - Population and employment are measured in persons. Employment is also measured in total hours worked. Data sources: National Statistical Institutes
    • Februar 2024
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 20 Februar, 2024
      Datensatz auswählen
      Regional accounts are a regional specification of the national accounts and therefore based on the same concepts and definitions as national accounts (see domain nama10). The main specific regional issues are addressed in chapter 13 of ESA2010, but not practically specified. For practical rules and recommendations on sources and methods see the publication "Manual on regional accounts methods": . Gross domestic product (GDP) at market prices is the final result of the production activity of resident producer units. It can be defined in three ways: 1. Output approach GDP is the sum of gross value added of the various institutional sectors or the various industries plus taxes and less subsidies on products (which are not allocated to sectors and industries). It is also the balancing item in the total economy production account. 2. Expenditure approach GDP is the sum of final uses of goods and services by resident institutional units (final consumption expenditure and gross capital formation), plus exports and minus imports of goods and services. At regional level the expenditure approach cannot be used in the EU, because there is no data on regional exports and imports.  3. Income approach GDP is the sum of uses in the total economy generation of income account: compensation of employees plus gross operating surplus and mixed income plus taxes on products less subsidies plus consumption of fixed capital. The different measures for the regional GDP are absolute figures in € and Purchasing Power Standards (PPS), figures per inhabitant and relative data compared to the EU28 average.
    • Juni 2013
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 14 April, 2014
      Datensatz auswählen
      Eurostat Dataset Id:nama_r_e2gfcfr2 Branch accounts include data on gross value added, compensation of employees, gross fixed capital formation, total employment and number of employees. The legal base for the collection of branch accounts data is the European System of Accounts ESA95. The ESA95 data are sent to Eurostat by the National Statistical Institutes. The units for these variables are: Millions of national currency and millions of Euro for gross value added, compensation of employees and gross fixed capital formation. 1000 persons for total employment and number of employees at NUTS level 3 1000 hours worked for total employment and number of employees at NUTS level 2 Geographical coverage comprises all EU Member States and some Candidate countries down to Nuts 3 level (Nuts = "Nomenclature of territorial units for statistics" - see Eurostat's classification server "RAMON") for the variables gross value added, total employment and number of employees. Compensation of employees, employment in hours worked and gross fixed capital formation are only collected down to Nuts 2 level. For further information about sources and collection methods in the Member States, please refer to National Statistical Institutes (select Services - Links).
    • August 2024
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 21 August, 2024
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      The Gross Nutrient Balance provides an insight into the links between the use of agricultural nutrients, their losses to the environment, and the sustainable use of soil nutrients resources. It consists of the Gross Nitrogen Balance and the Gross Phosphorus Balance and is intended to be an indicator of the potential threat of surplus or deficit of two important soil and plant nutrients in agricultural land. It shows the link between agricultural activities and the environmental impact, identifying the factors determining the nutrients surplus or deficit and the trends over time. Nitrogen (N) and Phosphorus (P) are key elements for plants to grow. A persistent deficit of these nutrients can lead in the long term to soil degradation and erosion. When N and P are however persistently applied in excess, they can cause surface and groundwater (including drinking water) pollution and eutrophication. The Gross Nitrogen Balance also includes Nitrogenous Emissions from livestock production and the application of manure and fertilizers. These nitrogenous emissions include: - Ammonia (NH3) contributing to acidification, eutrophication and atmospheric particulate pollution), and - Nitrous oxide (N2O), a potent greenhouse gas contributing to global warming. The gross nutrient balance is calculated as the balance between inputs and outputs of nutrients to the agricultural soil. A balance per hectare is also presented. The Inputs are: -         Consumption of Fertilizers, -         Gross Input of Manure, and -         Other Inputs. The Outputs are: -         Removal of nutrients with the harvest of Crops, -         Removal of nutrients through the harvest and grazing of Fodder, and -         Crop Residues removed from the field.    The data presented in the table are calculated from basic data from various data sources multiplied with coefficients to derive the nutrient content. The basic data used include the consumption of inorganic and other organic fertilizers (excluding manure) (tonnes), livestock population (1000 heads), manure imports, withdrawals and stock changes (tonnes), crop and fodder production (tonnes), crop residues removed from the field (tonnes), use of seeds and planting materials planted in the soil (tonnes), area of leguminous crops (1000 ha), area of arable land, land under permanent crops and permanent grassland (1000 ha). Countries may have used different types of data sources for these data. For instance some countries use estimates of the livestock population based on data from the Livestock Surveys or they have used other data sources like national registers on livestock. Data sources that are used and are available in Eurostat include:  Crop Production Statistics (production and landuse), Livestock Statistics (livestock numbers), Farm Structure Survey (livestock numbers). Countries have estimated coefficients based on measurements, scientific research, expert judgment, default values etc.
    • März 2022
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 15 März, 2022
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      The indicator balance represents the total potential threat to the environment of nitrogen and phosphorous surplus or deficit in agricultural soils. A lack of nitrogen or phosphorous may cause degradation in soil fertility and erosion, while an excess may cause surface and groundwater (including drinking water) pollution and eutrophication. Manure and fertiliser introduce nitrogen and phosphorous to the soil while harvesting of crops, removal of residues and runoff remove nitrogen and phosphorous from the soil. Nitrogen and phosphorous balance surpluses are monitored for the purposes of the Water Framework Directive and nitrogen for the Nitrates Directive. The data comes from multiple sources including the consumption of fertilisers, livestock population, crop production and areas of various types of crops. The land types included are arable land, permanent crops and permanent grassland. The unit of measure used is kg of nutrient per hectare of this land.
    • September 2023
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 13 Oktober, 2023
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      The indicator measures the potential surplus or deficit of nitrogen and phosphorous in agricultural soils. A lack of nitrogen or phosphorous may lead to degradation in soil fertility, while an excess may cause surface and groundwater (including drinking water) pollution and eutrophication. Ideally, the input/output of nutrition to the soil should be balanced. Nutrient inputs consist of the amount of nitrogen/phosphorus applied via mineral fertilizers and animal manure as well as nitrogen fixation by legumes, deposition from the air, and some other minor sources. Nitrogen/phosphorus output is contained in the harvested crops, or grass and crops eaten by livestock (escape of nitrogen to the atmosphere, e.g. as N2O, is not taken into account for calculation of the indicator). The land types included in Utilised Agricultural Area (UAA) are arable land, permanent crops and permanent grassland.
    • März 2014
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 14 April, 2014
      Datensatz auswählen
      Eurostat Dataset Id:nama_r_e3vab95r2 Branch accounts include data on gross value added, compensation of employees, gross fixed capital formation, total employment and number of employees. The legal base for the collection of branch accounts data is the European System of Accounts ESA95. The ESA95 data are sent to Eurostat by the National Statistical Institutes. The units for these variables are: Millions of national currency and millions of Euro for gross value added, compensation of employees and gross fixed capital formation. 1000 persons for total employment and number of employees at NUTS level 3 1000 hours worked for total employment and number of employees at NUTS level 2 Geographical coverage comprises all EU Member States and some Candidate countries down to Nuts 3 level (Nuts = "Nomenclature of territorial units for statistics" - see Eurostat's classification server "RAMON") for the variables gross value added, total employment and number of employees. Compensation of employees, employment in hours worked and gross fixed capital formation are only collected down to Nuts 2 level. For further information about sources and collection methods in the Member States, please refer to National Statistical Institutes (select Services - Links).
    • Oktober 2023
      Quelle: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 02 Oktober, 2023
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      Productivity is a key driver of economic growth and changes in living standards. Labour productivity growth implies a higher level of output for unit of labour input (hours worked or persons employed). This can be achieved if more capital is used in production or through improved overall efficiency with which labour and capital are used together, i.e., higher multifactor productivity growth (MFP). Productivity is also a key driver of international competitiveness, e.g. as measured by Unit Labour Costs (ULC).   The OECD Productivity Database aims at providing users with the most comprehensive and the latest productivity estimates. The update cycle is on a rolling basis, i.e. each variable in the dataset is made publicly available as soon as it is updated in the sources databases. However, some time lag may arise which affects individual series and/or countries for two reasons: first, hours worked data from the OECD Employment Outlook are typically updated less frequently than the OECD Annual National Accounts Database; second, source data for capital services are typically available in annual national accounts later than source data for labour productivity and ULCs.   Note to users: The OECD Productivity Database accounts for the methodological changes in national accounts' statistics, such as the implementation of the System of National Accounts 2008 (2008 SNA) and the implementation of the international industrial classification ISIC Rev.4. These changes had an impact on output, labour and capital measurement. For Chile, China, Colombia, India, Japan, Turkey and the Russian Federation the indicators are in line with the System of National Accounts 1993 (1993 SNA); for all other countries, the indicators presented are based on the 2008 SNA
  • H
    • März 2025
      Quelle: Department of Business, Economic Development & Tourism, State of Hawaii
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 07 März, 2025
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    • Dezember 2022
      Quelle: World Bank
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 24 Dezember, 2022
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      Health Nutrition and Population Statistics database provides key health, nutrition and population statistics gathered from a variety of international and national sources. Themes include global surgery, health financing, HIV/AIDS, immunization, infectious diseases, medical resources and usage, noncommunicable diseases, nutrition, population dynamics, reproductive health, universal health coverage, and water and sanitation.
    • Dezember 2021
      Quelle: World Bank
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 07 Januar, 2022
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      This dataset presents HNP data by wealth quintile since 1990s to present. It covers more than 70 indicators, including childhood diseases and interventions, nutrition, sexual and reproductive health, mortality, and other determinants of health, for more than 90 low- and middle-income countries. The data sources are Demographic and Health Surveys (DHS) and Multiple Indicator Cluster Surveys (MICS).
    • Dezember 2022
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 21 Dezember, 2022
      Datensatz auswählen
      Non-expenditure health care data provide information on institutions providing health care in countries, on resources used and on output produced in the framework of health care provision. Data on health care form a major element of public health information as they describe the capacities available for different types of health care provision as well as potential 'bottlenecks' observed. The quantity and quality of health care services provided and the work sharing established between the different institutions are a subject of ongoing debate in all countries. Sustainability - continuously providing the necessary monetary and personal resources needed - and meeting the challenges of ageing societies are the primary perspectives used when analysing and using the data. The output-related data ('activities') refer to contacts between patients and the health care system, and to the treatment thereby received. Data are available for hospital discharges of in-patients and day cases, average length of stay of in-patients and medical procedures performed in hospitals. Annual national and regional data are provided in absolute numbers and in population-standardised rates (per 100 000 inhabitants). Wherever applicable, the definitions and classifications of the System of Health Accounts (SHA) are followed, e.g. International Classification for Health Accounts - Providers of health care (ICHA-HP). For hospital discharges, the International Shortlist for Hospital Morbidity Tabulation (ISHMT) is used. Health care data on activities are largely based on administrative data sources in the countries. Therefore, they reflect the country-specific way of organising health care and may not always be completely comparable.
    • September 2021
      Quelle: Lao Statistics Bureau
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 22 September, 2021
      Datensatz auswählen
      This data set contains information of The statistics yearbook 2017 is compiled and published by Lao statistics Bureau, Ministry of Planning and Investment. Lao statistics Bureau of expressing gratitude provincial statistics Centre, line ministries involved, ministry-equivalent agencies and other parties to contribute to compile statistical data Economic, Social and Natural Resources and Environment cooperation throughout, Lao Statistics Bureau welcome the proposal, comments and feedback to guide the improvement this magazines better. Meanwhile, the Lao Statistics Bureau express thanks to highly among those interested in using information and statistics to Lao Statistics Bureau. TRANSLATE with xEnglishArabicHebrewPolishBulgarianHindiPortugueseCatalanHmong DawRomanianChinese SimplifiedHungarianRussianChinese TraditionalIndonesianSlovakCzechItalianSlovenianDanishJapaneseSpanishDutchKlingonSwedishEnglishKoreanThaiEstonianLatvianTurkishFinnishLithuanianUkrainianFrenchMalayUrduGermanMalteseVietnameseGreekNorwegianWelshHaitian CreolePersian  TRANSLATE with COPY THE URL BELOW BackEMBED THE SNIPPET BELOW IN YOUR SITEEnable collaborative features and customize widget: Bing Webmaster PortalBack
    • Dezember 2018
      Quelle: Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 26 Dezember, 2018
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      Global Burden of Disease Study 2016 (GBD 2016) Healthcare Access and Quality Index Based on Amenable Mortality 1990–2016. Global Burden of Disease Study 2016 (GBD 2016) estimates were used in an analysis of personal healthcare access and quality for 195 countries and territories, as well as selected subnational locations, over time. This dataset includes the following global, regional, national, and selected subnational estimates for 1990-2016: age-standardized risk-standardized death rates from 24 non-cancer causes considered amenable to healthcare; age-standardized mortality-to-incidence ratios for 8 cancers considered amenable to healthcare; and the Healthcare Access and Quality (HAQ) Index and individual scores for each of the 32 causes on a scale of 0 to 100. Code used to produce the estimates is also included. Results were published in The Lancet in May 2018 in "Measuring performance on the Healthcare Access and Quality Index for 195 countries and territories and selected subnational locations: a systematic analysis from the Global Burden of Disease Study 2016
    • Februar 2010
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 22 April, 2014
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      Eurostat Dataset Id:nrg_esdgr_a Consumption of energy depends strongly on weather conditions. If the temperature decreases below a certain value, "heating threshold", more energy is consumed due to increased need for space heating. Taking this into account, Eurostat launched a project aiming at the development and implementation of a common method for the climatic correction of final energy consumption for space heating purposes in the 27 Member States of the European Union. Temperature corrected energy consumption data help interpretating energy consumption trends.
    • April 2016
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 10 Mai, 2016
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    • Februar 2021
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 09 Februar, 2021
      Datensatz auswählen
      The data refers to the ratio of patent applications made directly to the European Patent Office (EPO) or via the Patent Cooperation Treaty and designating the EPO (Euro-PCT), in the field of high-technology patents per million inhabitants of a region. The definition of high-technology patents uses specific subclasses of the International Patent Classification (IPC) as defined in the trilateral statistical report of the EPO, JPO and USPTO.
    • März 2010
      Quelle: Maddison Project
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 17 September, 2020
      Datensatz auswählen
      Historical Statistics on Population, GDP and Per Capita GDP for 1-2008 AD period. Copyright Angus Maddison.
    • Dezember 2022
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 21 Dezember, 2022
      Datensatz auswählen
      Non-expenditure health care data provide information on institutions providing health care in countries, on resources used and on output produced in the framework of health care provision. Data on health care form a major element of public health information as they describe the capacities available for different types of health care provision as well as potential 'bottlenecks' observed. The quantity and quality of health care services provided and the work sharing established between the different institutions are a subject of ongoing debate in all countries. Sustainability - continuously providing the necessary monetary and personal resources needed - and meeting the challenges of ageing societies are the primary perspectives used when analysing and using the data. The output-related data ('activities') refer to contacts between patients and the health care system, and to the treatment thereby received. Data are available for hospital discharges of in-patients and day cases, average length of stay of in-patients and medical procedures performed in hospitals. Annual national and regional data are provided in absolute numbers and in population-standardised rates (per 100 000 inhabitants). Wherever applicable, the definitions and classifications of the System of Health Accounts (SHA) are followed, e.g. International Classification for Health Accounts - Providers of health care (ICHA-HP). For hospital discharges, the International Shortlist for Hospital Morbidity Tabulation (ISHMT) is used. Health care data on activities are largely based on administrative data sources in the countries. Therefore, they reflect the country-specific way of organising health care and may not always be completely comparable.
    • November 2023
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 22 November, 2023
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    • November 2023
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 22 November, 2023
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    • November 2023
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 22 November, 2023
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    • November 2023
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 22 November, 2023
      Datensatz auswählen
    • November 2023
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 22 November, 2023
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    • Dezember 2022
      Quelle: Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation
      Hochgeladen von: Divyashree T S
      Zugriff am: 08 September, 2023
      Datensatz auswählen
      In December 2022, IHME paused its COVID-19 modeling. IHME has developed projections for total and daily deaths, daily infections and testing, hospital resource use, and social distancing due to COVID-19 for a number of countries. Forecasts at the subnational level are included for select countries. The projections for total deaths, daily deaths, and daily infections and testing each include a reference scenario: Current projection, which assumes social distancing mandates are re-imposed for 6 weeks whenever daily deaths reach 8 per million (0.8 per 100k). They also include two additional scenarios: Mandates easing, which reflects continued easing of social distancing mandates, and mandates are not re-imposed; and Universal Masks, which reflects 95% mask usage in public in every location. Hospital resource use forecasts are based on the Current projection scenario. Social distancing forecasts are based on the Mandates easing scenario. These projections are produced with a model that incorporates data on observed COVID-19 deaths, hospitalizations, and cases, information about social distancing and other protective measures, mobility, and other factors. They include uncertainty intervals and are being updated daily with new data. These forecasts were developed in order to provide hospitals, policy makers, and the public with crucial information about how expected need aligns with existing resources, so that cities and countries can best prepare. Dataset contains Observed and Projected data
    • Juli 2023
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 10 Juli, 2023
      Datensatz auswählen
      The availability of broadband is measured by the percentage of households that are connectable to an exchange that has been converted to support xDSL-technology, to a cable network upgraded for internet traffic, or to other broadband technologies.
    • Juni 2024
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 19 Juni, 2024
      Datensatz auswählen
      The access of households to internet is measured as percentage of households where any member of the household has the possibility to access the internet from home.
    • Dezember 2024
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 13 Dezember, 2024
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    • Juni 2024
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 14 Juni, 2024
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    • Juni 2024
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 14 Juni, 2024
      Datensatz auswählen
    • Februar 2021
      Quelle: Statistics Mauritius
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 18 Februar, 2021
      Datensatz auswählen
      Data cited at:
    • Juni 2024
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 15 Juni, 2024
      Datensatz auswählen
      Human resources in science and technology (HRST) as a share of the active population in the age group 15-74 at the regional NUTS 2 level. The data shows the active population in the age group 15-74 that is classified as HRST (i.e. having successfully completed an education at the third level or being employed in science and technology) as a percentage of total active population aged 15-74. HRST are measured mainly using the concepts and definitions laid down in the Canberra Manual, OECD, Paris, 1995.
    • Januar 2025
      Quelle: Financial Tracking Service
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 03 Januar, 2025
      Datensatz auswählen
      Data cited at: Financial Tracking Service
    • Dezember 2009
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 22 April, 2014
      Datensatz auswählen
      Eurostat Dataset Id:migr_r_2hu The data comprises series of internal (in the country) regional migration on NUTS2 level during the reference year. Data on arrivals and departures due to internal migration are disaggregated by NUTS2 region of arrival/departure, sex and single year age. Data on migration by region of origin and destination (excluding intra-regional migration) are presented separately for each country for which such data are available. The tables are in the form of matrix (NUTS2 region of origin and destination) excluding intra-refional migration, disaggregated by sex. The data source is administrative records or national surveys. The completeness of the tables depends largely on the availability of data from the relevant national statistical institutes.
  • I
    • April 2016
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 10 Mai, 2016
      Datensatz auswählen
    • Juli 2015
      Quelle: National Institute of Statistics, Honduras
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 17 Juni, 2016
      Datensatz auswählen
    • Februar 2024
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 21 Februar, 2024
      Datensatz auswählen
      Regional accounts are a regional specification of the national accounts and therefore based on the same concepts and definitions as national accounts (see domain nama10). The main specific regional issues are addressed in chapter 13 of ESA2010, but not practically specified. For practical rules and recommendations on sources and methods see the publication "Manual on regional accounts methods": . Gross domestic product (GDP) at market prices is the final result of the production activity of resident producer units. It can be defined in three ways: 1. Output approach GDP is the sum of gross value added of the various institutional sectors or the various industries plus taxes and less subsidies on products (which are not allocated to sectors and industries). It is also the balancing item in the total economy production account. 2. Expenditure approach GDP is the sum of final uses of goods and services by resident institutional units (final consumption expenditure and gross capital formation), plus exports and minus imports of goods and services. At regional level the expenditure approach cannot be used in the EU, because there is no data on regional exports and imports.  3. Income approach GDP is the sum of uses in the total economy generation of income account: compensation of employees plus gross operating surplus and mixed income plus taxes on products less subsidies plus consumption of fixed capital. The different measures for the regional GDP are absolute figures in € and Purchasing Power Standards (PPS), figures per inhabitant and relative data compared to the EU Member States average.
    • März 2014
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 15 April, 2014
      Datensatz auswählen
      Eurostat Dataset Id:nama_r_ehh2inc Household accounts include data for individuals or groups of individuals as consumers and possibly as producers of goods for own use as well as non-profit institutions serving households. Data on household accounts include 11 indicators. The most important are primary income and disposable income. Geographic coverage comprises all EU Member States and some Candidate countries down to the Nuts 2 level breakdown (Nuts = "Nomenclature of territorial units for statistics" - see Eurostat's classification server "RAMON").
    • März 2025
      Quelle: Heritage Foundation
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 05 März, 2025
      Datensatz auswählen
      Data cited at: Heritage Foundation   Economic freedom is the fundamental right of every human to control his or her own labor and property. In an economically free society, individuals are free to work, produce, consume, and invest in any way they please, with that freedom both protected by the state and unconstrained by the state. In economically free societies, governments allow labor, capital and goods to move freely, and refrain from coercion or constraint of liberty beyond the extent necessary to protect and maintain liberty itself. Economic Freedom Scores: Range and level of freedom 80–100:- Free 70–79.9:- Mostly Free 60–69.9:- Moderately Free 50–59.9:- Mostly Unfree 0–49.9:- Repressed
    • Oktober 2023
      Quelle: Coffee Board of India
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 19 Januar, 2024
      Datensatz auswählen
    • September 2023
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 19 September, 2023
      Datensatz auswählen
      Regular users of the internet are persons who use the internet on average at least once a week, every day or almost every day.
    • Juli 2023
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 10 Juli, 2023
      Datensatz auswählen
      Persons who have never used a computer (at home, at work or any other place).
    • Dezember 2024
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 18 Dezember, 2024
      Datensatz auswählen
      Data given in this domain are collected annually by the National Statistical Institutes and are based on Eurostat's annual model questionnaires on ICT (Information and Communication Technologies) usage in households and by individuals. The model questionnaire changes every year. The changes of questions in the MQ are required by the evolving situation of information and communication technologies. Large part of the data collected are used in the context of the follow up of the Digital Single Market process (Monitoring the Digital Economy & Society  2016-2021). This conceptual framework follows the 2011 - 2015 benchmarking framework, the i2010 Benchmarking Framework and the eEurope 2005 Action Plan. ICT usage data are also used in the Consumer Conditions Scoreboard (purchases over the Internet) and in the Employment Guidelines (e-skills of individuals). The aim of the European ICT surveys is the timely provision of statistics on individuals and households on the use of Information and Communication Technologies at European level. Data for this collection are supplied directly from the surveys with no separate treatment. Coverage: The characteristics to be provided are drawn from the following list of subjects: access to and use of ICTs by individuals and/or in households,use of the Internet and other electronic networks for different purposes by individuals and/or in households,ICT security and trust,ICT competence and skills,barriers to the use of ICT and the Internet,perceived effects of ICT usage on individuals and/or on households,use of ICT by individuals to exchange information and services with governments and public administrations (e-government),access to and use of technologies enabling connection to the Internet or other networks from anywhere at any time (ubiquitous connectivity).Breakdowns (see details of available breakdowns): Relating to households: by region of residence (NUTS 1, optional: NUTS 2)by geographical location: less developed regions, transition regions, more developed regionsby degree of urbanisation (till 2012: densely/intermediate/sparsely populated areas; from 2012: densely/thinly populated area, intermediate density area) by type of householdby households net monthly income (optional) Relating to individuals: by region of residence (NUTS1, optional: NUTS 2)by geographical location: less developed regions, transition regions, more developed regionsby degree of urbanisation: (till 2012: densely/intermediate/sparsely populated areas; from 2012: densely/thinly populated area, intermediate density area)by genderby country of birth, country of citizenship (as of 2010, optional in 2010)by educational level: ISCED 1997 up to 2013 and ISCED 2011 from 2014 occupation: manual, non-manual; ICT (coded by 2-digit ISCO categories)/non-ICT (optional: all 2-digit ISCO categories)by employment situationby age (in completed years and by groups)legal / de facto marital status (2011-2014, optional) Regional breakdowns (NUTS) are available only for a selection of indicators disseminated in the regional tables in Eurobase (Regional Information society statistics by NUTS regions (isoc_reg): Households with access to the internet at homeHouseholds with broadband accessIndividuals who have never used a computerIndividuals who used the internet, frequency of use and activitiesIndividuals who used the internet for interaction with public authoritiesIndividuals who ordered goods or services over the internet for private useIndividuals who accessed the internet away from home or work
    • September 2023
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 19 September, 2023
      Datensatz auswählen
      Persons who bought or ordered goods or services (i.e. food, groceries, household goods, films, music, books, magazines, newspapers, clothes, sports goods, computer software or hardware, electronic equipment, shares, financial services, insurances, travel or holiday accommodation, tickets, lotteries or betting and other) over the internet during the last year.
    • Mai 2020
      Quelle: International Labour Organization
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 08 Mai, 2020
      Datensatz auswählen
      Imputed observations are not based on national data, are subject to high uncertainty and should not be used for country comparisons or rankings. The series is part of the ILO estimates and is harmonized to account for differences in national data and scope of coverage, collection and tabulation methodologies as well as for other country-specific factors. For more information, refer to the ILO estimates and projections methodological note.
    • Dezember 2023
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 02 Dezember, 2023
      Datensatz auswählen
    • Januar 2021
      Quelle: National Institute of Statistics, Italy
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 27 Januar, 2021
      Datensatz auswählen
      Data source(s) used: Vital statistics on causes of death: The Vital statistics system on causes of death is the main source for the evaluation of the health status of the population, and for the health programs and resources allocation. Data on causes of all deaths occurring in Italy during a calendar year are collected by the death certificates Istat/D.4 and D.4 bis. The physician must fill the health section of the certificate (part A) and the civil status officer of the appurtenant municipality must fill the demographic section of the certificate (part B).
    • Juli 2024
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 05 August, 2024
      Datensatz auswählen
    • November 2023
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 22 November, 2023
      Datensatz auswählen
    • November 2023
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 22 November, 2023
      Datensatz auswählen
    • November 2023
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 22 November, 2023
      Datensatz auswählen
    • Dezember 2023
      Quelle: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 22 Dezember, 2023
      Datensatz auswählen
      This data deals with premiums written by classes of non-life insurance for the business written in the reporting country.
    • Dezember 2015
      Quelle: World Bank
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 05 März, 2016
      Datensatz auswählen
      Purchasing Power Parities and the Real Size of World Economies. A Comprehensive Report of the 2011 International Comparison Program
    • Juni 2023
      Quelle: Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 13 Juni, 2023
      Datensatz auswählen
      Data retrieved from FRED, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis;   This dataset contains forecast data from the dataset: 
    • August 2014
      Quelle: U.S. Department of Agriculture
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 02 September, 2015
      Datensatz auswählen
      Note: Source no longer update this dataset. This data set contains estimates of total and marginal budget shares and income and price elasticities for nine broad consumption groups and eight food subgroups across 144 countries. Total and marginal budget shares and income and price elasticities are estimated using 2005 International Comparison Program (ICP) data, which is maintained by the ICP Development Data Group of the World Bank
    • Juli 2021
      Quelle: State Statistical Office, Republic of North Macedonia
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 16 Juli, 2021
      Datensatz auswählen
      _________ _______source State Statistical OfficeState Statistical Office
    • März 2025
      Quelle: Baker Hughes
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 13 März, 2025
      Datensatz auswählen
      data cited at: Baker Hughes Rig Count Rotary Rig:  A rotary rig rotates the drill pipe from surface to drill a new well (or sidetracking an existing one) to explore for, develop and produce oil or natural gas. The Baker Hughes Rotary Rig count includes only those rigs that are significant consumers of oilfield services and supplies and does not include cable tool rigs, very small truck mounted rigs or rigs that can operate without a permit. Non-rotary rigs may be included in the count based on how they are employed. For example, coiled tubing and workover rigs employed in drilling new wells are included in the count.
    • Dezember 2016
      Quelle: Federal Communications Commission
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 14 April, 2017
      Datensatz auswählen
    • März 2025
      Quelle: U.S. Census Bureau
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 05 März, 2025
      Datensatz auswählen
      The international goods and services deficit was $74.6 billion in April, up $14.0 billion from $60.6 billion in March. April exports were $249.0 billion, $9.2 billion less than March exports. April imports were $323.6 billion, $4.8 billion more than March imports. 
    • Februar 2024
      Quelle: Statistics Denmark
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 11 Februar, 2024
      Datensatz auswählen
      International trade in services, quarterly by imports and exports, country and time
    • Oktober 2016
      Quelle: Statistics Netherlands
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 06 Oktober, 2018
      Datensatz auswählen
      Data cited at:  CBS StatLine databank Publication: International trade; Imports and exports of services by country, 2003-2013 License:   This table contains information on Dutch imports and exports of services broken down by various service types and countries (groups). From 2006 onwards more detailed information is available than the years before. In addition, the annual figures show more detailed information than the quarterly figures. Data available from 2003 to 2013. Status of the figures: The figures are definite. Changes as of 8 October 2014: None, this table has been discontinued. When will new figures be published? No longer applicable.
    • März 2025
      Quelle: Statistics Mauritius
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 13 März, 2025
      Datensatz auswählen
      International Travel and Tourism of Mauritius, by Age Group
    • März 2024
      Quelle: U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 12 März, 2024
      Datensatz auswählen
      The mission of the Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3) is to provide the public with a reliable and convenient reporting mechanism to submit information to the FBI concerning suspected Internet-facilitated criminal activity and to develop effective alliances with industry partners. Information is processed for investigative and intelligence purposes for law enforcement and public awareness.
    • Februar 2018
      Quelle: World Bank
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 02 August, 2018
      Datensatz auswählen
      Internet users are individuals who have used the Internet (from any location) in the last 3 months. The Internet can be used via a computer, mobile phone, personal digital assistant, games machine, digital TV etc.
    • März 2024
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 22 März, 2024
      Datensatz auswählen
      Research and experimental development (R) comprise creative work undertaken on a systematic basis in order to increase the stock of knowledge, including knowledge of man, culture and society and the use of this stock of knowledge to devise new applications (Frascati Manual, 2002 edition, § 63 ). R intensity (R expenditures as a percentage of GDP) is an indicator of high political importance at the EU, national and regional levels.
    • Dezember 2024
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 11 Dezember, 2024
      Datensatz auswählen
    • Dezember 2023
      Quelle: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 22 Dezember, 2023
      Datensatz auswählen
      This table contains figures on affiliates under foreign control by investing country in the total manufacturing, total services and total business enterprise sectors.
    • März 2009
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 30 März, 2023
      Datensatz auswählen
      The domain EUROFARM (ef) contains information (statistical tables) on structure of agricultural holdings collected through agricultural structure surveys. The data of the domain have been organised into two collections: Results of the farm structure surveys contains data from 1990 onwards based on the 1988 legislation andResults of the farm structure surveys based on the legislation from 2008. This collection contains the data from the 2010 Census onwards as well as the data for the surveys 2007 and 2005. Farm Structure Survey data are used to collect information on agricultural holdings in the Member States at different geographic levels (Member States, regions, districts) and over periods (follow up the changes in agricultural sector), thus provide a base for decision making in the Common Agricultural Policy. Two kinds of Farm Structure Survey (FSS) are carried out by Member States: a basic survey (full scope Agricultural Census - AC) every 10 years,several sample based intermediate surveys between them. However for certain characteristics the Member States may use sample base for every survey. The calendar for the surveys to be held in all Member States is agreed by the Agricultural Statistics Committee of the European Commission. For a given survey year, Member States have to conduct their surveys within the agreed time-frame, thus all the data are as comparable as possible. The FSS are organised in all Member States on a harmonised base. Whereas the characteristics are based on community legislation, the same data are available for all countries in case of each survey. The data on individual agricultural holdings are collected by all Member States and sent to Eurostat. The aggregated results are disseminated through statistical tables. The variables are arranged into groups: general overview with key variables,and other specialized groups containing detailed data onland uselivestockfarm labour forcerural development issues as well as management and practices. The 2010 survey additionally provides the results of the survey on agricultural production methods (SAPM). The scope of the survey is agriculture, while the survey unit is the agricultural holding (farm). Data for basic surveys are available in a three-level geographical breakdown of the whole country, the regions and the district; while data for intermediate surveys are only available upon the two-levels of country and regions. Since FSS 1999/2000 information about local farm location is collected in most countries, so that the data can also be disseminated by NUTS and are robust regarding the changes in the NUTS definition. The FSS 2009/2010 information is inline with the NUTS 2010 classification: Regulation (EU) No 31/2011 amending the NUTS classification from January 2003. The Eurofarm domain does not cover the whole territory only the land covered by the agricultural holdings. So the land use data without link with other farm characteristics should be downloaded by the user from the relevant domain. Specific national data about crops, animals or agricultural labour force can be found in other domains, without link between the other information at farm level. For a comprehensive description of the domain, please consult detailed structure (See annex at the bottom of the page). Regional Data Data for basic surveys are available in a three-level geographical breakdown of the whole country, the regions and the district; while data for intermediate surveys are only available upon the two-levels of country and regions. Since FSS 1999/2000 information about local farm location is collected in most countries, so that the data can also be disseminated by NUTS classification and are robust regarding the changes in the NUTS definition. The FSS 2009/2010 information is inline with the NUTS 2010 classification: Regulation (EU) No 31/2001 amending the NUTS classification from January 2012. Please note that for paragraphs where no metadata for regional data has been specified, the regional metadata is identical to the metadata provided for the national data.
    • April 2018
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 29 April, 2018
      Datensatz auswählen
      The domain EUROFARM (ef) contains information (statistical tables) on structure of agricultural holdings collected through agricultural structure surveys. The data of the domain have been organised into two collections:Results of the farm structure surveys contains data from 1990 onwards based on the 1988 legislation andResults of the farm structure surveys based on the legislation from 2008. This collection contains the data from the 2010 Census onwards as well as the data for the surveys 2007 and 2005. Farm Structure Survey data are used to collect information on agricultural holdings in the Member States at different geographic levels (Member States, regions, districts) and over periods (follow up the changes in agricultural sector), thus provide a base for decision making in the Common Agricultural Policy. Two kinds of Farm Structure Survey (FSS) are carried out by Member States:a basic survey (full scope Agricultural Census - AC) every 10 years,several sample based intermediate surveys between them. However for certain characteristics the Member States may use sample base for every survey. The calendar for the surveys to be held in all Member States is agreed by the Agricultural Statistics Committee of the European Commission. For a given survey year, Member States have to conduct their surveys within the agreed time-frame, thus all the data are as comparable as possible. The FSS are organised in all Member States on a harmonised base. Whereas the characteristics are based on community legislation, the same data are available for all countries in case of each survey. The data on individual agricultural holdings are collected by all Member States and sent to Eurostat. The aggregated results are disseminated through statistical tables. The variables are arranged into groups:general overview with key variables,and other specialized groups containing detailed data onland uselivestockfarm labour forcerural development issues as well as management and practices. The 2010 survey additionally provides the results of the survey on agricultural production methods (SAPM). The scope of the survey is agriculture, while the survey unit is the agricultural holding (farm). Data for basic surveys are available in a three-level geographical breakdown of the whole country, the regions and the district; while data for intermediate surveys are only available upon the two-levels of country and regions. Since FSS 1999/2000 information about local farm location is collected in most countries, so that the data can also be disseminated by NUTS and are robust regarding the changes in the NUTS definition. The FSS 2009/2010 information is inline with the NUTS 2010 classification: Regulation (EU) No 31/2011 amending the NUTS classification from January 2003. The Eurofarm domain does not cover the whole territory only the land covered by the agricultural holdings. So the land use data without link with other farm characteristics should be downloaded by the user from the relevant domain. Specific national data about crops, animals or agricultural labour force can be found in other domains, without link between the other information at farm level. For a comprehensive description of the domain, please consult detailed structure (See annex at the bottom of the page). Regional Data Data for basic surveys are available in a three-level geographical breakdown of the whole country, the regions and the district; while data for intermediate surveys are only available upon the two-levels of country and regions. Since FSS 1999/2000 information about local farm location is collected in most countries, so that the data can also be disseminated by NUTS classification and are robust regarding the changes in the NUTS definition. The FSS 2009/2010 information is inline with the NUTS 2010 classification: Regulation (EU) No 31/2001 amending the NUTS classification from January 2012. Please note that for paragraphs where no metadata for regional data has been specified, the regional metadata is identical to the metadata provided for the national data.
    • Dezember 2009
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 22 April, 2014
      Datensatz auswählen
      Eurostat Dataset Id:migr_r_2it The data comprises series of internal (in the country) regional migration on NUTS2 level during the reference year. Data on arrivals and departures due to internal migration are disaggregated by NUTS2 region of arrival/departure, sex and single year age. Data on migration by region of origin and destination (excluding intra-regional migration) are presented separately for each country for which such data are available. The tables are in the form of matrix (NUTS2 region of origin and destination) excluding intra-refional migration, disaggregated by sex. The data source is administrative records or national surveys. The completeness of the tables depends largely on the availability of data from the relevant national statistical institutes.
  • J
    • Februar 2025
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 21 Februar, 2025
      Datensatz auswählen
      Job vacancy statistics (JVS) provide information on the level and structure of labour demand. Eurostat publishes quarterly data on the number of job vacancies and the number of occupied posts which are collected under the JVS framework regulation and the two implementing regulations: the implementing regulation on the definition of a job vacancy, the reference dates for data collection, data transmission specifications and feasibility studies, as well as the implementing regulation on seasonal adjustment procedures and quality reports. Eurostat disseminates also the job vacancy rate which is calculated on the basis of the data provided by the countries. Eurostat publishes also the annual data which are calculated on the basis of the quarterly data.
    • Juni 2016
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 01 August, 2016
      Datensatz auswählen
      The source for the regional labour market information down to NUTS level 2 is the EU Labour Force Survey (EU-LFS). This is a quarterly household sample survey conducted in all Member States of the EU and in EFTA and Candidate countries.  The EU-LFS survey follows the definitions and recommendations of the International Labour Organisation (ILO). To achieve further harmonisation, the Member States also adhere to common principles when formulating questionnaires. The LFS' target population is made up of all persons in private households aged 15 and over. For more information see the EU Labour Force Survey (lfsi_esms, see paragraph 21.1.).  The EU-LFS is designed to give accurate quarterly information at national level as well as annual information at NUTS 2 regional level and the compilation of these figures is well specified in the regulation. Microdata including the NUTS 2 level codes are provided by all the participating countries with a good degree of geographical comparability, which allows the production and dissemination of a complete set of comparable indicators for this territorial level. At present the transmission of the regional labour market data at NUTS 3 level has no legal basis. However many countries transmit NUTS 3 figures to Eurostat on a voluntary basis, under the understanding that they are not for publication with such detail, but for aggregation in few categories per country, i.e., metropolitan regions and urban-rural typology. Most of the NUTS 3 data are based on the LFS while some countries transmit data based on registers, administrative data, small area estimation and other reliable sources.
    • Mai 2006
      Quelle: Editorial Projects in Education
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 15 Oktober, 2014
      Datensatz auswählen
      Jobs with a future of United States, 2005
    • März 2025
      Quelle: World Bank
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 01 März, 2025
      Datensatz auswählen
      The Joint External Debt Hub (JEDH) -jointly developed by the Bank for International Settlements (BIS), the International Monetary Fund (IMF), the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) and the World Bank (WB) -brings together external debt data and selected foreign assets from international creditor / market and national debtor sources. The JEDH replaces the Joint BIS-IMF-OECD-WB Statistics on External Debt, a website that was launched in 1999 to provide international data, mainly from creditor sources, on the external debt of developing and transition countries and territories.
  • K
    • Januar 2017
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 18 Januar, 2017
      Datensatz auswählen
      The domain EUROFARM (ef) contains information (statistical tables) on structure of agricultural holdings collected through agricultural structure surveys. The data of the domain have been organised into two collections: Results of the farm structure surveys contains data from 1990 onwards based on the 1988 legislation andResults of the farm structure surveys based on the legislation from 2008. This collection contains the data from the 2010 Census onwards as well as the data for the surveys 2007 and 2005. Farm Structure Survey data are used to collect information on agricultural holdings in the Member States at different geographic levels (Member States, regions, districts) and over periods (follow up the changes in agricultural sector), thus provide a base for decision making in the Common Agricultural Policy. Two kinds of Farm Structure Survey (FSS) are carried out by Member States: a basic survey (full scope Agricultural Census - AC) every 10 years,several sample based intermediate surveys between them. However for certain characteristics the Member States may use sample base for every survey. The calendar for the surveys to be held in all Member States is agreed by the Agricultural Statistics Committee of the European Commission. For a given survey year, Member States have to conduct their surveys within the agreed time-frame, thus all the data are as comparable as possible. The FSS are organised in all Member States on a harmonised base. Whereas the characteristics are based on community legislation, the same data are available for all countries in case of each survey. The data on individual agricultural holdings are collected by all Member States and sent to Eurostat. The aggregated results are disseminated through statistical tables. The variables are arranged into groups: general overview with key variables,and other specialized groups containing detailed data onland uselivestockfarm labour forcerural development issues as well as management and practices. The 2010 survey additionally provides the results of the survey on agricultural production methods (SAPM). The scope of the survey is agriculture, while the survey unit is the agricultural holding (farm). Data for basic surveys are available in a three-level geographical breakdown of the whole country, the regions and the district; while data for intermediate surveys are only available upon the two-levels of country and regions. Since FSS 1999/2000 information about local farm location is collected in most countries, so that the data can also be disseminated by NUTS and are robust regarding the changes in the NUTS definition. The FSS 2009/2010 information is inline with the NUTS 2010 classification: Regulation (EU) No 31/2011 amending the NUTS classification from January 2003. The Eurofarm domain does not cover the whole territory only the land covered by the agricultural holdings. So the land use data without link with other farm characteristics should be downloaded by the user from the relevant domain. Specific national data about crops, animals or agricultural labour force can be found in other domains, without link between the other information at farm level. For a comprehensive description of the domain, please consult detailed structure (See annex at the bottom of the page). Regional Data Data for basic surveys are available in a three-level geographical breakdown of the whole country, the regions and the district; while data for intermediate surveys are only available upon the two-levels of country and regions. Since FSS 1999/2000 information about local farm location is collected in most countries, so that the data can also be disseminated by NUTS classification and are robust regarding the changes in the NUTS definition. The FSS 2009/2010 information is inline with the NUTS 2010 classification: Regulation (EU) No 31/2001 amending the NUTS classification from January 2012. Please note that for paragraphs where no metadata for regional data has been specified, the regional metadata is identical to the metadata provided for the national data.
    • März 2009
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 29 März, 2023
      Datensatz auswählen
      The domain EUROFARM (ef) contains information (statistical tables) on structure of agricultural holdings collected through agricultural structure surveys. The data of the domain have been organised into two collections: Results of the farm structure surveys contains data from 1990 onwards based on the 1988 legislation andResults of the farm structure surveys based on the legislation from 2008. This collection contains the data from the 2010 Census onwards as well as the data for the surveys 2007 and 2005. Farm Structure Survey data are used to collect information on agricultural holdings in the Member States at different geographic levels (Member States, regions, districts) and over periods (follow up the changes in agricultural sector), thus provide a base for decision making in the Common Agricultural Policy. Two kinds of Farm Structure Survey (FSS) are carried out by Member States: a basic survey (full scope Agricultural Census - AC) every 10 years,several sample based intermediate surveys between them. However for certain characteristics the Member States may use sample base for every survey. The calendar for the surveys to be held in all Member States is agreed by the Agricultural Statistics Committee of the European Commission. For a given survey year, Member States have to conduct their surveys within the agreed time-frame, thus all the data are as comparable as possible. The FSS are organised in all Member States on a harmonised base. Whereas the characteristics are based on community legislation, the same data are available for all countries in case of each survey. The data on individual agricultural holdings are collected by all Member States and sent to Eurostat. The aggregated results are disseminated through statistical tables. The variables are arranged into groups: general overview with key variables,and other specialized groups containing detailed data onland uselivestockfarm labour forcerural development issues as well as management and practices. The 2010 survey additionally provides the results of the survey on agricultural production methods (SAPM). The scope of the survey is agriculture, while the survey unit is the agricultural holding (farm). Data for basic surveys are available in a three-level geographical breakdown of the whole country, the regions and the district; while data for intermediate surveys are only available upon the two-levels of country and regions. Since FSS 1999/2000 information about local farm location is collected in most countries, so that the data can also be disseminated by NUTS and are robust regarding the changes in the NUTS definition. The FSS 2009/2010 information is inline with the NUTS 2010 classification: Regulation (EU) No 31/2011 amending the NUTS classification from January 2003. The Eurofarm domain does not cover the whole territory only the land covered by the agricultural holdings. So the land use data without link with other farm characteristics should be downloaded by the user from the relevant domain. Specific national data about crops, animals or agricultural labour force can be found in other domains, without link between the other information at farm level. For a comprehensive description of the domain, please consult detailed structure (See annex at the bottom of the page). Regional Data Data for basic surveys are available in a three-level geographical breakdown of the whole country, the regions and the district; while data for intermediate surveys are only available upon the two-levels of country and regions. Since FSS 1999/2000 information about local farm location is collected in most countries, so that the data can also be disseminated by NUTS classification and are robust regarding the changes in the NUTS definition. The FSS 2009/2010 information is inline with the NUTS 2010 classification: Regulation (EU) No 31/2001 amending the NUTS classification from January 2012. Please note that for paragraphs where no metadata for regional data has been specified, the regional metadata is identical to the metadata provided for the national data.
    • März 2009
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 30 März, 2023
      Datensatz auswählen
      The domain EUROFARM (ef) contains information (statistical tables) on structure of agricultural holdings collected through agricultural structure surveys. The data of the domain have been organised into two collections: Results of the farm structure surveys contains data from 1990 onwards based on the 1988 legislation andResults of the farm structure surveys based on the legislation from 2008. This collection contains the data from the 2010 Census onwards as well as the data for the surveys 2007 and 2005. Farm Structure Survey data are used to collect information on agricultural holdings in the Member States at different geographic levels (Member States, regions, districts) and over periods (follow up the changes in agricultural sector), thus provide a base for decision making in the Common Agricultural Policy. Two kinds of Farm Structure Survey (FSS) are carried out by Member States: a basic survey (full scope Agricultural Census - AC) every 10 years,several sample based intermediate surveys between them. However for certain characteristics the Member States may use sample base for every survey. The calendar for the surveys to be held in all Member States is agreed by the Agricultural Statistics Committee of the European Commission. For a given survey year, Member States have to conduct their surveys within the agreed time-frame, thus all the data are as comparable as possible. The FSS are organised in all Member States on a harmonised base. Whereas the characteristics are based on community legislation, the same data are available for all countries in case of each survey. The data on individual agricultural holdings are collected by all Member States and sent to Eurostat. The aggregated results are disseminated through statistical tables. The variables are arranged into groups: general overview with key variables,and other specialized groups containing detailed data onland uselivestockfarm labour forcerural development issues as well as management and practices. The 2010 survey additionally provides the results of the survey on agricultural production methods (SAPM). The scope of the survey is agriculture, while the survey unit is the agricultural holding (farm). Data for basic surveys are available in a three-level geographical breakdown of the whole country, the regions and the district; while data for intermediate surveys are only available upon the two-levels of country and regions. Since FSS 1999/2000 information about local farm location is collected in most countries, so that the data can also be disseminated by NUTS and are robust regarding the changes in the NUTS definition. The FSS 2009/2010 information is inline with the NUTS 2010 classification: Regulation (EU) No 31/2011 amending the NUTS classification from January 2003. The Eurofarm domain does not cover the whole territory only the land covered by the agricultural holdings. So the land use data without link with other farm characteristics should be downloaded by the user from the relevant domain. Specific national data about crops, animals or agricultural labour force can be found in other domains, without link between the other information at farm level. For a comprehensive description of the domain, please consult detailed structure (See annex at the bottom of the page). Regional Data Data for basic surveys are available in a three-level geographical breakdown of the whole country, the regions and the district; while data for intermediate surveys are only available upon the two-levels of country and regions. Since FSS 1999/2000 information about local farm location is collected in most countries, so that the data can also be disseminated by NUTS classification and are robust regarding the changes in the NUTS definition. The FSS 2009/2010 information is inline with the NUTS 2010 classification: Regulation (EU) No 31/2001 amending the NUTS classification from January 2012. Please note that for paragraphs where no metadata for regional data has been specified, the regional metadata is identical to the metadata provided for the national data.
    • Januar 2017
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 18 Januar, 2017
      Datensatz auswählen
      The domain EUROFARM (ef) contains information (statistical tables) on structure of agricultural holdings collected through agricultural structure surveys. The data of the domain have been organised into two collections: Results of the farm structure surveys contains data from 1990 onwards based on the 1988 legislation andResults of the farm structure surveys based on the legislation from 2008. This collection contains the data from the 2010 Census onwards as well as the data for the surveys 2007 and 2005. Farm Structure Survey data are used to collect information on agricultural holdings in the Member States at different geographic levels (Member States, regions, districts) and over periods (follow up the changes in agricultural sector), thus provide a base for decision making in the Common Agricultural Policy. Two kinds of Farm Structure Survey (FSS) are carried out by Member States: a basic survey (full scope Agricultural Census - AC) every 10 years,several sample based intermediate surveys between them. However for certain characteristics the Member States may use sample base for every survey. The calendar for the surveys to be held in all Member States is agreed by the Agricultural Statistics Committee of the European Commission. For a given survey year, Member States have to conduct their surveys within the agreed time-frame, thus all the data are as comparable as possible. The FSS are organised in all Member States on a harmonised base. Whereas the characteristics are based on community legislation, the same data are available for all countries in case of each survey. The data on individual agricultural holdings are collected by all Member States and sent to Eurostat. The aggregated results are disseminated through statistical tables. The variables are arranged into groups: general overview with key variables,and other specialized groups containing detailed data onland uselivestockfarm labour forcerural development issues as well as management and practices. The 2010 survey additionally provides the results of the survey on agricultural production methods (SAPM). The scope of the survey is agriculture, while the survey unit is the agricultural holding (farm). Data for basic surveys are available in a three-level geographical breakdown of the whole country, the regions and the district; while data for intermediate surveys are only available upon the two-levels of country and regions. Since FSS 1999/2000 information about local farm location is collected in most countries, so that the data can also be disseminated by NUTS and are robust regarding the changes in the NUTS definition. The FSS 2009/2010 information is inline with the NUTS 2010 classification: Regulation (EU) No 31/2011 amending the NUTS classification from January 2003. The Eurofarm domain does not cover the whole territory only the land covered by the agricultural holdings. So the land use data without link with other farm characteristics should be downloaded by the user from the relevant domain. Specific national data about crops, animals or agricultural labour force can be found in other domains, without link between the other information at farm level. For a comprehensive description of the domain, please consult detailed structure (See annex at the bottom of the page). Regional Data Data for basic surveys are available in a three-level geographical breakdown of the whole country, the regions and the district; while data for intermediate surveys are only available upon the two-levels of country and regions. Since FSS 1999/2000 information about local farm location is collected in most countries, so that the data can also be disseminated by NUTS classification and are robust regarding the changes in the NUTS definition. The FSS 2009/2010 information is inline with the NUTS 2010 classification: Regulation (EU) No 31/2001 amending the NUTS classification from January 2012. Please note that for paragraphs where no metadata for regional data has been specified, the regional metadata is identical to the metadata provided for the national data.
    • Januar 2017
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 18 Januar, 2017
      Datensatz auswählen
      The domain EUROFARM (ef) contains information (statistical tables) on structure of agricultural holdings collected through agricultural structure surveys. The data of the domain have been organised into two collections:Results of the farm structure surveys contains data from 1990 onwards based on the 1988 legislation andResults of the farm structure surveys based on the legislation from 2008. This collection contains the data from the 2010 Census onwards as well as the data for the surveys 2007 and 2005. Farm Structure Survey data are used to collect information on agricultural holdings in the Member States at different geographic levels (Member States, regions, districts) and over periods (follow up the changes in agricultural sector), thus provide a base for decision making in the Common Agricultural Policy. Two kinds of Farm Structure Survey (FSS) are carried out by Member States:a basic survey (full scope Agricultural Census - AC) every 10 years,several sample based intermediate surveys between them. However for certain characteristics the Member States may use sample base for every survey. The calendar for the surveys to be held in all Member States is agreed by the Agricultural Statistics Committee of the European Commission. For a given survey year, Member States have to conduct their surveys within the agreed time-frame, thus all the data are as comparable as possible. The FSS are organised in all Member States on a harmonised base. Whereas the characteristics are based on community legislation, the same data are available for all countries in case of each survey. The data on individual agricultural holdings are collected by all Member States and sent to Eurostat. The aggregated results are disseminated through statistical tables. The variables are arranged into groups:general overview with key variables,and other specialized groups containing detailed data onland uselivestockfarm labour forcerural development issues as well as management and practices. The 2010 survey additionally provides the results of the survey on agricultural production methods (SAPM). The scope of the survey is agriculture, while the survey unit is the agricultural holding (farm). Data for basic surveys are available in a three-level geographical breakdown of the whole country, the regions and the district; while data for intermediate surveys are only available upon the two-levels of country and regions. Since FSS 1999/2000 information about local farm location is collected in most countries, so that the data can also be disseminated by NUTS and are robust regarding the changes in the NUTS definition. The FSS 2009/2010 information is inline with the NUTS 2010 classification: Regulation (EU) No 31/2011 amending the NUTS classification from January 2003. The Eurofarm domain does not cover the whole territory only the land covered by the agricultural holdings. So the land use data without link with other farm characteristics should be downloaded by the user from the relevant domain. Specific national data about crops, animals or agricultural labour force can be found in other domains, without link between the other information at farm level. For a comprehensive description of the domain, please consult detailed structure (See annex at the bottom of the page). Regional Data Data for basic surveys are available in a three-level geographical breakdown of the whole country, the regions and the district; while data for intermediate surveys are only available upon the two-levels of country and regions. Since FSS 1999/2000 information about local farm location is collected in most countries, so that the data can also be disseminated by NUTS classification and are robust regarding the changes in the NUTS definition. The FSS 2009/2010 information is inline with the NUTS 2010 classification: Regulation (EU) No 31/2001 amending the NUTS classification from January 2012. Please note that for paragraphs where no metadata for regional data has been specified, the regional metadata is identical to the metadata provided for the national data.
  • L
    • November 2024
      Quelle: National Bureau of Statistics, Nigeria
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 29 November, 2024
      Datensatz auswählen
      Abridged Labor Force Survey Under Covid-19 
    • März 2009
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 30 März, 2023
      Datensatz auswählen
    • März 2011
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 22 April, 2014
      Datensatz auswählen
      Eurostat Dataset Id:lc_r04cost Labour cost statistics constitute a hierarchical system of multi-annual, yearly and quarterly statistics, designed to provide a comprehensive and detailed picture of the level, structure and short-term development of labour costs in the different sectors of economic activity in the European Union and certain other countries. All statistics are based on a harmonised definition of labour costs. Structural information on labour costs is collected through four-yearly Labour Cost Surveys (LCSs), which provides details on level and structure of labour cost data, hours worked and hours paid. LCS results are available for the reference years 2000, 2004 and 2008. All EU Member States together with Norway, Iceland and Croatia (2004, 2008), Turkey and Macedonia (2008) participated in the LCS. As far as available data and confidentiality rules permit, all variables and proportions are further broken down by enterprise size category, economic activity and region (larger countries only). The data are collected by the National Statistical Institutes in most cases on the basis of stratified random samples of enterprises or local units, restricted in most countries to units with at least 10 employees. The stratification is based on economic activity, size category and region (where appropriate). Regional metadata is identical to the metadata provided for national data. Some countries also complement the survey results with administrative data. Monetary variables are expressed in EUR, national currencies (if different) and Purchasing Power Standards (PPS). Labour costs are quoted in total and per year, per month and per hour, as well as per capita and per full-time equivalents (FTE). Information on staff, hours worked and hours paid is quoted in aggregate and separately for full- and part-time employees. Labour cost statistics constitute a hierarchical system of multi-annual, yearly and quarterly statistics, designed to provide a comprehensive and detailed picture of the level, structure and short-term development of labour costs in the different sectors of economic activity in the European Union and certain other countries. All statistics are based on a harmonised definition of labour costs.
    • März 2011
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 22 April, 2014
      Datensatz auswählen
      Eurostat Dataset Id:lc_r08cost_r2 Labour cost statistics constitute a hierarchical system of multi-annual, yearly and quarterly statistics, designed to provide a comprehensive and detailed picture of the level, structure and short-term development of labour costs in the different sectors of economic activity in the European Union and certain other countries. All statistics are based on a harmonised definition of labour costs. Structural information on labour costs is collected through four-yearly Labour Cost Surveys (LCSs), which provides details on level and structure of labour cost data, hours worked and hours paid. LCS results are available for the reference years 2000, 2004 and 2008. All EU Member States together with Norway, Iceland and Croatia (2004, 2008), Turkey and Macedonia (2008) participated in the LCS. As far as available data and confidentiality rules permit, all variables and proportions are further broken down by enterprise size category, economic activity and region (larger countries only). The data are collected by the National Statistical Institutes in most cases on the basis of stratified random samples of enterprises or local units, restricted in most countries to units with at least 10 employees. The stratification is based on economic activity, size category and region (where appropriate). Regional metadata is identical to the metadata provided for national data. Some countries also complement the survey results with administrative data. Monetary variables are expressed in EUR, national currencies (if different) and Purchasing Power Standards (PPS). Labour costs are quoted in total and per year, per month and per hour, as well as per capita and per full-time equivalents (FTE). Information on staff, hours worked and hours paid is quoted in aggregate and separately for full- and part-time employees. Labour cost statistics constitute a hierarchical system of multi-annual, yearly and quarterly statistics, designed to provide a comprehensive and detailed picture of the level, structure and short-term development of labour costs in the different sectors of economic activity in the European Union and certain other countries. All statistics are based on a harmonised definition of labour costs.
    • Oktober 2023
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 06 Oktober, 2023
      Datensatz auswählen
      Labour cost statistics provide a comprehensive and detailed picture of the level, structure and short-term development of labour costs in the different sectors of economic activity in the European Union and certain other countries. All statistics are based on a harmonised definition of labour costs. Structural information on labour costs is collected through four-yearly Labour Cost Surveys (LCS), which provides details on the level and structure of labour cost data, hours worked and hours paid. LCS results are available for the reference years 2000, 2004, 2008 and 2012. All EU Member States together with Norway and Iceland (2004 onwards), Turkey and Macedonia (2008), as well as Serbia (2012) participated in the LCS. As far as available data and confidentiality rules permit, all variables and proportions are further broken down by enterprise size category, economic activity and region (for larger countries only). The data are collected by the National Statistical Institutes in most cases on the basis of stratified random samples of enterprises or local units, restricted in most countries to units with at least 10 employees. The stratification is based on economic activity, size category and region (where appropriate). Regional metadata is identical to the metadata provided for national data. Some countries also complement the survey results with administrative data. Monetary variables are expressed in EUR, national currencies (for non-euro-area countries) and Purchasing Power Standards (PPS). Labour costs are quoted in total per year, per month and per hour, as well as per capita and per full-time equivalents (FTE). Information on staff, hours worked and hours paid is quoted in aggregate and separately for full- and part-time employees.
    • Dezember 2024
      Quelle: International Labour Organization
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 16 Dezember, 2024
      Datensatz auswählen
      Imputed observations are not based on national data, are subject to high uncertainty and should not be used for country comparisons or rankings. The labour force comprises all persons of working age who furnish the supply of labour for the production of goods and services during a specified time-reference period. It refers to the sum of all persons of working age who are employed and those who are unemployed. The series is part of the ILO modelled estimates and is harmonized to account for differences in national data and scope of coverage, collection and tabulation methodologies as well as for other country-specific factors. For more information, refer to the ILOSTAT pages on concepts and definitions and ILO modelled estimates and projections.
    • April 2009
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 26 Mai, 2014
      Datensatz auswählen
      Eurostat Dataset Id:ef_so_lfaa The domain EUROFARM (ef) contains information (statistical tables) on structure of agricultural holdings collected through agricultural structure surveys. The data of the domain have been organised into two collections:Results of the farm structure surveys contains data from 1990 onwardsStandard Gross Margin (SGM) and Standard Output (SO) coefficients. Farm Structure Survey data are used to collect information on agricultural holdings in the Member States at different geographic levels (Member States, regions, districts) and over periods (follow up the changes in agricultural sector), thus provide a base for decision making in the Common Agricultural Policy. Two kinds of Farm Structure Survey (FSS) are carried out by Member States:a basic survey (full scope Agricultural Census - AC) every 10 years,several sample based intermediate surveys between them. However for certain characteristics the Member States may use sample base for every survey. The calendar for the surveys to be held in all Member States is agreed by the Agricultural Statistics Committee of the European Commission. For a given survey year, Member States have to conduct their surveys within the agreed time-frame, thus all the data are as comparable as possible. The FSS are organised in all Member States on a harmonised base. Whereas the characteristics are based on community legislation, the same data are available for all countries in case of each survey. The data on individual agricultural holdings are collected by all Member States and sent to Eurostat. The aggregated results are disseminated through statistical tables. The variables are arranged into groups:one general overview with the key variables,and other specialized groups containing detailed data onland uselivestockspecial interest topics: farm labour force, rural development issues as well as management and practices. The scope of the survey is agriculture, while the survey unit is the agricultural holding (farm). Data for basic surveys are available in a three-level geographical breakdown of the whole country, the regions and the district; while data for intermediate surveys are only available upon the two-levels of country and regions. Since FSS 1999/2000 information about local farm location is collected in most countries, so that the data can also be disseminated by NUTS and are robust regarding the changes in the NUTS definition. The FSS 2009/2010 information is inline with the NUTS 2010 classification: Regulation (EU) No 31/2001 amending the NUTS classification from January 2012. The Eurofarm domain does not cover the whole territory only the land covered by the agricultural holdings. So the land use data without link with other farm characteristics should be downloaded by the user from the relevant domain. Specific national data about crops, animals or agricultural labour force can be found in other domains, without link between the other information at farm level. For a comprehensive description of the domain, please consult detailed structure (See annex at the bottom of the page). Regional Data Data for basic surveys are available in a three-level geographical breakdown of the whole country, the regions and the district; while data for intermediate surveys are only available upon the two-levels of country and regions. Since FSS 1999/2000 information about local farm location is collected in most countries, so that the data can also be disseminated by NUTS classification and are robust regarding the changes in the NUTS definition. The FSS 2009/2010 information is inline with the NUTS 2010 classification: Regulation (EU) No 31/2001 amending the NUTS classification from January 2012. Please note that for paragraphs where no metadata for regional data has been specified, the regional metadata is identical to the metadata provided for the national data.
    • Januar 2017
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 18 Januar, 2017
      Datensatz auswählen
      The domain EUROFARM (ef) contains information (statistical tables) on structure of agricultural holdings collected through agricultural structure surveys. The data of the domain have been organised into two collections:Results of the farm structure surveys contains data from 1990 onwards based on the 1988 legislation andResults of the farm structure surveys based on the legislation from 2008. This collection contains the data from the 2010 Census onwards as well as the data for the surveys 2007 and 2005. Farm Structure Survey data are used to collect information on agricultural holdings in the Member States at different geographic levels (Member States, regions, districts) and over periods (follow up the changes in agricultural sector), thus provide a base for decision making in the Common Agricultural Policy. Two kinds of Farm Structure Survey (FSS) are carried out by Member States:a basic survey (full scope Agricultural Census - AC) every 10 years,several sample based intermediate surveys between them. However for certain characteristics the Member States may use sample base for every survey. The calendar for the surveys to be held in all Member States is agreed by the Agricultural Statistics Committee of the European Commission. For a given survey year, Member States have to conduct their surveys within the agreed time-frame, thus all the data are as comparable as possible. The FSS are organised in all Member States on a harmonised base. Whereas the characteristics are based on community legislation, the same data are available for all countries in case of each survey. The data on individual agricultural holdings are collected by all Member States and sent to Eurostat. The aggregated results are disseminated through statistical tables. The variables are arranged into groups:general overview with key variables,and other specialized groups containing detailed data onland uselivestockfarm labour forcerural development issues as well as management and practices. The 2010 survey additionally provides the results of the survey on agricultural production methods (SAPM). The scope of the survey is agriculture, while the survey unit is the agricultural holding (farm). Data for basic surveys are available in a three-level geographical breakdown of the whole country, the regions and the district; while data for intermediate surveys are only available upon the two-levels of country and regions. Since FSS 1999/2000 information about local farm location is collected in most countries, so that the data can also be disseminated by NUTS and are robust regarding the changes in the NUTS definition. The FSS 2009/2010 information is inline with the NUTS 2010 classification: Regulation (EU) No 31/2011 amending the NUTS classification from January 2003. The Eurofarm domain does not cover the whole territory only the land covered by the agricultural holdings. So the land use data without link with other farm characteristics should be downloaded by the user from the relevant domain. Specific national data about crops, animals or agricultural labour force can be found in other domains, without link between the other information at farm level. For a comprehensive description of the domain, please consult detailed structure (See annex at the bottom of the page). Regional Data Data for basic surveys are available in a three-level geographical breakdown of the whole country, the regions and the district; while data for intermediate surveys are only available upon the two-levels of country and regions. Since FSS 1999/2000 information about local farm location is collected in most countries, so that the data can also be disseminated by NUTS classification and are robust regarding the changes in the NUTS definition. The FSS 2009/2010 information is inline with the NUTS 2010 classification: Regulation (EU) No 31/2001 amending the NUTS classification from January 2012. Please note that for paragraphs where no metadata for regional data has been specified, the regional metadata is identical to the metadata provided for the national data.
    • August 2017
      Quelle: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 09 Januar, 2018
      Datensatz auswählen
      Rivers Data show water quality of selected rivers. Water quality is measured in terms of annual mean concentrations of dissolved oxygen and BOD; of nitrates, phosphorus and ammonium; and of lead, cadmuim, chromium and copper. The rivers selected are main rivers draining large watersheds in the countries chosen; the measurement locations are at the mouths or downstream frontiers of the rivers. These parameters provide information concerning the state and trends of pollution by organic matter and nutrients, heavy metals and other metals. In reading the data, one should compare trends rather than absolute values, since measurement methods vary by country. Lakes Data show trends in annual mean concentrations of phosphorus and nitrogen in selected lakes. These parameters concern nutrient concentrations and related degrees of eutrophication of lakes and reservoirs. The interpretation of these tables should take into account variations in the methods of sampling (e.g. sampling location and number of measurements at different sampling locations and in different years).
    • Juli 2021
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 16 Juli, 2021
      Datensatz auswählen
      LUCAS is the acronym of Land Use and Cover Area frame Survey. The aim of the LUCAS survey is to gather harmonised information on land use, land cover and environmental parameters. The survey also provides territorial information to analyse the interactions between agriculture, environment and countryside, such as irrigation and land management. Since 2006, EUROSTAT has carried out LUCAS surveys every three years. 2006 data is considered pilot and has not been used to produce estimates. The most recent surveys happened in the spring-summer of 2009, 2012 and 2015. Since the LUCAS surveys are carried out in-situ, this means that observations are made and registered on the ground by field surveyors. A mixed panel approach is used, so some points are visited in subsequent years. In the field, the surveyor classifies the land cover and the visible land use according to the harmonized LUCAS Survey land cover and land use classifications. Landscape pictures are taken in the four cardinal directions. A transect of 250m is walked from the point to the east direction, where the surveyor records all transitions of land cover and existing linear features. A specific topsoil module was implemented in 2009, in 2012 (partly) and in 2015. From the LUCAS survey in situ data collection, different types of information are obtained: - Micro data - Images - Statistical tables 1. Micro data Land cover, land use and environmental parameters associated to the single surveyed points are available freely for download in the LUCAS dedicated section. Transect indicators on landscape features related to the sigle point (diversity and richness) are also part of the information available for free download. Specific ad hoc modules have been included in some surveys such as the 2009 and 2015 topsoil samples taken on 10% of total LUCAS points. Soil results for 25 countries are available via the JRC Land resource management unit under license agreement. In 2012 the soil module was implemented in Bulgaria and Romania. The soil samples of the 2015 collection are currently being analysed in laboratories. 2. Images Point and landscape photos taken in the four cardinal directions at each point are available freely by request either via e-mail contact to or by using the online order form. 3. Statistical tables Statistical tables with aggregated results by land cover, land use at geographical level are available in Eurobase under the domain land cover, land use and landscape (LUCAS). The statistics are presented at NUTS0, NUTS1 and NUTS2 levels using the classification for NUTS 2013. These estimates are based on the point data conveniently weighted. For further information on weighting refer to chapter 20.5 Data compilation and Quality Reports.
    • März 2014
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 13 April, 2014
      Datensatz auswählen
      Eurostat Dataset Id:agr_r_landuse
    • Januar 2017
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 18 Januar, 2017
      Datensatz auswählen
      Eurostat Dataset Id:ef_oluaareg The domain EUROFARM (ef) contains information (statistical tables) on structure of agricultural holdings collected through agricultural structure surveys. The data of the domain have been organised into two collections: Results of the farm structure surveys contains data from 1990 onwards Standard Gross Margin (SGM) and Standard Output (SO) coefficients. Farm Structure Survey data are used to collect information on agricultural holdings in the Member States at different geographic levels (Member States, regions, districts) and over periods (follow up the changes in agricultural sector), thus provide a base for decision making in the Common Agricultural Policy. Two kinds of Farm Structure Survey (FSS) are carried out by Member States: a basic survey (full scope Agricultural Census - AC) every 10 years, several sample based intermediate surveys between them. However for certain characteristics the Member States may use sample base for every survey. The calendar for the surveys to be held in all Member States is agreed by the Agricultural Statistics Committee of the European Commission. For a given survey year, Member States have to conduct their surveys within the agreed time-frame, thus all the data are as comparable as possible. The FSS are organised in all Member States on a harmonised base. Whereas the characteristics are based on community legislation, the same data are available for all countries in case of each survey. The data on individual agricultural holdings are collected by all Member States and sent to Eurostat. The aggregated results are disseminated through statistical tables. The variables are arranged into groups: one general overview with the key variables, and other specialized groups containing detailed data on land use livestock special interest topics: farm labour force, rural development issues as well as management and practices. The scope of the survey is agriculture, while the survey unit is the agricultural holding (farm). Data for basic surveys are available in a three-level geographical breakdown of the whole country, the regions and the district; while data for intermediate surveys are only available upon the two-levels of country and regions. Since FSS 1999/2000 information about local farm location is collected in most countries, so that the data can also be disseminated by NUTS and are robust regarding the changes in the NUTS definition. The FSS 2009/2010 information is inline with the NUTS 2010 classification: Regulation (EU) No 31/2001 amending the NUTS classification from January 2012. The Eurofarm domain does not cover the whole territory only the land covered by the agricultural holdings. So the land use data without link with other farm characteristics should be downloaded by the user from the relevant domain. Specific national data about crops, animals or agricultural labour force can be found in other domains, without link between the other information at farm level. For a comprehensive description of the domain, please consult detailed structure. Regional Data Data for basic surveys are available in a three-level geographical breakdown of the whole country, the regions and the district; while data for intermediate surveys are only available upon the two-levels of country and regions. Since FSS 1999/2000 information about local farm location is collected in most countries, so that the data can also be disseminated by NUTS classification and are robust regarding the changes in the NUTS definition. The FSS 2009/2010 information is inline with the NUTS 2010 classification: Regulation (EU) No 31/2001 amending the NUTS classification from January 2012. Please note that for paragraphs where no metadata for regional data has been specified, the regional metadata is identical to the metadata provided for the national data.
    • Januar 2017
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 18 Januar, 2017
      Datensatz auswählen
      Eurostat Dataset Id:ef_oluecsreg The domain EUROFARM (ef) contains information (statistical tables) on structure of agricultural holdings collected through agricultural structure surveys. The data of the domain have been organised into two collections: Results of the farm structure surveys contains data from 1990 onwards Standard Gross Margin (SGM) and Standard Output (SO) coefficients. Farm Structure Survey data are used to collect information on agricultural holdings in the Member States at different geographic levels (Member States, regions, districts) and over periods (follow up the changes in agricultural sector), thus provide a base for decision making in the Common Agricultural Policy. Two kinds of Farm Structure Survey (FSS) are carried out by Member States: a basic survey (full scope Agricultural Census - AC) every 10 years, several sample based intermediate surveys between them. However for certain characteristics the Member States may use sample base for every survey. The calendar for the surveys to be held in all Member States is agreed by the Agricultural Statistics Committee of the European Commission. For a given survey year, Member States have to conduct their surveys within the agreed time-frame, thus all the data are as comparable as possible. The FSS are organised in all Member States on a harmonised base. Whereas the characteristics are based on community legislation, the same data are available for all countries in case of each survey. The data on individual agricultural holdings are collected by all Member States and sent to Eurostat. The aggregated results are disseminated through statistical tables. The variables are arranged into groups: one general overview with the key variables, and other specialized groups containing detailed data on land use livestock special interest topics: farm labour force, rural development issues as well as management and practices. The scope of the survey is agriculture, while the survey unit is the agricultural holding (farm). Data for basic surveys are available in a three-level geographical breakdown of the whole country, the regions and the district; while data for intermediate surveys are only available upon the two-levels of country and regions. Since FSS 1999/2000 information about local farm location is collected in most countries, so that the data can also be disseminated by NUTS and are robust regarding the changes in the NUTS definition. The FSS 2009/2010 information is inline with the NUTS 2010 classification: Regulation (EU) No 31/2001 amending the NUTS classification from January 2012. The Eurofarm domain does not cover the whole territory only the land covered by the agricultural holdings. So the land use data without link with other farm characteristics should be downloaded by the user from the relevant domain. Specific national data about crops, animals or agricultural labour force can be found in other domains, without link between the other information at farm level. For a comprehensive description of the domain, please consult detailed structure. Regional Data Data for basic surveys are available in a three-level geographical breakdown of the whole country, the regions and the district; while data for intermediate surveys are only available upon the two-levels of country and regions. Since FSS 1999/2000 information about local farm location is collected in most countries, so that the data can also be disseminated by NUTS classification and are robust regarding the changes in the NUTS definition. The FSS 2009/2010 information is inline with the NUTS 2010 classification: Regulation (EU) No 31/2001 amending the NUTS classification from January 2012. Please note that for paragraphs where no metadata for regional data has been specified, the regional metadata is identical to the metadata provided for the national data.
    • Juli 2020
      Quelle: National Institute of Statistics, Italy
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 19 Juli, 2020
      Datensatz auswählen
      Data source(s) used: Data source: Oecd Education at a glance (annually publlished) containing detailed analysis of several internationally comparable indicators of human capital.For further details please see the volume available on the site
    • Dezember 2024
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 08 Dezember, 2024
      Datensatz auswählen
      The mean number of years that a newborn child can expect to live if subjected throughout his life to the current mortality conditions (age specific probabilities of dying).
    • Dezember 2024
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 08 Dezember, 2024
      Datensatz auswählen
    • Juni 2013
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 06 August, 2013
      Datensatz auswählen
      This Dataset presents 8 Tables: Age specific death rate (Mx) by NUTS 2 regions (demo_r_mdthrt), Probability of dying between exact ages (qx) by NUTS 2 regions (demo_r_mpbdth), Probability of surviving between exact ages (px) by NUTS 2 regions (demo_r_mpbsurv), Number left alive at given exact age (lx) by NUTS 2 regions (demo_r_msurv), Number dying between exact ages (dx) by NUTS 2 regions (demo_r_mdie), Person-years lived between exact age (Lx) (demo_r_mpyliv), Total person-years lived above given exact age (Tx) by NUTS 2 regions (demo_r_mtotpyliv), Life expectancy at given exact age (ex) by NUTS 2 regions (demo_r_mlifexp). Note: Eurostat Hierarchy: General and regional statistics > Population and social conditions > Population (populat) > Demography (pop) > Demography - Regional data (demoreg) > Life table - NUTS level 2 regions (demo_rmlifetable).
    • Juli 2024
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 10 Juli, 2024
      Datensatz auswählen
    • Juli 2024
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 10 Juli, 2024
      Datensatz auswählen
    • Juni 2023
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 28 Juni, 2023
      Datensatz auswählen
    • Juni 2023
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 28 Juni, 2023
      Datensatz auswählen
      Live births are the births of children that showed any sign of life
    • März 2012
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 30 Juli, 2012
      Datensatz auswählen
      General and regional statistics > Regional statistics > Regional agriculture statistics > Agri-Environmental Indicators > Livestock density by NUTS 3 regions
    • März 2009
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 30 März, 2023
      Datensatz auswählen
      The domain EUROFARM (ef) contains information (statistical tables) on structure of agricultural holdings collected through agricultural structure surveys. The data of the domain have been organised into two collections: Results of the farm structure surveys contains data from 1990 onwards based on the 1988 legislation andResults of the farm structure surveys based on the legislation from 2008. This collection contains the data from the 2010 Census onwards as well as the data for the surveys 2007 and 2005. Farm Structure Survey data are used to collect information on agricultural holdings in the Member States at different geographic levels (Member States, regions, districts) and over periods (follow up the changes in agricultural sector), thus provide a base for decision making in the Common Agricultural Policy. Two kinds of Farm Structure Survey (FSS) are carried out by Member States: a basic survey (full scope Agricultural Census - AC) every 10 years,several sample based intermediate surveys between them. However for certain characteristics the Member States may use sample base for every survey. The calendar for the surveys to be held in all Member States is agreed by the Agricultural Statistics Committee of the European Commission. For a given survey year, Member States have to conduct their surveys within the agreed time-frame, thus all the data are as comparable as possible. The FSS are organised in all Member States on a harmonised base. Whereas the characteristics are based on community legislation, the same data are available for all countries in case of each survey. The data on individual agricultural holdings are collected by all Member States and sent to Eurostat. The aggregated results are disseminated through statistical tables. The variables are arranged into groups: general overview with key variables,and other specialized groups containing detailed data onland uselivestockfarm labour forcerural development issues as well as management and practices. The 2010 survey additionally provides the results of the survey on agricultural production methods (SAPM). The scope of the survey is agriculture, while the survey unit is the agricultural holding (farm). Data for basic surveys are available in a three-level geographical breakdown of the whole country, the regions and the district; while data for intermediate surveys are only available upon the two-levels of country and regions. Since FSS 1999/2000 information about local farm location is collected in most countries, so that the data can also be disseminated by NUTS and are robust regarding the changes in the NUTS definition. The FSS 2009/2010 information is inline with the NUTS 2010 classification: Regulation (EU) No 31/2011 amending the NUTS classification from January 2003. The Eurofarm domain does not cover the whole territory only the land covered by the agricultural holdings. So the land use data without link with other farm characteristics should be downloaded by the user from the relevant domain. Specific national data about crops, animals or agricultural labour force can be found in other domains, without link between the other information at farm level. For a comprehensive description of the domain, please consult detailed structure (See annex at the bottom of the page). Regional Data Data for basic surveys are available in a three-level geographical breakdown of the whole country, the regions and the district; while data for intermediate surveys are only available upon the two-levels of country and regions. Since FSS 1999/2000 information about local farm location is collected in most countries, so that the data can also be disseminated by NUTS classification and are robust regarding the changes in the NUTS definition. The FSS 2009/2010 information is inline with the NUTS 2010 classification: Regulation (EU) No 31/2001 amending the NUTS classification from January 2012. Please note that for paragraphs where no metadata for regional data has been specified, the regional metadata is identical to the metadata provided for the national data.
    • März 2009
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 30 März, 2023
      Datensatz auswählen
      The domain EUROFARM (ef) contains information (statistical tables) on structure of agricultural holdings collected through agricultural structure surveys. The data of the domain have been organised into two collections: Results of the farm structure surveys contains data from 1990 onwards based on the 1988 legislation andResults of the farm structure surveys based on the legislation from 2008. This collection contains the data from the 2010 Census onwards as well as the data for the surveys 2007 and 2005. Farm Structure Survey data are used to collect information on agricultural holdings in the Member States at different geographic levels (Member States, regions, districts) and over periods (follow up the changes in agricultural sector), thus provide a base for decision making in the Common Agricultural Policy. Two kinds of Farm Structure Survey (FSS) are carried out by Member States: a basic survey (full scope Agricultural Census - AC) every 10 years,several sample based intermediate surveys between them. However for certain characteristics the Member States may use sample base for every survey. The calendar for the surveys to be held in all Member States is agreed by the Agricultural Statistics Committee of the European Commission. For a given survey year, Member States have to conduct their surveys within the agreed time-frame, thus all the data are as comparable as possible. The FSS are organised in all Member States on a harmonised base. Whereas the characteristics are based on community legislation, the same data are available for all countries in case of each survey. The data on individual agricultural holdings are collected by all Member States and sent to Eurostat. The aggregated results are disseminated through statistical tables. The variables are arranged into groups: general overview with key variables,and other specialized groups containing detailed data onland uselivestockfarm labour forcerural development issues as well as management and practices. The 2010 survey additionally provides the results of the survey on agricultural production methods (SAPM). The scope of the survey is agriculture, while the survey unit is the agricultural holding (farm). Data for basic surveys are available in a three-level geographical breakdown of the whole country, the regions and the district; while data for intermediate surveys are only available upon the two-levels of country and regions. Since FSS 1999/2000 information about local farm location is collected in most countries, so that the data can also be disseminated by NUTS and are robust regarding the changes in the NUTS definition. The FSS 2009/2010 information is inline with the NUTS 2010 classification: Regulation (EU) No 31/2011 amending the NUTS classification from January 2003. The Eurofarm domain does not cover the whole territory only the land covered by the agricultural holdings. So the land use data without link with other farm characteristics should be downloaded by the user from the relevant domain. Specific national data about crops, animals or agricultural labour force can be found in other domains, without link between the other information at farm level. For a comprehensive description of the domain, please consult detailed structure (See annex at the bottom of the page). Regional Data Data for basic surveys are available in a three-level geographical breakdown of the whole country, the regions and the district; while data for intermediate surveys are only available upon the two-levels of country and regions. Since FSS 1999/2000 information about local farm location is collected in most countries, so that the data can also be disseminated by NUTS classification and are robust regarding the changes in the NUTS definition. The FSS 2009/2010 information is inline with the NUTS 2010 classification: Regulation (EU) No 31/2001 amending the NUTS classification from January 2012. Please note that for paragraphs where no metadata for regional data has been specified, the regional metadata is identical to the metadata provided for the national data.
    • März 2009
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 30 März, 2023
      Datensatz auswählen
      The domain EUROFARM (ef) contains information (statistical tables) on structure of agricultural holdings collected through agricultural structure surveys. The data of the domain have been organised into two collections: Results of the farm structure surveys contains data from 1990 onwards based on the 1988 legislation andResults of the farm structure surveys based on the legislation from 2008. This collection contains the data from the 2010 Census onwards as well as the data for the surveys 2007 and 2005. Farm Structure Survey data are used to collect information on agricultural holdings in the Member States at different geographic levels (Member States, regions, districts) and over periods (follow up the changes in agricultural sector), thus provide a base for decision making in the Common Agricultural Policy. Two kinds of Farm Structure Survey (FSS) are carried out by Member States: a basic survey (full scope Agricultural Census - AC) every 10 years,several sample based intermediate surveys between them. However for certain characteristics the Member States may use sample base for every survey. The calendar for the surveys to be held in all Member States is agreed by the Agricultural Statistics Committee of the European Commission. For a given survey year, Member States have to conduct their surveys within the agreed time-frame, thus all the data are as comparable as possible. The FSS are organised in all Member States on a harmonised base. Whereas the characteristics are based on community legislation, the same data are available for all countries in case of each survey. The data on individual agricultural holdings are collected by all Member States and sent to Eurostat. The aggregated results are disseminated through statistical tables. The variables are arranged into groups: general overview with key variables,and other specialized groups containing detailed data onland uselivestockfarm labour forcerural development issues as well as management and practices. The 2010 survey additionally provides the results of the survey on agricultural production methods (SAPM). The scope of the survey is agriculture, while the survey unit is the agricultural holding (farm). Data for basic surveys are available in a three-level geographical breakdown of the whole country, the regions and the district; while data for intermediate surveys are only available upon the two-levels of country and regions. Since FSS 1999/2000 information about local farm location is collected in most countries, so that the data can also be disseminated by NUTS and are robust regarding the changes in the NUTS definition. The FSS 2009/2010 information is inline with the NUTS 2010 classification: Regulation (EU) No 31/2011 amending the NUTS classification from January 2003. The Eurofarm domain does not cover the whole territory only the land covered by the agricultural holdings. So the land use data without link with other farm characteristics should be downloaded by the user from the relevant domain. Specific national data about crops, animals or agricultural labour force can be found in other domains, without link between the other information at farm level. For a comprehensive description of the domain, please consult detailed structure (See annex at the bottom of the page). Regional Data Data for basic surveys are available in a three-level geographical breakdown of the whole country, the regions and the district; while data for intermediate surveys are only available upon the two-levels of country and regions. Since FSS 1999/2000 information about local farm location is collected in most countries, so that the data can also be disseminated by NUTS classification and are robust regarding the changes in the NUTS definition. The FSS 2009/2010 information is inline with the NUTS 2010 classification: Regulation (EU) No 31/2001 amending the NUTS classification from January 2012. Please note that for paragraphs where no metadata for regional data has been specified, the regional metadata is identical to the metadata provided for the national data.
    • Januar 2017
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 18 Januar, 2017
      Datensatz auswählen
      The domain EUROFARM (ef) contains information (statistical tables) on structure of agricultural holdings collected through agricultural structure surveys. The data of the domain have been organised into two collections:Results of the farm structure surveys contains data from 1990 onwards based on the 1988 legislation andResults of the farm structure surveys based on the legislation from 2008. This collection contains the data from the 2010 Census onwards as well as the data for the surveys 2007 and 2005. Farm Structure Survey data are used to collect information on agricultural holdings in the Member States at different geographic levels (Member States, regions, districts) and over periods (follow up the changes in agricultural sector), thus provide a base for decision making in the Common Agricultural Policy. Two kinds of Farm Structure Survey (FSS) are carried out by Member States:a basic survey (full scope Agricultural Census - AC) every 10 years,several sample based intermediate surveys between them. However for certain characteristics the Member States may use sample base for every survey. The calendar for the surveys to be held in all Member States is agreed by the Agricultural Statistics Committee of the European Commission. For a given survey year, Member States have to conduct their surveys within the agreed time-frame, thus all the data are as comparable as possible. The FSS are organised in all Member States on a harmonised base. Whereas the characteristics are based on community legislation, the same data are available for all countries in case of each survey. The data on individual agricultural holdings are collected by all Member States and sent to Eurostat. The aggregated results are disseminated through statistical tables. The variables are arranged into groups:general overview with key variables,and other specialized groups containing detailed data onland uselivestockfarm labour forcerural development issues as well as management and practices. The 2010 survey additionally provides the results of the survey on agricultural production methods (SAPM). The scope of the survey is agriculture, while the survey unit is the agricultural holding (farm). Data for basic surveys are available in a three-level geographical breakdown of the whole country, the regions and the district; while data for intermediate surveys are only available upon the two-levels of country and regions. Since FSS 1999/2000 information about local farm location is collected in most countries, so that the data can also be disseminated by NUTS and are robust regarding the changes in the NUTS definition. The FSS 2009/2010 information is inline with the NUTS 2010 classification: Regulation (EU) No 31/2011 amending the NUTS classification from January 2003. The Eurofarm domain does not cover the whole territory only the land covered by the agricultural holdings. So the land use data without link with other farm characteristics should be downloaded by the user from the relevant domain. Specific national data about crops, animals or agricultural labour force can be found in other domains, without link between the other information at farm level. For a comprehensive description of the domain, please consult detailed structure (See annex at the bottom of the page). Regional Data Data for basic surveys are available in a three-level geographical breakdown of the whole country, the regions and the district; while data for intermediate surveys are only available upon the two-levels of country and regions. Since FSS 1999/2000 information about local farm location is collected in most countries, so that the data can also be disseminated by NUTS classification and are robust regarding the changes in the NUTS definition. The FSS 2009/2010 information is inline with the NUTS 2010 classification: Regulation (EU) No 31/2001 amending the NUTS classification from January 2012. Please note that for paragraphs where no metadata for regional data has been specified, the regional metadata is identical to the metadata provided for the national data.
    • Januar 2017
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 18 Januar, 2017
      Datensatz auswählen
      The domain EUROFARM (ef) contains information (statistical tables) on structure of agricultural holdings collected through agricultural structure surveys. The data of the domain have been organised into two collections:Results of the farm structure surveys contains data from 1990 onwards based on the 1988 legislation andResults of the farm structure surveys based on the legislation from 2008. This collection contains the data from the 2010 Census onwards as well as the data for the surveys 2007 and 2005. Farm Structure Survey data are used to collect information on agricultural holdings in the Member States at different geographic levels (Member States, regions, districts) and over periods (follow up the changes in agricultural sector), thus provide a base for decision making in the Common Agricultural Policy. Two kinds of Farm Structure Survey (FSS) are carried out by Member States:a basic survey (full scope Agricultural Census - AC) every 10 years,several sample based intermediate surveys between them. However for certain characteristics the Member States may use sample base for every survey. The calendar for the surveys to be held in all Member States is agreed by the Agricultural Statistics Committee of the European Commission. For a given survey year, Member States have to conduct their surveys within the agreed time-frame, thus all the data are as comparable as possible. The FSS are organised in all Member States on a harmonised base. Whereas the characteristics are based on community legislation, the same data are available for all countries in case of each survey. The data on individual agricultural holdings are collected by all Member States and sent to Eurostat. The aggregated results are disseminated through statistical tables. The variables are arranged into groups:general overview with key variables,and other specialized groups containing detailed data onland uselivestockfarm labour forcerural development issues as well as management and practices. The 2010 survey additionally provides the results of the survey on agricultural production methods (SAPM). The scope of the survey is agriculture, while the survey unit is the agricultural holding (farm). Data for basic surveys are available in a three-level geographical breakdown of the whole country, the regions and the district; while data for intermediate surveys are only available upon the two-levels of country and regions. Since FSS 1999/2000 information about local farm location is collected in most countries, so that the data can also be disseminated by NUTS and are robust regarding the changes in the NUTS definition. The FSS 2009/2010 information is inline with the NUTS 2010 classification: Regulation (EU) No 31/2011 amending the NUTS classification from January 2003. The Eurofarm domain does not cover the whole territory only the land covered by the agricultural holdings. So the land use data without link with other farm characteristics should be downloaded by the user from the relevant domain. Specific national data about crops, animals or agricultural labour force can be found in other domains, without link between the other information at farm level. For a comprehensive description of the domain, please consult detailed structure (See annex at the bottom of the page). Regional Data Data for basic surveys are available in a three-level geographical breakdown of the whole country, the regions and the district; while data for intermediate surveys are only available upon the two-levels of country and regions. Since FSS 1999/2000 information about local farm location is collected in most countries, so that the data can also be disseminated by NUTS classification and are robust regarding the changes in the NUTS definition. The FSS 2009/2010 information is inline with the NUTS 2010 classification: Regulation (EU) No 31/2001 amending the NUTS classification from January 2012. Please note that for paragraphs where no metadata for regional data has been specified, the regional metadata is identical to the metadata provided for the national data.
    • Januar 2017
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 18 Januar, 2017
      Datensatz auswählen
      The domain EUROFARM (ef) contains information (statistical tables) on structure of agricultural holdings collected through agricultural structure surveys. The data of the domain have been organised into two collections:Results of the farm structure surveys contains data from 1990 onwards based on the 1988 legislation andResults of the farm structure surveys based on the legislation from 2008. This collection contains the data from the 2010 Census onwards as well as the data for the surveys 2007 and 2005. Farm Structure Survey data are used to collect information on agricultural holdings in the Member States at different geographic levels (Member States, regions, districts) and over periods (follow up the changes in agricultural sector), thus provide a base for decision making in the Common Agricultural Policy. Two kinds of Farm Structure Survey (FSS) are carried out by Member States:a basic survey (full scope Agricultural Census - AC) every 10 years,several sample based intermediate surveys between them. However for certain characteristics the Member States may use sample base for every survey. The calendar for the surveys to be held in all Member States is agreed by the Agricultural Statistics Committee of the European Commission. For a given survey year, Member States have to conduct their surveys within the agreed time-frame, thus all the data are as comparable as possible. The FSS are organised in all Member States on a harmonised base. Whereas the characteristics are based on community legislation, the same data are available for all countries in case of each survey. The data on individual agricultural holdings are collected by all Member States and sent to Eurostat. The aggregated results are disseminated through statistical tables. The variables are arranged into groups:general overview with key variables,and other specialized groups containing detailed data onland uselivestockfarm labour forcerural development issues as well as management and practices. The 2010 survey additionally provides the results of the survey on agricultural production methods (SAPM). The scope of the survey is agriculture, while the survey unit is the agricultural holding (farm). Data for basic surveys are available in a three-level geographical breakdown of the whole country, the regions and the district; while data for intermediate surveys are only available upon the two-levels of country and regions. Since FSS 1999/2000 information about local farm location is collected in most countries, so that the data can also be disseminated by NUTS and are robust regarding the changes in the NUTS definition. The FSS 2009/2010 information is inline with the NUTS 2010 classification: Regulation (EU) No 31/2011 amending the NUTS classification from January 2003. The Eurofarm domain does not cover the whole territory only the land covered by the agricultural holdings. So the land use data without link with other farm characteristics should be downloaded by the user from the relevant domain. Specific national data about crops, animals or agricultural labour force can be found in other domains, without link between the other information at farm level. For a comprehensive description of the domain, please consult detailed structure (See annex at the bottom of the page). Regional Data Data for basic surveys are available in a three-level geographical breakdown of the whole country, the regions and the district; while data for intermediate surveys are only available upon the two-levels of country and regions. Since FSS 1999/2000 information about local farm location is collected in most countries, so that the data can also be disseminated by NUTS classification and are robust regarding the changes in the NUTS definition. The FSS 2009/2010 information is inline with the NUTS 2010 classification: Regulation (EU) No 31/2001 amending the NUTS classification from January 2012. Please note that for paragraphs where no metadata for regional data has been specified, the regional metadata is identical to the metadata provided for the national data.
    • Juli 2022
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 13 Juli, 2022
      Datensatz auswählen
      Non-expenditure health care data provide information on institutions providing health care in countries, on resources used and on output produced in the framework of health care provision. Data on health care form a major element of public health information as they describe the capacities available for different types of health care provision as well as potential 'bottlenecks' observed. The quantity and quality of health care services provided and the work sharing established between the different institutions are a subject of ongoing debate in all countries. Sustainability - continuously providing the necessary monetary and personal resources needed - and meeting the challenges of ageing societies are the primary perspectives used when analysing and using the data. The output-related data ('activities') refer to contacts between patients and the health care system, and to the treatment thereby received. Data are available for hospital discharges of in-patients and day cases, average length of stay of in-patients and medical procedures performed in hospitals. Annual national and regional data are provided in absolute numbers and in population-standardised rates (per 100 000 inhabitants). Wherever applicable, the definitions and classifications of the System of Health Accounts (SHA) are followed, e.g. International Classification for Health Accounts - Providers of health care (ICHA-HP). For hospital discharges, the International Shortlist for Hospital Morbidity Tabulation (ISHMT) is used. Health care data on activities are largely based on administrative data sources in the countries. Therefore, they reflect the country-specific way of organising health care and may not always be completely comparable.
  • M
    • Juni 2024
      Quelle: Food and Agriculture Organization
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 18 Juni, 2024
      Datensatz auswählen
      The FAOSTAT Macro Indicators database provides a selection of country-level macroeconomic indicators taken from National Accounts series and relating to total economy (TE), Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing (AFF), Manufacturing (MAN), and Manufacturing of Food, beverage and tobacco products (FBT). All data relating to Total Economy, Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing, and Total Manufacturing originates from the United Nations Statistics Division (UNSD) which maintains and annually updates the "National Accounts Estimates of Main Aggregates" database. It consists of a complete and consistent set of time series of the main National Accounts (NA) aggregates of all UN Members States and other territories in the world for which National Accounts information is available. The UNSD database's content is based on the countries' official NA data reported to UNSD through the annual National Accounts Questionnaire, supplemented with data estimates for any years and countries with incomplete or inconsistent information. FAOSTAT Macro Indicators database reproduces a selection of time series from the UNSD National Accounts Estimates of Main Aggregates such as GDP, GFCF and sectoral VA. Additional analytical indicators such as annual per capita GDP (calculated using annual population series from the UNSD) and annual growth rates for GDP, GFCF and VA are included toghether with the investment ratio GFCF/GDP and the sectors'contribution to total economy GDP. Series on value added on Manufacture of Food, Beverages and Tobacco products originates - in order of priority - from OECD Annual National Accounts and UNIDO INDSTAT2 databases. In order to ensure that sub-industry series are consistent in levels with National Accounts based series, which is needed to support comparability across industries (agriculture vs. agro-industry and sub-industries), we proceed to a rescaling exercise of UNIDO originating series on UNSD National Accounts Estimates of Main Aggregates data series.
    • Januar 2016
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 03 Februar, 2016
      Datensatz auswählen
      Europop2013, the latest population projections released by Eurostat, provide a set of different scenarios for possible population developments at national and regional levels across 31 European countries: all of the EU-28 Member States, as well as Iceland, Norway and Switzerland. These population projections were produced using data for 1 January 2013 as a starting point and therefore include any modifications made to demographic statistics resulting from the 2011 population census exercise. They were developed based on application of a main input dataset of assumptions on future developments for fertility, mortality and net migration covering the time period 2013 to 2080. Europop2013 at national level includes detailed statistical information related to the main scenario and its four variants with reference to:projected population on 1st January by age and sex;assumptions datasets: age-specific fertility rates, age-specific mortality rates and international net migration figures (including statistical adjustment);approximated values of the life expectancy by age and sex for main scenario and higher life expectancy variant;total numbers of projected live births and deaths;projected population structure indicators: shares of broad age groups in total population, old-age dependency ratios and median age of population.the time horizon covered is from 2013 until 2080 for the main scenario and no migration variant, and from 2013 until 2060 for the higher life expectancy, reduced migration and lower fertility variants. Europop2013 at regional level includes statistical information related to the main scenario with reference to:projected population on 1st January by age and sex;assumptions dataset: age-specific fertility rates, age-specific mortality rates and net migration figures (including statistical adjustment);approximated values of the life expectancy by age and sex;total numbers of projected live births and deaths;projected population structure indicators: shares of broad age groups in total population, old-age dependency ratios and median age of population.the time horizon covered is from 2013 until available are rounded therefore the sum of regional figures for populations and for net migrations will differ from the national ones by few units.287 regions classified as NUTS level 2 corresponding to NUTS-2010 classification (the Nomenclature of Territorial Units for Statistics) and to the Statistical Regions agreed between European Commission and Iceland, Norway and Switzerland. Due to the relative small population the following countries have one NUTS level 2 region: Estonia, Cyprus, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta and Iceland. Thus, for these countries the projected population data for NUTS level 2 region are identical to national data.
    • August 2015
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 27 November, 2015
      Datensatz auswählen
      Europop2013, the latest population projections released by Eurostat, provide a set of different scenarios for possible population developments at national and regional levels across 31 European countries: all of the EU-28 Member States, as well as Iceland, Norway and Switzerland. These population projections were produced using data for 1 January 2013 as a starting point and therefore include any modifications made to demographic statistics resulting from the 2011 population census exercise. They were developed based on application of a main input dataset of assumptions on future developments for fertility, mortality and net migration covering the time period 2013 to 2080. Europop2013 at national level includes detailed statistical information related to the main scenario and its four variants with reference to:projected population on 1st January by age and sex;assumptions datasets: age-specific fertility rates, age-specific mortality rates and international net migration figures (including statistical adjustment);approximated values of the life expectancy by age and sex for main scenario and higher life expectancy variant;total numbers of projected live births and deaths;projected population structure indicators: shares of broad age groups in total population, old-age dependency ratios and median age of population.the time horizon covered is from 2013 until 2080 for the main scenario and no migration variant, and from 2013 until 2060 for the higher life expectancy, reduced migration and lower fertility variants. Europop2013 at regional level includes statistical information related to the main scenario with reference to:projected population on 1st January by age and sex;assumptions dataset: age-specific fertility rates, age-specific mortality rates and net migration figures (including statistical adjustment);approximated values of the life expectancy by age and sex;total numbers of projected live births and deaths;projected population structure indicators: shares of broad age groups in total population, old-age dependency ratios and median age of population.the time horizon covered is from 2013 until available are rounded therefore the sum of regional figures for populations and for net migrations will differ from the national ones by few units.287 regions classified as NUTS level 2 corresponding to NUTS-2010 classification (the Nomenclature of Territorial Units for Statistics) and to the Statistical Regions agreed between European Commission and Iceland, Norway and Switzerland. Due to the relative small population the following countries have one NUTS level 2 region: Estonia, Cyprus, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta and Iceland. Thus, for these countries the projected population data for NUTS level 2 region are identical to national data.
    • September 2015
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 03 November, 2015
      Datensatz auswählen
      Europop2013, the latest population projections released by Eurostat, provide a set of different scenarios for possible population developments at national and regional levels across 31 European countries: all of the EU-28 Member States, as well as Iceland, Norway and Switzerland. These population projections were produced using data for 1 January 2013 as a starting point and therefore include any modifications made to demographic statistics resulting from the 2011 population census exercise. They were developed based on application of a main input dataset of assumptions on future developments for fertility, mortality and net migration covering the time period 2013 to 2080. Europop2013 at national level includes detailed statistical information related to the main scenario and its four variants with reference to:projected population on 1st January by age and sex;assumptions datasets: age-specific fertility rates, age-specific mortality rates and international net migration figures (including statistical adjustment);approximated values of the life expectancy by age and sex for main scenario and higher life expectancy variant;total numbers of projected live births and deaths;projected population structure indicators: shares of broad age groups in total population, old-age dependency ratios and median age of population.the time horizon covered is from 2013 until 2080 for the main scenario and no migration variant, and from 2013 until 2060 for the higher life expectancy, reduced migration and lower fertility variants. Europop2013 at regional level includes statistical information related to the main scenario with reference to:projected population on 1st January by age and sex;assumptions dataset: age-specific fertility rates, age-specific mortality rates and net migration figures (including statistical adjustment);approximated values of the life expectancy by age and sex;total numbers of projected live births and deaths;projected population structure indicators: shares of broad age groups in total population, old-age dependency ratios and median age of population.the time horizon covered is from 2013 until available are rounded therefore the sum of regional figures for populations and for net migrations will differ from the national ones by few units.287 regions classified as NUTS level 2 corresponding to NUTS-2010 classification (the Nomenclature of Territorial Units for Statistics) and to the Statistical Regions agreed between European Commission and Iceland, Norway and Switzerland. Due to the relative small population the following countries have one NUTS level 2 region: Estonia, Cyprus, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta and Iceland. Thus, for these countries the projected population data for NUTS level 2 region are identical to national data.
    • September 2015
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 03 November, 2015
      Datensatz auswählen
      Europop2013, the latest population projections released by Eurostat, provide a set of different scenarios for possible population developments at national and regional levels across 31 European countries: all of the EU-28 Member States, as well as Iceland, Norway and Switzerland. These population projections were produced using data for 1 January 2013 as a starting point and therefore include any modifications made to demographic statistics resulting from the 2011 population census exercise. They were developed based on application of a main input dataset of assumptions on future developments for fertility, mortality and net migration covering the time period 2013 to 2080. Europop2013 at national level includes detailed statistical information related to the main scenario and its four variants with reference to:projected population on 1st January by age and sex;assumptions datasets: age-specific fertility rates, age-specific mortality rates and international net migration figures (including statistical adjustment);approximated values of the life expectancy by age and sex for main scenario and higher life expectancy variant;total numbers of projected live births and deaths;projected population structure indicators: shares of broad age groups in total population, old-age dependency ratios and median age of population.the time horizon covered is from 2013 until 2080 for the main scenario and no migration variant, and from 2013 until 2060 for the higher life expectancy, reduced migration and lower fertility variants. Europop2013 at regional level includes statistical information related to the main scenario with reference to:projected population on 1st January by age and sex;assumptions dataset: age-specific fertility rates, age-specific mortality rates and net migration figures (including statistical adjustment);approximated values of the life expectancy by age and sex;total numbers of projected live births and deaths;projected population structure indicators: shares of broad age groups in total population, old-age dependency ratios and median age of population.the time horizon covered is from 2013 until available are rounded therefore the sum of regional figures for populations and for net migrations will differ from the national ones by few units.287 regions classified as NUTS level 2 corresponding to NUTS-2010 classification (the Nomenclature of Territorial Units for Statistics) and to the Statistical Regions agreed between European Commission and Iceland, Norway and Switzerland. Due to the relative small population the following countries have one NUTS level 2 region: Estonia, Cyprus, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta and Iceland. Thus, for these countries the projected population data for NUTS level 2 region are identical to national data.
    • Mai 2016
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 24 Juni, 2016
      Datensatz auswählen
      Europop2013, the latest population projections released by Eurostat, provide a set of different scenarios for possible population developments at national and at regional levels across 31 European countries: for each EU-28 Member State as well as for Iceland, Norway and Switzerland. These population projections were produced using data for 1 January 2013 as a starting point and therefore include any modifications made to demographic statistics resulting from the 2011 population census exercise. They were developed based on application of a main input dataset of assumptions on future developments for fertility, mortality and net migration (including statistical adjustment) covering the time period 2013 to 2080. Europop2013 at national level includes detailed statistical information related to the main scenario and its four variants with reference to:projected population on 1 January by age and sex;assumptions datasets: age-specific fertility rates, age-specific mortality rates and international net migration figures (including statistical adjustment);approximated values of the life expectancy by age and sex for the main scenario and the higher life expectancy variant;total numbers of the projected live births and deaths;projected population structure indicators: shares of broad age groups in total population, old-age dependency ratios and median age of population;the time horizon covered is from 2013 until 2080 for the main scenario and no migration variant, and from 2013 until 2060 for the higher life expectancy, reduced migration and lower fertility variants. Europop2013 at regional level covers all the regions classified as NUTS level 2 and NUTS level 3 corresponding to the NUTS-2010 classification (the Nomenclature of Territorial Units for Statistics) and to the Statistical Regions (SR) agreed between European Commission and Iceland, Norway and Switzerland. The statistical information included for each NUTS level relates to the main scenario and is summarised below: Europop2013 for NUTS level 2 regions:projected population on 1 January by age and sex;assumptions datasets: age-specific fertility rates, age-specific mortality rates and net migration figures (including statistical adjustment); the assumptions datasets on age-specific fertility rates and age-specific mortality rates for each region at NUTS level 2 were further on used as such for producing the population projections for its component regions at NUTS level 3;approximated values of the life expectancy by age and sex;total numbers of projected live births and deaths;projected population structure indicators: shares of broad age groups in total population, old-age dependency ratios and median age of population;the time horizon covered is from 2013 until 2080;data available are rounded therefore the sum of regional figures for populations and for net migrations will differ from the national ones by few units;287 regions classified as NUTS and SR level 2. Due to the relative small population the following countries have one NUTS level 2 region: Estonia, Cyprus, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta and Iceland. Thus, for these countries the projected population data for NUTS level 2 region are identical to national data. Europop2013 for NUTS level 3 regions:projected population on 1 January by age and sex;the time horizon covered is from 2014 until 2050;projected population structure indicators: shares of broad age groups in total population, old-age dependency ratios and median age of population;assumptions dataset on international net migration figures (including statistical adjustment);data available are rounded therefore the sum of regional figures for populations will differ from the upper NUTS level 2 ones by few units;1362 regions classified as NUTS and SR level 3. Due to the relative small population Cyprus and Luxembourg have only one NUTS level 3 region. Thus, for these two countries the projected population data at NUTS level 3 are identical to the ones at NUTS level 2 and at national level.
    • September 2015
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 03 November, 2015
      Datensatz auswählen
      Europop2013, the latest population projections released by Eurostat, provide a set of different scenarios for possible population developments at national and regional levels across 31 European countries: all of the EU-28 Member States, as well as Iceland, Norway and Switzerland. These population projections were produced using data for 1 January 2013 as a starting point and therefore include any modifications made to demographic statistics resulting from the 2011 population census exercise. They were developed based on application of a main input dataset of assumptions on future developments for fertility, mortality and net migration covering the time period 2013 to 2080. Europop2013 at national level includes detailed statistical information related to the main scenario and its four variants with reference to: projected population on 1st January by age and sex;assumptions datasets: age-specific fertility rates, age-specific mortality rates and international net migration figures (including statistical adjustment);approximated values of the life expectancy by age and sex for main scenario and higher life expectancy variant;total numbers of projected live births and deaths;projected population structure indicators: shares of broad age groups in total population, old-age dependency ratios and median age of population.the time horizon covered is from 2013 until 2080 for the main scenario and no migration variant, and from 2013 until 2060 for the higher life expectancy, reduced migration and lower fertility variants. Europop2013 at regional level includes statistical information related to the main scenario with reference to: projected population on 1st January by age and sex;assumptions dataset: age-specific fertility rates, age-specific mortality rates and net migration figures (including statistical adjustment);approximated values of the life expectancy by age and sex;total numbers of projected live births and deaths;projected population structure indicators: shares of broad age groups in total population, old-age dependency ratios and median age of population.the time horizon covered is from 2013 until available are rounded therefore the sum of regional figures for populations and for net migrations will differ from the national ones by few units.287 regions classified as NUTS level 2 corresponding to NUTS-2010 classification (the Nomenclature of Territorial Units for Statistics) and to the Statistical Regions agreed between European Commission and Iceland, Norway and Switzerland. Due to the relative small population the following countries have one NUTS level 2 region: Estonia, Cyprus, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta and Iceland. Thus, for these countries the projected population data for NUTS level 2 region are identical to national data.
    • Januar 2016
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 23 Januar, 2016
      Datensatz auswählen
      Europop2013, the latest population projections released by Eurostat, provide a set of different scenarios for possible population developments at national and at regional levels across 31 European countries: for each EU-28 Member State as well as for Iceland, Norway and Switzerland. These population projections were produced using data for 1 January 2013 as a starting point and therefore include any modifications made to demographic statistics resulting from the 2011 population census exercise. They were developed based on application of a main input dataset of assumptions on future developments for fertility, mortality and net migration (including statistical adjustment) covering the time period 2013 to 2080. Europop2013 at national level includes detailed statistical information related to the main scenario and its four variants with reference to: projected population on 1 January by age and sex;assumptions datasets: age-specific fertility rates, age-specific mortality rates and international net migration figures (including statistical adjustment);approximated values of the life expectancy by age and sex for the main scenario and the higher life expectancy variant;total numbers of the projected live births and deaths;projected population structure indicators: shares of broad age groups in total population, old-age dependency ratios and median age of population;the time horizon covered is from 2013 until 2080 for the main scenario and no migration variant, and from 2013 until 2060 for the higher life expectancy, reduced migration and lower fertility variants.Europop2013 at regional level covers all the regions classified as NUTS level 2 and NUTS level 3 corresponding to the NUTS-2010 classification (the Nomenclature of Territorial Units for Statistics) and to the Statistical Regions (SR) agreed between European Commission and Iceland, Norway and Switzerland. The statistical information included for each NUTS level relates to the main scenario and is summarised below: Europop2013 for NUTS level 2 regions:projected population on 1 January by age and sex;assumptions dataset: age-specific fertility rates, age-specific mortality rates and net migration figures (including statistical adjustment);approximated values of the life expectancy by age and sex;total numbers of projected live births and deaths;projected population structure indicators: shares of broad age groups in total population, old-age dependency ratios and median age of population;the time horizon covered is from 2013 until 2080;data available are rounded therefore the sum of regional figures for populations and for net migrations will differ from the national ones by few units;287 regions classified as NUTS and SR level 2. Due to the relative small population the following countries have one NUTS level 2 region: Estonia, Cyprus, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta and Iceland. Thus, for these countries the projected population data for NUTS level 2 region are identical to national data.Europop2013 for NUTS level 3 regions:projected population on 1 January by age and sex;the time horizon covered is from 2014 until 2050;data available are rounded therefore the sum of regional figures for populations will differ from the upper NUTS level 2 ones by few units;1361 regions classified as NUTS and SR level 3. Due to the relative small population Cyprus and Luxembourg have only one NUTS level 3 region. Thus, for these two countries the projected population data at NUTS level 3 are identical to the ones at NUTS level 2 and at national level.
    • September 2015
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 03 November, 2015
      Datensatz auswählen
      Europop2013, the latest population projections released by Eurostat, provide a set of different scenarios for possible population developments at national and regional levels across 31 European countries: all of the EU-28 Member States, as well as Iceland, Norway and Switzerland. These population projections were produced using data for 1 January 2013 as a starting point and therefore include any modifications made to demographic statistics resulting from the 2011 population census exercise. They were developed based on application of a main input dataset of assumptions on future developments for fertility, mortality and net migration covering the time period 2013 to 2080. Europop2013 at national level includes detailed statistical information related to the main scenario and its four variants with reference to: projected population on 1st January by age and sex;assumptions datasets: age-specific fertility rates, age-specific mortality rates and international net migration figures (including statistical adjustment);approximated values of the life expectancy by age and sex for main scenario and higher life expectancy variant;total numbers of projected live births and deaths;projected population structure indicators: shares of broad age groups in total population, old-age dependency ratios and median age of population.the time horizon covered is from 2013 until 2080 for the main scenario and no migration variant, and from 2013 until 2060 for the higher life expectancy, reduced migration and lower fertility variants. Europop2013 at regional level includes statistical information related to the main scenario with reference to: projected population on 1st January by age and sex;assumptions dataset: age-specific fertility rates, age-specific mortality rates and net migration figures (including statistical adjustment);approximated values of the life expectancy by age and sex;total numbers of projected live births and deaths;projected population structure indicators: shares of broad age groups in total population, old-age dependency ratios and median age of population.the time horizon covered is from 2013 until available are rounded therefore the sum of regional figures for populations and for net migrations will differ from the national ones by few units.287 regions classified as NUTS level 2 corresponding to NUTS-2010 classification (the Nomenclature of Territorial Units for Statistics) and to the Statistical Regions agreed between European Commission and Iceland, Norway and Switzerland. Due to the relative small population the following countries have one NUTS level 2 region: Estonia, Cyprus, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta and Iceland. Thus, for these countries the projected population data for NUTS level 2 region are identical to national data.
    • Mai 2016
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 27 Juni, 2016
      Datensatz auswählen
      Europop2013, the latest population projections released by Eurostat, provide a set of different scenarios for possible population developments at national and at regional levels across 31 European countries: for each EU-28 Member State as well as for Iceland, Norway and Switzerland. These population projections were produced using data for 1 January 2013 as a starting point and therefore include any modifications made to demographic statistics resulting from the 2011 population census exercise. They were developed based on application of a main input dataset of assumptions on future developments for fertility, mortality and net migration (including statistical adjustment) covering the time period 2013 to 2080. Europop2013 at national level includes detailed statistical information related to the main scenario and its four variants with reference to:projected population on 1 January by age and sex;assumptions datasets: age-specific fertility rates, age-specific mortality rates and international net migration figures (including statistical adjustment);approximated values of the life expectancy by age and sex for the main scenario and the higher life expectancy variant;total numbers of the projected live births and deaths;projected population structure indicators: shares of broad age groups in total population, old-age dependency ratios and median age of population;the time horizon covered is from 2013 until 2080 for the main scenario and no migration variant, and from 2013 until 2060 for the higher life expectancy, reduced migration and lower fertility variants. Europop2013 at regional level covers all the regions classified as NUTS level 2 and NUTS level 3 corresponding to the NUTS-2010 classification (the Nomenclature of Territorial Units for Statistics) and to the Statistical Regions (SR) agreed between European Commission and Iceland, Norway and Switzerland. The statistical information included for each NUTS level relates to the main scenario and is summarised below: Europop2013 for NUTS level 2 regions:projected population on 1 January by age and sex;assumptions datasets: age-specific fertility rates, age-specific mortality rates and net migration figures (including statistical adjustment); the assumptions datasets on age-specific fertility rates and age-specific mortality rates for each region at NUTS level 2 were further on used as such for producing the population projections for its component regions at NUTS level 3;approximated values of the life expectancy by age and sex;total numbers of projected live births and deaths;projected population structure indicators: shares of broad age groups in total population, old-age dependency ratios and median age of population;the time horizon covered is from 2013 until 2080;data available are rounded therefore the sum of regional figures for populations and for net migrations will differ from the national ones by few units;287 regions classified as NUTS and SR level 2. Due to the relative small population the following countries have one NUTS level 2 region: Estonia, Cyprus, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta and Iceland. Thus, for these countries the projected population data for NUTS level 2 region are identical to national data. Europop2013 for NUTS level 3 regions:projected population on 1 January by age and sex;the time horizon covered is from 2014 until 2050;projected population structure indicators: shares of broad age groups in total population, old-age dependency ratios and median age of population;assumptions dataset on international net migration figures (including statistical adjustment);data available are rounded therefore the sum of regional figures for populations will differ from the upper NUTS level 2 ones by few units;1362 regions classified as NUTS and SR level 3. Due to the relative small population Cyprus and Luxembourg have only one NUTS level 3 region. Thus, for these two countries the projected population data at NUTS level 3 are identical to the ones at NUTS level 2 and at national level.
    • Mai 2020
      Quelle: International Labour Organization
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 07 Mai, 2020
      Datensatz auswählen
      Imputed observations are not based on national data, are subject to high uncertainty and should not be used for country comparisons or rankings. The labour force comprises all persons of working age who furnish the supply of labour for the production of goods and services during a specified time-reference period. It refers to the sum of all persons of working age who are employed and those who are unemployed. The working-age population is commonly defined as persons aged 15 years and older, but this varies from country to country. The series is part of the ILO estimates and is harmonized to account for differences in national data and scope of coverage, collection and tabulation methodologies as well as for other country-specific factors. For more information, refer to the ILO estimates and projections methodological note.
    • April 2023
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 20 April, 2023
      Datensatz auswählen
      Data on manure storage facilities are gathered through the Farm Structure Surveys (FSS) conducted by Member States accordingly to the specific community legislation. The variables presented in this table are the following: Holdings with manure storage facilitiesHoldings with storage facilities for solid dung Holdings with storage facilities for liquid manure Holdings with storage facilities for slurry Holdings with storage facilities for slurry: tank Holdings with storage facilities for slurry: lagoon Holdings with covered storage facilities for solid dung Holdings with covered storage facilities for liquid manure Holdings with covered storage facilities for slurry 
    • Mai 2023
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 30 Mai, 2023
      Datensatz auswählen
      Due to the nature of transport, a spatial reference is built into most legal acts dealing with transport statistics. In a few cases, these sources can be directly used for the derivation of regional transport indicators, while other indicators are collected on a voluntary basis. This is the case of the regional transport data collection in which both data types are used. Three types of regional data can be distinguished depending on their source: two are based on data collections performed on the basis of legal acts (the Maritime and Aviation data) and one is a voluntary data collection (infrastructures, vehicles and road accidents). Regional data collected on voluntary basis: The current regional data collection taking place on a voluntary basis comprises a set of transport indicators at NUTS 0, 1 and 2[1] levels for the road, railways, inland waterways (infrastructure), vehicle stocks, road accidents. The information collected is then disseminated in Eurostat dissemination database (Eurobase) under “General and regional statistics/Regional statistics by NUTS classification/Regional transport statistics” theme and also mirrored under “Transport/Multimodal data/Regional transport statistics” theme. Annual data collection for infrastructure, vehicle stocks and road accidents was launched at the beginning of 2002 covering both Member States and Candidate countries. Since 2007, it includes EFTA countries as well. Regional data are collected directly from the countries using a questionnaire: data on transport infrastructure, vehicle stocks and road accidents (collected previously – till 2006 – on Excel sheets and then – till 2012 – using on-line questionnaires). Currently regional datasets are provided via EDAMIS application. For the voluntary data collection via EDAMIS portal, the definitions from the 4th edition of the Illustrated Glossary for Transport Statistics (jointly elaborated by Eurostat, ECMT, UNECE) were proposed and countries should use them when transmitting data. Regional data based on legal acts: For the collection based on legal acts, regional data are actually derived from the information provided by the participating countries in the frame of the legal data collections at port and airport level. Maritime transport data collection is legally based – Directive 2009/42/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 6 May 2009 on statistical returns in respect of carriage of goods and passengers by sea (OJ L141 of 6.6.2009, page 29), which is the recast of the original Council Directive 95/64/EC of 8 December 1995. The air transport regional data have been calculated using data collected at the airport level in the frame of draft Council and Parliament Regulation (Regulation (EC) No 437/2003 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 February 2003 on statistical returns in respect of the carriage of passengers, freight and mail by air). Within the collection Maritime transport - data aggregated at standard regional levels (NUTS) there are two tables: Maritime transport of passengers at regional level (new methodology);Maritime transport of freight at regional level (new methodology). Within the collection Air transport - data aggregated at standard regional levels (NUTS) there are two tables: Air transport of passengers at regional levelAir transport of freight at regional level The tables present the evolution of the number of passengers carried (if not available passengers on board) and the volume of freight and mail loaded or unloaded (if not available freight and mail on board) to/from the NUTS regions (level 2, 1 and 0) since 1999. The data is presented at annual level. Before the legal act on air transport statistics was introduced (2003 with 3 years transitional period), air transport statistics have been collected using the statistical questionnaire (voluntary basis). Some countries provided figures for passenger transport taking into account “passengers on board” and some “passenger carried”. Until 2007 reference year, the disseminated numbers of passengers aggregated at regional level are actually a mixture of passengers on board and passengers carried data. The air transport regional data have been calculated using data collected at the airport level in the frame of the regulatory data collection on air transport. Only airports with more than 150 000 passenger units serviced annually are taken into account when aggregating the data at regional levels, because they provide statistics detailed enough to solve the problem of double counting. For each aggregate it is necessary to start at the airport level in order to identify the mirror declarations, i.e. the airport routes for which both airports report the volume, since these constitute the routes where the problem of double counting occurs. When calculating the total volume in such cases, only the departure declarations of the concerned airports have been taken into account. The problem of the double counting only appears for the calculation of the total passengers but not for the total arrivals (respectively total departures), which corresponds to the sum of the arrivals (respectively departures) at each domestic airport. For the tables presenting maritime data at regional level the same aggregation method (exclusion of double counting) is applied taking into account main ports only. Only for these ports (handling more than one million tonnes of goods or recording more than 200 000 passenger movements annually ) the detailed statistics allow such aggregation. For some Member States (up to 1998 data) and for others that joint the EU more recently (up to 2002) transport flows through ports and airports had been collected, via questionnaire. Because of the difference in the methodologies applied, the data for air and maritime transport at regional level up to 2002 reference year are available in separate tablesor some Member States (up to 1998 data) and for others that joint the EU more recently (up to 2002) transport flows through ports and airports had been collected, via questionnaire. Because of the difference in the methodologies applied, the data for air and maritime transport at regional level up to 2002 reference year are avilable in separate tables (listed below) and are no longer updated: Maritime transport of passengers by NUTS 2 regions (questionnaire) (tran_r_mapa_om).Maritime transport of freight by NUTS 2 regions (questionnaire) (tran_r_mago_om).Air transport of passengers by NUTS 2 regions (questionnaire) (tran_r_avpa_om).Air transport of freight by NUTS 2 regions (questionnaire) (tran_r_avgo_om). [1] Regulation (EC) No 1059/2003 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 26 May 2003 on the establishment of a common classification of territorial units for statistics (NUTS) and its amendments. More information on NUTS classification can be found under the following link.
    • Mai 2024
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 07 Mai, 2024
      Datensatz auswählen
      The maritime transport regional data have been calculated using data collected at the port level in the frame of Council Directive 2009/42/EC (6.5.2009). They are aggregated at regional level (NUTS 1 and NUTS 2) and also at national level (NUTS0), excluding double counting within each region.
    • März 2009
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 21 April, 2014
      Datensatz auswählen
      Eurostat Dataset Id:tran_r_mago_om Due to the nature of transport, a spatial reference is built into most legal acts dealing with transport statistics. In a few cases, these sources can be directly used for the derivation of regional transport indicators, while other indicators are collected on a voluntary basis. This is the case of the regional transport data collection in which both data types are used. Three types of regional data can be distinguished depending on their source: two are based on data collections performed on the basis of legal acts (the Maritime and Aviation data) and one is a voluntary data collection (infrastructures, vehicles and road accidents). Regional data collected on voluntary basis: The current regional data collection taking place on a voluntary basis comprises a set of transport indicators at NUTS 0, 1 and 2[1] levels for the road, railways, inland waterways (infrastructure), vehicle stocks, road accidents. The information collected is then disseminated in Eurostat dissemination database (Eurobase) under “General and regional statistics/Regional statistics/Regional transport statistics” theme and also mirrored under “Transport/Regional transport statistics” theme. Annual data collection for infrastructure, vehicle stocks and road accidents was launched at the beginning of 2002 covering both Member States and Candidate countries. Since 2007, it includes EFTA countries as well. Regional data are collected directly from the countries using a questionnaire: data on transport infrastructure, vehicle stocks and road accidents (collected previously – till 2006 – on Excel sheets and then – till 2012- using on-line questionnaires). Currently regional datasets are provided via eDAMIS application. For the voluntary data collection via eDAMIS portal, the definitions from the 4th edition of the Glossary for transport statistics(jointly elaborated by Eurostat, ECMT, UNECE) were proposed and countries should use them when transmitting data. Regional data based on legal acts: For the collection based on legal acts, regional data are actually derived from the information provided by the participating countries in the frame of the legal data collections at port and airport level. Maritime transport data collection is legally based – Directive 2009/42/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 6 May 2009 on statistical returns in respect of carriage of goods and passengers by sea (OJ L141 of 6.6.2009, page 29), which is the recast of the original Council Directive 95/64/EC of 8 December 1995. Within the collection Maritime transport - data aggregated at standard regional levels (NUTS) there are two tables: Maritime transport of passengers at regional level (new methodology);Maritime transport of freight at regional level (new methodology). Within the collection Air transport - data aggregated at standard regional levels (NUTS) there are two tables: Air transport of passengers at regional levelAir transport of freight at regional level The tables present the evolution of the number of passengers carried (if not available passengers on board) and the volume of freight and mail loaded or unloaded (if not available freight and mail on board) to/from the NUTS regions (level 2, 1 and 0) since 1999. The data is presented at annual level. The air transport regional data have been calculated using data collected at the airport level in the frame of draft Council and Parliament Regulation (Regulation 95/C 325/08 on statistical returns in respect of carriage of passenger, freight and mail by air). [1] Regulation (EC) No 1059/2003 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 26 May 2003 on the establishment of a common classification of territorial units for statistics (NUTS) and its amendments. More information on NUTS clasiffication can be found under the following link.
    • Mai 2023
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 30 Mai, 2023
      Datensatz auswählen
      Due to the nature of transport, a spatial reference is built into most legal acts dealing with transport statistics. In a few cases, these sources can be directly used for the derivation of regional transport indicators, while other indicators are collected on a voluntary basis. This is the case of the regional transport data collection in which both data types are used. Three types of regional data can be distinguished depending on their source: two are based on data collections performed on the basis of legal acts (the Maritime and Aviation data) and one is a voluntary data collection (infrastructures, vehicles and road accidents). Regional data collected on voluntary basis: The current regional data collection taking place on a voluntary basis comprises a set of transport indicators at NUTS 0, 1 and 2[1] levels for the road, railways, inland waterways (infrastructure), vehicle stocks, road accidents. The information collected is then disseminated in Eurostat dissemination database (Eurobase) under “General and regional statistics/Regional statistics by NUTS classification/Regional transport statistics” theme and also mirrored under “Transport/Multimodal data/Regional transport statistics” theme. Annual data collection for infrastructure, vehicle stocks and road accidents was launched at the beginning of 2002 covering both Member States and Candidate countries. Since 2007, it includes EFTA countries as well. Regional data are collected directly from the countries using a questionnaire: data on transport infrastructure, vehicle stocks and road accidents (collected previously – till 2006 – on Excel sheets and then – till 2012 – using on-line questionnaires). Currently regional datasets are provided via EDAMIS application. For the voluntary data collection via EDAMIS portal, the definitions from the 4th edition of the Illustrated Glossary for Transport Statistics (jointly elaborated by Eurostat, ECMT, UNECE) were proposed and countries should use them when transmitting data. Regional data based on legal acts: For the collection based on legal acts, regional data are actually derived from the information provided by the participating countries in the frame of the legal data collections at port and airport level. Maritime transport data collection is legally based – Directive 2009/42/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 6 May 2009 on statistical returns in respect of carriage of goods and passengers by sea (OJ L141 of 6.6.2009, page 29), which is the recast of the original Council Directive 95/64/EC of 8 December 1995. The air transport regional data have been calculated using data collected at the airport level in the frame of draft Council and Parliament Regulation (Regulation (EC) No 437/2003 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 February 2003 on statistical returns in respect of the carriage of passengers, freight and mail by air). Within the collection Maritime transport - data aggregated at standard regional levels (NUTS) there are two tables: Maritime transport of passengers at regional level (new methodology);Maritime transport of freight at regional level (new methodology). Within the collection Air transport - data aggregated at standard regional levels (NUTS) there are two tables: Air transport of passengers at regional levelAir transport of freight at regional level The tables present the evolution of the number of passengers carried (if not available passengers on board) and the volume of freight and mail loaded or unloaded (if not available freight and mail on board) to/from the NUTS regions (level 2, 1 and 0) since 1999. The data is presented at annual level. Before the legal act on air transport statistics was introduced (2003 with 3 years transitional period), air transport statistics have been collected using the statistical questionnaire (voluntary basis). Some countries provided figures for passenger transport taking into account “passengers on board” and some “passenger carried”. Until 2007 reference year, the disseminated numbers of passengers aggregated at regional level are actually a mixture of passengers on board and passengers carried data. The air transport regional data have been calculated using data collected at the airport level in the frame of the regulatory data collection on air transport. Only airports with more than 150 000 passenger units serviced annually are taken into account when aggregating the data at regional levels, because they provide statistics detailed enough to solve the problem of double counting. For each aggregate it is necessary to start at the airport level in order to identify the mirror declarations, i.e. the airport routes for which both airports report the volume, since these constitute the routes where the problem of double counting occurs. When calculating the total volume in such cases, only the departure declarations of the concerned airports have been taken into account. The problem of the double counting only appears for the calculation of the total passengers but not for the total arrivals (respectively total departures), which corresponds to the sum of the arrivals (respectively departures) at each domestic airport. For the tables presenting maritime data at regional level the same aggregation method (exclusion of double counting) is applied taking into account main ports only. Only for these ports (handling more than one million tonnes of goods or recording more than 200 000 passenger movements annually ) the detailed statistics allow such aggregation. For some Member States (up to 1998 data) and for others that joint the EU more recently (up to 2002) transport flows through ports and airports had been collected, via questionnaire. Because of the difference in the methodologies applied, the data for air and maritime transport at regional level up to 2002 reference year are available in separate tablesor some Member States (up to 1998 data) and for others that joint the EU more recently (up to 2002) transport flows through ports and airports had been collected, via questionnaire. Because of the difference in the methodologies applied, the data for air and maritime transport at regional level up to 2002 reference year are avilable in separate tables (listed below) and are no longer updated: Maritime transport of passengers by NUTS 2 regions (questionnaire) (tran_r_mapa_om).Maritime transport of freight by NUTS 2 regions (questionnaire) (tran_r_mago_om).Air transport of passengers by NUTS 2 regions (questionnaire) (tran_r_avpa_om).Air transport of freight by NUTS 2 regions (questionnaire) (tran_r_avgo_om). [1] Regulation (EC) No 1059/2003 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 26 May 2003 on the establishment of a common classification of territorial units for statistics (NUTS) and its amendments. More information on NUTS classification can be found under the following link.
    • Mai 2023
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 30 Mai, 2023
      Datensatz auswählen
      The maritime transport regional data have been calculated using data collected at the port level in the frame of Council Directive 2009/42/EC (6.5.2009). They are aggregated at regional level (NUTS 1 and NUTS 2) and also at national level (NUTS0), excluding double counting within each region.
    • März 2009
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 21 April, 2014
      Datensatz auswählen
      Eurostat Dataset Id:tran_r_mapa_om Due to the nature of transport, a spatial reference is built into most legal acts dealing with transport statistics. In a few cases, these sources can be directly used for the derivation of regional transport indicators, while other indicators are collected on a voluntary basis. This is the case of the regional transport data collection in which both data types are used. Three types of regional data can be distinguished depending on their source: two are based on data collections performed on the basis of legal acts (the Maritime and Aviation data) and one is a voluntary data collection (infrastructures, vehicles and road accidents). Regional data collected on voluntary basis: The current regional data collection taking place on a voluntary basis comprises a set of transport indicators at NUTS 0, 1 and 2[1] levels for the road, railways, inland waterways (infrastructure), vehicle stocks, road accidents. The information collected is then disseminated in Eurostat dissemination database (Eurobase) under “General and regional statistics/Regional statistics/Regional transport statistics” theme and also mirrored under “Transport/Regional transport statistics” theme. Annual data collection for infrastructure, vehicle stocks and road accidents was launched at the beginning of 2002 covering both Member States and Candidate countries. Since 2007, it includes EFTA countries as well. Regional data are collected directly from the countries using a questionnaire: data on transport infrastructure, vehicle stocks and road accidents (collected previously – till 2006 – on Excel sheets and then – till 2012- using on-line questionnaires). Currently regional datasets are provided via eDAMIS application. For the voluntary data collection via eDAMIS portal, the definitions from the 4th edition of the Glossary for transport statistics(jointly elaborated by Eurostat, ECMT, UNECE) were proposed and countries should use them when transmitting data. Regional data based on legal acts: For the collection based on legal acts, regional data are actually derived from the information provided by the participating countries in the frame of the legal data collections at port and airport level. Maritime transport data collection is legally based – Directive 2009/42/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 6 May 2009 on statistical returns in respect of carriage of goods and passengers by sea (OJ L141 of 6.6.2009, page 29), which is the recast of the original Council Directive 95/64/EC of 8 December 1995. Within the collection Maritime transport - data aggregated at standard regional levels (NUTS) there are two tables: Maritime transport of passengers at regional level (new methodology);Maritime transport of freight at regional level (new methodology). Within the collection Air transport - data aggregated at standard regional levels (NUTS) there are two tables: Air transport of passengers at regional levelAir transport of freight at regional level The tables present the evolution of the number of passengers carried (if not available passengers on board) and the volume of freight and mail loaded or unloaded (if not available freight and mail on board) to/from the NUTS regions (level 2, 1 and 0) since 1999. The data is presented at annual level. The air transport regional data have been calculated using data collected at the airport level in the frame of draft Council and Parliament Regulation (Regulation 95/C 325/08 on statistical returns in respect of carriage of passenger, freight and mail by air). [1] Regulation (EC) No 1059/2003 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 26 May 2003 on the establishment of a common classification of territorial units for statistics (NUTS) and its amendments. More information on NUTS clasiffication can be found under the following link.
    • März 2024
      Quelle: Hennes & Mauritz
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 31 März, 2024
      Datensatz auswählen
    • Juli 2024
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 29 Juli, 2024
      Datensatz auswählen
      The domain "Income and living conditions" covers four topics: people at risk of poverty or social exclusion, income distribution and monetary poverty, living conditions and material deprivation, which are again structured into collections of indicators on specific topics. The collection "People at risk of poverty or social exclusion" houses main indicator on risk of poverty or social inclusion included in the Europe 2020 strategy as well as the intersections between sub-populations of all Europe 2020 indicators on poverty and social exclusion. The collection "Income distribution and monetary poverty" houses collections of indicators relating to poverty risk, poverty risk of working individuals as well as the distribution of income. The collection "Living conditions" hosts indicators relating to characteristics and living conditions of households, characteristics of the population according to different breakdowns, health and labour conditions, housing conditions as well as childcare related indicators. The collection "Material deprivation" covers indicators relating to economic strain, durables, housing deprivation and environment of the dwelling.
    • Februar 2022
      Quelle: McDonald's
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 31 März, 2022
      Datensatz auswählen
    • Februar 2015
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 27 November, 2015
      Datensatz auswählen
      The source for the regional labour market information down to NUTS level 2 is the EU Labour Force Survey (EU-LFS). This is a quarterly household sample survey conducted in all Member States of the EU and in EFTA and Candidate countries.  The EU-LFS survey follows the definitions and recommendations of the International Labour Organisation (ILO). To achieve further harmonisation, the Member States also adhere to common principles when formulating questionnaires. The LFS' target population is made up of all persons in private households aged 15 and over. For more information see the EU Labour Force Survey (lfsi_esms, see paragraph 21.1.).  The EU-LFS is designed to give accurate quarterly information at national level as well as annual information at NUTS 2 regional level and the compilation of these figures is well specified in the regulation. Microdata including the NUTS 2 level codes are provided by all the participating countries with a good degree of geographical comparability, which allows the production and dissemination of a complete set of comparable indicators for this territorial level. At present the transmission of the regional labour market data at NUTS 3 level has no legal basis. However many countries transmit NUTS 3 figures to Eurostat on a voluntary basis, under the understanding that they are not for publication with such detail, but for aggregation in few categories per country, i.e., metropolitan regions and urban-rural typology. Most of the NUTS 3 data are based on the LFS while some countries transmit data based on registers, administrative data, small area estimation and other reliable sources.
    • Februar 2016
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 25 Februar, 2016
      Datensatz auswählen
      The Structure of Earnings Survey (SES) is a 4-yearly survey which provides EU-wide harmonised structural data on gross earnings, hours paid and annual days of paid holiday leave, which are collected every four years under Council Regulation (EC) No 530/1999 concerning structural statistics on earnings and on labour costs, and Commission Regulation (EC) No 1738/2005 amending Regulation (EC) No 1916/2000 as regards the definition and transmission of information on the structure of earnings. The objective of this legislation is so that National Statistical Institutes (NSIs) provide accurate and harmonised data on earnings in EU Member States and other countries for policy-making and research purposes. The SES 2010 provides detailed and comparable information on relationships between the level of hourly, monthly and annual remuneration, personal characteristics of employees (sex, age, occupation, length of service, highest educational level attained, etc.) and their employer (economic activity, size and economic control of the enterprise). Regional data is also available for some countries and regional metadata is identical to that provided for national data.
    • Oktober 2020
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 17 Oktober, 2020
      Datensatz auswählen
      The Structure of Earnings Survey (SES) is a 4-yearly survey which provides EU-wide harmonised structural data on gross earnings, hours paid and annual days of paid holiday leave, which are collected every four years under Council Regulation (EC) No 530/1999 concerning structural statistics on earnings and on labour costs, and Commission Regulation (EC) No 1738/2005 amending Regulation (EC) No 1916/2000 as regards the definition and transmission of information on the structure of earnings. The objective of this legislation is so that National Statistical Institutes (NSIs) provide accurate and harmonised data on earnings in EU Member States and other countries for policy-making and research purposes. The SES 2014 provides detailed and comparable information on relationships between the level of hourly, monthly and annual remuneration, personal characteristics of employees (sex, age, occupation, length of service, highest educational level attained, etc.) and their employer (economic activity, size and economic control of the enterprise). Regional data is also available for some countries and regional metadata is identical to that provided for national data. The Structure of Earnings Survey (SES) is a 4-yearly survey which provides EU-wide harmonised structural data on gross earnings, hours paid and annual days of paid holiday leave, which are collected every four years under Council Regulation (EC) No 530/1999 concerning structural statistics on earnings and on labour costs, and Commission Regulation (EC) No 1738/2005 amending Regulation (EC) No 1916/2000 as regards the definition and transmission of information on the structure of earnings. The objective of this legislation is so that National Statistical Institutes (NSIs) provide accurate and harmonised data on earnings in EU Member States and other countries for policy-making and research purposes. The SES provides detailed and comparable information on relationships between the level of hourly, monthly and annual remuneration, personal characteristics of employees (sex, age, occupation, length of service, highest educational level attained, etc.) and their employer (economic activity, size and economic control of the enterprise). Regional data is also available for countries (where applicable) and regional metadata is identical to that provided for national data.
    • Februar 2015
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 27 November, 2015
      Datensatz auswählen
      The source for the regional labour market information down to NUTS level 2 is the EU Labour Force Survey (EU-LFS). This is a quarterly household sample survey conducted in all Member States of the EU and in EFTA and Candidate countries.  The EU-LFS survey follows the definitions and recommendations of the International Labour Organisation (ILO). To achieve further harmonisation, the Member States also adhere to common principles when formulating questionnaires. The LFS' target population is made up of all persons in private households aged 15 and over. For more information see the EU Labour Force Survey (lfsi_esms, see paragraph 21.1.).  The EU-LFS is designed to give accurate quarterly information at national level as well as annual information at NUTS 2 regional level and the compilation of these figures is well specified in the regulation. Microdata including the NUTS 2 level codes are provided by all the participating countries with a good degree of geographical comparability, which allows the production and dissemination of a complete set of comparable indicators for this territorial level. At present the transmission of the regional labour market data at NUTS 3 level has no legal basis. However many countries transmit NUTS 3 figures to Eurostat on a voluntary basis, under the understanding that they are not for publication with such detail, but for aggregation in few categories per country, i.e., metropolitan regions and urban-rural typology. Most of the NUTS 3 data are based on the LFS while some countries transmit data based on registers, administrative data, small area estimation and other reliable sources.
    • Juni 2016
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 20 Juni, 2016
      Datensatz auswählen
      The source for the regional labour market information down to NUTS level 2 is the EU Labour Force Survey (EU-LFS). This is a quarterly household sample survey conducted in all Member States of the EU and in EFTA and Candidate countries.  The EU-LFS survey follows the definitions and recommendations of the International Labour Organisation (ILO). To achieve further harmonisation, the Member States also adhere to common principles when formulating questionnaires. The LFS' target population is made up of all persons in private households aged 15 and over. For more information see the EU Labour Force Survey (lfsi_esms, see paragraph 21.1.).  The EU-LFS is designed to give accurate quarterly information at national level as well as annual information at NUTS 2 regional level and the compilation of these figures is well specified in the regulation. Microdata including the NUTS 2 level codes are provided by all the participating countries with a good degree of geographical comparability, which allows the production and dissemination of a complete set of comparable indicators for this territorial level. At present the transmission of the regional labour market data at NUTS 3 level has no legal basis. However many countries transmit NUTS 3 figures to Eurostat on a voluntary basis, under the understanding that they are not for publication with such detail, but for aggregation in few categories per country, i.e., metropolitan regions and urban-rural typology. Most of the NUTS 3 data are based on the LFS while some countries transmit data based on registers, administrative data, small area estimation and other reliable sources.
    • Oktober 2020
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 17 Oktober, 2020
      Datensatz auswählen
      The Structure of Earnings Survey (SES) is a 4-yearly survey which provides EU-wide harmonised structural data on gross earnings, hours paid and annual days of paid holiday leave, which are collected every four years under Council Regulation (EC) No 530/1999 concerning structural statistics on earnings and on labour costs, and Commission Regulation (EC) No 1738/2005 amending Regulation (EC) No 1916/2000 as regards the definition and transmission of information on the structure of earnings. The objective of this legislation is so that National Statistical Institutes (NSIs) provide accurate and harmonised data on earnings in EU Member States and other countries for policy-making and research purposes. The SES 2014 provides detailed and comparable information on relationships between the level of hourly, monthly and annual remuneration, personal characteristics of employees (sex, age, occupation, length of service, highest educational level attained, etc.) and their employer (economic activity, size and economic control of the enterprise). Regional data is also available for some countries and regional metadata is identical to that provided for national data. The Structure of Earnings Survey (SES) is a 4-yearly survey which provides EU-wide harmonised structural data on gross earnings, hours paid and annual days of paid holiday leave, which are collected every four years under Council Regulation (EC) No 530/1999 concerning structural statistics on earnings and on labour costs, and Commission Regulation (EC) No 1738/2005 amending Regulation (EC) No 1916/2000 as regards the definition and transmission of information on the structure of earnings. The objective of this legislation is so that National Statistical Institutes (NSIs) provide accurate and harmonised data on earnings in EU Member States and other countries for policy-making and research purposes. The SES provides detailed and comparable information on relationships between the level of hourly, monthly and annual remuneration, personal characteristics of employees (sex, age, occupation, length of service, highest educational level attained, etc.) and their employer (economic activity, size and economic control of the enterprise). Regional data is also available for countries (where applicable) and regional metadata is identical to that provided for national data.
    • März 2025
      Quelle: International Labour Organization
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 14 März, 2025
      Datensatz auswählen
      With the aim of promoting international comparability, statistics presented on ILOSTAT are based on standard international definitions wherever feasible and may differ from official national figures. This series is based on the 13th ICLS definitions. For time series comparability, it includes countries that have implemented the 19th ICLS standards, for which data are also available in the Work Statistics -- 19th ICLS (WORK) database. The earnings of employees relate to the gross remuneration in cash and in kind paid to employees, as a rule at regular intervals, for time worked or work done together with remuneration for time not worked, such as annual vacation, other type of paid leave or holidays. Earnings exclude employers' contributions in respect of their employees paid to social security and pension schemes and also the benefits received by employees under these schemes. Earnings also exclude severance and termination pay. This is a harmonized series: (1) data reported as weekly, monthly and yearly are converted to hourly using data on average weekly hours if available; and (2) data are converted to U.S. dollars as the common currency, using exchange rates or using purchasing power parity (PPP) rates for private consumption expenditures. The latter series allows for international comparisons by taking account of the differences in relative prices between countries. Data disaggregated by occupation are provided according to the latest version of the International Standard Classification of Occupations (ISCO). Data may have been regrouped from the national classifications, which may not be strictly compatible with ISCO. For more information, refer to the Wages and Working Time Statistics (COND) database description.
    • März 2025
      Quelle: International Labour Organization
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 03 März, 2025
      Datensatz auswählen
      With the aim of promoting international comparability, statistics presented on ILOSTAT are based on standard international definitions wherever feasible and may differ from official national figures. This series is based on the 13th ICLS definitions. For time series comparability, it includes countries that have implemented the 19th ICLS standards, for which data are also available in the Work Statistics -- 19th ICLS (WORK) database. The earnings of employees relate to the gross remuneration in cash and in kind paid to employees, as a rule at regular intervals, for time worked or work done together with remuneration for time not worked, such as annual vacation, other type of paid leave or holidays. Earnings exclude employers' contributions in respect of their employees paid to social security and pension schemes and also the benefits received by employees under these schemes. Earnings also exclude severance and termination pay. This is a harmonized series: (1) data reported as weekly, monthly and yearly are converted to hourly using data on average weekly hours if available; and (2) data are converted to U.S. dollars as the common currency, using exchange rates or using purchasing power parity (PPP) rates for private consumption expenditures. The latter series allows for international comparisons by taking account of the differences in relative prices between countries. Data disaggregated by economic activity are provided according to the latest version of the International Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities (ISIC) available for that year. Data may have been regrouped from national classifications, which may not be strictly compatible with ISIC. For more information, refer to the Wages and Working Time Statistics (COND) database description.
    • Januar 2015
      Quelle: Right Diagnosis
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 04 Februar, 2016
      Datensatz auswählen
    • Februar 2024
      Quelle: National Institute of Statistics, Italy
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 14 Februar, 2024
      Datensatz auswählen
      Data source(s) used: Persons registered in and cancelled from the population register due to change of residence:The English description of the source is not available at this time, for methodological details go to the Siqual system
    • Juni 2018
      Quelle: Statistics Netherlands
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 02 Dezember, 2018
      Datensatz auswählen
      Immigration and emigration in the Netherlands and the administrative corrections by country of birth, sex, age and marital status. Data available from: 1995 Status of the figures: All data recorded in this publication are final data. Changes as from 18 June 2018: The final figures of 2017 have been added. Changes as from 26 April 2018: The underlying coding of classifications used in this table has been adjusted. It is now in line with the standard encoding defined by CBS. The structure and data of the table have been adjusted. The age classification has been simplified: the five-year groups have been removed. This makes the table better suited for the interface of the new StatLine. If you are missing these figures, please contact Infoservice (see section 5). When will new figures be published? The final figures of 2018 will be added in the second quarter of 2019 in this publication.
    • März 2019
      Quelle: World Bank
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 20 März, 2019
      Datensatz auswählen
      Data cited at: The World Bank Topic: Millennium Development Goals Publication: License:   Relevant indicators drawn from the World Development Indicators, reorganized according to the goals and targets of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). The MDGs focus the efforts of the world community on achieving significant, measurable improvements in people's lives by the year 2015: they establish targets and yardsticks for measuring development results. Gender Parity Index (GPI)= Value of indicator for Girls/ Value of indicator for Boys. For e.g GPI=School enrolment for Girls/School enrolment for Boys. A value of less than one indicates differences in favor of boys, whereas a value near one (1) indicates that parity has been more or less achieved. The greater the deviation from 1 greater the disparity is.
    • Februar 2025
      Quelle: U.S. Geological Survey
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 11 Februar, 2025
      Datensatz auswählen
      The USGS Mineral Resources Program (MRP) provides scientific information for objective resource assessments and unbiased research results on mineral potential, production, consumption, and environmental effects. The MRP is the sole Federal source for this information. Values of 2019 are estimated.
    • Februar 2024
      Quelle: Statistics Denmark
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 11 Februar, 2024
      Datensatz auswählen
      Value of exports by SHORT-TERM (industrial origin), country, imports and exports and time
    • Januar 2021
      Quelle: National Institute of Statistics, Italy
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 27 Januar, 2021
      Datensatz auswählen
      Data source(s) used: Vital statistics on causes of death: The Vital statistics system on causes of death is the main source for the evaluation of the health status of the population, and for the health programs and resources allocation. Data on causes of all deaths occurring in Italy during a calendar year are collected by the death certificates Istat/D.4, D.5, D.4 bis and D.5 bis. The physician must fill the health section of the certificate (part A) and the civil status officer of the appurtenant municipality must fill the demographic section of the certificate (part B).
    • Januar 2021
      Quelle: National Institute of Statistics, Italy
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 27 Januar, 2021
      Datensatz auswählen
      Data source(s) used: Vital statistics on causes of death: The Vital statistics system on causes of death is the main source for the evaluation of the health status of the population, and for the health programs and resources allocation. Data on causes of all deaths occurring in Italy during a calendar year are collected by the death certificates Istat/D.4, D.5, D.4 bis and D.5 bis. The physician must fill the health section of the certificate (part A) and the civil status officer of the appurtenant municipality must fill the demographic section of the certificate (part B).
    • Januar 2016
      Quelle: Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 05 August, 2016
      Datensatz auswählen
    • Juni 2024
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 23 Juni, 2024
      Datensatz auswählen
      Data on motorways network at regional level (NUTS 2). Data available for EU, EFTA and TR, expressed in kilometres and kilometers per 1 000 km2.
    • September 2009
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 28 November, 2015
      Datensatz auswählen
      Structural business statistics (SBS) describes the structure, conduct and performance of economic activities, down to the most detailed activity level (several hundred economic sectors). SBS are transmitted annually by the EU Member States on the basis of a legal obligation from 1995 onwards.   SBS covers all activities of the business economy with the exception of agricultural activities and personal services and the data are provided by all EU Member States, Norway and Switzerland, some candidate and potential candidate countries. The data are collected by domain of activity (annex) : Annex I - Services, Annex II - Industry, Annex III - Trade and Annex IV- Constructions and by datasets. Each annex contains several datasets as indicated in the SBS Regulation. The majority of the data is collected by National Statistical Institutes (NSIs) by means of statistical surveys, business registers or from various administrative sources. Regulatory or controlling national offices for financial institutions or central banks often provide the information required for the financial sector (NACE Rev 2 Section K / NACE Rev 1.1 Section J). Member States apply various statistical methods, according to the data source, such as grossing up, model based estimation or different forms of imputation, to ensure the quality of SBSs produced. Main characteristics (variables) of the SBS data category: Business Demographic variables (e.g. Number of enterprises)"Output related" variables (e.g. Turnover, Value added)"Input related" variables: labour input (e.g. Employment, Hours worked); goods and services input (e.g. Total of purchases); capital input (e.g. Material investments) All SBS characteristics are published on Eurostat’s website by tables and an example of the existent tables is presented below: Annual enterprise statistics: Characteristics collected are published by country and detailed on NACE Rev 2 and NACE Rev 1.1 class level (4-digits). Some classes or groups in 'services' section have been aggregated.Annual enterprise statistics broken down by size classes: Characteristics are published by country and detailed down to NACE Rev 2 and NACE Rev 1.1 group level (3-digits) and employment size class. For trade (NACE Rev 2 and NACE Rev 1.1 Section G) a supplementary breakdown by turnover size class is available.Annual regional statistics: Four characteristics are published by NUTS-2 country region and detailed on NACE Rev 2 and NACE Rev 1.1 division level (2-digits) (but to group level (3-digits) for the trade section). More information on the contents of different tables: the detail level and breakdowns required starting with the reference year 2008 is defined in Commission Regulation N° 251/2009. For previous reference years it is included in Commission Regulations (EC) N° 2701/98 and amended by Commission Regulation N°1614/2002 and Commission Regulation N°1669/2003. Several important derived indicators are generated in the form of ratios of certain monetary characteristics or per head values. A list with the available derived indicators is available below in the Annex.
    • Mai 2019
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 10 Juni, 2019
      Datensatz auswählen
    • Februar 2024
      Quelle: National Institute of Statistics, Italy
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 02 Februar, 2024
      Datensatz auswählen
      Data source(s) used: Vital statistics on causes of death: The Vital statistics system on causes of death is the main source for the evaluation of the health status of the population, and for the health programs and resources allocation. Data on causes of all deaths occurring in Italy during a calendar year are collected by the death certificates Istat/D.4, e D.4 bis. The physician must fill the health section of the certificate (part A) and the civil status officer of the appurtenant municipality must fill the demographic section of the certificate (part B). Other data characteristics: For details on ICD codes see additional file
    • März 2016
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 11 März, 2016
      Datensatz auswählen
      Yearly data on “Regional municipal waste collection and treatment” collected biennially by means of the REQ – Regional environmental questionnaire Data aggregation: regional data on NUTS2 level.
  • N
    • Januar 2025
      Quelle: United Nations Statistics Division
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 22 Januar, 2025
      Datensatz auswählen
      The National Accounts Main Aggregates Database presents a series of analytical national accounts tables from 1970 onwards for more than 200 countries and areas of the world. It is the product of a global cooperation effort between the Economic Statistics Branch of the United Nations Statistics Division, international statistical agencies and the national statistical services of these countries and is developed in accordance with the recommendation of the Statistical Commission at its first session in 1947 that the Statistics Division should publish regularly the most recent available data on national accounts for as many countries and areas as possible. The database is updated in December of each year with newly available national accounts data for all countries and areas.
    • August 2024
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 07 August, 2024
      Datensatz auswählen
      Due to the nature of transport, a spatial reference is built into most legal acts dealing with transport statistics. In a few cases, these sources can be directly used for the derivation of regional transport indicators, while other indicators are collected on a voluntary basis. This is the case of the regional transport data collection in which both data types are used. Three types of regional data can be distinguished depending on their source: two are based on data collections performed on the basis of legal acts (the Maritime and Aviation data) and one is a voluntary data collection (infrastructures, vehicles and road accidents). Regional data collected on voluntary basis: The current regional data collection taking place on a voluntary basis comprises a set of transport indicators at NUTS 0, 1 and 2[1] levels for the road, railways, inland waterways (infrastructure), vehicle stocks, road accidents. The information collected is then disseminated in Eurostat dissemination database (Eurobase) under “General and regional statistics/Regional statistics by NUTS classification/Regional transport statistics” theme and also mirrored under “Transport/Multimodal data/Regional transport statistics” theme. Annual data collection for infrastructure, vehicle stocks and road accidents was launched at the beginning of 2002 covering both Member States and Candidate countries. Since 2007, it includes EFTA countries as well. Regional data are collected directly from the countries using a questionnaire: data on transport infrastructure, vehicle stocks and road accidents (collected previously – till 2006 – on Excel sheets and then – till 2012 – using on-line questionnaires). Currently regional datasets are provided via EDAMIS application. For the voluntary data collection via EDAMIS portal, the definitions from the 4th edition of the Illustrated Glossary for Transport Statistics (jointly elaborated by Eurostat, ECMT, UNECE) were proposed and countries should use them when transmitting data. Regional data based on legal acts: For the collection based on legal acts, regional data are actually derived from the information provided by the participating countries in the frame of the legal data collections at port and airport level. Maritime transport data collection is legally based – Directive 2009/42/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 6 May 2009 on statistical returns in respect of carriage of goods and passengers by sea (OJ L141 of 6.6.2009, page 29), which is the recast of the original Council Directive 95/64/EC of 8 December 1995. The air transport regional data have been calculated using data collected at the airport level in the frame of draft Council and Parliament Regulation (Regulation (EC) No 437/2003 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 February 2003 on statistical returns in respect of the carriage of passengers, freight and mail by air). Within the collection Maritime transport - data aggregated at standard regional levels (NUTS) there are two tables: Maritime transport of passengers at regional level (new methodology);Maritime transport of freight at regional level (new methodology). Within the collection Air transport - data aggregated at standard regional levels (NUTS) there are two tables: Air transport of passengers at regional levelAir transport of freight at regional level The tables present the evolution of the number of passengers carried (if not available passengers on board) and the volume of freight and mail loaded or unloaded (if not available freight and mail on board) to/from the NUTS regions (level 2, 1 and 0) since 1999. The data is presented at annual level. Before the legal act on air transport statistics was introduced (2003 with 3 years transitional period), air transport statistics have been collected using the statistical questionnaire (voluntary basis). Some countries provided figures for passenger transport taking into account “passengers on board” and some “passenger carried”. Until 2007 reference year, the disseminated numbers of passengers aggregated at regional level are actually a mixture of passengers on board and passengers carried data. The air transport regional data have been calculated using data collected at the airport level in the frame of the regulatory data collection on air transport. Only airports with more than 150 000 passenger units serviced annually are taken into account when aggregating the data at regional levels, because they provide statistics detailed enough to solve the problem of double counting. For each aggregate it is necessary to start at the airport level in order to identify the mirror declarations, i.e. the airport routes for which both airports report the volume, since these constitute the routes where the problem of double counting occurs. When calculating the total volume in such cases, only the departure declarations of the concerned airports have been taken into account. The problem of the double counting only appears for the calculation of the total passengers but not for the total arrivals (respectively total departures), which corresponds to the sum of the arrivals (respectively departures) at each domestic airport. For the tables presenting maritime data at regional level the same aggregation method (exclusion of double counting) is applied taking into account main ports only. Only for these ports (handling more than one million tonnes of goods or recording more than 200 000 passenger movements annually ) the detailed statistics allow such aggregation. For some Member States (up to 1998 data) and for others that joint the EU more recently (up to 2002) transport flows through ports and airports had been collected, via questionnaire. Because of the difference in the methodologies applied, the data for air and maritime transport at regional level up to 2002 reference year are available in separate tablesor some Member States (up to 1998 data) and for others that joint the EU more recently (up to 2002) transport flows through ports and airports had been collected, via questionnaire. Because of the difference in the methodologies applied, the data for air and maritime transport at regional level up to 2002 reference year are avilable in separate tables (listed below) and are no longer updated: Maritime transport of passengers by NUTS 2 regions (questionnaire) (tran_r_mapa_om).Maritime transport of freight by NUTS 2 regions (questionnaire) (tran_r_mago_om).Air transport of passengers by NUTS 2 regions (questionnaire) (tran_r_avpa_om).Air transport of freight by NUTS 2 regions (questionnaire) (tran_r_avgo_om). [1] Regulation (EC) No 1059/2003 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 26 May 2003 on the establishment of a common classification of territorial units for statistics (NUTS) and its amendments. More information on NUTS classification can be found under the following link.
    • August 2024
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 07 August, 2024
      Datensatz auswählen
      Due to the nature of transport, a spatial reference is built into most legal acts dealing with transport statistics. In a few cases, these sources can be directly used for the derivation of regional transport indicators, while other indicators are collected on a voluntary basis. This is the case of the regional transport data collection in which both data types are used. Three types of regional data can be distinguished depending on their source: two are based on data collections performed on the basis of legal acts (the Maritime and Aviation data) and one is a voluntary data collection (infrastructures, vehicles and road accidents). Regional data collected on voluntary basis: The current regional data collection taking place on a voluntary basis comprises a set of transport indicators at NUTS 0, 1 and 2[1] levels for the road, railways, inland waterways (infrastructure), vehicle stocks, road accidents. The information collected is then disseminated in Eurostat dissemination database (Eurobase) under “General and regional statistics/Regional statistics by NUTS classification/Regional transport statistics” theme and also mirrored under “Transport/Multimodal data/Regional transport statistics” theme. Annual data collection for infrastructure, vehicle stocks and road accidents was launched at the beginning of 2002 covering both Member States and Candidate countries. Since 2007, it includes EFTA countries as well. Regional data are collected directly from the countries using a questionnaire: data on transport infrastructure, vehicle stocks and road accidents (collected previously – till 2006 – on Excel sheets and then – till 2012 – using on-line questionnaires). Currently regional datasets are provided via EDAMIS application. For the voluntary data collection via EDAMIS portal, the definitions from the 4th edition of the Illustrated Glossary for Transport Statistics (jointly elaborated by Eurostat, ECMT, UNECE) were proposed and countries should use them when transmitting data. Regional data based on legal acts: For the collection based on legal acts, regional data are actually derived from the information provided by the participating countries in the frame of the legal data collections at port and airport level. Maritime transport data collection is legally based – Directive 2009/42/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 6 May 2009 on statistical returns in respect of carriage of goods and passengers by sea (OJ L141 of 6.6.2009, page 29), which is the recast of the original Council Directive 95/64/EC of 8 December 1995. The air transport regional data have been calculated using data collected at the airport level in the frame of draft Council and Parliament Regulation (Regulation (EC) No 437/2003 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 February 2003 on statistical returns in respect of the carriage of passengers, freight and mail by air). Within the collection Maritime transport - data aggregated at standard regional levels (NUTS) there are two tables: Maritime transport of passengers at regional level (new methodology);Maritime transport of freight at regional level (new methodology). Within the collection Air transport - data aggregated at standard regional levels (NUTS) there are two tables: Air transport of passengers at regional levelAir transport of freight at regional level The tables present the evolution of the number of passengers carried (if not available passengers on board) and the volume of freight and mail loaded or unloaded (if not available freight and mail on board) to/from the NUTS regions (level 2, 1 and 0) since 1999. The data is presented at annual level. Before the legal act on air transport statistics was introduced (2003 with 3 years transitional period), air transport statistics have been collected using the statistical questionnaire (voluntary basis). Some countries provided figures for passenger transport taking into account “passengers on board” and some “passenger carried”. Until 2007 reference year, the disseminated numbers of passengers aggregated at regional level are actually a mixture of passengers on board and passengers carried data. The air transport regional data have been calculated using data collected at the airport level in the frame of the regulatory data collection on air transport. Only airports with more than 150 000 passenger units serviced annually are taken into account when aggregating the data at regional levels, because they provide statistics detailed enough to solve the problem of double counting. For each aggregate it is necessary to start at the airport level in order to identify the mirror declarations, i.e. the airport routes for which both airports report the volume, since these constitute the routes where the problem of double counting occurs. When calculating the total volume in such cases, only the departure declarations of the concerned airports have been taken into account. The problem of the double counting only appears for the calculation of the total passengers but not for the total arrivals (respectively total departures), which corresponds to the sum of the arrivals (respectively departures) at each domestic airport. For the tables presenting maritime data at regional level the same aggregation method (exclusion of double counting) is applied taking into account main ports only. Only for these ports (handling more than one million tonnes of goods or recording more than 200 000 passenger movements annually ) the detailed statistics allow such aggregation. For some Member States (up to 1998 data) and for others that joint the EU more recently (up to 2002) transport flows through ports and airports had been collected, via questionnaire. Because of the difference in the methodologies applied, the data for air and maritime transport at regional level up to 2002 reference year are available in separate tablesor some Member States (up to 1998 data) and for others that joint the EU more recently (up to 2002) transport flows through ports and airports had been collected, via questionnaire. Because of the difference in the methodologies applied, the data for air and maritime transport at regional level up to 2002 reference year are avilable in separate tables (listed below) and are no longer updated: Maritime transport of passengers by NUTS 2 regions (questionnaire) (tran_r_mapa_om).Maritime transport of freight by NUTS 2 regions (questionnaire) (tran_r_mago_om).Air transport of passengers by NUTS 2 regions (questionnaire) (tran_r_avpa_om).Air transport of freight by NUTS 2 regions (questionnaire) (tran_r_avgo_om). [1] Regulation (EC) No 1059/2003 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 26 May 2003 on the establishment of a common classification of territorial units for statistics (NUTS) and its amendments. More information on NUTS classification can be found under the following link.
    • Dezember 2009
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 22 April, 2014
      Datensatz auswählen
      Eurostat Dataset Id:migr_r_2nl The data comprises series of internal (in the country) regional migration on NUTS2 level during the reference year. Data on arrivals and departures due to internal migration are disaggregated by NUTS2 region of arrival/departure, sex and single year age. Data on migration by region of origin and destination (excluding intra-regional migration) are presented separately for each country for which such data are available. The tables are in the form of matrix (NUTS2 region of origin and destination) excluding intra-refional migration, disaggregated by sex. The data source is administrative records or national surveys. The completeness of the tables depends largely on the availability of data from the relevant national statistical institutes.
    • Dezember 2020
      Quelle: Maddison Project
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 18 Dezember, 2020
      Datensatz auswählen
      The Maddison Project has launched an updated version of the original Maddison dataset in January 2013. The update incorporates much of the latest research in the field, and presents new estimates of economic growth in the world economic between AD 1 and 2010. The new estimates are presented and discussed in Bolt and Van Zanden (2014). The Maddison Project: collaborative research on historical national accounts. The Economic History Review, 67 (3): 627–651.
    • April 2022
      Quelle: Statistics Sweden
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 08 April, 2022
      Datensatz auswählen
      Nights spent. All hotels, holiday villages, hostels, camping sites, commercially arranged private cottages and apartments by region/county Year 2008 - 2017Please state The Swedish Agency for Economic and Regional Growth and Statistics Sweden as source when publishing information.region0010 Greater StockholmCommercially arranged private cottages and apartments are not included in regions and Sweden excluding metropolitan areas.0020 Greater GothenburgCommercially arranged private cottages and apartments are not included in regions and Sweden excluding metropolitan areas.0030 Greater MalmöCommercially arranged private cottages and apartments are not included in regions and Sweden excluding metropolitan areas.0060 Sweden excluding metropolitan areasCommercially arranged private cottages and apartments are not included in regions and Sweden excluding metropolitan areas.
    • Februar 2024
      Quelle: Statistics Denmark
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 11 Februar, 2024
      Datensatz auswählen
      Nights spend on camping sites by region, nationality of the guest, unit, period and time
    • Februar 2024
      Quelle: Statistics Denmark
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 11 Februar, 2024
      Datensatz auswählen
      Nights spent at hotels and holiday resorts by region, nationality of the guest, type, unit, period and time
    • Juli 2023
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 14 Juli, 2023
      Datensatz auswählen
      Accommodation statistics are a key part of the system of tourism statistics in the EU and have a long history of data collection. Annex I of the Regulation (EU) 692/2011 of the European Parliament and of the Council deals with accommodation statistics and includes 4 sections focusing on accommodation statistics of which sections 1 and 2 include the requirements concerning rented accommodation (capacity and occupancy respectively). Data are collected by the competent national authorities of the Member States and are compiled according to a harmonised methodology established by EU regulations before transmission to Eurostat. Most of the time, data are collected via sample or census surveys. However, in a few cases data are compiled from a demand-side perspective (i.e. via visitor surveys or border surveys). Surveys on the occupancy of accommodation establishments are generally conducted on a monthly basis. The concepts and definitions used in the collection of data shall conform to the specifications described in the Methodological manual for tourism statistics. Accommodation statistics comprise the following information: Monthly data on tourism industries (NACE 55.1, 55.2 and 55.3) Monthly occupancy of tourist accommodation establishments: arrivals and nights spent by residents and non-residents Net occupancy rate of bed-places and bedrooms in hotels and similar accommodation Annual data on tourism industries(NACE 55.1, 55.2 and 55.3) Occupancy of tourist accommodation establishments: arrivals and nights spent by residents and non-residents Capacity of tourist accommodation establishments: number of establishments, bedrooms and bed places Regional data  Annual occupancy (arrivals and nights spent by residents and non-residents) of tourist accommodation establishments at NUTS 2 level, by degree of urbanisation and by coastal/non-coastal area Annual data on number of establishments, bedrooms and bed places at NUTS 2 level, by degree of urbanisation and by coastal/non-coastal area Data on number of establishments, bedrooms and bed places are available by activity at NUTS 3 level until 2011. Please note that for paragraphs where no metadata for regional data has been specified, the regional metadata is identical to the metadata provided for the national data.
    • Juli 2023
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 14 Juli, 2023
      Datensatz auswählen
      Accommodation statistics are a key part of the system of tourism statistics in the EU and have a long history of data collection. Annex I of the Regulation (EU) 692/2011 of the European Parliament and of the Council deals with accommodation statistics and includes 4 sections focusing on accommodation statistics of which sections 1 and 2 include the requirements concerning rented accommodation (capacity and occupancy respectively). Data are collected by the competent national authorities of the Member States and are compiled according to a harmonised methodology established by EU regulations before transmission to Eurostat. Most of the time, data are collected via sample or census surveys. However, in a few cases data are compiled from a demand-side perspective (i.e. via visitor surveys or border surveys). Surveys on the occupancy of accommodation establishments are generally conducted on a monthly basis. The concepts and definitions used in the collection of data shall conform to the specifications described in the Methodological manual for tourism statistics. Accommodation statistics comprise the following information: Monthly data on tourism industries (NACE 55.1, 55.2 and 55.3) Monthly occupancy of tourist accommodation establishments: arrivals and nights spent by residents and non-residents Net occupancy rate of bed-places and bedrooms in hotels and similar accommodation Annual data on tourism industries(NACE 55.1, 55.2 and 55.3) Occupancy of tourist accommodation establishments: arrivals and nights spent by residents and non-residents Capacity of tourist accommodation establishments: number of establishments, bedrooms and bed places Regional data  Annual occupancy (arrivals and nights spent by residents and non-residents) of tourist accommodation establishments at NUTS 2 level, by degree of urbanisation and by coastal/non-coastal area Annual data on number of establishments, bedrooms and bed places at NUTS 2 level, by degree of urbanisation and by coastal/non-coastal area Data on number of establishments, bedrooms and bed places are available by activity at NUTS 3 level until 2011. Please note that for paragraphs where no metadata for regional data has been specified, the regional metadata is identical to the metadata provided for the national data.
    • August 2024
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 05 August, 2024
      Datensatz auswählen
      A night spent is each night a guest/tourist (resident or non-resident) actually spends (sleeps or stays) or is registered (his/her physical presence there being unnecessary) in a tourist accommodation establishment.
    • Oktober 2024
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 30 Oktober, 2024
      Datensatz auswählen
    • April 2022
      Quelle: Statistics Sweden
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 07 April, 2022
      Datensatz auswählen
      Nights spent of all hotels, holiday villages, youth hostels, camping sites and commercially arranged private cottages and apartments by region/county and by country of residence. Month 2008M01 - 2018M12Please state The Swedish Agency for Economic and Regional Growth and Statistics Sweden as source when publishing information.The monthly tables include preliminary statistics and are updated upon each publishing date up until the final statistics for the current year are published. The monthly tables for 2008-2017 refer to final statistics. The final statistics for 2018 will be published in the spring of 2019.As of January 2011 camping grounds are presented as the same country of residence as other types of establishments.regionCommercially arranged private cottages and apartments are not included in regions and other Sweden excluding metropolitan of residenceCountry of residence refers to the country where the guest, regardless of citizenship, resides permanently (more than 12 months). A Swedish citizen residing abroad is thus presented as a guest from the country of residence.
    • Mai 2020
      Quelle: International Labour Organization
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 08 Mai, 2020
      Datensatz auswählen
      This indicator presents the average number of new cases of non-fatal occupational injury during the calendar year per 100,000 workers in the reference group. For more information, refer to our resources on methods.
    • Februar 2022
      Quelle: Statistics Canada
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 23 Dezember, 2024
      Datensatz auswählen
    • Februar 2022
      Quelle: Statistics Canada
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 23 Dezember, 2024
      Datensatz auswählen
    • Juli 2023
      Quelle: The National Committee on North Korea
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 14 Juli, 2023
      Datensatz auswählen
    • Dezember 2009
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 22 April, 2014
      Datensatz auswählen
      Eurostat Dataset Id:migr_r_2no The data comprises series of internal (in the country) regional migration on NUTS2 level during the reference year. Data on arrivals and departures due to internal migration are disaggregated by NUTS2 region of arrival/departure, sex and single year age. Data on migration by region of origin and destination (excluding intra-regional migration) are presented separately for each country for which such data are available. The tables are in the form of matrix (NUTS2 region of origin and destination) excluding intra-refional migration, disaggregated by sex. The data source is administrative records or national surveys. The completeness of the tables depends largely on the availability of data from the relevant national statistical institutes.
    • April 2018
      Quelle: Statistics Norway
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 03 April, 2019
      Datensatz auswählen
      Major change in coverage in 2011. Consult About the statisticsOnly vessels at or above 1,000 gross tonnage. No fishing vessels.
    • September 2022
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 15 September, 2022
      Datensatz auswählen
      On the basis of the Regulation on waste statistics (EC) No. 2150/2002, amended by Commission Regulation (EU) No. 849/2010, data on the generation and treatment of waste is collected from the Member States. The information on waste generation has a breakdown in sources (19 business activities according to the NACE classification and household activities) and in waste categories (according to the European Waste Classification for statistical purposes). The information on waste treatment is broken down to five treatment types (recovery, incineration with energy recovery, other incineration, disposal on land and land treatment) and in waste categories. All values are measured in tonnes of waste and in kg per capita, based on the annual average of the population. The Member States are free to decide on the data collection methods. The general options are: surveys, administrative sources, statistical estimations or some combination of methods. For the first reference year 2004 Member States could apply for permission not to deliver part of the information: waste generated by agriculture and fishing and waste generated in the services sector. For this reason this information is missing for some of the countries. Previously data on waste was collected on a voluntary basis with the joint OECD/Eurostat questionnaire on waste.
    • Januar 2024
      Quelle: State Statistical Office, Republic of North Macedonia
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 12 Januar, 2024
      Datensatz auswählen
      Methodological explanationsSymbols usedSource: State Statistical Office
    • März 2013
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 24 November, 2013
      Datensatz auswählen
      Eurostat Dataset Id:demo_r_mdie The regional demographic statistics provides annual data on population, vital events (live births and deaths), total and land areas of the regions and key demographic indicators for regions and statistical regions at NUTS2 and NUTS3 levels for 35 countries: each EU-27 Member State, Acceding, Candidate and EFTA countries. The completeness of the tables depends on the availability of data received from the responsible national statistical institutes (NSIs).  The label of each table indicates the lowest NUTS level for which data are available; for the upper NUTS levels data are included as well. Starting with March 2013, demographic statistics at regional level reflect the new NUTS-2010 classification for EU-27 Member States and the new statistical regions for Croatia. Countries affected by the NUTS-2010 changes are expected to transmit to Eurostat the time series for the new regional breakdown. As a general approach, the regions with no data available are not listed in the tables. For a calendar year T, the deadline of the regional demographic data collection is 15 December, and data included have a different degree of detail for regions at NUTS2 and NUTS3 levels: NUTS2 level - high level of data detail:Population by sex and single year of age at 1st January: years T and T-1Live births by single year of age and year of birth of the mother: year T-1 Deaths by sex and single years of age and year of birth: year T-1  NUTS3 level - low level of data detail:Surface area in km2 at 1st January (total area including inland waters and land area): year TPopulation by sex and broad age groups at 1st January, namely for 0-14 (0 up to 14 years), 15-64 (15 up to 64 years) and 65+ (persons of 65 years and older): years T and T-1 Live births and deaths (total number of demographic events): year T-1  Tables are updated mainly during March of the next year (T+1), but also along the year whenever revised data are sent by the official data providers. Demographic indicators at regional level are computed by Eurostat using a harmonised methodology and common concepts for all regions of all countries, namely:average population on 1st January (in thousands), population density;demographic balance and crude rates (population change, natural change, net migration including statistical adjustments, crude birth rate, crude death rate, crude rate of population change, crude rate of natural change, crude rate of net migration (including statistical adjustments));age-specific-fertility rates and Total Fertility Rates;life tables that include age-specific-mortality-rates and life expectancy at given exact age;infant mortality and crude rate of infant mortality. At national level a larger number of demographic indicators are computed, as more detailed demographic data are collected only at this level. 
    • März 2013
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 24 November, 2013
      Datensatz auswählen
      Eurostat Dataset Id:demo_r_msurv The regional demographic statistics provides annual data on population, vital events (live births and deaths), total and land areas of the regions and key demographic indicators for regions and statistical regions at NUTS2 and NUTS3 levels for 35 countries: each EU-27 Member State, Acceding, Candidate and EFTA countries. The completeness of the tables depends on the availability of data received from the responsible national statistical institutes (NSIs).  The label of each table indicates the lowest NUTS level for which data are available; for the upper NUTS levels data are included as well. Starting with March 2013, demographic statistics at regional level reflect the new NUTS-2010 classification for EU-27 Member States and the new statistical regions for Croatia. Countries affected by the NUTS-2010 changes are expected to transmit to Eurostat the time series for the new regional breakdown. As a general approach, the regions with no data available are not listed in the tables. For a calendar year T, the deadline of the regional demographic data collection is 15 December, and data included have a different degree of detail for regions at NUTS2 and NUTS3 levels: NUTS2 level - high level of data detail:Population by sex and single year of age at 1st January: years T and T-1Live births by single year of age and year of birth of the mother: year T-1 Deaths by sex and single years of age and year of birth: year T-1  NUTS3 level - low level of data detail:Surface area in km2 at 1st January (total area including inland waters and land area): year TPopulation by sex and broad age groups at 1st January, namely for 0-14 (0 up to 14 years), 15-64 (15 up to 64 years) and 65+ (persons of 65 years and older): years T and T-1 Live births and deaths (total number of demographic events): year T-1  Tables are updated mainly during March of the next year (T+1), but also along the year whenever revised data are sent by the official data providers. Demographic indicators at regional level are computed by Eurostat using a harmonised methodology and common concepts for all regions of all countries, namely:average population on 1st January (in thousands), population density;demographic balance and crude rates (population change, natural change, net migration including statistical adjustments, crude birth rate, crude death rate, crude rate of population change, crude rate of natural change, crude rate of net migration (including statistical adjustments));age-specific-fertility rates and Total Fertility Rates;life tables that include age-specific-mortality-rates and life expectancy at given exact age;infant mortality and crude rate of infant mortality. At national level a larger number of demographic indicators are computed, as more detailed demographic data are collected only at this level. 
    • Mai 2024
      Quelle: Central Intelligence Agency
      Hochgeladen von: Andrene Gayle
      Zugriff am: 17 Mai, 2024
      Datensatz auswählen
      This entry gives the total number of airports or airfields recognizable from the air. The runway(s) may be paved (concrete or asphalt surfaces) or unpaved (grass, earth, sand, or gravel surfaces) and may include closed or abandoned installations. Airports or airfields that are no longer recognizable (overgrown, no facilities, etc.) are not included. Note that not all airports have accommodations for refueling, maintenance, or air traffic control.
    • Oktober 2023
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 06 Oktober, 2023
      Datensatz auswählen
      Labour cost statistics provide a comprehensive and detailed picture of the level, structure and short-term development of labour costs in the different sectors of economic activity in the European Union and certain other countries. All statistics are based on a harmonised definition of labour costs. Structural information on labour costs is collected through four-yearly Labour Cost Surveys (LCS), which provides details on the level and structure of labour cost data, hours worked and hours paid. LCS results are available for the reference years 2000, 2004, 2008 and 2012. All EU Member States together with Norway and Iceland (2004 onwards), Turkey and Macedonia (2008), as well as Serbia (2012) participated in the LCS. As far as available data and confidentiality rules permit, all variables and proportions are further broken down by enterprise size category, economic activity and region (for larger countries only). The data are collected by the National Statistical Institutes in most cases on the basis of stratified random samples of enterprises or local units, restricted in most countries to units with at least 10 employees. The stratification is based on economic activity, size category and region (where appropriate). Regional metadata is identical to the metadata provided for national data. Some countries also complement the survey results with administrative data. Monetary variables are expressed in EUR, national currencies (for non-euro-area countries) and Purchasing Power Standards (PPS). Labour costs are quoted in total per year, per month and per hour, as well as per capita and per full-time equivalents (FTE). Information on staff, hours worked and hours paid is quoted in aggregate and separately for full- and part-time employees.
    • März 2011
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 22 April, 2014
      Datensatz auswählen
      Eurostat Dataset Id:lc_r04num1 Labour cost statistics constitute a hierarchical system of multi-annual, yearly and quarterly statistics, designed to provide a comprehensive and detailed picture of the level, structure and short-term development of labour costs in the different sectors of economic activity in the European Union and certain other countries. All statistics are based on a harmonised definition of labour costs. Structural information on labour costs is collected through four-yearly Labour Cost Surveys (LCSs), which provides details on level and structure of labour cost data, hours worked and hours paid. LCS results are available for the reference years 2000, 2004 and 2008. All EU Member States together with Norway, Iceland and Croatia (2004, 2008), Turkey and Macedonia (2008) participated in the LCS. As far as available data and confidentiality rules permit, all variables and proportions are further broken down by enterprise size category, economic activity and region (larger countries only). The data are collected by the National Statistical Institutes in most cases on the basis of stratified random samples of enterprises or local units, restricted in most countries to units with at least 10 employees. The stratification is based on economic activity, size category and region (where appropriate). Regional metadata is identical to the metadata provided for national data. Some countries also complement the survey results with administrative data. Monetary variables are expressed in EUR, national currencies (if different) and Purchasing Power Standards (PPS). Labour costs are quoted in total and per year, per month and per hour, as well as per capita and per full-time equivalents (FTE). Information on staff, hours worked and hours paid is quoted in aggregate and separately for full- and part-time employees. Labour cost statistics constitute a hierarchical system of multi-annual, yearly and quarterly statistics, designed to provide a comprehensive and detailed picture of the level, structure and short-term development of labour costs in the different sectors of economic activity in the European Union and certain other countries. All statistics are based on a harmonised definition of labour costs.
    • September 2011
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 22 April, 2014
      Datensatz auswählen
      Eurostat Dataset Id:lc_r08num1_r2 Labour cost statistics constitute a hierarchical system of multi-annual, yearly and quarterly statistics, designed to provide a comprehensive and detailed picture of the level, structure and short-term development of labour costs in the different sectors of economic activity in the European Union and certain other countries. All statistics are based on a harmonised definition of labour costs. Structural information on labour costs is collected through four-yearly Labour Cost Surveys (LCSs), which provides details on level and structure of labour cost data, hours worked and hours paid. LCS results are available for the reference years��2000, 2004 and 2008. All EU Member States together with Norway, Iceland and Croatia (2004, 2008), Turkey and Macedonia (2008) participated in the LCS. As far as available data and confidentiality rules permit, all variables and proportions are further broken down by enterprise size category, economic activity and region (larger countries only). The data are collected by the National Statistical Institutes in most cases on the basis of stratified random samples of enterprises or local units, restricted in most countries to units with at least 10 employees. The stratification is based on economic activity, size category and region (where appropriate). Regional metadata is identical to the metadata provided for national data. Some countries also complement the survey results with administrative data. Monetary variables are expressed in EUR, national currencies (if different) and Purchasing Power Standards (PPS). Labour costs are quoted in total and per year, per month and per hour, as well as per capita and per full-time equivalents (FTE). Information on staff, hours worked and hours paid is quoted in aggregate and separately for full- and part-time employees. Labour cost statistics constitute a hierarchical system of multi-annual, yearly and quarterly statistics, designed to provide a comprehensive and detailed picture of the level, structure and short-term development of labour costs in the different sectors of economic activity in the European Union and certain other countries. All statistics are based on a harmonised definition of labour costs.
    • Februar 2022
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 10 Februar, 2022
      Datensatz auswählen
      Accommodation statistics are a key part of the system of tourism statistics in the EU and have a long history of data collection. Annex I of the Regulation (EU) 692/2011 of the European Parliament and of the Council deals with accommodation statistics and includes 4 sections focusing on accommodation statistics of which sections 1 and 2 include the requirements concerning rented accommodation (capacity and occupancy respectively). Data are collected by the competent national authorities of the Member States and are compiled according to a harmonised methodology established by EU regulations before transmission to Eurostat. Most of the time, data are collected via sample or census surveys. However, in a few cases data are compiled from a demand-side perspective (i.e. via visitor surveys or border surveys). Surveys on the occupancy of accommodation establishments are generally conducted on a monthly basis. The concepts and definitions used in the collection of data shall conform to the specifications described in the Methodological manual for tourism statistics. Accommodation statistics comprise the following information: Monthly data on tourism industries (NACE 55.1, 55.2 and 55.3) Monthly occupancy of tourist accommodation establishments: arrivals and nights spent by residents and non-residents Net occupancy rate of bed-places and bedrooms in hotels and similar accommodation Annual data on tourism industries(NACE 55.1, 55.2 and 55.3) Occupancy of tourist accommodation establishments: arrivals and nights spent by residents and non-residents Capacity of tourist accommodation establishments: number of establishments, bedrooms and bed places Regional data  Annual occupancy (arrivals and nights spent by residents and non-residents) of tourist accommodation establishments at NUTS 2 level, by degree of urbanisation and by coastal/non-coastal area Annual data on number of establishments, bedrooms and bed places at NUTS 2 level, by degree of urbanisation and by coastal/non-coastal area Data on number of establishments, bedrooms and bed places are available by activity at NUTS 3 level until 2011. Please note that for paragraphs where no metadata for regional data has been specified, the regional metadata is identical to the metadata provided for the national data.
    • Februar 2022
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 10 Februar, 2022
      Datensatz auswählen
      Accommodation statistics are a key part of the system of tourism statistics in the EU and have a long history of data collection. Annex I of the Regulation (EU) 692/2011 of the European Parliament and of the Council deals with accommodation statistics and includes 4 sections focusing on accommodation statistics of which sections 1 and 2 include the requirements concerning rented accommodation (capacity and occupancy respectively). Data are collected by the competent national authorities of the Member States and are compiled according to a harmonised methodology established by EU regulations before transmission to Eurostat. Most of the time, data are collected via sample or census surveys. However, in a few cases data are compiled from a demand-side perspective (i.e. via visitor surveys or border surveys). Surveys on the occupancy of accommodation establishments are generally conducted on a monthly basis. The concepts and definitions used in the collection of data shall conform to the specifications described in the Methodological manual for tourism statistics. Accommodation statistics comprise the following information: Monthly data on tourism industries (NACE 55.1, 55.2 and 55.3) Monthly occupancy of tourist accommodation establishments: arrivals and nights spent by residents and non-residents Net occupancy rate of bed-places and bedrooms in hotels and similar accommodation Annual data on tourism industries(NACE 55.1, 55.2 and 55.3) Occupancy of tourist accommodation establishments: arrivals and nights spent by residents and non-residents Capacity of tourist accommodation establishments: number of establishments, bedrooms and bed places Regional data  Annual occupancy (arrivals and nights spent by residents and non-residents) of tourist accommodation establishments at NUTS 2 level, by degree of urbanisation and by coastal/non-coastal area Annual data on number of establishments, bedrooms and bed places at NUTS 2 level, by degree of urbanisation and by coastal/non-coastal area Data on number of establishments, bedrooms and bed places are available by activity at NUTS 3 level until 2011. Please note that for paragraphs where no metadata for regional data has been specified, the regional metadata is identical to the metadata provided for the national data.
    • Mai 2015
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 10 Dezember, 2015
      Datensatz auswählen
      Accommodation statistics is a key part of the system of tourism statistics in the EU and has a long history of data collection. Annex I of the Regulation (EU) 692/2011 of the European Parliament and of the Council deals with accommodation statistics and includes 4 sections focusing on accommodation statistics of which sections 1 and 2 include the requirements concerning rented accommodation (capacity and occupancy respectively). Data are collected by the competent national authorities of the Member States and are compiled according to a harmonised methodology established by EU regulations before transmission to Eurostat. Most of the time, data are collected via sample or census surveys. However, in a few cases the data is compiled from a demand-side perspective (i.e. via visitor surveys or border surveys). Surveys on the occupancy of accommodation establishments are generally conducted on a monthly basis. The concepts and definitions used in the collection of data shall conform to the specifications described in the Methodological manual for tourism statistics. Accommodation statistics comprise the following information: Monthly data on tourism industries (NACE 55.1, 55.2 and 55.3) Monthly occupancy of tourist accommodation establishments: arrivals and nights spent by residents and non-residents Net occupancy rate of bed-places and bedrooms in hotels and similar accommodation Annual data on tourism industries(NACE 55.1, 55.2 and 55.3) Occupancy of tourist accommodation establishments: arrivals and nights spent by residents and non-residents Capacity of tourist accommodation establishments: number of establishments, bedrooms and bed places Regional data  Annual occupancy (arrivals and nights spent by residents and non-residents) of tourist accommodation establishments at NUTS 2 level, by degree of urbanisation and by coastal/non-coastal area Annual data on number of establishments, bedrooms and bed places at NUTS 2 level, by degree of urbanisation and by coastal/non-coastal area Data on number of establishments, bedrooms and bed places are available by activity at NUTS 3 level until 2011. Please note that for paragraphs where no metadata for regional data has been specified, the regional metadata is identical to the metadata provided for the national data.
    • November 2013
      Quelle: Statistics Canada
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 27 November, 2023
      Datensatz auswählen
    • März 2011
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 11 Juni, 2014
      Datensatz auswählen
      Eurostat Dataset Id:lc_r04num2 Labour cost statistics constitute a hierarchical system of multi-annual, yearly and quarterly statistics, designed to provide a comprehensive and detailed picture of the level, structure and short-term development of labour costs in the different sectors of economic activity in the European Union and certain other countries. All statistics are based on a harmonised definition of labour costs. Structural information on labour costs is collected through four-yearly Labour Cost Surveys (LCSs), which provides details on level and structure of labour cost data, hours worked and hours paid. LCS results are available for the reference years 2000, 2004 and 2008. All EU Member States together with Norway, Iceland and Croatia (2004, 2008), Turkey and Macedonia (2008) participated in the LCS. As far as available data and confidentiality rules permit, all variables and proportions are further broken down by enterprise size category, economic activity and region (larger countries only). The data are collected by the National Statistical Institutes in most cases on the basis of stratified random samples of enterprises or local units, restricted in most countries to units with at least 10 employees. The stratification is based on economic activity, size category and region (where appropriate). Regional metadata is identical to the metadata provided for national data. Some countries also complement the survey results with administrative data. Monetary variables are expressed in EUR, national currencies (if different) and Purchasing Power Standards (PPS). Labour costs are quoted in total and per year, per month and per hour, as well as per capita and per full-time equivalents (FTE). Information on staff, hours worked and hours paid is quoted in aggregate and separately for full- and part-time employees. Labour cost statistics constitute a hierarchical system of multi-annual, yearly and quarterly statistics, designed to provide a comprehensive and detailed picture of the level, structure and short-term development of labour costs in the different sectors of economic activity in the European Union and certain other countries. All statistics are based on a harmonised definition of labour costs.
    • September 2011
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 22 April, 2014
      Datensatz auswählen
      Eurostat Dataset Id:lc_r08num2_r2 Labour cost statistics constitute a hierarchical system of multi-annual, yearly and quarterly statistics, designed to provide a comprehensive and detailed picture of the level, structure and short-term development of labour costs in the different sectors of economic activity in the European Union and certain other countries. All statistics are based on a harmonised definition of labour costs. Structural information on labour costs is collected through four-yearly Labour Cost Surveys (LCSs), which provides details on level and structure of labour cost data, hours worked and hours paid. LCS results are available for the reference years 2000, 2004 and 2008. All EU Member States together with Norway, Iceland and Croatia (2004, 2008), Turkey and Macedonia (2008) participated in the LCS. As far as available data and confidentiality rules permit, all variables and proportions are further broken down by enterprise size category, economic activity and region (larger countries only). The data are collected by the National Statistical Institutes in most cases on the basis of stratified random samples of enterprises or local units, restricted in most countries to units with at least 10 employees. The stratification is based on economic activity, size category and region (where appropriate). Regional metadata is identical to the metadata provided for national data. Some countries also complement the survey results with administrative data. Monetary variables are expressed in EUR, national currencies (if different) and Purchasing Power Standards (PPS). Labour costs are quoted in total and per year, per month and per hour, as well as per capita and per full-time equivalents (FTE). Information on staff, hours worked and hours paid is quoted in aggregate and separately for full- and part-time employees. Labour cost statistics constitute a hierarchical system of multi-annual, yearly and quarterly statistics, designed to provide a comprehensive and detailed picture of the level, structure and short-term development of labour costs in the different sectors of economic activity in the European Union and certain other countries. All statistics are based on a harmonised definition of labour costs.
    • Oktober 2010
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 28 November, 2015
      Datensatz auswählen
      Structural business statistics (SBS) describes the structure, conduct and performance of economic activities, down to the most detailed activity level (several hundred economic sectors). SBS are transmitted annually by the EU Member States on the basis of a legal obligation from 1995 onwards.   SBS covers all activities of the business economy with the exception of agricultural activities and personal services and the data are provided by all EU Member States, Norway and Switzerland, some candidate and potential candidate countries. The data are collected by domain of activity (annex) : Annex I - Services, Annex II - Industry, Annex III - Trade and Annex IV- Constructions and by datasets. Each annex contains several datasets as indicated in the SBS Regulation. The majority of the data is collected by National Statistical Institutes (NSIs) by means of statistical surveys, business registers or from various administrative sources. Regulatory or controlling national offices for financial institutions or central banks often provide the information required for the financial sector (NACE Rev 2 Section K / NACE Rev 1.1 Section J). Member States apply various statistical methods, according to the data source, such as grossing up, model based estimation or different forms of imputation, to ensure the quality of SBSs produced. Main characteristics (variables) of the SBS data category: Business Demographic variables (e.g. Number of enterprises)"Output related" variables (e.g. Turnover, Value added)"Input related" variables: labour input (e.g. Employment, Hours worked); goods and services input (e.g. Total of purchases); capital input (e.g. Material investments) All SBS characteristics are published on Eurostat’s website by tables and an example of the existent tables is presented below: Annual enterprise statistics: Characteristics collected are published by country and detailed on NACE Rev 2 and NACE Rev 1.1 class level (4-digits). Some classes or groups in 'services' section have been aggregated.Annual enterprise statistics broken down by size classes: Characteristics are published by country and detailed down to NACE Rev 2 and NACE Rev 1.1 group level (3-digits) and employment size class. For trade (NACE Rev 2 and NACE Rev 1.1 Section G) a supplementary breakdown by turnover size class is available.Annual regional statistics: Four characteristics are published by NUTS-2 country region and detailed on NACE Rev 2 and NACE Rev 1.1 division level (2-digits) (but to group level (3-digits) for the trade section). More information on the contents of different tables: the detail level and breakdowns required starting with the reference year 2008 is defined in Commission Regulation N° 251/2009. For previous reference years it is included in Commission Regulations (EC) N° 2701/98 and amended by Commission Regulation N°1614/2002 and Commission Regulation N°1669/2003. Several important derived indicators are generated in the form of ratios of certain monetary characteristics or per head values. A list with the available derived indicators is available below in the Annex.
    • Juni 2022
      Quelle: U.S. Patent and Trademark Office
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 07 Juni, 2022
      Datensatz auswählen
      Independent Inventor Utility Patents by Country, State and Year An independent inventor patent is a patent that has ownership that is unassigned or assigned to an individual at the time of grant i.e. ownership of the patent is not assigned to an organization. some U.S. origin patents are assigned to foreign individuals while some foreign origin patents are assigned to U.S. individuals. Therefore, the sum of counts of U.S. origin independent inventor patents usually will not equal the sum of counts of patents owned by "U.S. individuals" and the sum of counts of "foreign origin" independent inventor patents usually will not equal the sum of counts of patents owned by foreign individuals.
    • März 2011
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 11 Juni, 2014
      Datensatz auswählen
      Eurostat Dataset Id:lc_r04stu Labour cost statistics constitute a hierarchical system of multi-annual, yearly and quarterly statistics, designed to provide a comprehensive and detailed picture of the level, structure and short-term development of labour costs in the different sectors of economic activity in the European Union and certain other countries. All statistics are based on a harmonised definition of labour costs. Structural information on labour costs is collected through four-yearly Labour Cost Surveys (LCSs), which provides details on level and structure of labour cost data, hours worked and hours paid. LCS results are available for the reference years 2000, 2004 and 2008. All EU Member States together with Norway, Iceland and Croatia (2004, 2008), Turkey and Macedonia (2008) participated in the LCS. As far as available data and confidentiality rules permit, all variables and proportions are further broken down by enterprise size category, economic activity and region (larger countries only). The data are collected by the National Statistical Institutes in most cases on the basis of stratified random samples of enterprises or local units, restricted in most countries to units with at least 10 employees. The stratification is based on economic activity, size category and region (where appropriate). Regional metadata is identical to the metadata provided for national data. Some countries also complement the survey results with administrative data. Monetary variables are expressed in EUR, national currencies (if different) and Purchasing Power Standards (PPS). Labour costs are quoted in total and per year, per month and per hour, as well as per capita and per full-time equivalents (FTE). Information on staff, hours worked and hours paid is quoted in aggregate and separately for full- and part-time employees. Labour cost statistics constitute a hierarchical system of multi-annual, yearly and quarterly statistics, designed to provide a comprehensive and detailed picture of the level, structure and short-term development of labour costs in the different sectors of economic activity in the European Union and certain other countries. All statistics are based on a harmonised definition of labour costs.
    • September 2011
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 10 Juni, 2014
      Datensatz auswählen
      Eurostat Dataset Id:lc_r08stu_r2 Labour cost statistics constitute a hierarchical system of multi-annual, yearly and quarterly statistics, designed to provide a comprehensive and detailed picture of the level, structure and short-term development of labour costs in the different sectors of economic activity in the European Union and certain other countries. All statistics are based on a harmonised definition of labour costs. Structural information on labour costs is collected through four-yearly Labour Cost Surveys (LCSs), which provides details on level and structure of labour cost data, hours worked and hours paid. LCS results are available for the reference years 2000, 2004 and 2008. All EU Member States together with Norway, Iceland and Croatia (2004, 2008), Turkey and Macedonia (2008) participated in the LCS. As far as available data and confidentiality rules permit, all variables and proportions are further broken down by enterprise size category, economic activity and region (larger countries only). The data are collected by the National Statistical Institutes in most cases on the basis of stratified random samples of enterprises or local units, restricted in most countries to units with at least 10 employees. The stratification is based on economic activity, size category and region (where appropriate). Regional metadata is identical to the metadata provided for national data. Some countries also complement the survey results with administrative data. Monetary variables are expressed in EUR, national currencies (if different) and Purchasing Power Standards (PPS). Labour costs are quoted in total and per year, per month and per hour, as well as per capita and per full-time equivalents (FTE). Information on staff, hours worked and hours paid is quoted in aggregate and separately for full- and part-time employees. Labour cost statistics constitute a hierarchical system of multi-annual, yearly and quarterly statistics, designed to provide a comprehensive and detailed picture of the level, structure and short-term development of labour costs in the different sectors of economic activity in the European Union and certain other countries. All statistics are based on a harmonised definition of labour costs.
    • Dezember 2022
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 02 Dezember, 2022
      Datensatz auswählen
      Labour cost statistics provide a comprehensive and detailed picture of the level, structure and short-term development of labour costs in the different sectors of economic activity in the European Union and certain other countries. All statistics are based on a harmonised definition of labour costs. Structural information on labour costs is collected through four-yearly Labour Cost Surveys (LCS), which provides details on the level and structure of labour cost data, hours worked and hours paid. LCS results are available for the reference years 2000, 2004, 2008 and 2012. All EU Member States together with Norway and Iceland (2004 onwards), Turkey and Macedonia (2008), as well as Serbia (2012) participated in the LCS. As far as available data and confidentiality rules permit, all variables and proportions are further broken down by enterprise size category, economic activity and region (for larger countries only). The data are collected by the National Statistical Institutes in most cases on the basis of stratified random samples of enterprises or local units, restricted in most countries to units with at least 10 employees. The stratification is based on economic activity, size category and region (where appropriate). Regional metadata is identical to the metadata provided for national data. Some countries also complement the survey results with administrative data. Monetary variables are expressed in EUR, national currencies (for non-euro-area countries) and Purchasing Power Standards (PPS). Labour costs are quoted in total per year, per month and per hour, as well as per capita and per full-time equivalents (FTE). Information on staff, hours worked and hours paid is quoted in aggregate and separately for full- and part-time employees.
    • Januar 2024
      Quelle: State Statistical Office, Republic of North Macedonia
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 12 Januar, 2024
      Datensatz auswählen
      Methodological explanationsSymbols usedSource: State Statistical Office
    • April 2018
      Quelle: State Statistical Office, Republic of North Macedonia
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 02 März, 2019
      Datensatz auswählen
      Methodological explanationsSymbols used Source: State Statistical Office
  • O
    • November 2023
      Quelle: Ocean Health Index
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 17 Juli, 2024
      Datensatz auswählen
      Ocean Health Index
    • August 2023
      Quelle: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 18 August, 2023
      Datensatz auswählen
      This OECD inventory maps existing cross-country surveys that provide information on the characteristics of people's jobs. The information included in this inventory covers international surveys conducted since the early 1990s that are based on individuals' self-reported assessment of their current job, for 160 countries over 25 years. Survey questions are grouped into 19 indicators. For each indicator, binary codes (1 and 0) show whether indicators are available or not for the various countries and years. The inventory also provides users with detailed documentation on the questions used in the various surveys for measuring these indicators.
    • Februar 2018
      Quelle: Wikipedia
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 28 Februar, 2018
      Datensatz auswählen
      Data cited at: Wikipedia Topic: Olympic medal table Publication URL: License :
    • Februar 2018
      Quelle: Wikipedia
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 01 März, 2018
      Datensatz auswählen
      Data cited at: Wikipedia Topic: All-time Olympic Games medal table Publication URL: License :
    • Januar 2022
      Quelle: Wikipedia
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 06 September, 2022
      Datensatz auswählen
      Data cited at: Wikipedia Topic: All-time Olympic Games medal table Publication URL: License :
    • Juli 2024
      Quelle: Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 24 Juli, 2024
      Datensatz auswählen
    • Januar 2017
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 18 Januar, 2017
      Datensatz auswählen
      The domain EUROFARM (ef) contains information (statistical tables) on structure of agricultural holdings collected through agricultural structure surveys. The data of the domain have been organised into two collections: Results of the farm structure surveys contains data from 1990 onwards based on the 1988 legislation andResults of the farm structure surveys based on the legislation from 2008. This collection contains the data from the 2010 Census onwards as well as the data for the surveys 2007 and 2005. Farm Structure Survey data are used to collect information on agricultural holdings in the Member States at different geographic levels (Member States, regions, districts) and over periods (follow up the changes in agricultural sector), thus provide a base for decision making in the Common Agricultural Policy. Two kinds of Farm Structure Survey (FSS) are carried out by Member States: a basic survey (full scope Agricultural Census - AC) every 10 years,several sample based intermediate surveys between them. However for certain characteristics the Member States may use sample base for every survey. The calendar for the surveys to be held in all Member States is agreed by the Agricultural Statistics Committee of the European Commission. For a given survey year, Member States have to conduct their surveys within the agreed time-frame, thus all the data are as comparable as possible. The FSS are organised in all Member States on a harmonised base. Whereas the characteristics are based on community legislation, the same data are available for all countries in case of each survey. The data on individual agricultural holdings are collected by all Member States and sent to Eurostat. The aggregated results are disseminated through statistical tables. The variables are arranged into groups: general overview with key variables,and other specialized groups containing detailed data onland uselivestockfarm labour forcerural development issues as well as management and practices. The 2010 survey additionally provides the results of the survey on agricultural production methods (SAPM). The scope of the survey is agriculture, while the survey unit is the agricultural holding (farm). Data for basic surveys are available in a three-level geographical breakdown of the whole country, the regions and the district; while data for intermediate surveys are only available upon the two-levels of country and regions. Since FSS 1999/2000 information about local farm location is collected in most countries, so that the data can also be disseminated by NUTS and are robust regarding the changes in the NUTS definition. The FSS 2009/2010 information is inline with the NUTS 2010 classification: Regulation (EU) No 31/2011 amending the NUTS classification from January 2003. The Eurofarm domain does not cover the whole territory only the land covered by the agricultural holdings. So the land use data without link with other farm characteristics should be downloaded by the user from the relevant domain. Specific national data about crops, animals or agricultural labour force can be found in other domains, without link between the other information at farm level. For a comprehensive description of the domain, please consult detailed structure (See annex at the bottom of the page). Regional Data Data for basic surveys are available in a three-level geographical breakdown of the whole country, the regions and the district; while data for intermediate surveys are only available upon the two-levels of country and regions. Since FSS 1999/2000 information about local farm location is collected in most countries, so that the data can also be disseminated by NUTS classification and are robust regarding the changes in the NUTS definition. The FSS 2009/2010 information is inline with the NUTS 2010 classification: Regulation (EU) No 31/2001 amending the NUTS classification from January 2012. Please note that for paragraphs where no metadata for regional data has been specified, the regional metadata is identical to the metadata provided for the national data.
    • April 2009
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 24 November, 2015
      Datensatz auswählen
      The domain EUROFARM (ef) contains information (statistical tables) on structure of agricultural holdings collected through agricultural structure surveys. The data of the domain have been organised into two collections:Results of the farm structure surveys contains data from 1990 onwards based on the 1988 legislation andResults of the farm structure surveys based on the legislation from 2008. This collection contains the data from the 2010 Census onwards as well as the data for the surveys 2007 and 2005. Farm Structure Survey data are used to collect information on agricultural holdings in the Member States at different geographic levels (Member States, regions, districts) and over periods (follow up the changes in agricultural sector), thus provide a base for decision making in the Common Agricultural Policy. Two kinds of Farm Structure Survey (FSS) are carried out by Member States:a basic survey (full scope Agricultural Census - AC) every 10 years,several sample based intermediate surveys between them. However for certain characteristics the Member States may use sample base for every survey. The calendar for the surveys to be held in all Member States is agreed by the Agricultural Statistics Committee of the European Commission. For a given survey year, Member States have to conduct their surveys within the agreed time-frame, thus all the data are as comparable as possible. The FSS are organised in all Member States on a harmonised base. Whereas the characteristics are based on community legislation, the same data are available for all countries in case of each survey. The data on individual agricultural holdings are collected by all Member States and sent to Eurostat. The aggregated results are disseminated through statistical tables. The variables are arranged into groups:general overview with key variables,and other specialized groups containing detailed data onland uselivestockfarm labour forcerural development issues as well as management and practices. The 2010 survey additionally provides the results of the survey on agricultural production methods (SAPM). The scope of the survey is agriculture, while the survey unit is the agricultural holding (farm). Data for basic surveys are available in a three-level geographical breakdown of the whole country, the regions and the district; while data for intermediate surveys are only available upon the two-levels of country and regions. Since FSS 1999/2000 information about local farm location is collected in most countries, so that the data can also be disseminated by NUTS and are robust regarding the changes in the NUTS definition. The FSS 2009/2010 information is inline with the NUTS 2010 classification: Regulation (EU) No 31/2011 amending the NUTS classification from January 2003. The Eurofarm domain does not cover the whole territory only the land covered by the agricultural holdings. So the land use data without link with other farm characteristics should be downloaded by the user from the relevant domain. Specific national data about crops, animals or agricultural labour force can be found in other domains, without link between the other information at farm level. For a comprehensive description of the domain, please consult detailed structure (See annex at the bottom of the page). Regional Data Data for basic surveys are available in a three-level geographical breakdown of the whole country, the regions and the district; while data for intermediate surveys are only available upon the two-levels of country and regions. Since FSS 1999/2000 information about local farm location is collected in most countries, so that the data can also be disseminated by NUTS classification and are robust regarding the changes in the NUTS definition. The FSS 2009/2010 information is inline with the NUTS 2010 classification: Regulation (EU) No 31/2001 amending the NUTS classification from January 2012. Please note that for paragraphs where no metadata for regional data has been specified, the regional metadata is identical to the metadata provided for the national data.
    • Juni 2018
      Quelle: Statistics Finland
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 29 November, 2018
      Datensatz auswählen
      Data cited at: Statistics Finland Publication: 032 -- Origin and background country by sex, by region and municipality in 1990 to 2017 License: Concepts and definitions Description Quality description These statistics apply the regional division of 1 January 2018 to the whole time series. Population statistics from 1750 to 2000 have been digitised into PDF format in the National Library's Doria service. Publications on Population structure and vital statistics in Doria (in Finnish) Publications on Population censuses in Doria (in Finnish) Area For reasons of privacy protection, cells with less than 10 cases of citizenship, country of birth, background country or language by municipality have been marked with two dots. Continent sums have not been hidden in municipality data nor have regional data concerning individual languages or countries. Background country Background country data are explained in the Concepts webpage, see link
    • November 2023
      Quelle: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 09 November, 2023
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      This table contains figures on the activity affiliates located abroad by industry according to the International Standard Industrial Classification (ISIC Revision 4). The units used to present data in AMNE are millions of national currency for monetary variables and units for the other variables. Monetary variables are in current prices. Euro-area countries: national currency data is expressed in euro beginning with the year of entry into the Economic and Monetary Union (EMU). For years prior to the year of entry into EMU, data have been converted from the former national currency using the appropriate irrevocable conversion rate. This presentation facilitates comparisons within a country over time and ensures that the historical evolution is preserved. Please note, however, that pre-EMU euro are a notional unit and should not be used to form area aggregates or to carry out cross-country comparisons.
    • Juli 2023
      Quelle: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 25 Juli, 2023
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    • Januar 2024
      Quelle: National Institute of Statistics, Italy
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 04 Januar, 2024
      Datensatz auswählen
      Data source(s) used: Trips and holidays survey: The survey, in accordance with the European Regulation 692/2011 (repealing from 1 January 2012 the European Directive 95/57/EC), satisfies the national needs by collecting regularly data on 'tourism demand' and ensuring, together with supply data, the availability of an integrated system of statistical information in the field of tourism at national level. Moreover, complying with the Regulation, the survey guaranties a set of harmonized statistical information across all member states of the European Union. The aim is to quantify and analyze the flows of tourists resident in Italy, both within the country and abroad, as well as to give information on the characteristics of the trips and on the socio-demographic characteristics of tourists and non-tourists. The reference periods are the all months of the year. In each period, for each household member, information about trips ended in the referring month is collected. Tourism flows are distinguished into trips for personal reasons and business trips, the first ones differentiated between short holiday (1-3 overnight stays) and long holiday trips (4 or more overnight stays). The survey provides a wide set of information on tourist trips, such as destination of the trip, main purpose, type of organization of travel, main type of accommodation and main mean of transport, duration and period of the year for each trips made, etc. From 1997 to 2013, Istat carried out the quarterly survey with CATI tecnique (Computer Assisted Telephone Interview) on a sample of about 14,000 households per year (approximately 3,500 per quarter and 32,000 individuals per year). Since 2014 the survey has been included into another process, Household budget survey, becoming a focus into the initial and ending interview. It is conducted monthly with CAPI technique (Computer Assisted Personal Interview), over a theory sample of 28.000 households (7.000 households per quarter). Comparability of the series of the main data has been guaranteed over time at national level. In fact, the principal macrodata have been re-built by applaying a tecnique of time series re-building.
    • Mai 2020
      Quelle: International Labour Organization
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 08 Mai, 2020
      Datensatz auswählen
      Imputed observations are not based on national data, are subject to high uncertainty and should not be used for country comparisons or rankings. The series is part of the ILO estimates and is harmonized to account for differences in national data and scope of coverage, collection and tabulation methodologies as well as for other country-specific factors. For more information, refer to the ILO estimates and projections methodological note.
  • P
    • Juli 2020
      Quelle: National Institute of Statistics, Italy
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 20 Juli, 2020
      Datensatz auswählen
      Data source(s) used: Participation rates in education and training are indicators adopted by the Lisbon Strategy, and subsequently reasserted in "Europe 2020", in order to define strategic objectives that are essential for creating sustainable economic growth, developing the labour market and increasing social cohesion.The source of "Participation rate in early childhood education" indicator is Eurostat ."Participation rates in education and training" are processing of data from Oecd for the cross-country indicator. For Italian regional figures the data source is Istat elaboration for UOE (Unesco, Oecd, Eurostat). The sources of "Participation rate in lifelong learning" and "Population aged 15 to 29 NEET (Not in education, employment or training)" indicators are: Eurostat, Labour force survey, for the cross-country indicators and Istat, Labour force survey, for the Italian regional indicators.
    • September 2023
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 15 September, 2023
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      The aim of this section is to provide comparable statistics and indicators on education in the 27 Member States of the European Union, at the regional level NUTS 2. In order to facilitate comparison between countries, data from each Member State are allocated to the various education levels of the International Standard Classification of Education (ISCED), UNESCO 1997.
    • Oktober 2018
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 03 November, 2018
      Datensatz auswählen
      The aim of this section is to provide comparable statistics and indicators on education in the 27 Member States of the European Union, at the regional level NUTS 2. In order to facilitate comparison between countries, data from each Member State are allocated to the various education levels of the International Standard Classification of Education (ISCED), UNESCO 1997.
    • Juli 2022
      Quelle: Passport Index
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 21 Juli, 2022
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      Passport Index is an interactive tool, which collects, displays and ranks the passports of the world. You can discover the world’s passports on a map, by country name, by Passport Power Rank and even by the color of their cover. Visa Free Score Passports accumulate points for each visa free country that their holders can visit without a visa, or they can obtain a visa on arrival. Passport Power Rank Passports are ranked based on their Visa Free Score. The higher the Visa Free Score, the better the Passport Power Rank. Methodology The country list is based on the 193 UN member countries and 6 territories (Macao, Kosovo, etc.) for a total of 199. Territories annexed to other countries such as Norfolk Island, French Polynesia, etc. are excluded. Data is based on research from publicly available sources, as well as information shared by government agencies.
    • April 2016
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 10 Mai, 2016
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    • Februar 2021
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 09 Februar, 2021
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      Data refer to applications filed directly under the European Patent Convention or to applications filed under the Patent Co-operation Treaty and designated to the EPO (Euro-PCT). Patent applications are counted according to the year in which they were filed at the EPO and are broken down according to the International Patent Classification (IPC). They are also broken down according to the inventor's place of residence, using fractional counting if multiple inventors or IPC classes are provided to avoid double counting.
    • Juli 2024
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 29 Juli, 2024
      Datensatz auswählen
      Persons who are at risk of poverty or severely materially deprived or living in households with very low work intensity. Persons are only counted once even if they are present in several sub-indicators. At risk-of-poverty are persons with an equivalised disposable income below the risk-of-poverty threshold, which is set at 60 % of the national median equivalised disposable income (after social transfers). Material deprivation covers indicators relating to economic strain and durables. Severely materially deprived persons have living conditions severely constrained by a lack of resources, they experience at least 4 out of 9 following deprivations items: cannot afford i) to pay rent or utility bills, ii) keep home adequately warm, iii) face unexpected expenses, iv) eat meat, fish or a protein equivalent every second day, v) a week holiday away from home, vi) a car, vii) a washing machine, viii) a colour TV, or ix) a telephone. People living in households with very low work intensity are those aged 0-59 living in households where the adults (aged 18-59) work less than 20% of their total work potential during the past year.
    • Juni 2024
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 04 Juni, 2024
      Datensatz auswählen
      The domain "Income and living conditions" covers four topics: people at risk of poverty or social exclusion, income distribution and monetary poverty, living conditions and material deprivation, which are again structured into collections of indicators on specific topics. The collection "People at risk of poverty or social exclusion" houses main indicator on risk of poverty or social inclusion included in the Europe 2020 strategy as well as the intersections between sub-populations of all Europe 2020 indicators on poverty and social exclusion. The collection "Income distribution and monetary poverty" houses collections of indicators relating to poverty risk, poverty risk of working individuals as well as the distribution of income. The collection "Living conditions" hosts indicators relating to characteristics and living conditions of households, characteristics of the population according to different breakdowns, health and labour conditions, housing conditions as well as childcare related indicators. The collection "Material deprivation" covers indicators relating to economic strain, durables, housing deprivation and environment of the dwelling.
    • November 2023
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 28 November, 2023
      Datensatz auswählen
      People living in households with very low work intensity are people aged 0-59 living in households where the adults work less than 20% of their total work potential during the past year.
    • Oktober 2024
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 05 Oktober, 2024
      Datensatz auswählen
      The domain "Income and living conditions" covers four topics: people at risk of poverty or social exclusion, income distribution and monetary poverty, living conditions and material deprivation, which are again structured into collections of indicators on specific topics. The collection "People at risk of poverty or social exclusion" houses main indicator on risk of poverty or social inclusion included in the Europe 2020 strategy as well as the intersections between sub-populations of all Europe 2020 indicators on poverty and social exclusion. The collection "Income distribution and monetary poverty" houses collections of indicators relating to poverty risk, poverty risk of working individuals as well as the distribution of income. The collection "Living conditions" hosts indicators relating to characteristics and living conditions of households, characteristics of the population according to different breakdowns, health and labour conditions, housing conditions as well as childcare related indicators. The collection "Material deprivation" covers indicators relating to economic strain, durables, housing deprivation and environment of the dwelling.
    • Juli 2023
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 10 Juli, 2023
      Datensatz auswählen
      The internet connection used is a broadband connection (ADSL, SHDSL, cable, UMTS, etc).
    • Oktober 2023
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 20 Oktober, 2023
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      Data on causes of death (COD) provide information on mortality patterns and form a major element of public health information. COD data refer to the underlying cause which - according to the World Health Organisation (WHO) - is "the disease or injury which initiated the train of morbid events leading directly to death, or the circumstances of the accident or violence which produced the fatal injury". Causes of death are classified by the 86 causes of the "European shortlist" of causes of death. This shortlist is based on the International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems (ICD). COD data are derived from death certificates. The medical certification of death is an obligation in all Member States. Countries code the information provided in the medical certificate of cause of death into ICD codes according to the rules specified in the ICD. Data are broken down by sex, 5-year age groups, cause of death and by residency and country of occurrence. For stillbirths and neonatal deaths additional breakdows might include age of mother. Data are available for EU-28, Iceland, Norway, Liechtenstein, Switzerland, Serbia and Turkey. Regional data (NUTS level 2) are available for most of the countries. Annual national data are provided in absolute number, crude death rates and standardised death rates. At regional level (NUTS level 2) the same is provided in form of 3 years averages. Annual crude death rates are also available at NUTS level 2.
    • März 2009
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 29 März, 2023
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      The domain EUROFARM (ef) contains information (statistical tables) on structure of agricultural holdings collected through agricultural structure surveys. The data of the domain have been organised into two collections: Results of the farm structure surveys contains data from 1990 onwards based on the 1988 legislation andResults of the farm structure surveys based on the legislation from 2008. This collection contains the data from the 2010 Census onwards as well as the data for the surveys 2007 and 2005. Farm Structure Survey data are used to collect information on agricultural holdings in the Member States at different geographic levels (Member States, regions, districts) and over periods (follow up the changes in agricultural sector), thus provide a base for decision making in the Common Agricultural Policy. Two kinds of Farm Structure Survey (FSS) are carried out by Member States: a basic survey (full scope Agricultural Census - AC) every 10 years,several sample based intermediate surveys between them. However for certain characteristics the Member States may use sample base for every survey. The calendar for the surveys to be held in all Member States is agreed by the Agricultural Statistics Committee of the European Commission. For a given survey year, Member States have to conduct their surveys within the agreed time-frame, thus all the data are as comparable as possible. The FSS are organised in all Member States on a harmonised base. Whereas the characteristics are based on community legislation, the same data are available for all countries in case of each survey. The data on individual agricultural holdings are collected by all Member States and sent to Eurostat. The aggregated results are disseminated through statistical tables. The variables are arranged into groups: general overview with key variables,and other specialized groups containing detailed data onland uselivestockfarm labour forcerural development issues as well as management and practices. The 2010 survey additionally provides the results of the survey on agricultural production methods (SAPM). The scope of the survey is agriculture, while the survey unit is the agricultural holding (farm). Data for basic surveys are available in a three-level geographical breakdown of the whole country, the regions and the district; while data for intermediate surveys are only available upon the two-levels of country and regions. Since FSS 1999/2000 information about local farm location is collected in most countries, so that the data can also be disseminated by NUTS and are robust regarding the changes in the NUTS definition. The FSS 2009/2010 information is inline with the NUTS 2010 classification: Regulation (EU) No 31/2011 amending the NUTS classification from January 2003. The Eurofarm domain does not cover the whole territory only the land covered by the agricultural holdings. So the land use data without link with other farm characteristics should be downloaded by the user from the relevant domain. Specific national data about crops, animals or agricultural labour force can be found in other domains, without link between the other information at farm level. For a comprehensive description of the domain, please consult detailed structure (See annex at the bottom of the page). Regional Data Data for basic surveys are available in a three-level geographical breakdown of the whole country, the regions and the district; while data for intermediate surveys are only available upon the two-levels of country and regions. Since FSS 1999/2000 information about local farm location is collected in most countries, so that the data can also be disseminated by NUTS classification and are robust regarding the changes in the NUTS definition. The FSS 2009/2010 information is inline with the NUTS 2010 classification: Regulation (EU) No 31/2001 amending the NUTS classification from January 2012. Please note that for paragraphs where no metadata for regional data has been specified, the regional metadata is identical to the metadata provided for the national data.
    • Januar 2017
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 18 Januar, 2017
      Datensatz auswählen
      The domain EUROFARM (ef) contains information (statistical tables) on structure of agricultural holdings collected through agricultural structure surveys. The data of the domain have been organised into two collections:Results of the farm structure surveys contains data from 1990 onwards based on the 1988 legislation andResults of the farm structure surveys based on the legislation from 2008. This collection contains the data from the 2010 Census onwards as well as the data for the surveys 2007 and 2005. Farm Structure Survey data are used to collect information on agricultural holdings in the Member States at different geographic levels (Member States, regions, districts) and over periods (follow up the changes in agricultural sector), thus provide a base for decision making in the Common Agricultural Policy. Two kinds of Farm Structure Survey (FSS) are carried out by Member States:a basic survey (full scope Agricultural Census - AC) every 10 years,several sample based intermediate surveys between them. However for certain characteristics the Member States may use sample base for every survey. The calendar for the surveys to be held in all Member States is agreed by the Agricultural Statistics Committee of the European Commission. For a given survey year, Member States have to conduct their surveys within the agreed time-frame, thus all the data are as comparable as possible. The FSS are organised in all Member States on a harmonised base. Whereas the characteristics are based on community legislation, the same data are available for all countries in case of each survey. The data on individual agricultural holdings are collected by all Member States and sent to Eurostat. The aggregated results are disseminated through statistical tables. The variables are arranged into groups:general overview with key variables,and other specialized groups containing detailed data onland uselivestockfarm labour forcerural development issues as well as management and practices. The 2010 survey additionally provides the results of the survey on agricultural production methods (SAPM). The scope of the survey is agriculture, while the survey unit is the agricultural holding (farm). Data for basic surveys are available in a three-level geographical breakdown of the whole country, the regions and the district; while data for intermediate surveys are only available upon the two-levels of country and regions. Since FSS 1999/2000 information about local farm location is collected in most countries, so that the data can also be disseminated by NUTS and are robust regarding the changes in the NUTS definition. The FSS 2009/2010 information is inline with the NUTS 2010 classification: Regulation (EU) No 31/2011 amending the NUTS classification from January 2003. The Eurofarm domain does not cover the whole territory only the land covered by the agricultural holdings. So the land use data without link with other farm characteristics should be downloaded by the user from the relevant domain. Specific national data about crops, animals or agricultural labour force can be found in other domains, without link between the other information at farm level. For a comprehensive description of the domain, please consult detailed structure (See annex at the bottom of the page). Regional Data Data for basic surveys are available in a three-level geographical breakdown of the whole country, the regions and the district; while data for intermediate surveys are only available upon the two-levels of country and regions. Since FSS 1999/2000 information about local farm location is collected in most countries, so that the data can also be disseminated by NUTS classification and are robust regarding the changes in the NUTS definition. The FSS 2009/2010 information is inline with the NUTS 2010 classification: Regulation (EU) No 31/2001 amending the NUTS classification from January 2012. Please note that for paragraphs where no metadata for regional data has been specified, the regional metadata is identical to the metadata provided for the national data.
    • März 2009
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 14 April, 2014
      Datensatz auswählen
      Eurostat Dataset Id:cens_01rdbuild Census round 2011 The tables presented cover the total dwellings for 33 countries.The "traditional" census, with enumeration based on questionnaires through door-to-door visits - with interviews of respondents by enumerators or self-compilation of the forms by the respondents - and manual data entry by operators;The "Register based" census which enumerate population on the basis of administrative sources of information. Data collection is based on the use of registers (inhabitants' registers, registers of buildings and dwellings, geographical co-ordinates, school registers, social security, tax, business and company registers). In addition, countries that produce their population statistics from population-register information automatically seem to follow the de jure population concept. Indeed, it must at least be assumed that population registers include only residents who habitually live in the country;The "mixed" census, the third possible census method based on a combination of statistical inquiries and sources. In this case enumeration is always carried out on specific topics or on a sample of the population, and is combined with existing regular statistical surveys, registers, lists, or ad hoc organised activities. (See R 763/2008 Article 4) Census round 2001 The tables presented cover the total dwellings for 31 countries. In the census round 2001 four ways of collecting census data were used, namely: - the traditional method of using census questionnaires (exhaustive census); - the method of using registers and/or other administrative sources; - a combination of registers and/or other administrative sources and - surveys (complete enumerations or sample surveys). Census round 1991 The tables presented in the census 1990/1991 round cover the total dwellings for 19 countries. Five main topics are covered: structure of population, active population, education level, households and dwellings. The level of completeness of the tables depends largely on the availability of data at the respective national statistical institutes.
    • Oktober 2020
      Quelle: National Institute of Statistics, Italy
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 14 Oktober, 2020
      Datensatz auswählen
      Data source(s) used: Persons convicted for crime with irrevocable judgement: Survey on convicted persons for felony and misdemeanor with irrevocable judgement, type of crimes and misdemeanors committed, main features of the convicted persons and of the sentence. Other data characteristics: The number of persons convicted by type of crime is calculated on the most serious crime committed. The number of convicted persons by final judgement and the number of crimes is available with reference to two types of classifications. An analytical classification including about 470 items of crime, and a synthetic one, where the individual items are hierarchically grouped in 130 items broadly reflecting the Titles, Books and Sections of the Italian Penal Code. The complementary legislation is organized grouping the type of crimes by subject. The analytical classification of the types of crimes committed is given only in Italian language, as many crimes present in the Italian legislation do not have an exact match in the laws of other Countries. The literal translation of this classification is not available because the meaning of the legal terms translated into English could lead to misleading interpretations. An international classification is not available yet. "Number of concurrent crimes" means the total number of crimes committed by the convicted person. "1" means that the offender committed only one kind of crime. "2", "3", "4 and over" mean that, in addition to the most serious crime evident in the table, the offender committed other crimes.
    • Mai 2020
      Quelle: International Labour Organization
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 07 Mai, 2020
      Datensatz auswählen
      Imputed observations are not based on national data, are subject to high uncertainty and should not be used for country comparisons or rankings. Persons outside the labour force comprise all persons of working age who, during the specified reference period, were not in the labour force (that is, were not employed or unemployed). The working-age population is commonly defined as persons aged 15 years and older, but this varies from country to country. The series is part of the ILO estimates and is harmonized to account for differences in national data and scope of coverage, collection and tabulation methodologies as well as for other country-specific factors. For more information, refer to the ILO estimates and projections methodological note.
    • März 2014
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 08 Mai, 2014
      Datensatz auswählen
      Eurostat Dataset Id:demo_r_mpyliv The regional demographic statistics provides annual data on population, vital events (live births and deaths), total and land areas of the regions and key demographic indicators for regions and statistical regions at NUTS2 and NUTS3 levels for 35 countries: each EU-27 Member State, Acceding, Candidate and EFTA countries. The completeness of the tables depends on the availability of data received from the responsible national statistical institutes (NSIs).  The label of each table indicates the lowest NUTS level for which data are available; for the upper NUTS levels data are included as well. Starting with March 2013, demographic statistics at regional level reflect the new NUTS-2010 classification for EU-27 Member States and the new statistical regions for Croatia. Countries affected by the NUTS-2010 changes are expected to transmit to Eurostat the time series for the new regional breakdown. As a general approach, the regions with no data available are not listed in the tables. For a calendar year T, the deadline of the regional demographic data collection is 15 December, and data included have a different degree of detail for regions at NUTS2 and NUTS3 levels: NUTS2 level - high level of data detail: Population by sex and single year of age at 1st January: years T and T-1Live births by single year of age and year of birth of the mother: year T-1 Deaths by sex and single years of age and year of birth: year T-1  NUTS3 level - low level of data detail: Surface area in km2 at 1st January (total area including inland waters and land area): year TPopulation by sex and broad age groups at 1st January, namely for 0-14 (0 up to 14 years), 15-64 (15 up to 64 years) and 65+ (persons of 65 years and older): years T and T-1 Live births and deaths (total number of demographic events): year T-1  Tables are updated mainly during March of the next year (T+1), but also along the year whenever revised data are sent by the official data providers. Demographic indicators at regional level are computed by Eurostat using a harmonised methodology and common concepts for all regions of all countries, namely: average population on 1st January (in thousands), population density;demographic balance and crude rates (population change, natural change, net migration including statistical adjustments, crude birth rate, crude death rate, crude rate of population change, crude rate of natural change, crude rate of net migration (including statistical adjustments));age-specific-fertility rates and Total Fertility Rates;life tables that include age-specific-mortality-rates and life expectancy at given exact age;infant mortality and crude rate of infant mortality. At national level a larger number of demographic indicators are computed, as more detailed demographic data are collected only at this level.Â
    • Dezember 2022
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 21 Dezember, 2022
      Datensatz auswählen
      Data on physicians should refer to those "immediately serving patients", i.e. physicians who have direct contact with patients as consumers of health care services. In the context of comparing health care services across Member States, Eurostat considers that this is the concept which best describes the availability of health care resources. However, Member States use different concepts when they report the number of health care professionals. Therefore, for some countries, the data might include physicians who work in their profession but do not see patients (i.e. they work in research, administration etc.) or refer to physicians "licensed to practice" (i.e. successfully graduated physicians irrespective whether they see patients or not). Please have a look in the annexes of the metadata to see for which concept these data refer to for each country.
    • Februar 2020
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 25 Februar, 2020
      Datensatz auswählen
      The structure of agricultural holdings (collected through farm structure surveys - FSS) is presented at different geographical levels and over periods. The information follows up the changes in the agricultural sector and provides a basis for decision-making in the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) and other European Union policies. The survey unit is the agricultural holding (farm). The data on individual agricultural holdings are collected by all Member States, Iceland, Norway and Switzerland and sent to Eurostat.  The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia have also provided data for some years. The aggregated results are disseminated through statistical tables. The FSS surveys are organised in all countries in a harmonised way. For a given survey year, countries have to conduct their surveys within the agreed time-frame. Whereas the characteristics are based on Community legislation, the same data are available for all countries in case of each survey. Thus all the data are as comparable as possible.
    • Dezember 2009
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 22 April, 2014
      Datensatz auswählen
      Eurostat Dataset Id:migr_r_2pl The data comprises series of internal (in the country) regional migration on NUTS2 level during the reference year. Data on arrivals and departures due to internal migration are disaggregated by NUTS2 region of arrival/departure, sex and single year age. Data on migration by region of origin and destination (excluding intra-regional migration) are presented separately for each country for which such data are available. The tables are in the form of matrix (NUTS2 region of origin and destination) excluding intra-refional migration, disaggregated by sex. The data source is administrative records or national surveys. The completeness of the tables depends largely on the availability of data from the relevant national statistical institutes.
    • März 2025
      Quelle: Political Terror Scale
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 01 März, 2025
      Datensatz auswählen
        Political Terror Scale Levels 1 - Coun­tries un­der a se­cure rule of law, people are not im­prisoned for their views, and tor­ture is rare or ex­cep­tion­al. Polit­ic­al murders are ex­tremely rare. 2 - There is a lim­ited amount of im­pris­on­ment for non­vi­ol­ent polit­ic­al activ­ity. However, few per­sons are af­fected, tor­ture and beat­ings are ex­cep­tion­al. Polit­ic­al murder is rare. 3 - There is ex­tens­ive polit­ic­al im­pris­on­ment, or a re­cent his­tory of such im­pris­on­ment. Ex­e­cu­tion or oth­er polit­ic­al murders and bru­tal­ity may be com­mon. Un­lim­ited de­ten­tion, with or without a tri­al, for polit­ic­al views is ac­cep­ted. 4 - Civil and polit­ic­al rights vi­ol­a­tions have ex­pan­ded to large num­bers of the pop­u­la­tion. Murders, dis­ap­pear­ances, and tor­ture are a com­mon part of life. In spite of its gen­er­al­ity, on this level ter­ror af­fects those who in­terest them­selves in polit­ics or ideas. 5 - Ter­ror has ex­pan­ded to the whole pop­u­la­tion. The lead­ers of these so­ci­et­ies place no lim­its on the means or thor­ough­ness with which they pur­sue per­son­al or ideo­lo­gic­al goals.   Note- NA_Status_A, NA_Status_H, and NA_Status_S corresponds to  PTS_A, PTS_H, and PTS_S respectively0= The value ‘0’ is assigned where the respective human rights report was available and has been coded66= The value ‘66’ is reserved for missing PTS scores due to missing reports 77=The value ‘77’ is assigned where reports no-longer exist, or do not exist yet88=The value ‘88’ is assigned for units that exist  but no report was published and thus no PTS score is assigned99= The value ‘99’ is assigned where human rights report was published but no PTS score was assigned  
    • April 2022
      Quelle: National Bureau of Statistics of the Republic of Moldova
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 28 April, 2022
      Datensatz auswählen
      Information is presented without the data on districts from the left side of the river Nistru and municipality Bender. Important! Values smaller than 1,5 have a large sampling error and must be used with care until 2015. Values smaller than 3,0 have a large sampling error and must be used with care starting with 2016. Statistical regions The difference between statistical regions and development regions is explained here
    • Juni 2024
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 14 Juni, 2024
      Datensatz auswählen
      The aim of this section is to provide comparable statistics and indicators on education in the 27 Member States of the European Union, at the regional level NUTS 2. In order to facilitate comparison between countries, data from each Member State are allocated to the various education levels of the International Standard Classification of Education (ISCED), UNESCO 1997.
    • Oktober 2015
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 17 Oktober, 2015
      Datensatz auswählen
      The aim of this section is to provide comparable statistics and indicators on education in the 27 Member States of the European Union, at the regional level NUTS 2. In order to facilitate comparison between countries, data from each Member State are allocated to the various education levels of the International Standard Classification of Education (ISCED), UNESCO 1997.
    • Oktober 2020
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 11 Oktober, 2020
      Datensatz auswählen
      The aim of this section is to provide comparable statistics and indicators on education in the 27 Member States of the European Union, at the regional level NUTS 2. In order to facilitate comparison between countries, data from each Member State are allocated to the various education levels of the International Standard Classification of Education (ISCED), UNESCO 1997.
    • März 2016
      Quelle: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 28 November, 2016
      Datensatz auswählen
      The Population and Vital Statistics dataset presents components of change in the population during one year and mid-year population data for the 34 OECD member countries. Data are presented in thousands of persons and as rates in per 1000. The components of change in the population during one year are presented as follow: the first statistics refer to the population on January 1st for each year, the natural increase of the population is the difference between the number of births and deaths over the calendar year, the addition of net migration and statistical adjustments to the natural increase gives the total increase of the population over the calendar year. The addition of the total population increase to the population on January 1st gives the population on December 31st. Note: No longer this dataset be collected by OECD. Population and demographic events are available from the United Nation database at ""    
    • Februar 2023
      Quelle: Statistics Sweden
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 23 Februar, 2023
      Datensatz auswählen
    • August 2015
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 31 Dezember, 2015
      Datensatz auswählen
      The 2011 Population and Housing Census marks a milestone in census exercises in Europe. For the first time, European legislation defined in detail a set of harmonised high-quality data from the population and housing censuses conducted in the EU Member States. As a result, the data from the 2011 round of censuses offer exceptional flexibility to cross-tabulate different variables and to provide geographically detailed data. EU Member States have developed different methods to produce these census data.  The national differences reflect the specific national situations in terms of data source availability, as well as the administrative practices and traditions of that country. The EU census legislation respects this diversity. The Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on population and housing censuses (Regulation (EC) No 763/2008) is focussed on output harmonisation rather than input harmonisation. Member States are free to assess for themselves how to conduct their 2011 censuses and which data sources, methods and technology should be applied given the national context. This gives the Member States flexibility, in line with the principles of subsidiarity and efficiency, and with the competences of the statistical institutes in the Member States. However, certain important conditions must be met in order to achieve the objective of comparability of census data from different Member States and to assess the data quality: Regulation (EC) No 1201/20092 contains definitions and technical specifications for the census topics (variables) and their breakdowns that are required to achieve Europe-wide comparability. The specifications are based closely on international recommendations and have been designed to provide the best possible information value. The census topics include geographic, demographic, economic and educational characteristics of persons, international and internal migration characteristics as well as household, family and housing characteristics. Regulation (EU) No 519/2010 requires the data outputs that Member States transmit to the Eurostat to comply with a defined programme of statistical data (tabulation) and with set rules concerning the replacement of statistical data. The content of the EU census programme serves major policy needs of the European Union. Regionally, there is a strong focus on the NUTS 2 level. The data requirements are adapted to the level of regional detail. The Regulation does not require transmission of any data that the Member States consider to be confidential. The statistical data must be completed by metadata that will facilitate interpretation of the numerical data, including country-specific definitions plus information on the data sources and on methodological issues. This is necessary in order to achieve the transparency that is a condition for valid interpretation of the data. Users of output-harmonised census data from the EU Member States need to have detailed information on the quality of the censuses and their results. Regulation (EU) No 1151/2010) therefore requires transmission of a quality report containing a systematic description of the data sources used for census purposes in the Member States and of the quality of the census results produced from these sources. A comparably structured quality report for all EU Member States will support the exchange of experience from the 2011 round and become a reference for future development of census methodology (EU legislation on the 2011 Population and Housing Censuses - Explanatory Notes ). In order to ensure proper transmission of the data and metadata and provide user-friendly access to this information, a common technical format is set for transmission for all Member States and for the Commission (Eurostat). The Regulation therefore requires the data to be transmitted in a harmonised structure and in the internationally established SDMX format from every Member State. In order to achieve this harmonised transmission, a new system has been developed – the CENSUS HUB. The Census Hub is a conceptually new system used for the dissemination of the 2011 Census. It is based on the concept of data sharing, where a group of partners (Eurostat on one hand and National Statistical Institutes on the other) agree to provide access to their data according to standard processes, formats and technologies. The Census Hub is a readily-accessible system that provided the following functions: • Data providers (the NSIs) can make data available directly from their systems through a querying system. In parallel, • Data users browse the hub to define a dataset of interest via the above structural metadata and retrieve the dataset from the NSIs. From the data management point of view, the hub is based on agreed hypercubes (data-sets in the form of multi-dimensional aggregations). The hypercubes are not sent to the central system. Instead the following process operates: 1. a user defines a dataset through the web interface of the central hub and requests it; 2. the central hub translates the user request in one or more queries and sends them to the related NSIs’ systems; 3. NSIs’ systems process the query and send the result to the central hub in a standard format; 4. the central hub puts together all the results sent by the NSI systems and presents them in a user-specified format.
    • Juni 2024
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 14 Juni, 2024
      Datensatz auswählen
      The folder 'population by educational attainment level (edat1)' presents data on the highest level of education successfully completed by the individuals of a given population. The folder 'transition from education to work (edatt)' covers data on young people neither in employment nor in education and training – NEET, early leavers from education and training and the labour status of young people by years since completion of highest level of education. The data shown are calculated as annual averages of quarterly EU Labour Force Survey data (EU-LFS). Up to the reference year 2008, the data source (EU-LFS) is, where necessary, adjusted and enriched in various ways, in accordance with the specificities of an indicator, including the following: correction of the main breaks in the LFS series,estimation of the missing values, i.e. in case of missing quarters, annual results and EU aggregates are estimated using adjusted quarterly national labour force survey data or interpolations of the EU-LFS data with reference to the available quarter(s). Details on the adjustments are available in CIRCABC. The adjustments are applied in the following online tables: Population by educational attainment level (edat1) - Population by educational attainment level, sex and age (%) - main indicators (edat_lfse_03) - Population aged 25-64 by educational attainment level, sex and NUTS 2 regions (%) (edat_lfse_04) - Population aged 30-34 by educational attainment level, sex and NUTS 2 regions (%) (edat_lfse_12) (Other tables shown in the folder 'population by educational attainment level (edat1)' are not adjusted and therefore the results in these tables might differ).Young people by educational and labour status (incl. neither in employment nor in education and training - NEET) (edatt0) – all tablesEarly leavers from education and training (edatt1) – all tablesLabour status of young people by years since completion of highest level of education (edatt2) – all tables LFS ad-hoc module data available in the folder 'transition from education to work (edatt)' are not adjusted. The folder 'transition from education to work (edatt)' also presents one table with quarterly NEET data for the age group 15-24 (lfsi_neet_q). Deviating from the NEET indicator calculation as provided in 3.4, the denominator in this table is the total population of the same age group and sex which explains differences in results. For further information, see the ESMS on "Unemployment - LFS adjusted series".
    • Dezember 2024
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 13 Dezember, 2024
      Datensatz auswählen
      The folder 'population by educational attainment level (edat1)' presents data on the highest level of education successfully completed by the individuals of a given population. The folder 'transition from education to work (edatt)' covers data on young people neither in employment nor in education and training – NEET, early leavers from education and training and the labour status of young people by years since completion of highest level of education. The data shown are calculated as annual averages of quarterly EU Labour Force Survey data (EU-LFS). Up to the reference year 2008, the data source (EU-LFS) is, where necessary, adjusted and enriched in various ways, in accordance with the specificities of an indicator, including the following: correction of the main breaks in the LFS series,estimation of the missing values, i.e. in case of missing quarters, annual results and EU aggregates are estimated using adjusted quarterly national labour force survey data or interpolations of the EU-LFS data with reference to the available quarter(s). Details on the adjustments are available in CIRCABC. The adjustments are applied in the following online tables: Population by educational attainment level (edat1) - Population by educational attainment level, sex and age (%) - main indicators (edat_lfse_03) - Population aged 25-64 by educational attainment level, sex and NUTS 2 regions (%) (edat_lfse_04) - Population aged 30-34 by educational attainment level, sex and NUTS 2 regions (%) (edat_lfse_12) (Other tables shown in the folder 'population by educational attainment level (edat1)' are not adjusted and therefore the results in these tables might differ).Young people by educational and labour status (incl. neither in employment nor in education and training - NEET) (edatt0) – all tablesEarly leavers from education and training (edatt1) – all tablesLabour status of young people by years since completion of highest level of education (edatt2) – all tables LFS ad-hoc module data available in the folder 'transition from education to work (edatt)' are not adjusted. The folder 'transition from education to work (edatt)' also presents one table with quarterly NEET data for the age group 15-24 (lfsi_neet_q). Deviating from the NEET indicator calculation as provided in 3.4, the denominator in this table is the total population of the same age group and sex which explains differences in results. For further information, see the ESMS on "Unemployment - LFS adjusted series".
    • August 2015
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 31 Dezember, 2015
      Datensatz auswählen
    • August 2015
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 31 Dezember, 2015
      Datensatz auswählen
    • August 2015
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 09 November, 2015
      Datensatz auswählen
      The 2011 Population and Housing Census marks a milestone in census exercises in Europe. For the first time, European legislation defined in detail a set of harmonised high-quality data from the population and housing censuses conducted in the EU Member States. As a result, the data from the 2011 round of censuses offer exceptional flexibility to cross-tabulate different variables and to provide geographically detailed data. EU Member States have developed different methods to produce these census data.  The national differences reflect the specific national situations in terms of data source availability, as well as the administrative practices and traditions of that country. The EU census legislation respects this diversity. The Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on population and housing censuses (Regulation (EC) No 763/2008) is focussed on output harmonisation rather than input harmonisation. Member States are free to assess for themselves how to conduct their 2011 censuses and which data sources, methods and technology should be applied given the national context. This gives the Member States flexibility, in line with the principles of subsidiarity and efficiency, and with the competences of the statistical institutes in the Member States. However, certain important conditions must be met in order to achieve the objective of comparability of census data from different Member States and to assess the data quality: Regulation (EC) No 1201/20092 contains definitions and technical specifications for the census topics (variables) and their breakdowns that are required to achieve Europe-wide comparability. The specifications are based closely on international recommendations and have been designed to provide the best possible information value. The census topics include geographic, demographic, economic and educational characteristics of persons, international and internal migration characteristics as well as household, family and housing characteristics. Regulation (EU) No 519/2010 requires the data outputs that Member States transmit to the Eurostat to comply with a defined programme of statistical data (tabulation) and with set rules concerning the replacement of statistical data. The content of the EU census programme serves major policy needs of the European Union. Regionally, there is a strong focus on the NUTS 2 level. The data requirements are adapted to the level of regional detail. The Regulation does not require transmission of any data that the Member States consider to be confidential. The statistical data must be completed by metadata that will facilitate interpretation of the numerical data, including country-specific definitions plus information on the data sources and on methodological issues. This is necessary in order to achieve the transparency that is a condition for valid interpretation of the data. Users of output-harmonised census data from the EU Member States need to have detailed information on the quality of the censuses and their results. Regulation (EU) No 1151/2010) therefore requires transmission of a quality report containing a systematic description of the data sources used for census purposes in the Member States and of the quality of the census results produced from these sources. A comparably structured quality report for all EU Member States will support the exchange of experience from the 2011 round and become a reference for future development of census methodology (EU legislation on the 2011 Population and Housing Censuses - Explanatory Notes ). In order to ensure proper transmission of the data and metadata and provide user-friendly access to this information, a common technical format is set for transmission for all Member States and for the Commission (Eurostat). The Regulation therefore requires the data to be transmitted in a harmonised structure and in the internationally established SDMX format from every Member State. In order to achieve this harmonised transmission, a new system has been developed – the CENSUS HUB. The Census Hub is a conceptually new system used for the dissemination of the 2011 Census. It is based on the concept of data sharing, where a group of partners (Eurostat on one hand and National Statistical Institutes on the other) agree to provide access to their data according to standard processes, formats and technologies. The Census Hub is a readily-accessible system that provided the following functions: • Data providers (the NSIs) can make data available directly from their systems through a querying system. In parallel, • Data users browse the hub to define a dataset of interest via the above structural metadata and retrieve the dataset from the NSIs. From the data management point of view, the hub is based on agreed hypercubes (data-sets in the form of multi-dimensional aggregations). The hypercubes are not sent to the central system. Instead the following process operates: 1. a user defines a dataset through the web interface of the central hub and requests it; 2. the central hub translates the user request in one or more queries and sends them to the related NSIs’ systems; 3. NSIs’ systems process the query and send the result to the central hub in a standard format; 4. the central hub puts together all the results sent by the NSI systems and presents them in a user-specified format. Â
    • August 2015
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 09 November, 2015
      Datensatz auswählen
      The 2011 Population and Housing Census marks a milestone in census exercises in Europe. For the first time, European legislation defined in detail a set of harmonised high-quality data from the population and housing censuses conducted in the EU Member States. As a result, the data from the 2011 round of censuses offer exceptional flexibility to cross-tabulate different variables and to provide geographically detailed data. EU Member States have developed different methods to produce these census data.  The national differences reflect the specific national situations in terms of data source availability, as well as the administrative practices and traditions of that country. The EU census legislation respects this diversity. The Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on population and housing censuses (Regulation (EC) No 763/2008) is focussed on output harmonisation rather than input harmonisation. Member States are free to assess for themselves how to conduct their 2011 censuses and which data sources, methods and technology should be applied given the national context. This gives the Member States flexibility, in line with the principles of subsidiarity and efficiency, and with the competences of the statistical institutes in the Member States. However, certain important conditions must be met in order to achieve the objective of comparability of census data from different Member States and to assess the data quality: Regulation (EC) No 1201/20092 contains definitions and technical specifications for the census topics (variables) and their breakdowns that are required to achieve Europe-wide comparability. The specifications are based closely on international recommendations and have been designed to provide the best possible information value. The census topics include geographic, demographic, economic and educational characteristics of persons, international and internal migration characteristics as well as household, family and housing characteristics. Regulation (EU) No 519/2010 requires the data outputs that Member States transmit to the Eurostat to comply with a defined programme of statistical data (tabulation) and with set rules concerning the replacement of statistical data. The content of the EU census programme serves major policy needs of the European Union. Regionally, there is a strong focus on the NUTS 2 level. The data requirements are adapted to the level of regional detail. The Regulation does not require transmission of any data that the Member States consider to be confidential. The statistical data must be completed by metadata that will facilitate interpretation of the numerical data, including country-specific definitions plus information on the data sources and on methodological issues. This is necessary in order to achieve the transparency that is a condition for valid interpretation of the data. Users of output-harmonised census data from the EU Member States need to have detailed information on the quality of the censuses and their results. Regulation (EU) No 1151/2010) therefore requires transmission of a quality report containing a systematic description of the data sources used for census purposes in the Member States and of the quality of the census results produced from these sources. A comparably structured quality report for all EU Member States will support the exchange of experience from the 2011 round and become a reference for future development of census methodology (EU legislation on the 2011 Population and Housing Censuses - Explanatory Notes ). In order to ensure proper transmission of the data and metadata and provide user-friendly access to this information, a common technical format is set for transmission for all Member States and for the Commission (Eurostat). The Regulation therefore requires the data to be transmitted in a harmonised structure and in the internationally established SDMX format from every Member State. In order to achieve this harmonised transmission, a new system has been developed – the CENSUS HUB. The Census Hub is a conceptually new system used for the dissemination of the 2011 Census. It is based on the concept of data sharing, where a group of partners (Eurostat on one hand and National Statistical Institutes on the other) agree to provide access to their data according to standard processes, formats and technologies. The Census Hub is a readily-accessible system that provided the following functions: • Data providers (the NSIs) can make data available directly from their systems through a querying system. In parallel, • Data users browse the hub to define a dataset of interest via the above structural metadata and retrieve the dataset from the NSIs. From the data management point of view, the hub is based on agreed hypercubes (data-sets in the form of multi-dimensional aggregations). The hypercubes are not sent to the central system. Instead the following process operates: 1. a user defines a dataset through the web interface of the central hub and requests it; 2. the central hub translates the user request in one or more queries and sends them to the related NSIs’ systems; 3. NSIs’ systems process the query and send the result to the central hub in a standard format; 4. the central hub puts together all the results sent by the NSI systems and presents them in a user-specified format. Â
    • August 2015
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 09 November, 2015
      Datensatz auswählen
      The 2011 Population and Housing Census marks a milestone in census exercises in Europe. For the first time, European legislation defined in detail a set of harmonised high-quality data from the population and housing censuses conducted in the EU Member States. As a result, the data from the 2011 round of censuses offer exceptional flexibility to cross-tabulate different variables and to provide geographically detailed data. EU Member States have developed different methods to produce these census data.  The national differences reflect the specific national situations in terms of data source availability, as well as the administrative practices and traditions of that country. The EU census legislation respects this diversity. The Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on population and housing censuses (Regulation (EC) No 763/2008) is focussed on output harmonisation rather than input harmonisation. Member States are free to assess for themselves how to conduct their 2011 censuses and which data sources, methods and technology should be applied given the national context. This gives the Member States flexibility, in line with the principles of subsidiarity and efficiency, and with the competences of the statistical institutes in the Member States. However, certain important conditions must be met in order to achieve the objective of comparability of census data from different Member States and to assess the data quality: Regulation (EC) No 1201/20092 contains definitions and technical specifications for the census topics (variables) and their breakdowns that are required to achieve Europe-wide comparability. The specifications are based closely on international recommendations and have been designed to provide the best possible information value. The census topics include geographic, demographic, economic and educational characteristics of persons, international and internal migration characteristics as well as household, family and housing characteristics. Regulation (EU) No 519/2010 requires the data outputs that Member States transmit to the Eurostat to comply with a defined programme of statistical data (tabulation) and with set rules concerning the replacement of statistical data. The content of the EU census programme serves major policy needs of the European Union. Regionally, there is a strong focus on the NUTS 2 level. The data requirements are adapted to the level of regional detail. The Regulation does not require transmission of any data that the Member States consider to be confidential. The statistical data must be completed by metadata that will facilitate interpretation of the numerical data, including country-specific definitions plus information on the data sources and on methodological issues. This is necessary in order to achieve the transparency that is a condition for valid interpretation of the data. Users of output-harmonised census data from the EU Member States need to have detailed information on the quality of the censuses and their results. Regulation (EU) No 1151/2010) therefore requires transmission of a quality report containing a systematic description of the data sources used for census purposes in the Member States and of the quality of the census results produced from these sources. A comparably structured quality report for all EU Member States will support the exchange of experience from the 2011 round and become a reference for future development of census methodology (EU legislation on the 2011 Population and Housing Censuses - Explanatory Notes ). In order to ensure proper transmission of the data and metadata and provide user-friendly access to this information, a common technical format is set for transmission for all Member States and for the Commission (Eurostat). The Regulation therefore requires the data to be transmitted in a harmonised structure and in the internationally established SDMX format from every Member State. In order to achieve this harmonised transmission, a new system has been developed – the CENSUS HUB. The Census Hub is a conceptually new system used for the dissemination of the 2011 Census. It is based on the concept of data sharing, where a group of partners (Eurostat on one hand and National Statistical Institutes on the other) agree to provide access to their data according to standard processes, formats and technologies. The Census Hub is a readily-accessible system that provided the following functions: • Data providers (the NSIs) can make data available directly from their systems through a querying system. In parallel, • Data users browse the hub to define a dataset of interest via the above structural metadata and retrieve the dataset from the NSIs. From the data management point of view, the hub is based on agreed hypercubes (data-sets in the form of multi-dimensional aggregations). The hypercubes are not sent to the central system. Instead the following process operates: 1. a user defines a dataset through the web interface of the central hub and requests it; 2. the central hub translates the user request in one or more queries and sends them to the related NSIs’ systems; 3. NSIs’ systems process the query and send the result to the central hub in a standard format; 4. the central hub puts together all the results sent by the NSI systems and presents them in a user-specified format. Â
    • August 2015
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 09 November, 2015
      Datensatz auswählen
      The 2011 Population and Housing Census marks a milestone in census exercises in Europe. For the first time, European legislation defined in detail a set of harmonised high-quality data from the population and housing censuses conducted in the EU Member States. As a result, the data from the 2011 round of censuses offer exceptional flexibility to cross-tabulate different variables and to provide geographically detailed data. EU Member States have developed different methods to produce these census data.  The national differences reflect the specific national situations in terms of data source availability, as well as the administrative practices and traditions of that country. The EU census legislation respects this diversity. The Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on population and housing censuses (Regulation (EC) No 763/2008) is focussed on output harmonisation rather than input harmonisation. Member States are free to assess for themselves how to conduct their 2011 censuses and which data sources, methods and technology should be applied given the national context. This gives the Member States flexibility, in line with the principles of subsidiarity and efficiency, and with the competences of the statistical institutes in the Member States. However, certain important conditions must be met in order to achieve the objective of comparability of census data from different Member States and to assess the data quality: Regulation (EC) No 1201/20092 contains definitions and technical specifications for the census topics (variables) and their breakdowns that are required to achieve Europe-wide comparability. The specifications are based closely on international recommendations and have been designed to provide the best possible information value. The census topics include geographic, demographic, economic and educational characteristics of persons, international and internal migration characteristics as well as household, family and housing characteristics. Regulation (EU) No 519/2010 requires the data outputs that Member States transmit to the Eurostat to comply with a defined programme of statistical data (tabulation) and with set rules concerning the replacement of statistical data. The content of the EU census programme serves major policy needs of the European Union. Regionally, there is a strong focus on the NUTS 2 level. The data requirements are adapted to the level of regional detail. The Regulation does not require transmission of any data that the Member States consider to be confidential. The statistical data must be completed by metadata that will facilitate interpretation of the numerical data, including country-specific definitions plus information on the data sources and on methodological issues. This is necessary in order to achieve the transparency that is a condition for valid interpretation of the data. Users of output-harmonised census data from the EU Member States need to have detailed information on the quality of the censuses and their results. Regulation (EU) No 1151/2010) therefore requires transmission of a quality report containing a systematic description of the data sources used for census purposes in the Member States and of the quality of the census results produced from these sources. A comparably structured quality report for all EU Member States will support the exchange of experience from the 2011 round and become a reference for future development of census methodology (EU legislation on the 2011 Population and Housing Censuses - Explanatory Notes ). In order to ensure proper transmission of the data and metadata and provide user-friendly access to this information, a common technical format is set for transmission for all Member States and for the Commission (Eurostat). The Regulation therefore requires the data to be transmitted in a harmonised structure and in the internationally established SDMX format from every Member State. In order to achieve this harmonised transmission, a new system has been developed – the CENSUS HUB. The Census Hub is a conceptually new system used for the dissemination of the 2011 Census. It is based on the concept of data sharing, where a group of partners (Eurostat on one hand and National Statistical Institutes on the other) agree to provide access to their data according to standard processes, formats and technologies. The Census Hub is a readily-accessible system that provided the following functions: • Data providers (the NSIs) can make data available directly from their systems through a querying system. In parallel, • Data users browse the hub to define a dataset of interest via the above structural metadata and retrieve the dataset from the NSIs. From the data management point of view, the hub is based on agreed hypercubes (data-sets in the form of multi-dimensional aggregations). The hypercubes are not sent to the central system. Instead the following process operates: 1. a user defines a dataset through the web interface of the central hub and requests it; 2. the central hub translates the user request in one or more queries and sends them to the related NSIs’ systems; 3. NSIs’ systems process the query and send the result to the central hub in a standard format; 4. the central hub puts together all the results sent by the NSI systems and presents them in a user-specified format. Â
    • August 2015
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 09 November, 2015
      Datensatz auswählen
      The 2011 Population and Housing Census marks a milestone in census exercises in Europe. For the first time, European legislation defined in detail a set of harmonised high-quality data from the population and housing censuses conducted in the EU Member States. As a result, the data from the 2011 round of censuses offer exceptional flexibility to cross-tabulate different variables and to provide geographically detailed data. EU Member States have developed different methods to produce these census data.  The national differences reflect the specific national situations in terms of data source availability, as well as the administrative practices and traditions of that country. The EU census legislation respects this diversity. The Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on population and housing censuses (Regulation (EC) No 763/2008) is focussed on output harmonisation rather than input harmonisation. Member States are free to assess for themselves how to conduct their 2011 censuses and which data sources, methods and technology should be applied given the national context. This gives the Member States flexibility, in line with the principles of subsidiarity and efficiency, and with the competences of the statistical institutes in the Member States. However, certain important conditions must be met in order to achieve the objective of comparability of census data from different Member States and to assess the data quality: Regulation (EC) No 1201/20092 contains definitions and technical specifications for the census topics (variables) and their breakdowns that are required to achieve Europe-wide comparability. The specifications are based closely on international recommendations and have been designed to provide the best possible information value. The census topics include geographic, demographic, economic and educational characteristics of persons, international and internal migration characteristics as well as household, family and housing characteristics. Regulation (EU) No 519/2010 requires the data outputs that Member States transmit to the Eurostat to comply with a defined programme of statistical data (tabulation) and with set rules concerning the replacement of statistical data. The content of the EU census programme serves major policy needs of the European Union. Regionally, there is a strong focus on the NUTS 2 level. The data requirements are adapted to the level of regional detail. The Regulation does not require transmission of any data that the Member States consider to be confidential. The statistical data must be completed by metadata that will facilitate interpretation of the numerical data, including country-specific definitions plus information on the data sources and on methodological issues. This is necessary in order to achieve the transparency that is a condition for valid interpretation of the data. Users of output-harmonised census data from the EU Member States need to have detailed information on the quality of the censuses and their results. Regulation (EU) No 1151/2010) therefore requires transmission of a quality report containing a systematic description of the data sources used for census purposes in the Member States and of the quality of the census results produced from these sources. A comparably structured quality report for all EU Member States will support the exchange of experience from the 2011 round and become a reference for future development of census methodology (EU legislation on the 2011 Population and Housing Censuses - Explanatory Notes ). In order to ensure proper transmission of the data and metadata and provide user-friendly access to this information, a common technical format is set for transmission for all Member States and for the Commission (Eurostat). The Regulation therefore requires the data to be transmitted in a harmonised structure and in the internationally established SDMX format from every Member State. In order to achieve this harmonised transmission, a new system has been developed – the CENSUS HUB. The Census Hub is a conceptually new system used for the dissemination of the 2011 Census. It is based on the concept of data sharing, where a group of partners (Eurostat on one hand and National Statistical Institutes on the other) agree to provide access to their data according to standard processes, formats and technologies. The Census Hub is a readily-accessible system that provided the following functions: • Data providers (the NSIs) can make data available directly from their systems through a querying system. In parallel, • Data users browse the hub to define a dataset of interest via the above structural metadata and retrieve the dataset from the NSIs. From the data management point of view, the hub is based on agreed hypercubes (data-sets in the form of multi-dimensional aggregations). The hypercubes are not sent to the central system. Instead the following process operates: 1. a user defines a dataset through the web interface of the central hub and requests it; 2. the central hub translates the user request in one or more queries and sends them to the related NSIs’ systems; 3. NSIs’ systems process the query and send the result to the central hub in a standard format; 4. the central hub puts together all the results sent by the NSI systems and presents them in a user-specified format. Â
    • März 2009
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 28 November, 2013
      Datensatz auswählen
      Eurostat Dataset Id:cens_01rapop The tables presented in the topic of active population cover the total population for 31 countries . The level of completeness of the tables depends largely on the availability of data at the respective national statistical institutes. There are four ways of collecting census data, namely: - the traditional method of using census questionnaires (exhaustive census); - the method of using registers and/or other administrative sources; - a combination of registers and/or other administrative sources and - surveys (complete enumerations or sample surveys). Other methods (other mixed census or micro-census) can be used as well.
    • März 2009
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 25 Januar, 2025
      Datensatz auswählen
      Eurostat Dataset Id:cens_01rews The tables presented in the topic of educational level cover the total population for 31 countries (for more information on received tables and geographic coverage, see "2001 Census Round - Tables Received" in the Annex at the bottom of the page). The level of completeness of the tables depends largely on the availability of data at the respective national statistical institutes. There are four ways of collecting census data, namely: - the traditional method of using census questionnaires (exhaustive census); - the method of using registers and/or other administrative sources; - a combination of registers and/or other administrative sources and - surveys (complete enumerations or sample surveys). Other methods (other mixed census or micro-census) can be used as well. Details for the method employed by each country are provided in "2001 Census Method"in the Annex at the bottom of the page. In the same table you can find the dates on which the census was carried out in each country.
    • März 2009
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 26 Mai, 2014
      Datensatz auswählen
      Eurostat Dataset Id:cens_01rhtype The tables presented in the topic of households cover the total housing for 31 countries (for more information on received tables and geographic coverage, see "2001 Census Round - Tables Received" in the Annex at the bottom of the page). The level of completeness of the tables depends largely on the availability of data at the respective national statistical institutes. There are four ways of collecting census data, namely: - the traditional method of using census questionnaires (exhaustive census); - the method of using registers and/or other administrative sources; - a combination of registers and/or other administrative sources and - surveys (complete enumerations or sample surveys). Other methods (other mixed census or micro-census) can be used as well. Details for the method employed by each country are provided in "2001 Census Method"in the Annex at the bottom of the page. In the same table you can find the dates on which the census was carried out in each country.
    • Februar 2011
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 26 Mai, 2014
      Datensatz auswählen
      Eurostat Dataset Id:cens_01rhsize The tables presented in the topic of households cover the total housing for 31 countries (for more information on received tables and geographic coverage, see "2001 Census Round - Tables Received" in the Annex at the bottom of the page). The level of completeness of the tables depends largely on the availability of data at the respective national statistical institutes. There are four ways of collecting census data, namely: - the traditional method of using census questionnaires (exhaustive census); - the method of using registers and/or other administrative sources; - a combination of registers and/or other administrative sources and - surveys (complete enumerations or sample surveys). Other methods (other mixed census or micro-census) can be used as well. Details for the method employed by each country are provided in "2001 Census Method"in the Annex at the bottom of the page. In the same table you can find the dates on which the census was carried out in each country.
    • Juni 2024
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 14 Juni, 2024
      Datensatz auswählen
      The source for the regional labour market information down to NUTS level 2 is the EU Labour Force Survey (EU-LFS). This is a quarterly household sample survey conducted in all Member States of the EU and in EFTA and Candidate countries.  The EU-LFS survey follows the definitions and recommendations of the International Labour Organisation (ILO). To achieve further harmonisation, the Member States also adhere to common principles when formulating questionnaires. The LFS' target population is made up of all persons in private households aged 15 and over. For more information see the EU-LFS (Statistics Explained) webpage. The EU-LFS is designed to give accurate quarterly information at national level as well as annual information at NUTS 2 regional level and the compilation of these figures is well specified in the regulation. Microdata including the NUTS 2 level codes are provided by all the participating countries with a good degree of geographical comparability, which allows the production and dissemination of a complete set of comparable indicators for this territorial level. At present the transmission of the regional labour market data at NUTS 3 level has no legal basis. However, many countries transmit NUTS 3 figures to Eurostat on a voluntary basis, under the understanding that they are not for publication with such detail, but for aggregation by territorial typologies, i.e. urban-rural, metropolitan, coastal, mountain, borders and island typology. Most of the NUTS 3 data are based on the LFS while some countries transmit data based on registers, administrative data, small area estimation and other reliable sources.
    • Juni 2024
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 14 Juni, 2024
      Datensatz auswählen
      The source for the regional labour market information down to NUTS level 2 is the EU Labour Force Survey (EU-LFS). This is a quarterly household sample survey conducted in all Member States of the EU and in EFTA and Candidate countries.  The EU-LFS survey follows the definitions and recommendations of the International Labour Organisation (ILO). To achieve further harmonisation, the Member States also adhere to common principles when formulating questionnaires. The LFS' target population is made up of all persons in private households aged 15 and over. For more information see the EU-LFS (Statistics Explained) webpage. The EU-LFS is designed to give accurate quarterly information at national level as well as annual information at NUTS 2 regional level and the compilation of these figures is well specified in the regulation. Microdata including the NUTS 2 level codes are provided by all the participating countries with a good degree of geographical comparability, which allows the production and dissemination of a complete set of comparable indicators for this territorial level. At present the transmission of the regional labour market data at NUTS 3 level has no legal basis. However, many countries transmit NUTS 3 figures to Eurostat on a voluntary basis, under the understanding that they are not for publication with such detail, but for aggregation by territorial typologies, i.e. urban-rural, metropolitan, coastal, mountain, borders and island typology. Most of the NUTS 3 data are based on the LFS while some countries transmit data based on registers, administrative data, small area estimation and other reliable sources.
    • Juni 2024
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 14 Juni, 2024
      Datensatz auswählen
      The source for the regional labour market information down to NUTS level 2 is the EU Labour Force Survey (EU-LFS). This is a quarterly household sample survey conducted in all Member States of the EU and in EFTA and Candidate countries.  The EU-LFS survey follows the definitions and recommendations of the International Labour Organisation (ILO). To achieve further harmonisation, the Member States also adhere to common principles when formulating questionnaires. The LFS' target population is made up of all persons in private households aged 15 and over. For more information see the EU-LFS (Statistics Explained) webpage. The EU-LFS is designed to give accurate quarterly information at national level as well as annual information at NUTS 2 regional level and the compilation of these figures is well specified in the regulation. Microdata including the NUTS 2 level codes are provided by all the participating countries with a good degree of geographical comparability, which allows the production and dissemination of a complete set of comparable indicators for this territorial level. At present the transmission of the regional labour market data at NUTS 3 level has no legal basis. However, many countries transmit NUTS 3 figures to Eurostat on a voluntary basis, under the understanding that they are not for publication with such detail, but for aggregation by territorial typologies, i.e. urban-rural, metropolitan, coastal, mountain, borders and island typology. Most of the NUTS 3 data are based on the LFS while some countries transmit data based on registers, administrative data, small area estimation and other reliable sources.
    • Juni 2024
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 14 Juni, 2024
      Datensatz auswählen
      The source for the regional labour market information down to NUTS level 2 is the EU Labour Force Survey (EU-LFS). This is a quarterly household sample survey conducted in all Member States of the EU and in EFTA and Candidate countries.  The EU-LFS survey follows the definitions and recommendations of the International Labour Organisation (ILO). To achieve further harmonisation, the Member States also adhere to common principles when formulating questionnaires. The LFS' target population is made up of all persons in private households aged 15 and over. For more information see the EU-LFS (Statistics Explained) webpage. The EU-LFS is designed to give accurate quarterly information at national level as well as annual information at NUTS 2 regional level and the compilation of these figures is well specified in the regulation. Microdata including the NUTS 2 level codes are provided by all the participating countries with a good degree of geographical comparability, which allows the production and dissemination of a complete set of comparable indicators for this territorial level. At present the transmission of the regional labour market data at NUTS 3 level has no legal basis. However, many countries transmit NUTS 3 figures to Eurostat on a voluntary basis, under the understanding that they are not for publication with such detail, but for aggregation by territorial typologies, i.e. urban-rural, metropolitan, coastal, mountain, borders and island typology. Most of the NUTS 3 data are based on the LFS while some countries transmit data based on registers, administrative data, small area estimation and other reliable sources.
    • März 2009
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 14 April, 2014
      Datensatz auswählen
      Eurostat Dataset Id:cens_01rsctz The regional demographic statistics provides annual data on population, vital events (live births and deaths), total and land areas of the regions and key demographic indicators for regions and statistical regions at NUTS2 and NUTS3 levels for 35 countries: each EU-27 Member State, Acceding, Candidate and EFTA countries. The completeness of the tables depends on the availability of data received from the responsible national statistical institutes (NSIs).  The label of each table indicates the lowest NUTS level for which data are available; for the upper NUTS levels data are included as well. Starting with March 2013, demographic statistics at regional level reflect the new NUTS-2010 classification for EU-27 Member States and the new statistical regions for Croatia. Countries affected by the NUTS-2010 changes are expected to transmit to Eurostat the time series for the new regional breakdown. As a general approach, the regions with no data available are not listed in the tables. For a calendar year T, the deadline of the regional demographic data collection is 15 December, and data included have a different degree of detail for regions at NUTS2 and NUTS3 levels: NUTS2 level - high level of data detail: Population by sex and single year of age at 1st January: years T and T-1Live births by single year of age and year of birth of the mother: year T-1 Deaths by sex and single years of age and year of birth: year T-1  NUTS3 level - low level of data detail: Surface area in km2 at 1st January (total area including inland waters and land area): year TPopulation by sex and broad age groups at 1st January, namely for 0-14 (0 up to 14 years), 15-64 (15 up to 64 years) and 65+ (persons of 65 years and older): years T and T-1 Live births and deaths (total number of demographic events): year T-1  Tables are updated mainly during March of the next year (T+1), but also along the year whenever revised data are sent by the official data providers. Demographic indicators at regional level are computed by Eurostat using a harmonised methodology and common concepts for all regions of all countries, namely: average population on 1st January (in thousands), population density;demographic balance and crude rates (population change, natural change, net migration including statistical adjustments, crude birth rate, crude death rate, crude rate of population change, crude rate of natural change, crude rate of net migration (including statistical adjustments));age-specific-fertility rates and Total Fertility Rates;life tables that include age-specific-mortality-rates and life expectancy at given exact age;infant mortality and crude rate of infant mortality. At national level a larger number of demographic indicators are computed, as more detailed demographic data are collected only at this level.Â
    • August 2015
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 09 November, 2015
      Datensatz auswählen
      The 2011 Population and Housing Census marks a milestone in census exercises in Europe. For the first time, European legislation defined in detail a set of harmonised high-quality data from the population and housing censuses conducted in the EU Member States. As a result, the data from the 2011 round of censuses offer exceptional flexibility to cross-tabulate different variables and to provide geographically detailed data. EU Member States have developed different methods to produce these census data.  The national differences reflect the specific national situations in terms of data source availability, as well as the administrative practices and traditions of that country. The EU census legislation respects this diversity. The Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on population and housing censuses (Regulation (EC) No 763/2008) is focussed on output harmonisation rather than input harmonisation. Member States are free to assess for themselves how to conduct their 2011 censuses and which data sources, methods and technology should be applied given the national context. This gives the Member States flexibility, in line with the principles of subsidiarity and efficiency, and with the competences of the statistical institutes in the Member States. However, certain important conditions must be met in order to achieve the objective of comparability of census data from different Member States and to assess the data quality: Regulation (EC) No 1201/20092 contains definitions and technical specifications for the census topics (variables) and their breakdowns that are required to achieve Europe-wide comparability. The specifications are based closely on international recommendations and have been designed to provide the best possible information value. The census topics include geographic, demographic, economic and educational characteristics of persons, international and internal migration characteristics as well as household, family and housing characteristics. Regulation (EU) No 519/2010 requires the data outputs that Member States transmit to the Eurostat to comply with a defined programme of statistical data (tabulation) and with set rules concerning the replacement of statistical data. The content of the EU census programme serves major policy needs of the European Union. Regionally, there is a strong focus on the NUTS 2 level. The data requirements are adapted to the level of regional detail. The Regulation does not require transmission of any data that the Member States consider to be confidential. The statistical data must be completed by metadata that will facilitate interpretation of the numerical data, including country-specific definitions plus information on the data sources and on methodological issues. This is necessary in order to achieve the transparency that is a condition for valid interpretation of the data. Users of output-harmonised census data from the EU Member States need to have detailed information on the quality of the censuses and their results. Regulation (EU) No 1151/2010) therefore requires transmission of a quality report containing a systematic description of the data sources used for census purposes in the Member States and of the quality of the census results produced from these sources. A comparably structured quality report for all EU Member States will support the exchange of experience from the 2011 round and become a reference for future development of census methodology (EU legislation on the 2011 Population and Housing Censuses - Explanatory Notes ). In order to ensure proper transmission of the data and metadata and provide user-friendly access to this information, a common technical format is set for transmission for all Member States and for the Commission (Eurostat). The Regulation therefore requires the data to be transmitted in a harmonised structure and in the internationally established SDMX format from every Member State. In order to achieve this harmonised transmission, a new system has been developed – the CENSUS HUB. The Census Hub is a conceptually new system used for the dissemination of the 2011 Census. It is based on the concept of data sharing, where a group of partners (Eurostat on one hand and National Statistical Institutes on the other) agree to provide access to their data according to standard processes, formats and technologies. The Census Hub is a readily-accessible system that provided the following functions: • Data providers (the NSIs) can make data available directly from their systems through a querying system. In parallel, • Data users browse the hub to define a dataset of interest via the above structural metadata and retrieve the dataset from the NSIs. From the data management point of view, the hub is based on agreed hypercubes (data-sets in the form of multi-dimensional aggregations). The hypercubes are not sent to the central system. Instead the following process operates: 1. a user defines a dataset through the web interface of the central hub and requests it; 2. the central hub translates the user request in one or more queries and sends them to the related NSIs’ systems; 3. NSIs’ systems process the query and send the result to the central hub in a standard format; 4. the central hub puts together all the results sent by the NSI systems and presents them in a user-specified format. Â
    • Juli 2015
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 31 Dezember, 2015
      Datensatz auswählen
      The 2011 Population and Housing Census marks a milestone in census exercises in Europe. For the first time, European legislation defined in detail a set of harmonised high-quality data from the population and housing censuses conducted in the EU Member States. As a result, the data from the 2011 round of censuses offer exceptional flexibility to cross-tabulate different variables and to provide geographically detailed data. EU Member States have developed different methods to produce these census data.  The national differences reflect the specific national situations in terms of data source availability, as well as the administrative practices and traditions of that country. The EU census legislation respects this diversity. The Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on population and housing censuses (Regulation (EC) No 763/2008) is focussed on output harmonisation rather than input harmonisation. Member States are free to assess for themselves how to conduct their 2011 censuses and which data sources, methods and technology should be applied given the national context. This gives the Member States flexibility, in line with the principles of subsidiarity and efficiency, and with the competences of the statistical institutes in the Member States. However, certain important conditions must be met in order to achieve the objective of comparability of census data from different Member States and to assess the data quality: Regulation (EC) No 1201/20092 contains definitions and technical specifications for the census topics (variables) and their breakdowns that are required to achieve Europe-wide comparability. The specifications are based closely on international recommendations and have been designed to provide the best possible information value. The census topics include geographic, demographic, economic and educational characteristics of persons, international and internal migration characteristics as well as household, family and housing characteristics. Regulation (EU) No 519/2010 requires the data outputs that Member States transmit to the Eurostat to comply with a defined programme of statistical data (tabulation) and with set rules concerning the replacement of statistical data. The content of the EU census programme serves major policy needs of the European Union. Regionally, there is a strong focus on the NUTS 2 level. The data requirements are adapted to the level of regional detail. The Regulation does not require transmission of any data that the Member States consider to be confidential. The statistical data must be completed by metadata that will facilitate interpretation of the numerical data, including country-specific definitions plus information on the data sources and on methodological issues. This is necessary in order to achieve the transparency that is a condition for valid interpretation of the data. Users of output-harmonised census data from the EU Member States need to have detailed information on the quality of the censuses and their results. Regulation (EU) No 1151/2010) therefore requires transmission of a quality report containing a systematic description of the data sources used for census purposes in the Member States and of the quality of the census results produced from these sources. A comparably structured quality report for all EU Member States will support the exchange of experience from the 2011 round and become a reference for future development of census methodology (EU legislation on the 2011 Population and Housing Censuses - Explanatory Notes ). In order to ensure proper transmission of the data and metadata and provide user-friendly access to this information, a common technical format is set for transmission for all Member States and for the Commission (Eurostat). The Regulation therefore requires the data to be transmitted in a harmonised structure and in the internationally established SDMX format from every Member State. In order to achieve this harmonised transmission, a new system has been developed – the CENSUS HUB. The Census Hub is a conceptually new system used for the dissemination of the 2011 Census. It is based on the concept of data sharing, where a group of partners (Eurostat on one hand and National Statistical Institutes on the other) agree to provide access to their data according to standard processes, formats and technologies. The Census Hub is a readily-accessible system that provided the following functions: • Data providers (the NSIs) can make data available directly from their systems through a querying system. In parallel, • Data users browse the hub to define a dataset of interest via the above structural metadata and retrieve the dataset from the NSIs. From the data management point of view, the hub is based on agreed hypercubes (data-sets in the form of multi-dimensional aggregations). The hypercubes are not sent to the central system. Instead the following process operates: 1. a user defines a dataset through the web interface of the central hub and requests it; 2. the central hub translates the user request in one or more queries and sends them to the related NSIs’ systems; 3. NSIs’ systems process the query and send the result to the central hub in a standard format; 4. the central hub puts together all the results sent by the NSI systems and presents them in a user-specified format.
    • Januar 2025
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 30 Januar, 2025
      Datensatz auswählen
      Each year Eurostat collects demographic data at regional level from 36 countries as part of the Unified Demography (Unidemo) project. UNIDEMO is Eurostat’s main annual demographic data collection and aims to gather information on demography and migration. UNIDEMO collects data at national and regional levels by various breakdowns on: population stocks;vital events (live births and deaths);marriages;divorces; andmigration flows. Each country must send the statistics for the reference year (T) to Eurostat by 31 December of the following calendar year (T+1). Eurostat then publishes the data in March of the calendar year after that (T+2). Demographic data at regional level include statistics on the population at the end of the calendar year and on live births and deaths during that year, according to the official classification for statistics at regional level (NUTS - nomenclature of territorial units for statistics). These data are broken down by NUTS 2 and 3 levels. The current online demographic data refers to the NUTS 2013 classification that subdivides the territory of the European Union into: 98 regions at NUTS level 1;276 at NUTS level 2; and1342 at NUTS level 3. This is in accordance with the following EU legal acts: Article 3 of the Regulation (EU) No 1260/2013 on European demographic statistics and its implementing measures stated in the Regulation (EU) No 205/2014;Regulation (EU) No 868/2014 which is the nomenclature of territorial units for statistics (abbreviated as NUTS);For candidate and EFTA countries the data are collected according to the agreed statistical regions that have been coded in a way that resembles NUTS. The current candidate countries for which data at regional level are collected are Montenegro, the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Albania and Turkey. In January 2018, statistical regions were agreed between Eurostat and Serbia, and demographic data at regional level will available as soon as they will be transmitted to Eurostat.   Starting with 1 January 2018, a new regional territorial classification entered into force in accordance with the Commission Regulation (EU) 2016/2066. This classification is known as NUTS 2016 classification and the countries affected by regional changes are: Germany, Ireland, France, Lithuania, Hungary, Netherlands, Poland, Finland and the United Kingdom. The demographic data according to this classification will be available starting with March 2019.   The breakdown of demographic data collected at regional level varies depending on the NUTS level. These breakdowns are summarised below, along with the link to the corresponding online table: NUTS 2 levelPopulation by sex, age and region of residence — demo_r_d2janLive births by mother's age, mother's year of birth and mother's region of residence — demo_r_fagecDeaths by sex, age, year of birth and region of residence — demo_r_magecNUTS 3 levelPopulation by sex, five-year age group and region of residence — demo_r_pjangrp3Live births by five-year age group of the mothers and region of residence — demo_r_fagec3Deaths by sex, five-year age group and region of residence — demo_r_magec3 This more detailed breakdown (by five-year age group) of the data collected at NUTS 3 level started with the reference year 2013 and is in accordance with the European laws on demographic statistics. In addition to the regional codes set out in the Regulation (EU) No 868/2014 these online tables include few additional codes that are meant to cover data on persons and events that cannot be allocated to any official NUTS region. These codes are denoted as CCX/CCXX/CCXXX (Not regionalised/Unknown level 1/2/3; CC stands for country code) and are available only for France, Hungary, the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia and Albania, reflecting the raw data as transmitted to Eurostat. For the reference years from 1990 to 2012 all countries sent to Eurostat all the data on a voluntary basis, therefore the completeness of the tables and the length of time series reflect the level of data received from the responsible national statistical institutes’ (NSIs) data provider. As a general remark, a lower data breakdown is available at NUTS 3 level as detailed: the population data are broken down by broad age groups, 0-14, 15-64 and 65 or more, and by sex. The data have this disaggregation since the reference year 2007 for all countries, and even longer for some — demo_r_pjanaggr3data on vital events (live births and deaths) are available only as totals without any further breakdown — demo_r_births and demo_r_deaths   Demographic indicators are calculated by Eurostat based on the above raw data using a common methodology for all countries and regions. The regional demographic indicators computed by NUTS level and the corresponding online tables are summarised below: NUTS 2 levelPopulation structure indicators (shares of various population age groups, dependency ratios and median age) — demo_r_pjanind2Total fertility rate (TFR) and age-specific fertility rates (ASFR) — demo_r_frate2Fertility indicators (total fertility rate and mean age of woman at childbirth) — demo_r_find2Life table including life expectancy at a given exact age — demo_r_mlife and demo_r_mlifexpInfant mortality and infant mortality rates — demo_r_minf and demo_r_minfindNUTS 3 levelDemographic balance and crude rates (population change, natural change, net migration including statistical adjustment, crude birth rate, crude death rate, crude rate of population change, crude rate of natural change, crude rate of net migration (including statistical adjustment)) — demo_r_gind3Population structure indicators (shares of various population age groups, dependency ratios and median age) — demo_r_pjanind3Fertility indicators (total fertility rate and mean age of woman at childbirth) — demo_r_find3Population density — demo_r_d3densNotes: 1) All the indicators are computed for all lower NUTS regions included in the tables (e.g. data included in a table at NUTS 3 level will include also the data for NUTS 2, 1 and country levels). 2) Demographic indicators computed by NUTS 2 and 3 levels are calculated using input data that have different age breakdown. Therefore, minor differences can be noted between the values corresponding to the same indicator of the same region classified as NUTS 2, 1 or country level. 3) Since the reference year 2015, Eurostat has stopped collecting data on area; therefore, the table 'Area by NUTS 3 region (demo_r_d3area)' includes data up to the year 2015 included.
    • Dezember 2024
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 17 Dezember, 2024
      Datensatz auswählen
      The crude rate of total change is the ratio of the population change during the year (the difference between the population sizes on 1 January of two consecutive years) to the average population in that year. The value is expressed per 1 000 persons. The crude rate of natural change is the ratio of the natural change during the year (live births minus deaths) to the average population in that year. The value is expressed per 1 000 persons. The crude rate of net migration plus adjustment is defined as the ratio of net migration (including statistical adjustment) during the year to the average population in that year. The value is expressed per 1000 persons. The net migration plus adjustment is calculated as the difference between the total change and the natural change of the population.
    • Januar 2017
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 01 Februar, 2017
      Datensatz auswählen
      Eurostat Dataset Id:env_watpop_r2 Yearly data on freshwater resources, water abstraction and use, wastewater treatment (connection rates of resident population to wastewater treatment and treatment capacities of wastewater treatment plants), sewage sludge production and disposal, generation and discharge of wastewater collected biennially by means of the OECD/Eurostat Joint Questionnaire - Inland Waters. Data aggregation: national territories.
    • April 2016
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 16 April, 2016
      Datensatz auswählen
    • Januar 2020
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 02 Februar, 2020
      Datensatz auswählen
      This relates to any kind of sewage treatment (primary to tertiary) in municipal treatment plants run by public authorities or by private companies (on behalf of local authorities), whose main purpose is sewage treatment
    • März 2024
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 28 März, 2024
      Datensatz auswählen
      The ratio between the annual average population and the land area of the region. The land area concept (excluding inland waters) should be used wherever available; if not available then the total area, including inland waters (area of lakes and rivers) is used.
    • März 2024
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 27 März, 2024
      Datensatz auswählen
    • Dezember 2024
      Quelle: World Bank
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 17 Dezember, 2024
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      Data cited at: The World Bank Topic: Population Estimates And Projections Publication: License:   This database presents population and other demographic estimates and projections from 1960 to 2050. They are disaggregated by age-group and sex and covers more than 200 economies.
    • Juli 2024
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 24 Juli, 2024
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    • Juli 2024
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 24 Juli, 2024
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    • Juli 2024
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 24 Juli, 2024
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    • November 2024
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 07 November, 2024
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    • Juli 2024
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 24 Juli, 2024
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      The number of persons having their usual residence in a given area (NUTS 2 region) on 1 January. When usually resident population is not available, countries may report legal or registered residents.
    • Juli 2021
      Quelle: National Bureau of Statistics, Maldives
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 05 Oktober, 2021
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    • Mai 2015
      Quelle: Earth Policy Institute
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 26 Juni, 2015
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      This is part of a supporting dataset for Lester R. Brown, Full Planet, Empty Plates: The New Geopolitics of Food Scarcity (New York: W.W. Norton & Company, 2012).
    • November 2024
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 07 November, 2024
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    • November 2024
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 07 November, 2024
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    • März 2009
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 15 Mai, 2014
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      Eurostat Dataset Id:hlth_db_emrena In order to provide data for the European Year of People with Disabilities 2003, the 2002 European Union Labour Force Survey (LFS) contained an ad hoc module concerning the employment of disabled people. The module consisted of 11 variables dealing with the existence, type, cause and duration of longstanding health problem or disability, work limitations (regarding the kind of work or the amount of work, and mobility problems), and assistance needed or provided to work. The results refer to persons aged 16-64 years, living in private households. Disabled persons are those who stated that they had a longstanding health problem or disability (LSHPD) for 6 months or more or expected to last 6 months or more. The indicator used is the percentage prevalence of people with disabilities in various socioeconomic groups as well as the percentage distribution of certain characteristics of disability or of certain socioeconomic characteristics among those reporting disability. The survey was conducted in all the 15 old Member States of the EU as well as in 9 at that time acceding or candidate countries (Czech Republic, Estonia, Cyprus, Latvia, Hungary, Malta, Slovenia, Slovak Republic and Romania) and in Norway.
    • Februar 2024
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 20 Februar, 2024
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      The primary distribution of income shows the income of private households generated directly from market transactions, in particular the purchase and sale of factors of production. This includes as the main item the compensation of employees, i.e. income from the sale of labour as a factor of production. Private households can also receive income on assets, particularly interest, dividends and rents. Then there is also income from net operating surplus and self-employment. Interest and rents payable are recorded as negative items for households. The balance of all these transactions is known as the primary income of private households.
    • März 2009
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 26 Mai, 2014
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      Eurostat Dataset Id:cens_01rhagchi The tables presented in the topic of households cover the total housing for 31 countries (for more information on received tables and geographic coverage, see "2001 Census Round - Tables Received" in the Annex at the bottom of the page). The level of completeness of the tables depends largely on the availability of data at the respective national statistical institutes. There are four ways of collecting census data, namely: - the traditional method of using census questionnaires (exhaustive census); - the method of using registers and/or other administrative sources; - a combination of registers and/or other administrative sources and - surveys (complete enumerations or sample surveys). Other methods (other mixed census or micro-census) can be used as well. Details for the method employed by each country are provided in "2001 Census Method"in the Annex at the bottom of the page. In the same table you can find the dates on which the census was carried out in each country.
    • März 2009
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 26 Mai, 2014
      Datensatz auswählen
      Eurostat Dataset Id:cens_01rheco The tables presented in the topic of households cover the total housing for 31 countries (for more information on received tables and geographic coverage, see "2001 Census Round - Tables Received" in the Annex at the bottom of the page). The level of completeness of the tables depends largely on the availability of data at the respective national statistical institutes. There are four ways of collecting census data, namely: - the traditional method of using census questionnaires (exhaustive census); - the method of using registers and/or other administrative sources; - a combination of registers and/or other administrative sources and - surveys (complete enumerations or sample surveys). Other methods (other mixed census or micro-census) can be used as well. Details for the method employed by each country are provided in "2001 Census Method"in the Annex at the bottom of the page. In the same table you can find the dates on which the census was carried out in each country.
    • April 2015
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 29 Dezember, 2015
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      The 2011 Population and Housing Census marks a milestone in census exercises in Europe. For the first time, European legislation defined in detail a set of harmonised high-quality data from the population and housing censuses conducted in the EU Member States. As a result, the data from the 2011 round of censuses offer exceptional flexibility to cross-tabulate different variables and to provide geographically detailed data. EU Member States have developed different methods to produce these census data.  The national differences reflect the specific national situations in terms of data source availability, as well as the administrative practices and traditions of that country. The EU census legislation respects this diversity. The Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on population and housing censuses (Regulation (EC) No 763/2008) is focussed on output harmonisation rather than input harmonisation. Member States are free to assess for themselves how to conduct their 2011 censuses and which data sources, methods and technology should be applied given the national context. This gives the Member States flexibility, in line with the principles of subsidiarity and efficiency, and with the competences of the statistical institutes in the Member States. However, certain important conditions must be met in order to achieve the objective of comparability of census data from different Member States and to assess the data quality: Regulation (EC) No 1201/20092 contains definitions and technical specifications for the census topics (variables) and their breakdowns that are required to achieve Europe-wide comparability. The specifications are based closely on international recommendations and have been designed to provide the best possible information value. The census topics include geographic, demographic, economic and educational characteristics of persons, international and internal migration characteristics as well as household, family and housing characteristics. Regulation (EU) No 519/2010 requires the data outputs that Member States transmit to the Eurostat to comply with a defined programme of statistical data (tabulation) and with set rules concerning the replacement of statistical data. The content of the EU census programme serves major policy needs of the European Union. Regionally, there is a strong focus on the NUTS 2 level. The data requirements are adapted to the level of regional detail. The Regulation does not require transmission of any data that the Member States consider to be confidential. The statistical data must be completed by metadata that will facilitate interpretation of the numerical data, including country-specific definitions plus information on the data sources and on methodological issues. This is necessary in order to achieve the transparency that is a condition for valid interpretation of the data. Users of output-harmonised census data from the EU Member States need to have detailed information on the quality of the censuses and their results. Regulation (EU) No 1151/2010) therefore requires transmission of a quality report containing a systematic description of the data sources used for census purposes in the Member States and of the quality of the census results produced from these sources. A comparably structured quality report for all EU Member States will support the exchange of experience from the 2011 round and become a reference for future development of census methodology (EU legislation on the 2011 Population and Housing Censuses - Explanatory Notes ). In order to ensure proper transmission of the data and metadata and provide user-friendly access to this information, a common technical format is set for transmission for all Member States and for the Commission (Eurostat). The Regulation therefore requires the data to be transmitted in a harmonised structure and in the internationally established SDMX format from every Member State. In order to achieve this harmonised transmission, a new system has been developed – the CENSUS HUB. The Census Hub is a conceptually new system used for the dissemination of the 2011 Census. It is based on the concept of data sharing, where a group of partners (Eurostat on one hand and National Statistical Institutes on the other) agree to provide access to their data according to standard processes, formats and technologies. The Census Hub is a readily-accessible system that provided the following functions: • Data providers (the NSIs) can make data available directly from their systems through a querying system. In parallel, • Data users browse the hub to define a dataset of interest via the above structural metadata and retrieve the dataset from the NSIs. From the data management point of view, the hub is based on agreed hypercubes (data-sets in the form of multi-dimensional aggregations). The hypercubes are not sent to the central system. Instead the following process operates: 1. a user defines a dataset through the web interface of the central hub and requests it; 2. the central hub translates the user request in one or more queries and sends them to the related NSIs’ systems; 3. NSIs’ systems process the query and send the result to the central hub in a standard format; 4. the central hub puts together all the results sent by the NSI systems and presents them in a user-specified format.
    • März 2013
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 24 November, 2013
      Datensatz auswählen
      Eurostat Dataset Id:demo_r_mpbdth The regional demographic statistics provides annual data on population, vital events (live births and deaths), total and land areas of the regions and key demographic indicators for regions and statistical regions at NUTS2 and NUTS3 levels for 35 countries: each EU-27 Member State, Acceding, Candidate and EFTA countries. The completeness of the tables depends on the availability of data received from the responsible national statistical institutes (NSIs).  The label of each table indicates the lowest NUTS level for which data are available; for the upper NUTS levels data are included as well. Starting with March 2013, demographic statistics at regional level reflect the new NUTS-2010 classification for EU-27 Member States and the new statistical regions for Croatia. Countries affected by the NUTS-2010 changes are expected to transmit to Eurostat the time series for the new regional breakdown. As a general approach, the regions with no data available are not listed in the tables. For a calendar year T, the deadline of the regional demographic data collection is 15 December, and data included have a different degree of detail for regions at NUTS2 and NUTS3 levels: NUTS2 level - high level of data detail:Population by sex and single year of age at 1st January: years T and T-1Live births by single year of age and year of birth of the mother: year T-1 Deaths by sex and single years of age and year of birth: year T-1  NUTS3 level - low level of data detail:Surface area in km2 at 1st January (total area including inland waters and land area): year TPopulation by sex and broad age groups at 1st January, namely for 0-14 (0 up to 14 years), 15-64 (15 up to 64 years) and 65+ (persons of 65 years and older): years T and T-1 Live births and deaths (total number of demographic events): year T-1  Tables are updated mainly during March of the next year (T+1), but also along the year whenever revised data are sent by the official data providers. Demographic indicators at regional level are computed by Eurostat using a harmonised methodology and common concepts for all regions of all countries, namely:average population on 1st January (in thousands), population density;demographic balance and crude rates (population change, natural change, net migration including statistical adjustments, crude birth rate, crude death rate, crude rate of population change, crude rate of natural change, crude rate of net migration (including statistical adjustments));age-specific-fertility rates and Total Fertility Rates;life tables that include age-specific-mortality-rates and life expectancy at given exact age;infant mortality and crude rate of infant mortality. At national level a larger number of demographic indicators are computed, as more detailed demographic data are collected only at this level. 
    • März 2014
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 14 April, 2014
      Datensatz auswählen
      Eurostat Dataset Id:demo_r_mpbsurv The regional demographic statistics provides annual data on population, vital events (live births and deaths), total and land areas of the regions and key demographic indicators for regions and statistical regions at NUTS2 and NUTS3 levels for 35 countries: each EU-27 Member State, Acceding, Candidate and EFTA countries. The completeness of the tables depends on the availability of data received from the responsible national statistical institutes (NSIs).  The label of each table indicates the lowest NUTS level for which data are available; for the upper NUTS levels data are included as well. Starting with March 2013, demographic statistics at regional level reflect the new NUTS-2010 classification for EU-27 Member States and the new statistical regions for Croatia. Countries affected by the NUTS-2010 changes are expected to transmit to Eurostat the time series for the new regional breakdown. As a general approach, the regions with no data available are not listed in the tables. For a calendar year T, the deadline of the regional demographic data collection is 15 December, and data included have a different degree of detail for regions at NUTS2 and NUTS3 levels: NUTS2 level - high level of data detail: Population by sex and single year of age at 1st January: years T and T-1Live births by single year of age and year of birth of the mother: year T-1 Deaths by sex and single years of age and year of birth: year T-1  NUTS3 level - low level of data detail: Surface area in km2 at 1st January (total area including inland waters and land area): year TPopulation by sex and broad age groups at 1st January, namely for 0-14 (0 up to 14 years), 15-64 (15 up to 64 years) and 65+ (persons of 65 years and older): years T and T-1 Live births and deaths (total number of demographic events): year T-1  Tables are updated mainly during March of the next year (T+1), but also along the year whenever revised data are sent by the official data providers. Demographic indicators at regional level are computed by Eurostat using a harmonised methodology and common concepts for all regions of all countries, namely: average population on 1st January (in thousands), population density;demographic balance and crude rates (population change, natural change, net migration including statistical adjustments, crude birth rate, crude death rate, crude rate of population change, crude rate of natural change, crude rate of net migration (including statistical adjustments));age-specific-fertility rates and Total Fertility Rates;life tables that include age-specific-mortality-rates and life expectancy at given exact age;infant mortality and crude rate of infant mortality. At national level a larger number of demographic indicators are computed, as more detailed demographic data are collected only at this level.Â
    • Oktober 2024
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 08 Oktober, 2024
      Datensatz auswählen
      Animal production statistics cover three main sub-domains based on three pieces of relevant legislation and related gentlemen’s agreements. Livestock and meat statistics are collected under Regulation (EC) No 1165/2008. They cover meat production, as activity of slaughterhouses (monthly) and as other slaughtering (annual), meat production (gross indigenous production) forecast (semi-annual or quarterly), livestock statistics, including regional statistics. A quality report is also collected every third year.Milk and milk product statistics are collected under Decision 97/80/EC implementing Directive 96/16/EC. They cover farm production and utilisation of milk (annual), collection (monthly for cows’ milk) and production activity by dairies (annual) and statistics on the structure of dairies (every third year). An annual methodological report is also collected.Statistics on eggs for hatching and farmyard poultry chicks are collected under Regulation (EC) No 617/2008, implementing Regulation (EC) No 1234/2007 (Single CMO Regulation). They cover statistics on the structure (annual) and the activity (monthly) of hatcheries as well as reports on the external trade of chicks. European Economic Area countries (EEA, Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway) are requested to provide milk statistics, with the exception of those related to home consumption, as stated in Annex XXI of the EEA Agreement. As Iceland is now a candidate country and Liechtenstein is exempted in the Agreement, only Norway is concerned. The Agreement between the European Community and the Swiss Confederation on cooperation in the field of statistics states that Switzerland must provide Eurostat with national milk statistics. It has been amended in 2013 for covering also some livestock and meat statistics. The same statistics are requested from the candidate countries as acquis communautaire. Further data about the same topics refer to repealed legal acts or agreements. The tables on animal product supply balance sheets (apro_mk_bal, apro_mt_bal and apro_ec_bal), statistics on the structure of rearing (apro_mt_str) and the number of laying hens (apro_ec_lshen) are therefore no longer updated. The same applies to some variables (external trade of animals and meat), periods (surveys in April or August) or items (number of horses) included in other tables. The statistical tables disseminated by Eurostat are organised into three groups of tables on Agricultural products (apro), i.e. Milk and milk products (apro_mk), Livestock and meat (apro_mt) and Poultry farming (apro_ec). This last label covers statistics on hatcheries and on trade in chicks. The regional animal production statistics collected on livestock (agr_r_animal) and on cows’ milk production on farms (agr_r_milk_pr) are disseminated separately. Due to the change in the legal basis or in the methodology, the time series may be broken. This is indicated by a flag in the tables. The detailed content of each table and the reference to its legal definition is provided in the table below.   Table 3.1: Data tables disseminated regarding animal production statistics
    • Oktober 2024
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 08 Oktober, 2024
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      Statistics on the production of cow's milk are derived from annual surveys of farms in each Member State. Milk production here includes milk subsequently fed to calves on the same farm, but not milk suckled directly.
    • Oktober 2023
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 20 Oktober, 2023
      Datensatz auswählen
      This domain covers statistics and indicators on key aspects of the education systems across Europe. The data show entrants and enrolments in education levels, education personnel and the cost and type of resources dedicated to education. The standards on international statistics on education and training systems are set by the three international organisations jointly administering the annual UOE data collection: The United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organisation Institute for Statistics (UNESCO-UIS),The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) and,The Statistical Office of the European Union (EUROSTAT). The following topics are covered: Pupils and students – Enrolments and Entrants,Learning mobility,Education personnel,Education finance,Graduates,Language learning. Data and indicators disseminated include e.g. participation rates at different levels of education, shares of pupils and students by programme orientation (general/academic and vocational/professional) and in combined school and work-based programmes, enrolments in public and private institutions, tertiary education graduates, degree mobile students enrolled and graduates, pupil-teacher ratios, foreign language learning, expenditure on education per student and relative GDP.
    • Oktober 2023
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 20 Oktober, 2023
      Datensatz auswählen
      This domain covers statistics and indicators on key aspects of the education systems across Europe. The data show entrants and enrolments in education levels, education personnel and the cost and type of resources dedicated to education. The standards on international statistics on education and training systems are set by the three international organisations jointly administering the annual UOE data collection: The United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organisation Institute for Statistics (UNESCO-UIS),The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) and,The Statistical Office of the European Union (EUROSTAT). The following topics are covered: Pupils and students – Enrolments and Entrants,Learning mobility,Education personnel,Education finance,Graduates,Language learning. Data and indicators disseminated include e.g. participation rates at different levels of education, shares of pupils and students by programme orientation (general/academic and vocational/professional) and in combined school and work-based programmes, enrolments in public and private institutions, tertiary education graduates, degree mobile students enrolled and graduates, pupil-teacher ratios, foreign language learning, expenditure on education per student and relative GDP etc.
    • Juli 2024
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 28 Juli, 2024
      Datensatz auswählen
      The aim of this section is to provide comparable statistics and indicators on education in the 27 Member States of the European Union, at the regional level NUTS 2. In order to facilitate comparison between countries, data from each Member State are allocated to the various education levels of the International Standard Classification of Education (ISCED), UNESCO 1997.
    • Oktober 2023
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 20 Oktober, 2023
      Datensatz auswählen
      The aim of this section is to provide comparable statistics and indicators on education in the 27 Member States of the European Union, at the regional level NUTS 2. In order to facilitate comparison between countries, data from each Member State are allocated to the various education levels of the International Standard Classification of Education (ISCED), UNESCO 1997.
    • Oktober 2018
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 03 November, 2018
      Datensatz auswählen
      The aim of this section is to provide comparable statistics and indicators on education in the 27 Member States of the European Union, at the regional level NUTS 2. In order to facilitate comparison between countries, data from each Member State are allocated to the various education levels of the International Standard Classification of Education (ISCED), UNESCO 1997.
    • Oktober 2018
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 03 November, 2018
      Datensatz auswählen
      The aim of this section is to provide comparable statistics and indicators on education in the 27 Member States of the European Union, at the regional level NUTS 2. In order to facilitate comparison between countries, data from each Member State are allocated to the various education levels of the International Standard Classification of Education (ISCED), UNESCO 1997.
    • Juli 2023
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 08 Juli, 2023
      Datensatz auswählen
      The aim of this section is to provide comparable statistics and indicators on education in the 27 Member States of the European Union, at the regional level NUTS 2. In order to facilitate comparison between countries, data from each Member State are allocated to the various education levels of the International Standard Classification of Education (ISCED), UNESCO 1997.
    • Juli 2023
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 08 Juli, 2023
      Datensatz auswählen
      The aim of this section is to provide comparable statistics and indicators on education in the 27 Member States of the European Union, at the regional level NUTS 2. In order to facilitate comparison between countries, data from each Member State are allocated to the various education levels of the International Standard Classification of Education (ISCED), UNESCO 1997.
    • Juli 2023
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 08 Juli, 2023
      Datensatz auswählen
      The aim of this section is to provide comparable statistics and indicators on education in the 27 Member States of the European Union, at the regional level NUTS 2. In order to facilitate comparison between countries, data from each Member State are allocated to the various education levels of the International Standard Classification of Education (ISCED), UNESCO 1997.
    • Juli 2023
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 08 Juli, 2023
      Datensatz auswählen
      The aim of this section is to provide comparable statistics and indicators on education in the 27 Member States of the European Union, at the regional level NUTS 2. In order to facilitate comparison between countries, data from each Member State are allocated to the various education levels of the International Standard Classification of Education (ISCED), UNESCO 1997.
    • Juli 2023
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 08 Juli, 2023
      Datensatz auswählen
      The aim of this section is to provide comparable statistics and indicators on education in the 27 Member States of the European Union, at the regional level NUTS 2. In order to facilitate comparison between countries, data from each Member State are allocated to the various education levels of the International Standard Classification of Education (ISCED), UNESCO 1997.
    • Oktober 2018
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 03 November, 2018
      Datensatz auswählen
      The aim of this section is to provide comparable statistics and indicators on education in the 27 Member States of the European Union, at the regional level NUTS 2. In order to facilitate comparison between countries, data from each Member State are allocated to the various education levels of the International Standard Classification of Education (ISCED), UNESCO 1997.
  • Q
    • Januar 2025
      Quelle: Quality of Government Institute
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 03 Februar, 2025
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      The main objective of the research is to address the theoretical and empirical problems of how political institutions of high quality can be created and maintained. The second objective is to study the effects of Quality of Government on a number of policy areas, such as health, environment, social policy, and poverty. While Quality of Government is the common intellectual focal point of the research institute, a variety of theoretical and methodological perspectives are applied. Data citation:  Teorell, Jan, Aksel Sundström, Sören Holmberg, Bo Rothstein, Natalia Alvarado Pachon, Cem Mert Dalli, Rafael Lopez Valverde, Victor Saidi Phiri & Lauren Gerber. 2025. The Quality of Government Standard Dataset, version Jan25. University of Gothenburg: The Quality of Government Institute, doi:10.18157/qogstdjan25
    • Januar 2023
      Quelle: World Bank
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 18 Januar, 2023
      Datensatz auswählen
      Data cited at: The World Bank Topic:Quarterly External Debt Statistics SDDS Publication: License:   In October 2014, the World Bank launched the new Quarterly External Debt Statistics (QEDS) SDDS database. This database is consistent with the classifications and definitions of the 2013 External Debt Statistics: Guide for Compilers and Users (2013 EDS Guide) and Sixth Edition of Balance of Payments and International Investment Position Manual (BPM6). The QEDS SDDS database provides detailed external debt data starting from 1998Q1. Data are published individually by countries that subscribe to the IMF’s Special Data Dissemination Standard (SDDS), as well as, GDDS participating countries that are in a position to produce the external debt data prescribed by the SDDS.
    • Februar 2025
      Quelle: World Bank
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 21 Februar, 2025
      Datensatz auswählen
      Data cited at: The World Bank Topic:Quarterly Public Sector Debt Publication: License:   Quarterly Public Sector Debt (QPSD) database, jointly developed by the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund, brings together detailed public sector debt data of selected countries. The QPSD database includes country and cross-country tables, and specific public debt components. The data represent the following sectors on an as-available basis: General government; otherwise Central government; otherwise Budgetary central government; Non Financial public corporations and Financial public corporations and a table presenting the total public sector debt.
  • R
    • Juni 2024
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 23 Juni, 2024
      Datensatz auswählen
      Data on railway networks (electrified and non-electrified) at regional level (NUTS 2). Data available for EU, EFTA and TR, expressed in kilometres and kilometres per 1 000 km2.
    • Juli 2024
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 06 Juli, 2024
      Datensatz auswählen
      Due to the nature of transport, a spatial reference is built into most legal acts dealing with transport statistics. In a few cases, these sources can be directly used for the derivation of regional transport indicators, while other indicators are collected on a voluntary basis. This is the case of the regional transport data collection in which both data types are used. Three types of regional data can be distinguished depending on their source: two are based on data collections performed on the basis of legal acts (the Maritime and Aviation data) and one is a voluntary data collection (infrastructures, vehicles and road accidents). Regional data collected on voluntary basis: The current regional data collection taking place on a voluntary basis comprises a set of transport indicators at NUTS 0, 1 and 2[1] levels for the road, railways, inland waterways (infrastructure), vehicle stocks, road accidents. The information collected is then disseminated in Eurostat dissemination database (Eurobase) under “General and regional statistics/Regional statistics by NUTS classification/Regional transport statistics” theme and also mirrored under “Transport/Multimodal data/Regional transport statistics” theme. Annual data collection for infrastructure, vehicle stocks and road accidents was launched at the beginning of 2002 covering both Member States and Candidate countries. Since 2007, it includes EFTA countries as well. Regional data are collected directly from the countries using a questionnaire: data on transport infrastructure, vehicle stocks and road accidents (collected previously – till 2006 – on Excel sheets and then – till 2012 – using on-line questionnaires). Currently regional datasets are provided via EDAMIS application. For the voluntary data collection via EDAMIS portal, the definitions from the 4th edition of the Illustrated Glossary for Transport Statistics (jointly elaborated by Eurostat, ECMT, UNECE) were proposed and countries should use them when transmitting data. Regional data based on legal acts: For the collection based on legal acts, regional data are actually derived from the information provided by the participating countries in the frame of the legal data collections at port and airport level. Maritime transport data collection is legally based – Directive 2009/42/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 6 May 2009 on statistical returns in respect of carriage of goods and passengers by sea (OJ L141 of 6.6.2009, page 29), which is the recast of the original Council Directive 95/64/EC of 8 December 1995. The air transport regional data have been calculated using data collected at the airport level in the frame of draft Council and Parliament Regulation (Regulation (EC) No 437/2003 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 February 2003 on statistical returns in respect of the carriage of passengers, freight and mail by air). Within the collection Maritime transport - data aggregated at standard regional levels (NUTS) there are two tables:Maritime transport of passengers at regional level (new methodology);Maritime transport of freight at regional level (new methodology). Within the collection Air transport - data aggregated at standard regional levels (NUTS) there are two tables:Air transport of passengers at regional levelAir transport of freight at regional level The tables present the evolution of the number of passengers carried (if not available passengers on board) and the volume of freight and mail loaded or unloaded (if not available freight and mail on board) to/from the NUTS regions (level 2, 1 and 0) since 1999. The data is presented at annual level. Before the legal act on air transport statistics was introduced (2003 with 3 years transitional period), air transport statistics have been collected using the statistical questionnaire (voluntary basis). Some countries provided figures for passenger transport taking into account “passengers on board” and some “passenger carried”. Until 2007 reference year, the disseminated numbers of passengers aggregated at regional level are actually a mixture of passengers on board and passengers carried data. The air transport regional data have been calculated using data collected at the airport level in the frame of the regulatory data collection on air transport. Only airports with more than 150 000 passenger units serviced annually are taken into account when aggregating the data at regional levels, because they provide statistics detailed enough to solve the problem of double counting. For each aggregate it is necessary to start at the airport level in order to identify the mirror declarations, i.e. the airport routes for which both airports report the volume, since these constitute the routes where the problem of double counting occurs. When calculating the total volume in such cases, only the departure declarations of the concerned airports have been taken into account. The problem of the double counting only appears for the calculation of the total passengers but not for the total arrivals (respectively total departures), which corresponds to the sum of the arrivals (respectively departures) at each domestic airport. For the tables presenting maritime data at regional level the same aggregation method (exclusion of double counting) is applied taking into account main ports only. Only for these ports (handling more than one million tonnes of goods or recording more than 200 000 passenger movements annually ) the detailed statistics allow such aggregation. For some Member States (up to 1998 data) and for others that joint the EU more recently (up to 2002) transport flows through ports and airports had been collected, via questionnaire. Because of the difference in the methodologies applied, the data for air and maritime transport at regional level up to 2002 reference year are available in separate tablesor some Member States (up to 1998 data) and for others that joint the EU more recently (up to 2002) transport flows through ports and airports had been collected, via questionnaire. Because of the difference in the methodologies applied, the data for air and maritime transport at regional level up to 2002 reference year are avilable in separate tables (listed below) and are no longer updated:Maritime transport of passengers by NUTS 2 regions (questionnaire) (tran_r_mapa_om).Maritime transport of freight by NUTS 2 regions (questionnaire) (tran_r_mago_om).Air transport of passengers by NUTS 2 regions (questionnaire) (tran_r_avpa_om).Air transport of freight by NUTS 2 regions (questionnaire) (tran_r_avgo_om). [1] Regulation (EC) No 1059/2003 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 26 May 2003 on the establishment of a common classification of territorial units for statistics (NUTS) and its amendments. More information on NUTS classification can be found under the following link.
    • Juni 2022
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 10 Juni, 2022
      Datensatz auswählen
      Eurostat collects rail transport statistics by two means: 1. Voluntary data collection. Data are collected using the Common Questionnaire of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE), Eurostat and the International Transport Forum (ITF). Full details are set out in another document (see link to 21.3. Annex, at the bottom of the page). The following Eurostat dissemination tables are based on this data collection:all tables in subsection: Railway transport infrastructure (rail_if)all tables in subsection: Railway transport equipment (rail_eq)all tables in subsection: Railway transport - enterprises, economic performance and employment (rail_ec)all tables in subsection: Railway traffic (rail_tf) but table Train movements (rail_tf_trainmv)table Railway transport - Number of victims by type of injury (rail_ac_inj) in subsection Railway transport - Accidents (rail_ac)  Additionally, one table in the regional transport section is based on a different voluntary data collection (REGWeb questionnaire) and contains information on railway infrastructure (length of railway lines - total, electrified and with double or more tracks) by NUTS 2 regions. 2. Mandatory data collection based on the legal act. Data collection on goods and passenger transport, and on rail accidents is based on Regulation EC 91/2003 from the beginning of 2003. The freight data from 1982 until 2002 are based on Directive 80/1177/EEC. Compared to the Directive, Regulation 91/2003 covers the transport of passengers and statistics on accidents in addition to the transport of goods. A detailed description of the source of each dissemination table can be found in the section 21.3Annex (Legal acts and corresponding dissemination tables) at the bottom of this page.
    • Oktober 2023
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 20 Oktober, 2023
      Datensatz auswählen
      The aim of this section is to provide comparable statistics and indicators on education in the 27 Member States of the European Union, at the regional level NUTS 2. In order to facilitate comparison between countries, data from each Member State are allocated to the various education levels of the International Standard Classification of Education (ISCED), UNESCO 1997.
    • Juli 2014
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 18 Oktober, 2015
      Datensatz auswählen
      Eurostat Dataset Id:nama_r_e2grgdp National accounts are a coherent and consistent set of macroeconomic indicators, which provide an overall picture of the economic situation and are widely used for economic analysis and forecasting, policy design and policy making. Eurostat publishes annual and quarterly national accounts, annual and quarterly sector accounts as well as supply, use and input-output tables, which are each presented with associated metadata. Annual national accounts are compiled in accordance with the European System of Accounts - ESA 1995 (Council Regulation 2223/96). Annex B of the Regulation consists of a comprehensive list of the variables to be transmitted for Community purposes within specified time limits. This transmission programme has been updated by Regulation (EC) N° 1392/2007 of the European Parliament and of the Council. Meanwhile, the ESA95 has been reviewed to bring national accounts in the European Union, in line with new economic environment, advances in methodological research and needs of users and the updated national accounts framework at the international level, the SNA 2008. The revisions are reflected in an updated Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on the European system of national and regional accounts in the European Union of 2010 (ESA 2010). The associated transmission programme is also updated and data transmissions in accordance with ESA 2010 are compulsory from September 2014 onwards. Further information on the transition from ESA 95 to ESA 2010 is presented on the Eurostat website. The domain consists of the following collections: GDP and main aggregates. The data are recorded at current and constant prices and include the corresponding implicit price indices. Final consumption aggregates, including the split into household and government consumption. The data are recorded at current and constant prices and include the corresponding implicit price indices. Income, saving and net lending / net borrowing at current prices. Disposable income is also shown in real terms. Exports and imports by Member States of the EU/third countries. The data are recorded at current and constant prices and include the corresponding implicit price indices. Breakdowns of gross value added, compensation of employees, wages and salaries, operating surplus, employment (domestic scope), gross fixed capital formation (GFCF) and fixed assets and other main aggregates by industry; investment by products and household final consumption expenditure by consumption purposes (COICOP). The data are recorded at current and constant prices and include the corresponding implicit price indices. Auxiliary indicators: Population and employment national data, purchasing power parities, contributions to GDP growth, labour productivity, unit labour cost and GDP per capita. Geographical entities covered are the European Union, the euro area, EU Member States, Candidate Countries, EFTA countries, US, Japan and possibly other countries on an ad-hoc basis. The data are published: - in ECU/euro, in national currencies (including euro converted from former national currencies using the irrevocably fixed rate for all years) and in Purchasing Power Standards (PPS); - at current prices and in volume terms; - Population and employment are measured in persons. Employment is also measured in total hours worked. Data sources: National Statistical Institutes
    • Februar 2024
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 21 Februar, 2024
      Datensatz auswählen
      GDP (gross domestic product) is an indicator of the output of a country or a region. It reflects the total value of all goods and services produced less the value of goods and services used for intermediate consumption in their production. Expressing GDP in PPS (purchasing power standards) eliminates differences in price levels between countries. Calculations on a per inhabitant basis allow for the comparison of economies and regions significantly different in absolute size. GDP per inhabitant in PPS is the key variable for determining the eligibility of NUTS 2 regions in the framework of the European Union's structural policy.
    • Februar 2024
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 21 Februar, 2024
      Datensatz auswählen
      GDP (gross domestic product) is an indicator of the output of a country or a region. It reflects the total value of all goods and services produced less the value of goods and services used for intermediate consumption in their production. Expressing GDP in PPS (purchasing power standards) eliminates differences in price levels between countries. Calculations on a per inhabitant basis allow for the comparison of economies and regions significantly different in absolute size. GDP per inhabitant in PPS is the key variable for determining the eligibility of NUTS 2 regions in the framework of the European Union's structural policy.
    • Februar 2024
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 21 Februar, 2024
      Datensatz auswählen
      GDP (gross domestic product) is an indicator of the output of a country or a region. It reflects the total value of all goods and services produced less the value of goods and services used for intermediate consumption in their production. Expressing GDP in PPS (purchasing power standards) eliminates differences in price levels between countries. Calculations on a per inhabitant basis allow for the comparison of economies and regions significantly different in absolute size. GDP per inhabitant in PPS is the key variable for determining the eligibility of NUTS 2 regions in the framework of the European Union's structural policy.
    • Februar 2024
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 21 Februar, 2024
      Datensatz auswählen
      GDP (gross domestic product) is an indicator of the output of a country or a region. It reflects the total value of all goods and services produced less the value of goods and services used for intermediate consumption in their production. Expressing GDP in PPS (purchasing power standards) eliminates differences in price levels between countries. Calculations on a per inhabitant basis allow for the comparison of economies and regions significantly different in absolute size. GDP per inhabitant in PPS is the key variable for determining the eligibility of NUTS 2 regions in the framework of the European Union's structural policy.
    • September 2023
      Quelle: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 06 September, 2023
      Datensatz auswählen
      The Regional Database contains annual data from 1995 to the most recent available year. The data collection is undertaken by the Directorate of Public Governance and Territorial Development, within the Regional Development Policy division (GOV/RDP). Statistics are collected through an annual questionnaire sent to the delegates of the Working Party on Territorial Indicators (WPTI), and through access to the web-sites of National Statistical Offices and Eurostat. The WPTI is responsible for developing regional (subnational) and urban statistics and providing analysis to support policy evaluations. The Regional Database includes statistics on the regional distribution of resources, regional disparities, and how regions contribute to national growth and the well-being of society. Under this framework, the Regional Database is one of the pillars for providing indicators to the publication OECD Regions at a Glance (link).
    • Mai 2021
      Quelle: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 06 September, 2022
      Datensatz auswählen
      The Regional Database contains annual data from 1995 to the most recent available year (generally 2016 for demographic, 2015 for labor market data and 2014 for regional accounts, innovation and social statistics).
    • November 2023
      Quelle: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 06 November, 2023
      Datensatz auswählen
      The Regional Database contains annual data from 1995 to the most recent available year (generally 2014 for demographic and labour market data, 2013 for regional accounts, innovation and social statistics).   In any analytical study conducted at sub-national levels, the choice of the territorial unit is of prime importance. The territorial grids (TL2 and TL3) used in this database are officially established and relatively stable in all member countries, and are used by many as a framework for implementing regional policies. This classification - which, for European countries, is largely consistent with the Eurostat classification - facilitates greater comparability of regions at the same territorial level. The differences with the Eurostat NUTS classification concern Belgium, Greece and the Netherlands where the NUTS 2 level correspond to the OECD TL3 and Germany where the NUTS1 corresponds to the OECD TL2 and the OECD TL3 corresponds to 97 spatial planning regions (Groups of Kreise). For the United Kingdom the Eurostat NUTS1 corresponds to the OECD TL2. Due to limited data availability, labour market indicators in Canada are presented for a different grid (groups of TL3 regions). Since these breakdowns are not part of the OECD official territorial grids, for the sake of simplicity they are labelled as Non Official Grids (NOG).
    • Oktober 2023
      Quelle: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 17 Oktober, 2023
      Datensatz auswählen
      The Regional well-being dataset presents eleven dimensions central for well-being at local level and for 395 OECD regions, covering material conditions (income, jobs and housing), quality of life (education, health, environment, safety and access to services) and subjective well-being (social network support and life satisfaction). The set of indicators selected to measure these dimensions is a combination of people's individual attributes and their local conditions, and in most cases, are available over two different years (2000 and 2014). Regions can be easily visualised and compared to other regions through the interactive website []. The dataset, the website and the publications "Regions at a Glance" and "How’s life in your region?" are outputs designed from the framework for regional and local well-being. The Regional income distribution dataset presents comparable data on sub-national differences in income inequality and poverty for OECD countries. The data by region provide information on income distribution within regions (Gini coefficients and income quintiles), and relative income poverty (with poverty thresholds set in respect of the national population) for 2013. These new data complement international assessments of differences across regions in living conditions by documenting how household income is distributed within regions and how many people are poor relatively to the typical citizen of their country. For analytical purposes, the OECD classifies regions as the first administrative tier of sub-national government, so called Territorial Level 2 or TL2 in the OECD classification. This classification is used by National Statistical Offices to collect information and it represents in many countries the framework for implementing regional policies. Well-being indicators are shown for the 395 TL2 OECD regions, equivalent of the NUTS2 for European countries, with the exception for Estonian where well-being data are presented at a smaller (TL3) level and for the Regional Income dataset, where Greece, Hungary and Poland data are presented at a more aggregated (NUTS1) level.
    • Dezember 2016
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 29 Dezember, 2016
      Datensatz auswählen
    • Mai 2024
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 08 Mai, 2024
      Datensatz auswählen
      Registered studies by
    • Februar 2021
      Quelle: Statistics Norway
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 11 Februar, 2021
      Datensatz auswählen
      EU-countries in Eastern Europe are transferred from group 2 to group 1 from the time of membership in the EU. 2003 Q2: 115 Estonia, 124 Latvia, 131 Polen, 136 Litauen, 146 Slovenia, 152 Hungary, 157 Slovakia, 158 Czech Republic 2007 Q1: 113 Bulgaria, 133 Romania. EU-countries in Eastern-Europe are transferred from group2 to group 1 from the time of membership of the EU: 2004 k2: 115 Estonia, 124 Latvia, 131 Poland, 136 Lithuania, 146 Slovenia, 152 Hungary, 157 Slovakia, 158 Czech Republic. 2007 k1: 113 Bulgaria, 133 Romania. Countries transferred from group 2 to group 1 from the time of membership of the EU: 2004 k2: 126 Malta, 500 Cyprus. Asia includes Turkey and Cypus. Figures updated December 5, 2018. There is a break in the time series on registered unemployed among immigrants from Q4 2018, so the figures are not directly comparable with previous backgroundSerbia and MontenegroThe name changed from Yugoslavia to Serbia and Montenegro 14 February 2003. Note-Figures in absolute numbers and in per cent of the labor force 
    • Januar 2018
      Quelle: World Bank
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 28 Februar, 2018
      Datensatz auswählen
      Data cited at: The World Bank Topic: Remittance Prices Worldwide Publication: License:   Provides data on the cost of sending and receiving relatively small amounts of money from one country to another. Data cover 365 "country corridors" worldwide, from 48 remittance sending countries to 105 receiving countries.
    • März 2024
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 22 März, 2024
      Datensatz auswählen
      Researchers are professionals engaged in the conception or creation of new knowledge, products, processes, methods and systems and also in the management of the projects concerned. The measure shown in this table is researchers in full time equivalents divided by the total annual average employed population. Please note that the calculation of the measure in this table has changed from being based on head count to full time equivalents from January 2010. The measure based on head count is still accessible through Eurostat public data bases, table: Total R&D personnel and researchers by sectors of performance, region and sex (rd_p_persreg)
    • Februar 2021
      Quelle: Statistics Mauritius
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 18 Februar, 2021
      Datensatz auswählen
      Data cited at:
    • Februar 2020
      Quelle: Editorial Projects in Education
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 06 Februar, 2020
      Datensatz auswählen
      Economy and workforce of United States
    • Dezember 2023
      Quelle: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 06 Dezember, 2023
      Datensatz auswählen
      Data on government sector receipts, and on taxes in particular, are basic inputs to most structural economic descriptions and economic analyses and are increasingly used in international comparisons. This annual database presents a unique set of detailed and internationally comparable tax data in a common format for all OECD countries.
    • März 2009
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 21 April, 2014
      Datensatz auswählen
      Eurostat Dataset Id:tran_r_veh_jour Due to the nature of transport, a spatial reference is built into most legal acts dealing with transport statistics. In a few cases, these sources can be directly used for the derivation of regional transport indicators, while other indicators are collected on a voluntary basis. This is the case of the regional transport data collection in which both data types are used. Three types of regional data can be distinguished depending on their source: two are based on data collections performed on the basis of legal acts (the Maritime and Aviation data) and one is a voluntary data collection (infrastructures, vehicles and road accidents). Regional data collected on voluntary basis: The current regional data collection taking place on a voluntary basis comprises a set of transport indicators at NUTS 0, 1 and 2[1] levels for the road, railways, inland waterways (infrastructure), vehicle stocks, road accidents. The information collected is then disseminated in Eurostat dissemination database (Eurobase) under “General and regional statistics/Regional statistics/Regional transport statistics” theme and also mirrored under “Transport/Regional transport statistics” theme. Annual data collection for infrastructure, vehicle stocks and road accidents was launched at the beginning of 2002 covering both Member States and Candidate countries. Since 2007, it includes EFTA countries as well. Regional data are collected directly from the countries using a questionnaire: data on transport infrastructure, vehicle stocks and road accidents (collected previously – till 2006 – on Excel sheets and then – till 2012- using on-line questionnaires). Currently regional datasets are provided via eDAMIS application. For the voluntary data collection via eDAMIS portal, the definitions from the 4th edition of the Glossary for transport statistics(jointly elaborated by Eurostat, ECMT, UNECE) were proposed and countries should use them when transmitting data. Regional data based on legal acts: For the collection based on legal acts, regional data are actually derived from the information provided by the participating countries in the frame of the legal data collections at port and airport level. Maritime transport data collection is legally based – Directive 2009/42/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 6 May 2009 on statistical returns in respect of carriage of goods and passengers by sea (OJ L141 of 6.6.2009, page 29), which is the recast of the original Council Directive 95/64/EC of 8 December 1995. Within the collection Maritime transport - data aggregated at standard regional levels (NUTS) there are two tables:Maritime transport of passengers at regional level (new methodology);Maritime transport of freight at regional level (new methodology).   Within the collection Air transport - data aggregated at standard regional levels (NUTS) there are two tables:Air transport of passengers at regional levelAir transport of freight at regional level   The tables present the evolution of the number of passengers carried (if not available passengers on board) and the volume of freight and mail loaded or unloaded (if not available freight and mail on board) to/from the NUTS regions (level 2, 1 and 0) since 1999. The data is presented at annual level. The air transport regional data have been calculated using data collected at the airport level in the frame of draft Council and Parliament Regulation (Regulation 95/C 325/08 on statistical returns in respect of carriage of passenger, freight and mail by air). [1] Regulation (EC) No 1059/2003 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 26 May 2003 on the establishment of a common classification of territorial units for statistics (NUTS) and its amendments. More information on NUTS clasiffication can be found under the following link.
    • Juni 2024
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 21 Juni, 2024
      Datensatz auswählen
      Due to the nature of transport, a spatial reference is built into most legal acts dealing with transport statistics. In a few cases, these sources can be directly used for the derivation of regional transport indicators, while other indicators are collected on a voluntary basis. This is the case of the regional transport data collection in which both data types are used. Three types of regional data can be distinguished depending on their source: two are based on data collections performed on the basis of legal acts (the Maritime and Aviation data) and one is a voluntary data collection (infrastructures, vehicles and road accidents). Regional data collected on voluntary basis: The current regional data collection taking place on a voluntary basis comprises a set of transport indicators at NUTS 0, 1 and 2[1] levels for the road, railways, inland waterways (infrastructure), vehicle stocks, road accidents. The information collected is then disseminated in Eurostat dissemination database (Eurobase) under “General and regional statistics/Regional statistics by NUTS classification/Regional transport statistics” theme and also mirrored under “Transport/Multimodal data/Regional transport statistics” theme. Annual data collection for infrastructure, vehicle stocks and road accidents was launched at the beginning of 2002 covering both Member States and Candidate countries. Since 2007, it includes EFTA countries as well. Regional data are collected directly from the countries using a questionnaire: data on transport infrastructure, vehicle stocks and road accidents (collected previously – till 2006 – on Excel sheets and then – till 2012 – using on-line questionnaires). Currently regional datasets are provided via EDAMIS application. For the voluntary data collection via EDAMIS portal, the definitions from the 4th edition of the Illustrated Glossary for Transport Statistics (jointly elaborated by Eurostat, ECMT, UNECE) were proposed and countries should use them when transmitting data. Regional data based on legal acts: For the collection based on legal acts, regional data are actually derived from the information provided by the participating countries in the frame of the legal data collections at port and airport level. Maritime transport data collection is legally based – Directive 2009/42/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 6 May 2009 on statistical returns in respect of carriage of goods and passengers by sea (OJ L141 of 6.6.2009, page 29), which is the recast of the original Council Directive 95/64/EC of 8 December 1995. The air transport regional data have been calculated using data collected at the airport level in the frame of draft Council and Parliament Regulation (Regulation (EC) No 437/2003 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 February 2003 on statistical returns in respect of the carriage of passengers, freight and mail by air). Within the collection Maritime transport - data aggregated at standard regional levels (NUTS) there are two tables: Maritime transport of passengers at regional level (new methodology);Maritime transport of freight at regional level (new methodology). Within the collection Air transport - data aggregated at standard regional levels (NUTS) there are two tables: Air transport of passengers at regional levelAir transport of freight at regional level The tables present the evolution of the number of passengers carried (if not available passengers on board) and the volume of freight and mail loaded or unloaded (if not available freight and mail on board) to/from the NUTS regions (level 2, 1 and 0) since 1999. The data is presented at annual level. Before the legal act on air transport statistics was introduced (2003 with 3 years transitional period), air transport statistics have been collected using the statistical questionnaire (voluntary basis). Some countries provided figures for passenger transport taking into account “passengers on board” and some “passenger carried”. Until 2007 reference year, the disseminated numbers of passengers aggregated at regional level are actually a mixture of passengers on board and passengers carried data. The air transport regional data have been calculated using data collected at the airport level in the frame of the regulatory data collection on air transport. Only airports with more than 150 000 passenger units serviced annually are taken into account when aggregating the data at regional levels, because they provide statistics detailed enough to solve the problem of double counting. For each aggregate it is necessary to start at the airport level in order to identify the mirror declarations, i.e. the airport routes for which both airports report the volume, since these constitute the routes where the problem of double counting occurs. When calculating the total volume in such cases, only the departure declarations of the concerned airports have been taken into account. The problem of the double counting only appears for the calculation of the total passengers but not for the total arrivals (respectively total departures), which corresponds to the sum of the arrivals (respectively departures) at each domestic airport. For the tables presenting maritime data at regional level the same aggregation method (exclusion of double counting) is applied taking into account main ports only. Only for these ports (handling more than one million tonnes of goods or recording more than 200 000 passenger movements annually ) the detailed statistics allow such aggregation. For some Member States (up to 1998 data) and for others that joint the EU more recently (up to 2002) transport flows through ports and airports had been collected, via questionnaire. Because of the difference in the methodologies applied, the data for air and maritime transport at regional level up to 2002 reference year are available in separate tablesor some Member States (up to 1998 data) and for others that joint the EU more recently (up to 2002) transport flows through ports and airports had been collected, via questionnaire. Because of the difference in the methodologies applied, the data for air and maritime transport at regional level up to 2002 reference year are avilable in separate tables (listed below) and are no longer updated: Maritime transport of passengers by NUTS 2 regions (questionnaire) (tran_r_mapa_om).Maritime transport of freight by NUTS 2 regions (questionnaire) (tran_r_mago_om).Air transport of passengers by NUTS 2 regions (questionnaire) (tran_r_avpa_om).Air transport of freight by NUTS 2 regions (questionnaire) (tran_r_avgo_om). [1] Regulation (EC) No 1059/2003 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 26 May 2003 on the establishment of a common classification of territorial units for statistics (NUTS) and its amendments. More information on NUTS classification can be found under the following link.
    • Dezember 2009
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 22 April, 2014
      Datensatz auswählen
      Eurostat Dataset Id:migr_r_2ro The data comprises series of internal (in the country) regional migration on NUTS2 level during the reference year. Data on arrivals and departures due to internal migration are disaggregated by NUTS2 region of arrival/departure, sex and single year age. Data on migration by region of origin and destination (excluding intra-regional migration) are presented separately for each country for which such data are available. The tables are in the form of matrix (NUTS2 region of origin and destination) excluding intra-refional migration, disaggregated by sex. The data source is administrative records or national surveys. The completeness of the tables depends largely on the availability of data from the relevant national statistical institutes.
  • S
    • Dezember 2023
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 02 Dezember, 2023
      Datensatz auswählen
      The domain "Income and living conditions" covers four topics: people at risk of poverty or social exclusion, income distribution and monetary poverty, living conditions and material deprivation, which are again structured into collections of indicators on specific topics. The collection "People at risk of poverty or social exclusion" houses main indicator on risk of poverty or social inclusion included in the Europe 2020 strategy as well as the intersections between sub-populations of all Europe 2020 indicators on poverty and social exclusion. The collection "Income distribution and monetary poverty" houses collections of indicators relating to poverty risk, poverty risk of working individuals as well as the distribution of income. The collection "Living conditions" hosts indicators relating to characteristics and living conditions of households, characteristics of the population according to different breakdowns, health and labour conditions, housing conditions as well as childcare related indicators. The collection "Material deprivation" covers indicators relating to economic strain, durables, housing deprivation and environment of the dwelling.
    • Februar 2021
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 09 Februar, 2021
      Datensatz auswählen
      Estimated quantity of fertilizer sold, per nutrient
    • Oktober 2022
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 28 Oktober, 2022
      Datensatz auswählen
      Structural business statistics (SBS) describes the structure, conduct and performance of economic activities, down to the most detailed activity level (several hundred economic sectors). SBS are transmitted annually by the EU Member States on the basis of a legal obligation from 1995 onwards.   SBS covers all activities of the business economy with the exception of agricultural activities and personal services and the data are provided by all EU Member States, Norway and Switzerland, some candidate and potential candidate countries. The data are collected by domain of activity (annex) : Annex I - Services, Annex II - Industry, Annex III - Trade and Annex IV- Constructions and by datasets. Each annex contains several datasets as indicated in the SBS Regulation. The majority of the data is collected by National Statistical Institutes (NSIs) by means of statistical surveys, business registers or from various administrative sources. Regulatory or controlling national offices for financial institutions or central banks often provide the information required for the financial sector (NACE Rev 2 Section K / NACE Rev 1.1 Section J). Member States apply various statistical methods, according to the data source, such as grossing up, model based estimation or different forms of imputation, to ensure the quality of SBSs produced. Main characteristics (variables) of the SBS data category:Business Demographic variables (e.g. Number of enterprises)"Output related" variables (e.g. Turnover, Value added)"Input related" variables: labour input (e.g. Employment, Hours worked); goods and services input (e.g. Total of purchases); capital input (e.g. Material investments) All SBS characteristics are published on Eurostat’s website by tables and an example of the existent tables is presented below:Annual enterprise statistics: Characteristics collected are published by country and detailed on NACE Rev 2 and NACE Rev 1.1 class level (4-digits). Some classes or groups in 'services' section have been aggregated.Annual enterprise statistics broken down by size classes: Characteristics are published by country and detailed down to NACE Rev 2 and NACE Rev 1.1 group level (3-digits) and employment size class. For trade (NACE Rev 2 and NACE Rev 1.1 Section G) a supplementary breakdown by turnover size class is available.Annual regional statistics: Four characteristics are published by NUTS-2 country region and detailed on NACE Rev 2 and NACE Rev 1.1 division level (2-digits) (but to group level (3-digits) for the trade section). More information on the contents of different tables: the detail level and breakdowns required starting with the reference year 2008 is defined in Commission Regulation N° 251/2009. For previous reference years it is included in Commission Regulations (EC) N° 2701/98 and amended by Commission Regulation N°1614/2002 and Commission Regulation N°1669/2003. Several important derived indicators are generated in the form of ratios of certain monetary characteristics or per head values. A list with the available derived indicators is available below in the Annex.
    • März 2024
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 04 März, 2024
      Datensatz auswählen
      Structural business statistics (SBS) describes the structure, conduct and performance of economic activities, down to the most detailed activity level (several hundred economic sectors). SBS are transmitted annually by the EU Member States on the basis of a legal obligation from 1995 onwards.   SBS covers all activities of the business economy with the exception of agricultural activities and personal services and the data are provided by all EU Member States, Norway and Switzerland, some candidate and potential candidate countries. The data are collected by domain of activity (annex) : Annex I - Services, Annex II - Industry, Annex III - Trade and Annex IV- Constructions and by datasets. Each annex contains several datasets as indicated in the SBS Regulation. The majority of the data is collected by National Statistical Institutes (NSIs) by means of statistical surveys, business registers or from various administrative sources. Regulatory or controlling national offices for financial institutions or central banks often provide the information required for the financial sector (NACE Rev 2 Section K / NACE Rev 1.1 Section J). Member States apply various statistical methods, according to the data source, such as grossing up, model based estimation or different forms of imputation, to ensure the quality of SBSs produced. Main characteristics (variables) of the SBS data category: Business Demographic variables (e.g. Number of enterprises)"Output related" variables (e.g. Turnover, Value added)"Input related" variables: labour input (e.g. Employment, Hours worked); goods and services input (e.g. Total of purchases); capital input (e.g. Material investments) All SBS characteristics are published on Eurostat’s website by tables and an example of the existent tables is presented below: Annual enterprise statistics: Characteristics collected are published by country and detailed on NACE Rev 2 and NACE Rev 1.1 class level (4-digits). Some classes or groups in 'services' section have been aggregated.Annual enterprise statistics broken down by size classes: Characteristics are published by country and detailed down to NACE Rev 2 and NACE Rev 1.1 group level (3-digits) and employment size class. For trade (NACE Rev 2 and NACE Rev 1.1 Section G) a supplementary breakdown by turnover size class is available.Annual regional statistics: Four characteristics are published by NUTS-2 country region and detailed on NACE Rev 2 and NACE Rev 1.1 division level (2-digits) (but to group level (3-digits) for the trade section). More information on the contents of different tables: the detail level and breakdowns required starting with the reference year 2008 is defined in Commission Regulation N° 251/2009. For previous reference years it is included in Commission Regulations (EC) N° 2701/98 and amended by Commission Regulation N°1614/2002 and Commission Regulation N°1669/2003. Several important derived indicators are generated in the form of ratios of certain monetary characteristics or per head values. A list with the available derived indicators is available below in the Annex.
    • Mai 2011
      Quelle: Editorial Projects in Education
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 15 Oktober, 2014
      Datensatz auswählen
      School Climate Indicator United States, 2010
    • März 2018
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 17 März, 2018
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    • November 2020
      Quelle: U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of Economic Analysis
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 22 November, 2021
      Datensatz auswählen
      Full Name: Activities of U.S. Multinational Enterprises (MNEs), Selected Data for Majority-Owned Foreign Affiliates in All Countries in which Investment was Reported.
    • Juli 2024
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 06 Juli, 2024
      Datensatz auswählen
      The European Statistics of Income and Living Condition (EU-SILC) survey contains a small module on health, composed of 3 variables on health status and 4 variables on unmet needs for health care. The variables on health status represent the so called Minimum European Health Module (MEHM), and measures 3 different concepts of health: Self-perceived healthChronic morbidity (people having a long-standing illness or health problem)Activity limitation – disability (self-perceived long-standing limitations in usual activities due to health problems) The variables on unmet needs for health care targets two broad types of services: medical care and dental care. The variables refer to the respondent's own assessment of whether he or she needed the respective type of examination or treatment, but did not have it and if so what was the main reason of not having it, Eurostat currently disseminates the following indicators for unmet needs: Self-reported unmet needs for medical examination for reasons of barriers of accessSelf-reported unmet needs for medical examination by reasonSelf-reported unmet needs for dental examination by reason All indicators are expressed as percentages within (or share of) the population and breakdowns are given by: sex, age, labour status, educational attainment level, and income quintile group. Data for individual countries are disseminated starting the fourth quarter of year N+1 (where N = year of data collection). EU aggregates and health indicators for all countries (provided that the data is available) for year N are published by the end of February N+2 at the latest.
    • Mai 2020
      Quelle: International Labour Organization
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 08 Mai, 2020
      Datensatz auswählen
      Imputed observations are not based on national data, are subject to high uncertainty and should not be used for country comparisons or rankings. The series is part of the ILO estimates and is harmonized to account for differences in national data and scope of coverage, collection and tabulation methodologies as well as for other country-specific factors. For more information, refer to the ILO estimates and projections methodological note.
    • Juni 2024
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 05 Juni, 2024
      Datensatz auswählen
      The collection "material deprivation" covers indicators relating to economic strain, durables, housing and environment of the dwelling. Severely materially deprived persons have living conditions severely constrained by a lack of resources, they experience at least 4 out of 9 following deprivations items: they cannot afford i) to pay rent or utility bills, ii) keep home adequately warm, iii) face unexpected expenses, iv) eat meat, fish or a protein equivalent every second day, v) a week holiday away from home, vi) a car, vii) a washing machine, viii) a colour TV, ix) a telephone.
    • April 2023
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 21 April, 2023
      Datensatz auswählen
      The domain "Income and living conditions" covers four topics: people at risk of poverty or social exclusion, income distribution and monetary poverty, living conditions and material deprivation, which are again structured into collections of indicators on specific topics. The collection "People at risk of poverty or social exclusion" houses main indicator on risk of poverty or social inclusion included in the Europe 2020 strategy as well as the intersections between sub-populations of all Europe 2020 indicators on poverty and social exclusion. The collection "Income distribution and monetary poverty" houses collections of indicators relating to poverty risk, poverty risk of working individuals as well as the distribution of income. The collection "Living conditions" hosts indicators relating to characteristics and living conditions of households, characteristics of the population according to different breakdowns, health and labour conditions, housing conditions as well as childcare related indicators. The collection "Material deprivation" covers indicators relating to economic strain, durables, housing deprivation and environment of the dwelling.
    • März 2019
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 18 März, 2019
      Datensatz auswählen
      The domain EUROFARM (ef) contains information (statistical tables) on structure of agricultural holdings collected through agricultural structure surveys. The data of the domain have been organised into two collections:Results of the farm structure surveys contains data from 1990 onwards based on the 1988 legislation andResults of the farm structure surveys based on the legislation from 2008. This collection contains the data from the 2010 Census onwards as well as the data for the surveys 2007 and 2005. Farm Structure Survey data are used to collect information on agricultural holdings in the Member States at different geographic levels (Member States, regions, districts) and over periods (follow up the changes in agricultural sector), thus provide a base for decision making in the Common Agricultural Policy. Two kinds of Farm Structure Survey (FSS) are carried out by Member States:a basic survey (full scope Agricultural Census - AC) every 10 years,several sample based intermediate surveys between them. However for certain characteristics the Member States may use sample base for every survey. The calendar for the surveys to be held in all Member States is agreed by the Agricultural Statistics Committee of the European Commission. For a given survey year, Member States have to conduct their surveys within the agreed time-frame, thus all the data are as comparable as possible. The FSS are organised in all Member States on a harmonised base. Whereas the characteristics are based on community legislation, the same data are available for all countries in case of each survey. The data on individual agricultural holdings are collected by all Member States and sent to Eurostat. The aggregated results are disseminated through statistical tables. The variables are arranged into groups:general overview with key variables,and other specialized groups containing detailed data onland uselivestockfarm labour forcerural development issues as well as management and practices. The 2010 survey additionally provides the results of the survey on agricultural production methods (SAPM). The scope of the survey is agriculture, while the survey unit is the agricultural holding (farm). Data for basic surveys are available in a three-level geographical breakdown of the whole country, the regions and the district; while data for intermediate surveys are only available upon the two-levels of country and regions. Since FSS 1999/2000 information about local farm location is collected in most countries, so that the data can also be disseminated by NUTS and are robust regarding the changes in the NUTS definition. The FSS 2009/2010 information is inline with the NUTS 2010 classification: Regulation (EU) No 31/2011 amending the NUTS classification from January 2003. The Eurofarm domain does not cover the whole territory only the land covered by the agricultural holdings. So the land use data without link with other farm characteristics should be downloaded by the user from the relevant domain. Specific national data about crops, animals or agricultural labour force can be found in other domains, without link between the other information at farm level. For a comprehensive description of the domain, please consult detailed structure (See annex at the bottom of the page). Regional Data Data for basic surveys are available in a three-level geographical breakdown of the whole country, the regions and the district; while data for intermediate surveys are only available upon the two-levels of country and regions. Since FSS 1999/2000 information about local farm location is collected in most countries, so that the data can also be disseminated by NUTS classification and are robust regarding the changes in the NUTS definition. The FSS 2009/2010 information is inline with the NUTS 2010 classification: Regulation (EU) No 31/2001 amending the NUTS classification from January 2012. Please note that for paragraphs where no metadata for regional data has been specified, the regional metadata is identical to the metadata provided for the national data.
    • Februar 2021
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 09 Februar, 2021
      Datensatz auswählen
      Share of irrigable and irrigated areas in the utilised agricultural area (UAA); the irrigable area is the area which is equipped for irrigation, while the irrigated area measures the actual amount of land irrigated; based on Farm Structure Survey data.
    • November 2018
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 23 November, 2018
      Datensatz auswählen
      The domain EUROFARM (ef) contains information (statistical tables) on structure of agricultural holdings collected through agricultural structure surveys. The data of the domain have been organised into two collections:Results of the farm structure surveys contains data from 1990 onwards based on the 1988 legislation andResults of the farm structure surveys based on the legislation from 2008. This collection contains the data from the 2010 Census onwards as well as the data for the surveys 2007 and 2005. Farm Structure Survey data are used to collect information on agricultural holdings in the Member States at different geographic levels (Member States, regions, districts) and over periods (follow up the changes in agricultural sector), thus provide a base for decision making in the Common Agricultural Policy. Two kinds of Farm Structure Survey (FSS) are carried out by Member States:a basic survey (full scope Agricultural Census - AC) every 10 years,several sample based intermediate surveys between them. However for certain characteristics the Member States may use sample base for every survey. The calendar for the surveys to be held in all Member States is agreed by the Agricultural Statistics Committee of the European Commission. For a given survey year, Member States have to conduct their surveys within the agreed time-frame, thus all the data are as comparable as possible. The FSS are organised in all Member States on a harmonised base. Whereas the characteristics are based on community legislation, the same data are available for all countries in case of each survey. The data on individual agricultural holdings are collected by all Member States and sent to Eurostat. The aggregated results are disseminated through statistical tables. The variables are arranged into groups:general overview with key variables,and other specialized groups containing detailed data onland uselivestockfarm labour forcerural development issues as well as management and practices. The 2010 survey additionally provides the results of the survey on agricultural production methods (SAPM). The scope of the survey is agriculture, while the survey unit is the agricultural holding (farm). Data for basic surveys are available in a three-level geographical breakdown of the whole country, the regions and the district; while data for intermediate surveys are only available upon the two-levels of country and regions. Since FSS 1999/2000 information about local farm location is collected in most countries, so that the data can also be disseminated by NUTS and are robust regarding the changes in the NUTS definition. The FSS 2009/2010 information is inline with the NUTS 2010 classification: Regulation (EU) No 31/2011 amending the NUTS classification from January 2003. The Eurofarm domain does not cover the whole territory only the land covered by the agricultural holdings. So the land use data without link with other farm characteristics should be downloaded by the user from the relevant domain. Specific national data about crops, animals or agricultural labour force can be found in other domains, without link between the other information at farm level. For a comprehensive description of the domain, please consult detailed structure (See annex at the bottom of the page). Regional Data Data for basic surveys are available in a three-level geographical breakdown of the whole country, the regions and the district; while data for intermediate surveys are only available upon the two-levels of country and regions. Since FSS 1999/2000 information about local farm location is collected in most countries, so that the data can also be disseminated by NUTS classification and are robust regarding the changes in the NUTS definition. The FSS 2009/2010 information is inline with the NUTS 2010 classification: Regulation (EU) No 31/2001 amending the NUTS classification from January 2012. Please note that for paragraphs where no metadata for regional data has been specified, the regional metadata is identical to the metadata provided for the national data.
    • Februar 2021
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
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      The share of the utilised agricultural area (UAA) occupied by the main agricultural land uses (arable land, permanent grassland and land under permanent crops); based on Farm Structure Survey data.
    • Februar 2019
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 19 Februar, 2019
      Datensatz auswählen
      The domain EUROFARM (ef) contains information (statistical tables) on structure of agricultural holdings collected through agricultural structure surveys. The data of the domain have been organised into two collections:Results of the farm structure surveys contains data from 1990 onwards based on the 1988 legislation andResults of the farm structure surveys based on the legislation from 2008. This collection contains the data from the 2010 Census onwards as well as the data for the surveys 2007 and 2005. Farm Structure Survey data are used to collect information on agricultural holdings in the Member States at different geographic levels (Member States, regions, districts) and over periods (follow up the changes in agricultural sector), thus provide a base for decision making in the Common Agricultural Policy. Two kinds of Farm Structure Survey (FSS) are carried out by Member States:a basic survey (full scope Agricultural Census - AC) every 10 years,several sample based intermediate surveys between them. However for certain characteristics the Member States may use sample base for every survey. The calendar for the surveys to be held in all Member States is agreed by the Agricultural Statistics Committee of the European Commission. For a given survey year, Member States have to conduct their surveys within the agreed time-frame, thus all the data are as comparable as possible. The FSS are organised in all Member States on a harmonised base. Whereas the characteristics are based on community legislation, the same data are available for all countries in case of each survey. The data on individual agricultural holdings are collected by all Member States and sent to Eurostat. The aggregated results are disseminated through statistical tables. The variables are arranged into groups:general overview with key variables,and other specialized groups containing detailed data onland uselivestockfarm labour forcerural development issues as well as management and practices. The 2010 survey additionally provides the results of the survey on agricultural production methods (SAPM). The scope of the survey is agriculture, while the survey unit is the agricultural holding (farm). Data for basic surveys are available in a three-level geographical breakdown of the whole country, the regions and the district; while data for intermediate surveys are only available upon the two-levels of country and regions. Since FSS 1999/2000 information about local farm location is collected in most countries, so that the data can also be disseminated by NUTS and are robust regarding the changes in the NUTS definition. The FSS 2009/2010 information is inline with the NUTS 2010 classification: Regulation (EU) No 31/2011 amending the NUTS classification from January 2003. The Eurofarm domain does not cover the whole territory only the land covered by the agricultural holdings. So the land use data without link with other farm characteristics should be downloaded by the user from the relevant domain. Specific national data about crops, animals or agricultural labour force can be found in other domains, without link between the other information at farm level. For a comprehensive description of the domain, please consult detailed structure (See annex at the bottom of the page). Regional Data Data for basic surveys are available in a three-level geographical breakdown of the whole country, the regions and the district; while data for intermediate surveys are only available upon the two-levels of country and regions. Since FSS 1999/2000 information about local farm location is collected in most countries, so that the data can also be disseminated by NUTS classification and are robust regarding the changes in the NUTS definition. The FSS 2009/2010 information is inline with the NUTS 2010 classification: Regulation (EU) No 31/2001 amending the NUTS classification from January 2012. Please note that for paragraphs where no metadata for regional data has been specified, the regional metadata is identical to the metadata provided for the national data.
    • Februar 2021
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 09 Februar, 2021
      Datensatz auswählen
      Share of major livestock types (cattle, horses, sheep, goats, pigs and poultry) in total livestock population expressed in livestock units (LSU); based on Farm Structure Survey data.
    • Mai 2011
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 22 April, 2014
      Datensatz auswählen
      Eurostat Dataset Id:env_rfec
    • Dezember 2009
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 22 April, 2014
      Datensatz auswählen
      Eurostat Dataset Id:migr_r_2sk The data comprises series of internal (in the country) regional migration on NUTS2 level during the reference year. Data on arrivals and departures due to internal migration are disaggregated by NUTS2 region of arrival/departure, sex and single year age. Data on migration by region of origin and destination (excluding intra-regional migration) are presented separately for each country for which such data are available. The tables are in the form of matrix (NUTS2 region of origin and destination) excluding intra-refional migration, disaggregated by sex. The data source is administrative records or national surveys. The completeness of the tables depends largely on the availability of data from the relevant national statistical institutes.
    • Dezember 2009
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 22 April, 2014
      Datensatz auswählen
      Eurostat Dataset Id:migr_r_2si The data comprises series of internal (in the country) regional migration on NUTS2 level during the reference year. Data on arrivals and departures due to internal migration are disaggregated by NUTS2 region of arrival/departure, sex and single year age. Data on migration by region of origin and destination (excluding intra-regional migration) are presented separately for each country for which such data are available. The tables are in the form of matrix (NUTS2 region of origin and destination) excluding intra-refional migration, disaggregated by sex. The data source is administrative records or national surveys. The completeness of the tables depends largely on the availability of data from the relevant national statistical institutes.
    • Oktober 2023
      Quelle: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 24 Oktober, 2023
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      The SIGI is built on 27 innovative variables measuring discriminatory social institutions, which are grouped into 4 dimensions: discrimination in the family, restricted physical integrity, restricted access to productive and financial resources, and restricted civil liberties.Lower values indicate lower levels of discrimination in social institutions: the SIGI ranges from 0% for no discrimination to 100% for very high discrimination.
    • Mai 2024
      Quelle: Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 03 Oktober, 2024
      Datensatz auswählen
      Data cited at: Global Burden of Disease Collaborative Network. Global Burden of Disease Study 2019 (GBD 2019) Socio-Demographic Index (SDI) 1950–2019. Seattle, United States of America: Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME), 2020.
    • Januar 2017
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 06 Oktober, 2017
      Datensatz auswählen
    • Dezember 2009
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 22 April, 2014
      Datensatz auswählen
      Eurostat Dataset Id:migr_r_2es The data comprises series of internal (in the country) regional migration on NUTS2 level during the reference year. Data on arrivals and departures due to internal migration are disaggregated by NUTS2 region of arrival/departure, sex and single year age. Data on migration by region of origin and destination (excluding intra-regional migration) are presented separately for each country for which such data are available. The tables are in the form of matrix (NUTS2 region of origin and destination) excluding intra-refional migration, disaggregated by sex. The data source is administrative records or national surveys. The completeness of the tables depends largely on the availability of data from the relevant national statistical institutes.
    • Mai 2011
      Quelle: Editorial Projects in Education
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 21 Oktober, 2014
      Datensatz auswählen
      Special Education Indicator United States, 2004
    • Mai 2011
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 22 April, 2014
      Datensatz auswählen
      Eurostat Dataset Id:env_rlu
    • September 2015
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 03 Dezember, 2015
      Datensatz auswählen
      Eurostat Dataset Id:env_rtr
    • Februar 2021
      Quelle: National Institute of Statistics, Italy
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 11 Februar, 2021
      Datensatz auswählen
      Data source(s) used: Marriages: The survey on marriages, was established in 1926. It's an individual and exhaustive survey, which collects the data of all the marriages celebrated in Italy and the socio-demographic characteristics of the spouses.The survey uses the Istat D.3 model, compiled by the officer of the municipality where the marriage was celebrated. The model is divided into two parts: the first one collects the information about the marriage: the date, the rite of celebration (religious or civil), and the common property regime chosen by the couple (joint or separated ownership of property); the second one collects information about the spouses: date of birth, place of birth, place of residence at the time of marriage, future place of residence of the spouses, marital status, level of education, occupational status, position in the profession, branch of economic activity, citizenship. Other data characteristics: The indicators that do not involve the use of the population (civil weddings - percentage values, joint ownership of property - percentages, marriages with at least one foreign spouse - percentages, second or later marriages - percentages) were calculated according to three different territorial classification:- According to the classification in force in 2017 (107 provinces);- According to the classification in force at the time of the Census of 2011 (110 provinces);- According to the classification in force in the year in which the marriage was celebrated, in the event that was different from that of 2017 and of the Census of 2011 (103 provinces for 2004 and 2005, 107 provinces for the years ranging from 2006 to 2009).
    • Februar 2023
      Quelle: U.S. National Association of Manufactures
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 06 Februar, 2023
      Datensatz auswählen
      NAM stands for The National Association of Manufacturers Note Annual reports are released twice per year.Initial report in the month of March.Revised report in the month of October.
    • Februar 2025
      Quelle: World Steel Association
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 26 Februar, 2025
      Datensatz auswählen
      Note: Worldsteel's Steel Statistical Yearbook for 2019 and 2020 are concise version World steel's Steel Statistical Yearbook presents a cross-section of steel industry statistics. It contains comprehensive statistics from 2008 to 2022 on crude steel production by country and process, steel production by product, steel trade by product, apparent steel use and apparent steel use per capita by country, as well as production and trade of pig iron and directly reduced iron. It also includes data on production and trade of iron ore and trade of scrap.  of steel and true steel use. The statistics were collected from members of world steel and various international organizations.
    • Oktober 2024
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 02 Oktober, 2024
      Datensatz auswählen
      Due to the nature of transport, a spatial reference is built into most legal acts dealing with transport statistics. In a few cases, these sources can be directly used for the derivation of regional transport indicators, while other indicators are collected on a voluntary basis. This is the case of the regional transport data collection in which both data types are used. Three types of regional data can be distinguished depending on their source: two are based on data collections performed on the basis of legal acts (the Maritime and Aviation data) and one is a voluntary data collection (infrastructures, vehicles and road accidents). Regional data collected on voluntary basis: The current regional data collection taking place on a voluntary basis comprises a set of transport indicators at NUTS 0, 1 and 2[1] levels for the road, railways, inland waterways (infrastructure), vehicle stocks, road accidents. The information collected is then disseminated in Eurostat dissemination database (Eurobase) under “General and regional statistics/Regional statistics by NUTS classification/Regional transport statistics” theme and also mirrored under “Transport/Multimodal data/Regional transport statistics” theme. Annual data collection for infrastructure, vehicle stocks and road accidents was launched at the beginning of 2002 covering both Member States and Candidate countries. Since 2007, it includes EFTA countries as well. Regional data are collected directly from the countries using a questionnaire: data on transport infrastructure, vehicle stocks and road accidents (collected previously – till 2006 – on Excel sheets and then – till 2012 – using on-line questionnaires). Currently regional datasets are provided via EDAMIS application. For the voluntary data collection via EDAMIS portal, the definitions from the 4th edition of the Illustrated Glossary for Transport Statistics (jointly elaborated by Eurostat, ECMT, UNECE) were proposed and countries should use them when transmitting data. Regional data based on legal acts: For the collection based on legal acts, regional data are actually derived from the information provided by the participating countries in the frame of the legal data collections at port and airport level. Maritime transport data collection is legally based – Directive 2009/42/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 6 May 2009 on statistical returns in respect of carriage of goods and passengers by sea (OJ L141 of 6.6.2009, page 29), which is the recast of the original Council Directive 95/64/EC of 8 December 1995. The air transport regional data have been calculated using data collected at the airport level in the frame of draft Council and Parliament Regulation (Regulation (EC) No 437/2003 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 February 2003 on statistical returns in respect of the carriage of passengers, freight and mail by air). Within the collection Maritime transport - data aggregated at standard regional levels (NUTS) there are two tables: Maritime transport of passengers at regional level (new methodology);Maritime transport of freight at regional level (new methodology). Within the collection Air transport - data aggregated at standard regional levels (NUTS) there are two tables: Air transport of passengers at regional levelAir transport of freight at regional level The tables present the evolution of the number of passengers carried (if not available passengers on board) and the volume of freight and mail loaded or unloaded (if not available freight and mail on board) to/from the NUTS regions (level 2, 1 and 0) since 1999. The data is presented at annual level. Before the legal act on air transport statistics was introduced (2003 with 3 years transitional period), air transport statistics have been collected using the statistical questionnaire (voluntary basis). Some countries provided figures for passenger transport taking into account “passengers on board” and some “passenger carried”. Until 2007 reference year, the disseminated numbers of passengers aggregated at regional level are actually a mixture of passengers on board and passengers carried data. The air transport regional data have been calculated using data collected at the airport level in the frame of the regulatory data collection on air transport. Only airports with more than 150 000 passenger units serviced annually are taken into account when aggregating the data at regional levels, because they provide statistics detailed enough to solve the problem of double counting. For each aggregate it is necessary to start at the airport level in order to identify the mirror declarations, i.e. the airport routes for which both airports report the volume, since these constitute the routes where the problem of double counting occurs. When calculating the total volume in such cases, only the departure declarations of the concerned airports have been taken into account. The problem of the double counting only appears for the calculation of the total passengers but not for the total arrivals (respectively total departures), which corresponds to the sum of the arrivals (respectively departures) at each domestic airport. For the tables presenting maritime data at regional level the same aggregation method (exclusion of double counting) is applied taking into account main ports only. Only for these ports (handling more than one million tonnes of goods or recording more than 200 000 passenger movements annually ) the detailed statistics allow such aggregation. For some Member States (up to 1998 data) and for others that joint the EU more recently (up to 2002) transport flows through ports and airports had been collected, via questionnaire. Because of the difference in the methodologies applied, the data for air and maritime transport at regional level up to 2002 reference year are available in separate tablesor some Member States (up to 1998 data) and for others that joint the EU more recently (up to 2002) transport flows through ports and airports had been collected, via questionnaire. Because of the difference in the methodologies applied, the data for air and maritime transport at regional level up to 2002 reference year are avilable in separate tables (listed below) and are no longer updated: Maritime transport of passengers by NUTS 2 regions (questionnaire) (tran_r_mapa_om).Maritime transport of freight by NUTS 2 regions (questionnaire) (tran_r_mago_om).Air transport of passengers by NUTS 2 regions (questionnaire) (tran_r_avpa_om).Air transport of freight by NUTS 2 regions (questionnaire) (tran_r_avgo_om). [1] Regulation (EC) No 1059/2003 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 26 May 2003 on the establishment of a common classification of territorial units for statistics (NUTS) and its amendments. More information on NUTS classification can be found under the following link.
    • September 2009
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 28 November, 2015
      Datensatz auswählen
      The domain EUROFARM (ef) contains information (statistical tables) on structure of agricultural holdings collected through agricultural structure surveys. The data of the domain have been organised into two collections: Results of the farm structure surveys contains data from 1990 onwards based on the 1988 legislation andResults of the farm structure surveys based on the legislation from 2008. This collection contains the data from the 2010 Census onwards as well as the data for the surveys 2007 and 2005. Farm Structure Survey data are used to collect information on agricultural holdings in the Member States at different geographic levels (Member States, regions, districts) and over periods (follow up the changes in agricultural sector), thus provide a base for decision making in the Common Agricultural Policy. Two kinds of Farm Structure Survey (FSS) are carried out by Member States: a basic survey (full scope Agricultural Census - AC) every 10 years,several sample based intermediate surveys between them. However for certain characteristics the Member States may use sample base for every survey. The calendar for the surveys to be held in all Member States is agreed by the Agricultural Statistics Committee of the European Commission. For a given survey year, Member States have to conduct their surveys within the agreed time-frame, thus all the data are as comparable as possible. The FSS are organised in all Member States on a harmonised base. Whereas the characteristics are based on community legislation, the same data are available for all countries in case of each survey. The data on individual agricultural holdings are collected by all Member States and sent to Eurostat. The aggregated results are disseminated through statistical tables. The variables are arranged into groups: general overview with key variables,and other specialized groups containing detailed data onland uselivestockfarm labour forcerural development issues as well as management and practices. The 2010 survey additionally provides the results of the survey on agricultural production methods (SAPM). The scope of the survey is agriculture, while the survey unit is the agricultural holding (farm). Data for basic surveys are available in a three-level geographical breakdown of the whole country, the regions and the district; while data for intermediate surveys are only available upon the two-levels of country and regions. Since FSS 1999/2000 information about local farm location is collected in most countries, so that the data can also be disseminated by NUTS and are robust regarding the changes in the NUTS definition. The FSS 2009/2010 information is inline with the NUTS 2010 classification: Regulation (EU) No 31/2011 amending the NUTS classification from January 2003. The Eurofarm domain does not cover the whole territory only the land covered by the agricultural holdings. So the land use data without link with other farm characteristics should be downloaded by the user from the relevant domain. Specific national data about crops, animals or agricultural labour force can be found in other domains, without link between the other information at farm level. For a comprehensive description of the domain, please consult detailed structure (See annex at the bottom of the page). Regional Data Data for basic surveys are available in a three-level geographical breakdown of the whole country, the regions and the district; while data for intermediate surveys are only available upon the two-levels of country and regions. Since FSS 1999/2000 information about local farm location is collected in most countries, so that the data can also be disseminated by NUTS classification and are robust regarding the changes in the NUTS definition. The FSS 2009/2010 information is inline with the NUTS 2010 classification: Regulation (EU) No 31/2001 amending the NUTS classification from January 2012. Please note that for paragraphs where no metadata for regional data has been specified, the regional metadata is identical to the metadata provided for the national data.
    • März 2011
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 11 Juni, 2014
      Datensatz auswählen
      Eurostat Dataset Id:lc_r04struc Labour cost statistics constitute a hierarchical system of multi-annual, yearly and quarterly statistics, designed to provide a comprehensive and detailed picture of the level, structure and short-term development of labour costs in the different sectors of economic activity in the European Union and certain other countries. All statistics are based on a harmonised definition of labour costs. Structural information on labour costs is collected through four-yearly Labour Cost Surveys (LCSs), which provides details on level and structure of labour cost data, hours worked and hours paid. LCS results are available for the reference years 2000, 2004 and 2008. All EU Member States together with Norway, Iceland and Croatia (2004, 2008), Turkey and Macedonia (2008) participated in the LCS. As far as available data and confidentiality rules permit, all variables and proportions are further broken down by enterprise size category, economic activity and region (larger countries only). The data are collected by the National Statistical Institutes in most cases on the basis of stratified random samples of enterprises or local units, restricted in most countries to units with at least 10 employees. The stratification is based on economic activity, size category and region (where appropriate). Regional metadata is identical to the metadata provided for national data. Some countries also complement the survey results with administrative data. Monetary variables are expressed in EUR, national currencies (if different) and Purchasing Power Standards (PPS). Labour costs are quoted in total and per year, per month and per hour, as well as per capita and per full-time equivalents (FTE). Information on staff, hours worked and hours paid is quoted in aggregate and separately for full- and part-time employees. Labour cost statistics constitute a hierarchical system of multi-annual, yearly and quarterly statistics, designed to provide a comprehensive and detailed picture of the level, structure and short-term development of labour costs in the different sectors of economic activity in the European Union and certain other countries. All statistics are based on a harmonised definition of labour costs.
    • Oktober 2023
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 06 Oktober, 2023
      Datensatz auswählen
      Labour cost statistics provide a comprehensive and detailed picture of the level, structure and short-term development of labour costs in the different sectors of economic activity in the European Union and certain other countries. All statistics are based on a harmonised definition of labour costs. Structural information on labour costs is collected through four-yearly Labour Cost Surveys (LCS), which provides details on the level and structure of labour cost data, hours worked and hours paid. LCS results are available for the reference years 2000, 2004, 2008 and 2012. All EU Member States together with Norway and Iceland (2004 onwards), Turkey and Macedonia (2008), as well as Serbia (2012) participated in the LCS. As far as available data and confidentiality rules permit, all variables and proportions are further broken down by enterprise size category, economic activity and region (for larger countries only). The data are collected by the National Statistical Institutes in most cases on the basis of stratified random samples of enterprises or local units, restricted in most countries to units with at least 10 employees. The stratification is based on economic activity, size category and region (where appropriate). Regional metadata is identical to the metadata provided for national data. Some countries also complement the survey results with administrative data. Monetary variables are expressed in EUR, national currencies (for non-euro-area countries) and Purchasing Power Standards (PPS). Labour costs are quoted in total per year, per month and per hour, as well as per capita and per full-time equivalents (FTE). Information on staff, hours worked and hours paid is quoted in aggregate and separately for full- and part-time employees.
    • März 2019
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 13 April, 2019
      Datensatz auswählen
      The aim of this section is to provide comparable statistics and indicators on education in the 27 Member States of the European Union, at the regional level NUTS 2. In order to facilitate comparison between countries, data from each Member State are allocated to the various education levels of the International Standard Classification of Education (ISCED), UNESCO 1997.
    • März 2019
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 21 März, 2019
      Datensatz auswählen
      The aim of this section is to provide comparable statistics and indicators on education in the 27 Member States of the European Union, at the regional level NUTS 2. In order to facilitate comparison between countries, data from each Member State are allocated to the various education levels of the International Standard Classification of Education (ISCED), UNESCO 1997.
    • Juli 2023
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 08 Juli, 2023
      Datensatz auswählen
      The aim of this section is to provide comparable statistics and indicators on education in the 27 Member States of the European Union, at the regional level NUTS 2. In order to facilitate comparison between countries, data from each Member State are allocated to the various education levels of the International Standard Classification of Education (ISCED), UNESCO 1997.
    • Oktober 2018
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 03 November, 2018
      Datensatz auswählen
      The aim of this section is to provide comparable statistics and indicators on education in the 27 Member States of the European Union, at the regional level NUTS 2. In order to facilitate comparison between countries, data from each Member State are allocated to the various education levels of the International Standard Classification of Education (ISCED), UNESCO 1997.
    • Juli 2019
      Quelle: Suriname Tourism Foundation
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 06 September, 2022
      Datensatz auswählen
      Location:-Visitors are coming from mentioned location.(World is total of all visitors) Nationality:-Nationality of visitors, whether the nationality of the visitors is same as the location or they belong to different nationality.(Under this dimension "Total" represents total number of visitors by their nationality) Ports:-Tourist arrival via ports.
    • Juni 2016
      Quelle: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 12 November, 2021
      Datensatz auswählen
    • Juli 2023
      Quelle: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 25 Juli, 2023
      Datensatz auswählen
      Survey on Monitoring the Paris Declaration. The dataset contains data as reported by donors and national co-ordinators in participating partner countries. The dataset includes all quantitative data collected through the 2006, 2008 and 2011 Surveys.
    • Dezember 2009
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 22 April, 2014
      Datensatz auswählen
      Eurostat Dataset Id:migr_r_2se The data comprises series of internal (in the country) regional migration on NUTS2 level during the reference year. Data on arrivals and departures due to internal migration are disaggregated by NUTS2 region of arrival/departure, sex and single year age. Data on migration by region of origin and destination (excluding intra-regional migration) are presented separately for each country for which such data are available. The tables are in the form of matrix (NUTS2 region of origin and destination) excluding intra-refional migration, disaggregated by sex. The data source is administrative records or national surveys. The completeness of the tables depends largely on the availability of data from the relevant national statistical institutes.
  • T
    • Februar 2022
      Quelle: United Nations Economic Commission for Europe
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 03 Februar, 2022
      Datensatz auswählen
      UNECE Clearing House on Migration Statistics is a platform for data exchange on migration statistics for countries of Eastern Europe, Caucasus and Central Asia (EECCA) established with the purpose of improving the understanding migration processes and the systems of measuring migration in the region. The data are presented as submitted by national statistical offices. For more information about the methodology of producing statistics on international migration in EECCA region, please refer to the UNECE Handbook on the Use of Administrative Sources and Sample Surveys to Measure International Migration in CIS Countries and the documentation of UNECE Workshops on Migration Statistics. Country: Armenia Data source: 2001, 2011 - population and housing census; 2015 and onwards - administrative source. Country: Azerbaijan Data source: population and housing census. Country: Belarus The sum of the age groups does not correspond to the ''Total'' since age was unknown for a number of persons. Data source: population and housing census. Country: Georgia Data source: 2002 - population and housing census; 2011 and onwards - administrative source. Country: Kyrgyzstan Data source: population and housing census. Country: Moldova, Republic of ''Other'' includes a number of migrants for which the country is unknown. Data source: population register. Country: Russian Federation In 2010, the sum of the age groups does not correspond to the ''Total'' since the age was unknown for a number of persons. Data source: 2010 - population and housing census. Country: Ukraine In 2001, the sum of the age groups does not correspond to the ''Total'' since age was unknown for a number of persons. The population count does not include the territory of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol. The General Assembly has addressed the status of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol in resolution 68/262 of 27 March 2014. Data source: 2001 - population and housing census; 2011 and onwards - the annual estimate of the number of permanent residents as of January 1 carried out by the State Statistics Committee.
    • Juni 2023
      Quelle: United Nations Economic Commission for Europe
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 19 Juni, 2023
      Datensatz auswählen
      UNECE Clearing House on Migration Statistics is a platform for data exchange on migration statistics for countries of Eastern Europe, Caucasus and Central Asia (EECCA) established with the purpose of improving the understanding migration processes and the systems of measuring migration in the region. The data are presented as submitted by national statistical offices. For more information about the methodology of producing statistics on international migration in EECCA region, please refer to the UNECE Handbook on the Use of Administrative Sources and Sample Surveys to Measure International Migration in CIS Countries and the documentation of UNECE Workshops on Migration Statistics. Country: Armenia Data source: 2001, 2011 - population and housing census; 2015 and onwards - administrative source. Country: Azerbaijan Data source: population and housing census. Country: Belarus The sum of the age groups does not correspond to the ''Total'' since age was unknown for a number of persons. Data source: population and housing census. Country: Georgia Data source: 2002 - population and housing census; 2011 and onwards - administrative source. Country: Kyrgyzstan Data source: population and housing census. Country: Moldova, Republic of ''Other'' includes a number of migrants for which the country is unknown. Data source: population register. Country: Russian Federation In 2010, the sum of the age groups does not correspond to the ''Total'' since the age was unknown for a number of persons. Data source: 2010 - population and housing census. Country: Tajikistan Data source: 2000, 2010 - population and housing census; 2011-2014 - source unspecified. Country: Ukraine In 2001, the sum of the age groups does not correspond to the ''Total'' since age was unknown for a number of persons. The population count does not include the territory of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol. The General Assembly has addressed the status of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol in resolution 68/262 of 27 March 2014. Data source: 2001 - population and housing census; 2011 and onwards - the annual estimate of the number of permanent residents as of January 1 carried out by the State Statistics Committee.
    • Februar 2022
      Quelle: United Nations Economic Commission for Europe
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 03 Februar, 2022
      Datensatz auswählen
      The total for ''All countries'' includes persons for whom the country of previous residence is unknown.UNECE Clearing House on Migration Statistics is a platform for data exchange on migration statistics for countries of Eastern Europe, Caucasus and Central Asia (EECCA) established with the purpose of improving the understanding migration processes and the systems of measuring migration in the region. The data are presented as submitted by national statistical offices. For more information about the methodology of producing statistics on international migration in EECCA region, please refer to the UNECE Handbook on the Use of Administrative Sources and Sample Surveys to Measure International Migration in CIS Countries and the documentation of UNECE Workshops on Migration Statistics. Definition: Unless noted otherwise, an international migrant is defined as any person who changes his or her country of usual residence. A long-term migrant is a person who moves to a country other than that of his or her usual residence for a period of at least a year. A short-term migrant is a person who moves to a country other than that of his or her usual residence for a period of at least 3 months but less than a year. Country: Armenia In 2001 and 2011 the registered data refer to the date of conducting the Population Census and the number exceeds the total foreign population living in Armenia. Data from 2014 onwards are based on administrative sources. Data source: 2001, 2011 - population and housing census; 2014 and onwards - population register. Country: Azerbaijan Data source: residence permits. Country: Belarus Data source: residence permits. Country: Georgia From 2013, long-term migration refers to those who have left or moved to Georgia for at least 6 months. Data source: 2002 - population and housing census; 2012 and onwards - administrative source. Country: Kazakhstan Data source: 2009 - population and housing census; 2010 and onwards - residence permits. Country: Kyrgyzstan Data source: administrative source. Country: Russian Federation 2011 break in series: the Russian Federation introduced a new methodology for estimating immigration. From 2011 onwards, the source of data on international migration (long-term immigration) is registration at the place of residence and at the place of stay for a period of 9 months or more in the bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. In 2011 and 2012, the full break down by age and sex is not available for some countries of previous residence. The total flow from each country of previous residence is available. Data source: administrative source. Country: Tajikistan The sum of the age groups does not correspond to the ''Total'' since age was unknown for a number of persons. Data source: administrative source. Country: Ukraine 2001 data include all those who have ever moved. Data source: 2001 - population and housing census; 2011, 2012 - residence permits. Country: Uzbekistan Data from 2011 to 2014 include internal migrants within Uzbekistan. Data source: administrative source.
    • Juni 2023
      Quelle: United Nations Economic Commission for Europe
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 19 Juni, 2023
      Datensatz auswählen
      UNECE Clearing House on Migration Statistics is a platform for data exchange on migration statistics for countries of Eastern Europe, Caucasus and Central Asia (EECCA) established with the purpose of improving the understanding migration processes and the systems of measuring migration in the region. The data are presented as submitted by national statistical offices. For more information about the methodology of producing statistics on international migration in EECCA region, please refer to the UNECE Handbook on the Use of Administrative Sources and Sample Surveys to Measure International Migration in CIS Countries and the documentation of UNECE Workshops on Migration Statistics. The total for ''All countries'' includes persons for whom the country of next residence is unknown. Definition: Unless noted otherwise, an international migrant is defined as any person who changes his or her country of usual residence. A long-term migrant is a person who moves to a country other than that of his or her usual residence for a period of at least a year. A short-term migrant is a person who moves to a country other than that of his or her usual residence for a period of at least 3 months but less than a year. Country: Armenia Data source: 2001, 2011 - population and housing census; 2014 and onwards - population register. Country: Azerbaijan Data source: exit permits. Country: Belarus Data source: residence permits. Country: Georgia From 2013, long-term migration refers to those who have left or moved to Georgia for at least 6 months. Data source: 2002 - population and housing census; 2012 and onwards - administrative source. Country: Kazakhstan Data source: exit permits. Country: Kyrgyzstan For a number of persons the information on the country of next residence is missing in the source. Data source: administrative source. Country: Moldova, Republic of Data source: population register. Country: Russian Federation 2012 break in series: the Russian Federation introduced a new methodology for estimating emigration. From 2012 onwards, the source of data on international migration (long-term emigration) is registration at the place of residence and at the place of stay for a period of 9 months or more. In 2011 and 2012, the full break down by age and sex is not available for some countries of next residence. The total flow from each country of next residence is available. Data source: administrative source. Country: Tajikistan The sum of the age groups does not correspond to the ''Total'' since age was unknown for a number of persons. Data source: administrative source. Country: Ukraine Data source: administrative source. Country: Uzbekistan Data from 2011 to 2014 include internal migrants within Uzbekistan. Data source: administrative source.
    • Februar 2022
      Quelle: United Nations Economic Commission for Europe
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 03 Februar, 2022
      Datensatz auswählen
      UNECE Clearing House on Migration Statistics is a platform for data exchange on migration statistics for countries of Eastern Europe, Caucasus and Central Asia (EECCA) established with the purpose of improving the understanding migration processes and the systems of measuring migration in the region. The data are presented as submitted by national statistical offices. For more information about the methodology of producing statistics on international migration in EECCA region, please refer to the UNECE Handbook on the Use of Administrative Sources and Sample Surveys to Measure International Migration in CIS Countries and the documentation of UNECE Workshops on Migration Statistics. Definition: Unless noted otherwise, an international migrant is defined as any person who changes his or her country of usual residence. A long-term migrant is a person who moves to a country other than that of his or her usual residence for a period of at least a year. A short-term migrant is a person who moves to a country other than that of his or her usual residence for a period of at least 3 months but less than a year. Country: Armenia Data source: 2001, 2011 - population and housing census; 2015 and onwards - population register. Country: Azerbaijan Data indicate the number of persons who obtained a permanent residence permit in Azerbaijan. Azer citizens returning from abroad are not included in the total number. Data source: residence permits. Country: Belarus Data source: residence permits. Country: Georgia From 2013, long-term migration refers to those who have left or moved to Georgia for at least 6 months. Data source: 2002 - population and housing census; 2012 and onwards - border cards. Country: Kyrgyzstan Data source: administrative source. Country: Russian Federation 2011 break in series: the Russian Federation introduced a new methodology for estimating immigration. From 2011 onwards, the source of data on international migration (long-term immigration) is registration at the place of residence and at the place of stay for a period of 9 months or more in the bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. Data source: administrative source. Country: Ukraine Data source: 2001 - population and housing census; 2011, 2012 - residence permits.
    • Februar 2022
      Quelle: United Nations Economic Commission for Europe
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 03 Februar, 2022
      Datensatz auswählen
      UNECE Clearing House on Migration Statistics is a platform for data exchange on migration statistics for countries of Eastern Europe, Caucasus and Central Asia (EECCA) established with the purpose of improving the understanding migration processes and the systems of measuring migration in the region. The data are presented as submitted by national statistical offices. For more information about the methodology of producing statistics on international migration in EECCA region, please refer to the UNECE Handbook on the Use of Administrative Sources and Sample Surveys to Measure International Migration in CIS Countries and the documentation of UNECE Workshops on Migration Statistics. Definition: Unless noted otherwise, an international migrant is defined as any person who changes his or her country of usual residence. A long-term migrant is a person who moves to a country other than that of his or her usual residence for a period of at least a year. A short-term migrant is a person who moves to a country other than that of his or her usual residence for a period of at least 3 months but less than a year. Country: Armenia Data source: 2011 - population and housing census; 2015 and onwards - population register. Country: Azerbaijan Data indicate the number of persons who obtained an exit permit in Azerbaijan. Azer citizens are not included in the total number. Data source: exit permits. Country: Belarus Data source: residence permits. Country: Georgia From 2013, long-term migration refers to those who have left or moved to Georgia for at least 6 months. Data source: 2002 - population and housing census; 2012 and onwards - border cards. Country: Kyrgyzstan Data source: administrative source. Country: Moldova, Republic of Data source: population register. Country: Russian Federation 2012 break in series: the Russian Federation introduced a new methodology for estimating emigration. From 2012 onwards, the source of data on international migration (long-term emigration) is registration at the place of residence and at the place of stay for a period of 9 months or more. Data source: administrative source. Country: Ukraine Data source: administrative source.
    • Februar 2022
      Quelle: United Nations Economic Commission for Europe
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 03 Februar, 2022
      Datensatz auswählen
      UNECE Clearing House on Migration Statistics is a platform for data exchange on migration statistics for countries of Eastern Europe, Caucasus and Central Asia (EECCA) established with the purpose of improving the understanding migration processes and the systems of measuring migration in the region. The data are presented as submitted by national statistical offices. For more information about the methodology of producing statistics on international migration in EECCA region, please refer to the UNECE Handbook on the Use of Administrative Sources and Sample Surveys to Measure International Migration in CIS Countries and the documentation of UNECE Workshops on Migration Statistics. Country: Azerbaijan Data source: residence permits. Country: Belarus Data source: administrative source. Country: Georgia Data source: civil register. Country: Kyrgyzstan Data source: administrative source. Country: Moldova, Republic of Data source: population register. Country: Russian Federation Data source: administrative source. Country: Ukraine Data source: administrative source.
    • Januar 2020
      Quelle: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 21 Januar, 2020
      Datensatz auswählen
      TALIS averages are based on all countries participating in the TALIS survey, including partner countries and economies. This explains the difference between the OECD average and the TALIS average. Data from the TALIS survey and Education at a Glance (EAG) may differ. See Annex E of the TALIS technical report and Annex 3 of EAG for more details about the data collections.
    • Mai 2011
      Quelle: Editorial Projects in Education
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 22 Oktober, 2014
      Datensatz auswählen
      Teaching Profession United States, 2012
    • Juni 2024
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 15 Juni, 2024
      Datensatz auswählen
      The indicator is defined as the percentage of the population aged 25-64 who have successfully completed tertiary studies (e.g. university, higher technical institution, etc.). This educational attainment refers to ISCED (International Standard Classification of Education) 2011 level 5-8 for data from 2014 onwards and to ISCED 1997 level 5-6 for data up to 2013. The indicator is based on the EU Labour Force Survey.
    • September 2023
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 15 September, 2023
      Datensatz auswählen
      The indicator is defined as the percentage of the population aged 30-34 who have successfully completed tertiary studies (e.g. university, higher technical institution, etc.). This educational attainment refers to ISCED (International Standard Classification of Education) 2011 level 5-8 for data from 2014 onwards and to ISCED 1997 level 5-6 for data up to 2013. The indicator is based on the EU Labour Force Survey.
    • Januar 2017
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 06 Oktober, 2017
      Datensatz auswählen
    • Februar 2022
      Quelle: TomTom
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 23 Februar, 2022
      Datensatz auswählen
      The TomTom Traffic Index is published to provide drivers, industry and policy makers with unbiased information about congestion levels in urban areas. Now in its 6th year, we’re offering even more insight into why our urban centers are congested, putting the issue into context, and offering ideas about how the problem can be alleviated. This year, TomTom is also celebrating those cities that deserve special recognition for their efforts to beat traffic congestion, with the TomTom Traffic Index awards.
    • März 2009
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 31 Dezember, 2015
      Datensatz auswählen
      The tables presented in the topic of active population cover the total population for 31 countries (for more information on received tables and geographic coverage, see "2001 Census Round - Tables Received" in the Annex at the bottom of the page). The level of completeness of the tables depends largely on the availability of data at the respective national statistical institutes. There are four ways of collecting census data, namely: - the traditional method of using census questionnaires (exhaustive census); - the method of using registers and/or other administrative sources; - a combination of registers and/or other administrative sources and - surveys (complete enumerations or sample surveys). Other methods (other mixed census or micro-census) can be used as well. Details for the method employed by each country are provided in "2001 Census Method"in the Annex at the bottom of the page. In the same table you can find the dates on which the census was carried out in each country.
    • Februar 2021
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 09 Februar, 2021
      Datensatz auswählen
      Total area represents the total area of the region including inland waters; it is expressed in km2. Land area represents the total land area of the region, excluding the area under inland water; it is expressed in km2.
    • Juli 2023
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 06 Juli, 2023
      Datensatz auswählen
      The mean number of children that would be born alive to a woman during her lifetime if she were to survive and pass through her childbearing years conforming to the fertility rates by age of a given year.
    • März 2018
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 28 März, 2018
      Datensatz auswählen
      The regional demographic statistics provides annual data on population, vital events (live births and deaths), total and land areas of the regions and demographic indicators for regions and statistical regions at NUTS-2 and NUTS-3 levels for 35 countries: each EU-28 Member State, Candidate and EFTA countries. The completeness of the tables depends on the availability of data received from the responsible national statistical institutes (NSIs).  The label of each table indicates the highest NUTS level for which data are available; for the upper NUTS levels data are included as well. Starting with March 2013, demographic statistics at regional level reflect the NUTS-2010 classification and the new statistical regions for Croatia. Most of the countries affected by the NUTS-2010 changes sent to Eurostat back time series for the new regional breakdown. As a general approach, the regions with no data available are not listed in the tables. Until 2012 as reference year, regional demographic data collection had deadline 15 December. For each reporting year T the data breakdown for regions at NUTS-2 and NUTS-3 levels was as follows : NUTS-2 level - high level of data breakdown:Population by sex and single year of age at 1st January: years T, T-1Live births by single year of age and year of birth of the mother: year T-1 Deaths by sex and single years of age and year of birth: year T-1  NUTS-3 level - low level of data breakdown:Surface area in km2 at 1st January (total area including inland waters and land area): year TPopulation by sex and broad age groups at 1st January, namely for 0-14 (0 up to 14 years), 15-64 (15 up to 64 years) and 65+ (persons of 65 years and older): years T, T-1Live births and deaths (only total number of the demographic events): year T-1  Tables were updated mainly during March of the next year (T+1), but also along the year whenever revised data are sent by the official data providers. Demographic statistics and indicators at regional level are computed by Eurostat using a harmonised methodology and common concepts for all regions of all countries, namely:population density;demographic balance and crude rates (population change, natural change, net migration including statistical adjustments, crude birth rate, crude death rate, crude rate of population change, crude rate of natural change, crude rate of net migration (including statistical adjustments));age-specific-fertility rates and Total Fertility Rates;life tables that include age-specific-mortality-rates and life expectancy at given exact age;infant mortality and crude rate of infant mortality. Based on the 2011 census results the following countries sent to Eurostat revised data at regional level covering different time periods, as detailed:Bulgaria (BG) - population data 2002-2011;Czech Republic (CZ) - population data 2001-2010;Estonia (EE) - population data 2000-2011;Ireland (IE) - population and vital events data 2007-2011;Greece (EL) - population data 2001-2011;Spain (ES) - population data 2002-2012;Croatia (HR) - population data 2002-2011;Italy (IT) - population and vital events data 2001-2011;Latvia (LV) - population data 2001-2010; live births data 2000-2011;Lithuania (LT)- population data 2002-2010; live births data 2001-2011;Malta (MT) - population and vital events data 2006-2011;Austria (AT) - population data 2008-2011;Portugal (PT) - population data 1992-2011; vital events data 1991-2010;Romania (RO) - population data year 2012; at national level the population data were revised for the time period 2002-2012;Slovakia (SK) - population data 2002-2012;United Kingdom (UK) - population data 2002-2013; vital events data 2000-2012; Starting with 2013 as reference year, the regional demographic data have an increased data breakdown for NUTS-3 regions subsequent to entering into force of the Regulation (EU) 1260/2013 on demographic statistics and Regulation (EU) No 205/2014, while at NUTS-2 level the data have the same high level of breakdown.  The new data breakdown at NUTS-3 level is available as follows:Population by sex and five-year age group;Live births by five-year age group of the mothers;Deaths by sex and five-year age groups; At national level a larger number of demographic indicators are computed, as various and more detailed demographic data are collected only at this level.
    • September 2015
      Quelle: Ministry of Road Transport and Highways, India
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 22 Oktober, 2019
      Datensatz auswählen
      Title: Motor Transport Statistics: 1999-2000   Description: Get data of Motor Transport Statistics: 1999-2000. Data of various road transport parameters have been provided here i.e Number of Registered Motor Vechicles, Road Accidents in India, Buses Owned by the Public and Private Sector, Physical and Financial Performance of State Road Transport Undertakings [SRTUs], Revenue Realised from Road Transport, Vaild Drivers Licence Issued, Conductors Licences Issued, Persons Killed and Injured by Road Accidents, Length of National Highways etc.   Released Under: National Data Sharing and Accessibility Policy (NDSAP)   Contributor: Ministry of Road Transport and Highways   Keywords: transport   Group: Road Transport   Sectors: Road Transport; Transport   Note: NA:Not available/Nil; Neg:Neglible; *:Production data for India pertains to period April-March; for instance production of vehicles for the period April, 1995-March,1996 is indicated in 1995 for comparability of data; Source: World Road Statistics, 2001 of International Road Federation and Annual Report of Society of Indian Automobile Manufacturers (SIAM), New Delhi
    • März 2013
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 24 November, 2013
      Datensatz auswählen
      Eurostat Dataset Id:demo_r_mtotpyliv The regional demographic statistics provides annual data on population, vital events (live births and deaths), total and land areas of the regions and key demographic indicators for regions and statistical regions at NUTS2 and NUTS3 levels for 35 countries: each EU-27 Member State, Acceding, Candidate and EFTA countries. The completeness of the tables depends on the availability of data received from the responsible national statistical institutes (NSIs).  The label of each table indicates the lowest NUTS level for which data are available; for the upper NUTS levels data are included as well. Starting with March 2013, demographic statistics at regional level reflect the new NUTS-2010 classification for EU-27 Member States and the new statistical regions for Croatia. Countries affected by the NUTS-2010 changes are expected to transmit to Eurostat the time series for the new regional breakdown. As a general approach, the regions with no data available are not listed in the tables. For a calendar year T, the deadline of the regional demographic data collection is 15 December, and data included have a different degree of detail for regions at NUTS2 and NUTS3 levels: NUTS2 level - high level of data detail:Population by sex and single year of age at 1st January: years T and T-1Live births by single year of age and year of birth of the mother: year T-1 Deaths by sex and single years of age and year of birth: year T-1  NUTS3 level - low level of data detail:Surface area in km2 at 1st January (total area including inland waters and land area): year TPopulation by sex and broad age groups at 1st January, namely for 0-14 (0 up to 14 years), 15-64 (15 up to 64 years) and 65+ (persons of 65 years and older): years T and T-1 Live births and deaths (total number of demographic events): year T-1  Tables are updated mainly during March of the next year (T+1), but also along the year whenever revised data are sent by the official data providers. Demographic indicators at regional level are computed by Eurostat using a harmonised methodology and common concepts for all regions of all countries, namely:average population on 1st January (in thousands), population density;demographic balance and crude rates (population change, natural change, net migration including statistical adjustments, crude birth rate, crude death rate, crude rate of population change, crude rate of natural change, crude rate of net migration (including statistical adjustments));age-specific-fertility rates and Total Fertility Rates;life tables that include age-specific-mortality-rates and life expectancy at given exact age;infant mortality and crude rate of infant mortality. At national level a larger number of demographic indicators are computed, as more detailed demographic data are collected only at this level. 
    • Dezember 2024
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 03 Dezember, 2024
      Datensatz auswählen
    • Oktober 2021
      Quelle: National Statistics Bureau, Bhutan
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 25 Oktober, 2021
      Datensatz auswählen
      TRANSLATE with xEnglishArabicHebrewPolishBulgarianHindiPortugueseCatalanHmong DawRomanianChinese SimplifiedHungarianRussianChinese TraditionalIndonesianSlovakCzechItalianSlovenianDanishJapaneseSpanishDutchKlingonSwedishEnglishKoreanThaiEstonianLatvianTurkishFinnishLithuanianUkrainianFrenchMalayUrduGermanMalteseVietnameseGreekNorwegianWelshHaitian CreolePersian  TRANSLATE with COPY THE URL BELOW BackEMBED THE SNIPPET BELOW IN YOUR SITEEnable collaborative features and customize widget: Bing Webmaster PortalBack
    • Juni 2023
      Quelle: National Institute of Statistics, Cameroon
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 10 November, 2023
      Datensatz auswählen
      Tourism Statistics of Cameroon, 2017 Yearbook - Chapter 10
    • Januar 2025
      Quelle: National Statistics Institute, Cabo Verde
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 13 Januar, 2025
      Datensatz auswählen
    • April 2022
      Quelle: Statistics Indonesia
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 06 September, 2022
      Datensatz auswählen
      This dataset contains indicators related to Tourism for provincial level.
    • Juni 2022
      Quelle: Lao Statistics Bureau
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 07 Juli, 2022
      Datensatz auswählen
      Source: Tourism Development Department, Ministry of Information, Culture and Tourism    TRANSLATE with xEnglishArabicHebrewPolishBulgarianHindiPortugueseCatalanHmong DawRomanianChinese SimplifiedHungarianRussianChinese TraditionalIndonesianSlovakCzechItalianSlovenianDanishJapaneseSpanishDutchKlingonSwedishEnglishKoreanThaiEstonianLatvianTurkishFinnishLithuanianUkrainianFrenchMalayUrduGermanMalteseVietnameseGreekNorwegianWelshHaitian CreolePersian  TRANSLATE with COPY THE URL BELOW BackEMBED THE SNIPPET BELOW IN YOUR SITEEnable collaborative features and customize widget: Bing Webmaster PortalBack
    • Juli 2022
      Quelle: Department of Statistics, Malaysia
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 06 September, 2022
      Datensatz auswählen
    • Juni 2022
      Quelle: Statistical Office of Montenegro
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 06 September, 2022
      Datensatz auswählen
    • Februar 2022
      Quelle: Myanmar Information System
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 06 September, 2022
      Datensatz auswählen
      Tourism Statistics of Myanmar
    • März 2025
      Quelle: National Centre for Statistics and Information, Oman
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 12 März, 2025
      Datensatz auswählen
      The data of the sector includes the number of visitors to by tourist location and category of visitors, and hotel services whose data reflect indicators of the number of guests distributed by hotel, governorate, room type, hotel type, nationality of guests, and hotel revenues by type of service.
    • Mai 2024
      Quelle: National Statistics Agency, Zimbabwe
      Hochgeladen von: Felix Maru
      Zugriff am: 03 Juli, 2024
      Datensatz auswählen
    • April 2018
      Quelle: State Statistical Office, Republic of North Macedonia
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 02 März, 2019
      Datensatz auswählen
      Methodological explanationsSymbols used Source: State Statistical Office
    • März 2025
      Quelle: National Centre for Statistics and Information, Oman
      Hochgeladen von: Jonathan Kilach
      Zugriff am: 13 März, 2025
      Datensatz auswählen
      This Data set presents indicators related to the transport sector in the Sultanate, notably traffic of seaports, airports, cargo, lengths of roads executed, total vehicle driving licenses issued, and the number of new vehicles registered.
    • Januar 2016
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 26 Januar, 2016
      Datensatz auswählen
      Eurostat Dataset Id:env_wwcap_r2 Yearly data on freshwater resources, water abstraction and use, wastewater treatment (connection rates of resident population to wastewater treatment and treatment capacities of wastewater treatment plants), sewage sludge production and disposal, generation and discharge of wastewater collected biennially by means of the OECD/Eurostat Joint Questionnaire - Inland Waters. Data aggregation: national territories.
    • März 2014
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 22 April, 2014
      Datensatz auswählen
      Eurostat Dataset Id:env_wastrtr
    • Januar 2016
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 26 Januar, 2016
      Datensatz auswählen
      Eurostat Dataset Id:env_wwplt_r2 Yearly data on freshwater resources, water abstraction and use, wastewater treatment (connection rates of resident population to wastewater treatment and treatment capacities of wastewater treatment plants), sewage sludge production and disposal, generation and discharge of wastewater collected biennially by means of the OECD/Eurostat Joint Questionnaire - Inland Waters. Data aggregation: national territories.
    • September 2021
      Quelle: Pew Research Center
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 22 Oktober, 2021
      Datensatz auswählen
      Levels of restrictions on religion Government Restrictions Index Very high- 6.6 to 10.0 High- 4.5 to 6.5 Moderate - 2.4 to 4.4 Low- 0.0 to 2.3 Social Hostilities Index Very high- 7.2 to 10.0 High- 3.6 to 7.1 Moderate- 1.5 to 3.5 Low- 0.0 to 1.4
    • Januar 2024
      Quelle: National Institute of Statistics, Italy
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 04 Januar, 2024
      Datensatz auswählen
      Data source(s) used: Trips and holidays survey: The survey, in accordance with the European Regulation 692/2011 (repealing from 1 January 2012 the European Directive 95/57/EC), satisfies the national needs by collecting regularly data on 'tourism demand' and ensuring, together with supply data, the availability of an integrated system of statistical information in the field of tourism at national level. Moreover, complying with the Regulation, the survey guaranties a set of harmonized statistical information across all member states of the European Union. The aim is to quantify and analyze the flows of tourists resident in Italy, both within the country and abroad, as well as to give information on the characteristics of the trips and on the socio-demographic characteristics of tourists and non-tourists. The reference periods are the all months of the year. In each period, for each household member, information about trips ended in the referring month is collected. Tourism flows are distinguished into trips for personal reasons and business trips, the first ones differentiated between short holiday (1-3 overnight stays) and long holiday trips (4 or more overnight stays). The survey provides a wide set of information on tourist trips, such as destination of the trip, main purpose, type of organization of travel, main type of accommodation and main mean of transport, duration and period of the year for each trips made, etc. From 1997 to 2013, Istat carried out the quarterly survey with CATI tecnique (Computer Assisted Telephone Interview) on a sample of about 14,000 households per year (approximately 3,500 per quarter and 32,000 individuals per year). Since 2014 the survey has been included into another process, Household budget survey, becoming a focus into the initial and ending interview. It is conducted monthly with CAPI technique (Computer Assisted Personal Interview), over a theory sample of 28.000 households (7.000 households per quarter). Comparability of the series of the main data has been guaranteed over time at national level. In fact, the principal macrodata have been re-built by applaying a tecnique of time series re-building.
    • Januar 2024
      Quelle: National Institute of Statistics, Italy
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 04 Januar, 2024
      Datensatz auswählen
      Data source(s) used: Multipurpose survey on households: trips, holidays and daily life: Since 1997, Istat carries out the quarterly survey CATI (Computer Assisted Telephone Interview) "Trips and Holidays" on a sample of about 14,000 households per year (approximately 3,500 per quarter and 32,000 individuals per year). The survey, in accordance with the European Regulation 692/2011 (repealing from 1 January 2012 the European Directive 95/57/EC), satisfies the national needs by collecting regularly data on 'tourism demand' and ensuring, together with supply data, the availability of an integrated system of statistical information in the field of tourism at national level. Moreover, complying with the Regulation, the survey guaranties a set of harmonized statistical information across all member states of the European Union. The aim is to quantify and analyze the flows of tourists resident in Italy, both within the country and abroad, as well as to give information on the characteristics of the trips and on the socio-demographic characteristics of tourists and non-tourists. The reference periods are the four quarters January-March, April-June, July-September and October-December. In each period, for each household member, information about trips ended in the referring quarter is collected. Tourism flows are distinguished into trips for personal reasons and business trips, the first ones differentiated between short holiday (1-3 overnight stays) and long holiday trips (4 or more overnight stays). The survey provides a wide set of information on tourist trips, such as destination of the trip, main purpose, type of organization of travel, main type of accommodation and main mean of transport, duration and period of the year for each trips made, etc.
    • Januar 2022
      Quelle: Statistics Netherlands
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 14 Januar, 2022
      Datensatz auswählen
      Data cited at:  CBS StatLine databank Publication: Trust in others, legal system and politics; European comparison License:   This table provides information on how much inhabitants of various European countries aged 15 years or older trust other people, the legal system and politics. Figures are from 2002 onwards. The question concerning trust in other people is: Overall, do you think most people can be trusted, or that you can’t be too careful?. Trust in the legal system and politics is determined by asking people how much they trust a number of political and organisational institutions, viz. national parliament, the legal system, the police, politicians, political parties, the European Parliament and the United Nations. The figures in this table are based on the European Social Survey (ESS). The ESS is conducted every two years commissioned by the European Committee, the European Science Foundation and various national organisations for scientific research. Data available from: 2002 Status of the figures: Figures from 2014 are preliminary. Figures from 2002 to 2012 are definite. Changes as of 15 June 2017: The preliminary figures for 2014 have been corrected. Figures for 2012 have been corrected due to new available data. The underlying coding of classifications used in this table has been adjusted. It is now in line with the standard encoding defined by CBS. When will new figures be published? New figures will be published at the end of 2018. This will be an addition to the 2014 figures for several countries for which no data are available at present. In addition, preliminary figures for 2016 will become available.
    • Januar 2017
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 18 Januar, 2017
      Datensatz auswählen
      The domain EUROFARM (ef) contains information (statistical tables) on structure of agricultural holdings collected through agricultural structure surveys. The data of the domain have been organised into two collections: Results of the farm structure surveys contains data from 1990 onwards based on the 1988 legislation andResults of the farm structure surveys based on the legislation from 2008. This collection contains the data from the 2010 Census onwards as well as the data for the surveys 2007 and 2005. Farm Structure Survey data are used to collect information on agricultural holdings in the Member States at different geographic levels (Member States, regions, districts) and over periods (follow up the changes in agricultural sector), thus provide a base for decision making in the Common Agricultural Policy. Two kinds of Farm Structure Survey (FSS) are carried out by Member States: a basic survey (full scope Agricultural Census - AC) every 10 years,several sample based intermediate surveys between them. However for certain characteristics the Member States may use sample base for every survey. The calendar for the surveys to be held in all Member States is agreed by the Agricultural Statistics Committee of the European Commission. For a given survey year, Member States have to conduct their surveys within the agreed time-frame, thus all the data are as comparable as possible. The FSS are organised in all Member States on a harmonised base. Whereas the characteristics are based on community legislation, the same data are available for all countries in case of each survey. The data on individual agricultural holdings are collected by all Member States and sent to Eurostat. The aggregated results are disseminated through statistical tables. The variables are arranged into groups: general overview with key variables,and other specialized groups containing detailed data onland uselivestockfarm labour forcerural development issues as well as management and practices. The 2010 survey additionally provides the results of the survey on agricultural production methods (SAPM). The scope of the survey is agriculture, while the survey unit is the agricultural holding (farm). Data for basic surveys are available in a three-level geographical breakdown of the whole country, the regions and the district; while data for intermediate surveys are only available upon the two-levels of country and regions. Since FSS 1999/2000 information about local farm location is collected in most countries, so that the data can also be disseminated by NUTS and are robust regarding the changes in the NUTS definition. The FSS 2009/2010 information is inline with the NUTS 2010 classification: Regulation (EU) No 31/2011 amending the NUTS classification from January 2003. The Eurofarm domain does not cover the whole territory only the land covered by the agricultural holdings. So the land use data without link with other farm characteristics should be downloaded by the user from the relevant domain. Specific national data about crops, animals or agricultural labour force can be found in other domains, without link between the other information at farm level. For a comprehensive description of the domain, please consult detailed structure (See annex at the bottom of the page). Regional Data Data for basic surveys are available in a three-level geographical breakdown of the whole country, the regions and the district; while data for intermediate surveys are only available upon the two-levels of country and regions. Since FSS 1999/2000 information about local farm location is collected in most countries, so that the data can also be disseminated by NUTS classification and are robust regarding the changes in the NUTS definition. The FSS 2009/2010 information is inline with the NUTS 2010 classification: Regulation (EU) No 31/2001 amending the NUTS classification from January 2012. Please note that for paragraphs where no metadata for regional data has been specified, the regional metadata is identical to the metadata provided for the national data.
    • Januar 2017
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 18 Januar, 2017
      Datensatz auswählen
      The domain EUROFARM (ef) contains information (statistical tables) on structure of agricultural holdings collected through agricultural structure surveys. The data of the domain have been organised into two collections: Results of the farm structure surveys contains data from 1990 onwards based on the 1988 legislation andResults of the farm structure surveys based on the legislation from 2008. This collection contains the data from the 2010 Census onwards as well as the data for the surveys 2007 and 2005. Farm Structure Survey data are used to collect information on agricultural holdings in the Member States at different geographic levels (Member States, regions, districts) and over periods (follow up the changes in agricultural sector), thus provide a base for decision making in the Common Agricultural Policy. Two kinds of Farm Structure Survey (FSS) are carried out by Member States: a basic survey (full scope Agricultural Census - AC) every 10 years,several sample based intermediate surveys between them. However for certain characteristics the Member States may use sample base for every survey. The calendar for the surveys to be held in all Member States is agreed by the Agricultural Statistics Committee of the European Commission. For a given survey year, Member States have to conduct their surveys within the agreed time-frame, thus all the data are as comparable as possible. The FSS are organised in all Member States on a harmonised base. Whereas the characteristics are based on community legislation, the same data are available for all countries in case of each survey. The data on individual agricultural holdings are collected by all Member States and sent to Eurostat. The aggregated results are disseminated through statistical tables. The variables are arranged into groups: general overview with key variables,and other specialized groups containing detailed data onland uselivestockfarm labour forcerural development issues as well as management and practices. The 2010 survey additionally provides the results of the survey on agricultural production methods (SAPM). The scope of the survey is agriculture, while the survey unit is the agricultural holding (farm). Data for basic surveys are available in a three-level geographical breakdown of the whole country, the regions and the district; while data for intermediate surveys are only available upon the two-levels of country and regions. Since FSS 1999/2000 information about local farm location is collected in most countries, so that the data can also be disseminated by NUTS and are robust regarding the changes in the NUTS definition. The FSS 2009/2010 information is inline with the NUTS 2010 classification: Regulation (EU) No 31/2011 amending the NUTS classification from January 2003. The Eurofarm domain does not cover the whole territory only the land covered by the agricultural holdings. So the land use data without link with other farm characteristics should be downloaded by the user from the relevant domain. Specific national data about crops, animals or agricultural labour force can be found in other domains, without link between the other information at farm level. For a comprehensive description of the domain, please consult detailed structure (See annex at the bottom of the page). Regional Data Data for basic surveys are available in a three-level geographical breakdown of the whole country, the regions and the district; while data for intermediate surveys are only available upon the two-levels of country and regions. Since FSS 1999/2000 information about local farm location is collected in most countries, so that the data can also be disseminated by NUTS classification and are robust regarding the changes in the NUTS definition. The FSS 2009/2010 information is inline with the NUTS 2010 classification: Regulation (EU) No 31/2001 amending the NUTS classification from January 2012. Please note that for paragraphs where no metadata for regional data has been specified, the regional metadata is identical to the metadata provided for the national data.
    • März 2009
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 29 März, 2023
      Datensatz auswählen
      The domain EUROFARM (ef) contains information (statistical tables) on structure of agricultural holdings collected through agricultural structure surveys. The data of the domain have been organised into two collections: Results of the farm structure surveys contains data from 1990 onwards based on the 1988 legislation andResults of the farm structure surveys based on the legislation from 2008. This collection contains the data from the 2010 Census onwards as well as the data for the surveys 2007 and 2005. Farm Structure Survey data are used to collect information on agricultural holdings in the Member States at different geographic levels (Member States, regions, districts) and over periods (follow up the changes in agricultural sector), thus provide a base for decision making in the Common Agricultural Policy. Two kinds of Farm Structure Survey (FSS) are carried out by Member States: a basic survey (full scope Agricultural Census - AC) every 10 years,several sample based intermediate surveys between them. However for certain characteristics the Member States may use sample base for every survey. The calendar for the surveys to be held in all Member States is agreed by the Agricultural Statistics Committee of the European Commission. For a given survey year, Member States have to conduct their surveys within the agreed time-frame, thus all the data are as comparable as possible. The FSS are organised in all Member States on a harmonised base. Whereas the characteristics are based on community legislation, the same data are available for all countries in case of each survey. The data on individual agricultural holdings are collected by all Member States and sent to Eurostat. The aggregated results are disseminated through statistical tables. The variables are arranged into groups: general overview with key variables,and other specialized groups containing detailed data onland uselivestockfarm labour forcerural development issues as well as management and practices. The 2010 survey additionally provides the results of the survey on agricultural production methods (SAPM). The scope of the survey is agriculture, while the survey unit is the agricultural holding (farm). Data for basic surveys are available in a three-level geographical breakdown of the whole country, the regions and the district; while data for intermediate surveys are only available upon the two-levels of country and regions. Since FSS 1999/2000 information about local farm location is collected in most countries, so that the data can also be disseminated by NUTS and are robust regarding the changes in the NUTS definition. The FSS 2009/2010 information is inline with the NUTS 2010 classification: Regulation (EU) No 31/2011 amending the NUTS classification from January 2003. The Eurofarm domain does not cover the whole territory only the land covered by the agricultural holdings. So the land use data without link with other farm characteristics should be downloaded by the user from the relevant domain. Specific national data about crops, animals or agricultural labour force can be found in other domains, without link between the other information at farm level. For a comprehensive description of the domain, please consult detailed structure (See annex at the bottom of the page). Regional Data Data for basic surveys are available in a three-level geographical breakdown of the whole country, the regions and the district; while data for intermediate surveys are only available upon the two-levels of country and regions. Since FSS 1999/2000 information about local farm location is collected in most countries, so that the data can also be disseminated by NUTS classification and are robust regarding the changes in the NUTS definition. The FSS 2009/2010 information is inline with the NUTS 2010 classification: Regulation (EU) No 31/2001 amending the NUTS classification from January 2012. Please note that for paragraphs where no metadata for regional data has been specified, the regional metadata is identical to the metadata provided for the national data.
  • U
    • Januar 2025
      Quelle: U.S. Energy Information Administration
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 24 Januar, 2025
      Datensatz auswählen
    • Dezember 2021
      Quelle: U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of Economic Analysis
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 10 Dezember, 2021
      Datensatz auswählen
      The activities of multinational enterprises statistics available here provide a picture of the overall activities of U.S. multinational enterprises – both their U.S. and foreign operations -- and contain a wide variety of indicators of their financial structure and operations. These statistics cover items that are needed in analyzing the characteristics, performance, and economic impact of MNEs, and are obtained from mandatory surveys of U.S. multinational enterprises conducted by BEA.
    • August 2024
      Quelle: U.S. Department of Homeland Security
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 04 Oktober, 2024
      Datensatz auswählen
      The Yearbook of Immigration Statistics is a compendium of tables that provides data on foreign nationals who, during a fiscal year, were granted lawful permanent residence (i.e., admitted as immigrants or became legal permanent residents), were admitted into the United States on a temporary basis (e.g., tourists, students, or workers), applied for asylum or refugee status, or were naturalized.
    • März 2025
      Quelle: U.S. Energy Information Administration
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 13 März, 2025
      Datensatz auswählen
      Data updates are released on every Thursday.
    • Januar 2018
      Quelle: National Science Foundation
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 02 Februar, 2018
      Datensatz auswählen
      Courtesy of the National Science Foundation
    • Februar 2025
      Quelle: U.S. Energy Information Administration
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 04 März, 2025
      Datensatz auswählen
      1). U.S. Gross Output: Gross output is the value of gross domestic product (GDP) plus the value of intermediate inputs used to produce GDP 2). Implicit Price Deflator: The gross domestic product implicit price deflator is used to convert nominal dollars to chained (2009) dollars.
    • September 2020
      Quelle: Editorial Projects in Education
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 07 Oktober, 2020
      Datensatz auswählen
      Childhood Well-being Indicators United States
    • Dezember 2024
      Quelle: United Nations Statistics Division
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 27 Januar, 2025
      Datensatz auswählen
      The Energy Statistics Database contains comprehensive energy statistics on the production, trade, conversion and final consumption of primary and secondary; conventional and unconventional; and new and renewable sources of energy. The Energy Statistics dataset, covering the period from 1990 onwards, is available at UNdata
    • Dezember 2024
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 13 Dezember, 2024
      Datensatz auswählen
      The source for the regional labour market information down to NUTS level 2 is the EU Labour Force Survey (EU-LFS). This is a quarterly household sample survey conducted in all Member States of the EU and in EFTA and Candidate countries.  The EU-LFS survey follows the definitions and recommendations of the International Labour Organisation (ILO). To achieve further harmonisation, the Member States also adhere to common principles when formulating questionnaires. The LFS' target population is made up of all persons in private households aged 15 and over. For more information see the EU Labour Force Survey (lfsi_esms, see paragraph 21.1.).  The EU-LFS is designed to give accurate quarterly information at national level as well as annual information at NUTS 2 regional level and the compilation of these figures is well specified in the regulation. Microdata including the NUTS 2 level codes are provided by all the participating countries with a good degree of geographical comparability, which allows the production and dissemination of a complete set of comparable indicators for this territorial level. At present the transmission of the regional labour market data at NUTS 3 level has no legal basis. However many countries transmit NUTS 3 figures to Eurostat on a voluntary basis, under the understanding that they are not for publication with such detail, but for aggregation in few categories per country, i.e., metropolitan regions and urban-rural typology. Most of the NUTS 3 data are based on the LFS while some countries transmit data based on registers, administrative data, small area estimation and other reliable sources.
    • Juni 2024
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 14 Juni, 2024
      Datensatz auswählen
      The source for the regional labour market information down to NUTS level 2 is the EU Labour Force Survey (EU-LFS). This is a quarterly household sample survey conducted in all Member States of the EU and in EFTA and Candidate countries.  The EU-LFS survey follows the definitions and recommendations of the International Labour Organisation (ILO). To achieve further harmonisation, the Member States also adhere to common principles when formulating questionnaires. The LFS' target population is made up of all persons in private households aged 15 and over. For more information see the EU Labour Force Survey (lfsi_esms, see paragraph 21.1.).  The EU-LFS is designed to give accurate quarterly information at national level as well as annual information at NUTS 2 regional level and the compilation of these figures is well specified in the regulation. Microdata including the NUTS 2 level codes are provided by all the participating countries with a good degree of geographical comparability, which allows the production and dissemination of a complete set of comparable indicators for this territorial level. At present the transmission of the regional labour market data at NUTS 3 level has no legal basis. However many countries transmit NUTS 3 figures to Eurostat on a voluntary basis, under the understanding that they are not for publication with such detail, but for aggregation in few categories per country, i.e., metropolitan regions and urban-rural typology. Most of the NUTS 3 data are based on the LFS while some countries transmit data based on registers, administrative data, small area estimation and other reliable sources.
    • Dezember 2024
      Quelle: International Labour Organization
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 01 Februar, 2025
      Datensatz auswählen
      Imputed observations are not based on national data, are subject to high uncertainty and should not be used for country comparisons or rankings. The unemployment rate is the number of persons who are unemployed as a percent of the total number of employed and unemployed persons (i.e., the labour force). The series is part of the ILO modelled estimates and is harmonized to account for differences in national data and scope of coverage, collection and tabulation methodologies as well as for other country-specific factors. For more information, refer to the ILOSTAT pages on concepts and definitions and ILO modelled estimates and projections.
    • Juni 2024
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 14 Juni, 2024
      Datensatz auswählen
      The source for the regional labour market information down to NUTS level 2 is the EU Labour Force Survey (EU-LFS). This is a quarterly household sample survey conducted in all Member States of the EU and in EFTA and Candidate countries.  The EU-LFS survey follows the definitions and recommendations of the International Labour Organisation (ILO). To achieve further harmonisation, the Member States also adhere to common principles when formulating questionnaires. The LFS' target population is made up of all persons in private households aged 15 and over. For more information see the EU Labour Force Survey (lfsi_esms, see paragraph 21.1.).  The EU-LFS is designed to give accurate quarterly information at national level as well as annual information at NUTS 2 regional level and the compilation of these figures is well specified in the regulation. Microdata including the NUTS 2 level codes are provided by all the participating countries with a good degree of geographical comparability, which allows the production and dissemination of a complete set of comparable indicators for this territorial level. At present the transmission of the regional labour market data at NUTS 3 level has no legal basis. However many countries transmit NUTS 3 figures to Eurostat on a voluntary basis, under the understanding that they are not for publication with such detail, but for aggregation in few categories per country, i.e., metropolitan regions and urban-rural typology. Most of the NUTS 3 data are based on the LFS while some countries transmit data based on registers, administrative data, small area estimation and other reliable sources.
    • Juni 2024
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 14 Juni, 2024
      Datensatz auswählen
      The source for the regional labour market information down to NUTS level 2 is the EU Labour Force Survey (EU-LFS). This is a quarterly household sample survey conducted in all Member States of the EU and in EFTA and Candidate countries.  The EU-LFS survey follows the definitions and recommendations of the International Labour Organisation (ILO). To achieve further harmonisation, the Member States also adhere to common principles when formulating questionnaires. The LFS' target population is made up of all persons in private households aged 15 and over. For more information see the EU Labour Force Survey (lfsi_esms, see paragraph 21.1.).  The EU-LFS is designed to give accurate quarterly information at national level as well as annual information at NUTS 2 regional level and the compilation of these figures is well specified in the regulation. Microdata including the NUTS 2 level codes are provided by all the participating countries with a good degree of geographical comparability, which allows the production and dissemination of a complete set of comparable indicators for this territorial level. At present the transmission of the regional labour market data at NUTS 3 level has no legal basis. However many countries transmit NUTS 3 figures to Eurostat on a voluntary basis, under the understanding that they are not for publication with such detail, but for aggregation in few categories per country, i.e., metropolitan regions and urban-rural typology. Most of the NUTS 3 data are based on the LFS while some countries transmit data based on registers, administrative data, small area estimation and other reliable sources.
    • September 2024
      Quelle: Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 17 Oktober, 2024
      Datensatz auswählen
      This Dataset contains Regional and National level Data.
    • April 2015
      Quelle: United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 12 Dezember, 2015
      Datensatz auswählen
      United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) collects data on crime and the operation of criminal justice systems in order to make policy-relevant information and analysis available in a timely manner to the international community, conducting Surveys of Crime Trends and the Operations of Criminal Justice Systems (UN-CTS). The major goal of the United Nations Surveys on Crime Trends and the Operations of Criminal Justice Systems is to collect data on the incidence of reported crime and the operations of criminal justice systems with a view to improving the analysis and dissemination of that information globally. The survey results provide an overview of trends and interrelationships between various parts of the criminal justice system to promote informed decision-making in administration, nationally and internationally.
    • Dezember 2024
      Quelle: United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 29 Dezember, 2024
      Datensatz auswählen
      The dataset provides homicide data by countries. Intentional homicide is defined as unlawful death purposefully inflicted on a person by another person
  • V
    • Oktober 2023
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 14 Oktober, 2023
      Datensatz auswählen
      Due to the nature of transport, a spatial reference is built into most legal acts dealing with transport statistics. In a few cases, these sources can be directly used for the derivation of regional transport indicators, while other indicators are collected on a voluntary basis. This is the case of the regional transport data collection in which both data types are used. Three types of regional data can be distinguished depending on their source: two are based on data collections performed on the basis of legal acts (the Maritime and Aviation data) and one is a voluntary data collection (infrastructures, vehicles and road accidents). Regional data collected on voluntary basis: The current regional data collection taking place on a voluntary basis comprises a set of transport indicators at NUTS 0, 1 and 2[1] levels for the road, railways, inland waterways (infrastructure), vehicle stocks, road accidents. The information collected is then disseminated in Eurostat dissemination database (Eurobase) under “General and regional statistics/Regional statistics by NUTS classification/Regional transport statistics” theme and also mirrored under “Transport/Multimodal data/Regional transport statistics” theme. Annual data collection for infrastructure, vehicle stocks and road accidents was launched at the beginning of 2002 covering both Member States and Candidate countries. Since 2007, it includes EFTA countries as well. Regional data are collected directly from the countries using a questionnaire: data on transport infrastructure, vehicle stocks and road accidents (collected previously – till 2006 – on Excel sheets and then – till 2012 – using on-line questionnaires). Currently regional datasets are provided via EDAMIS application. For the voluntary data collection via EDAMIS portal, the definitions from the 4th edition of the Illustrated Glossary for Transport Statistics (jointly elaborated by Eurostat, ECMT, UNECE) were proposed and countries should use them when transmitting data. Regional data based on legal acts: For the collection based on legal acts, regional data are actually derived from the information provided by the participating countries in the frame of the legal data collections at port and airport level. Maritime transport data collection is legally based – Directive 2009/42/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 6 May 2009 on statistical returns in respect of carriage of goods and passengers by sea (OJ L141 of 6.6.2009, page 29), which is the recast of the original Council Directive 95/64/EC of 8 December 1995. The air transport regional data have been calculated using data collected at the airport level in the frame of draft Council and Parliament Regulation (Regulation (EC) No 437/2003 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 February 2003 on statistical returns in respect of the carriage of passengers, freight and mail by air). Within the collection Maritime transport - data aggregated at standard regional levels (NUTS) there are two tables: Maritime transport of passengers at regional level (new methodology);Maritime transport of freight at regional level (new methodology). Within the collection Air transport - data aggregated at standard regional levels (NUTS) there are two tables: Air transport of passengers at regional levelAir transport of freight at regional level The tables present the evolution of the number of passengers carried (if not available passengers on board) and the volume of freight and mail loaded or unloaded (if not available freight and mail on board) to/from the NUTS regions (level 2, 1 and 0) since 1999. The data is presented at annual level. Before the legal act on air transport statistics was introduced (2003 with 3 years transitional period), air transport statistics have been collected using the statistical questionnaire (voluntary basis). Some countries provided figures for passenger transport taking into account “passengers on board” and some “passenger carried”. Until 2007 reference year, the disseminated numbers of passengers aggregated at regional level are actually a mixture of passengers on board and passengers carried data. The air transport regional data have been calculated using data collected at the airport level in the frame of the regulatory data collection on air transport. Only airports with more than 150 000 passenger units serviced annually are taken into account when aggregating the data at regional levels, because they provide statistics detailed enough to solve the problem of double counting. For each aggregate it is necessary to start at the airport level in order to identify the mirror declarations, i.e. the airport routes for which both airports report the volume, since these constitute the routes where the problem of double counting occurs. When calculating the total volume in such cases, only the departure declarations of the concerned airports have been taken into account. The problem of the double counting only appears for the calculation of the total passengers but not for the total arrivals (respectively total departures), which corresponds to the sum of the arrivals (respectively departures) at each domestic airport. For the tables presenting maritime data at regional level the same aggregation method (exclusion of double counting) is applied taking into account main ports only. Only for these ports (handling more than one million tonnes of goods or recording more than 200 000 passenger movements annually ) the detailed statistics allow such aggregation. For some Member States (up to 1998 data) and for others that joint the EU more recently (up to 2002) transport flows through ports and airports had been collected, via questionnaire. Because of the difference in the methodologies applied, the data for air and maritime transport at regional level up to 2002 reference year are available in separate tablesor some Member States (up to 1998 data) and for others that joint the EU more recently (up to 2002) transport flows through ports and airports had been collected, via questionnaire. Because of the difference in the methodologies applied, the data for air and maritime transport at regional level up to 2002 reference year are avilable in separate tables (listed below) and are no longer updated: Maritime transport of passengers by NUTS 2 regions (questionnaire) (tran_r_mapa_om).Maritime transport of freight by NUTS 2 regions (questionnaire) (tran_r_mago_om).Air transport of passengers by NUTS 2 regions (questionnaire) (tran_r_avpa_om).Air transport of freight by NUTS 2 regions (questionnaire) (tran_r_avgo_om). [1] Regulation (EC) No 1059/2003 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 26 May 2003 on the establishment of a common classification of territorial units for statistics (NUTS) and its amendments. More information on NUTS classification can be found under the following link.
    • Februar 2019
      Quelle: Statistics Finland
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 22 März, 2019
      Datensatz auswählen
      Data cited at: Statistics Finland Publication: 004 -- Visitor arrivals and nights spend in all accommodation establishments License: Description Conceptions and definitions Contain all establishments (incl. hotels) with more than 20 beds or electrical connection points for caravans and youth hostels Standard industrial classification TOL 2008 introduced in January 2009 Introduction has caused minor changes (number of accommodation establishments) *) Data is preliminary ..= Data is missing or too unreliable to publish
    • Februar 2019
      Quelle: Statistics Finland
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 22 März, 2019
      Datensatz auswählen
      Data cited at: Statistics Finland Publication: 002 -- Visitor arrivals and nights spend in hotels License: Description Conceptions and definitions Contain all hotels with more than 20 beds Standard industrial classification TOL 2008 introduced in January 2009 Introduction has caused minor changes (number of accommodation establishments) *) Data is preliminary ..= Data is missing or too unreliable to publish
    • Mai 2020
      Quelle: European Commission
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 20 August, 2020
      Datensatz auswählen
    • Mai 2020
      Quelle: European Commission
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 20 August, 2020
      Datensatz auswählen
    • Mai 2020
      Quelle: European Commission
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 29 Juni, 2020
      Datensatz auswählen
      The European Commission provides statistics on EU crude oil imports and crude oil supply costs.
  • W
    • Februar 2023
      Quelle: National Institute of Statistics, Italy
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 04 Februar, 2023
      Datensatz auswählen
      Data source(s) used: Data were drawn August 31, 2011Gross contractual wages, length of work contract and yearly wages and salaries on an accrual basis: Statistics from this survey are based on concept of labour price. For each nation-wide collective agreement, the number of employees and their composition by specific wage level (combined with indications for seniority, skill, estimation about shift work) are fixed at a base year and remain constant until the renewal of base has been done. Employees exclude apprentices and managers. The base used now is December 2010=100 Moreover, these indicators are not influenced by changes due to overtime, worked hours or not worked for strikes or worker's illness. Istat produces two type of statistics on wages according to collective agreements: monthly index (IRC) and annual figures (RCA). Both indicators include basic pay, seniority and shift work allowance, all bonuses specified in national agreements and payable to all workers as well as those paid periodically (e.g. the 13th month). Bonuses related to individual performance or individual working conditions, supplementary payment agreed at the company or local level are not included. Monthly index excludes also bonuses-arrears and una tantum paid in late, but these two items are included in the annual wage figures (retribuzione annua di competenza o di cassa). Wages include tax and social security contributions paid by employees. The monthly index is calculated dividing by 12 the annual figures for each group of qualifications in the collective agreement. It shows the evolution of full-time employees' wages according to collective agreement and to law in force. General index is calculated each month as the average of the increase sets in each collective agreement signed in the national territory. The figures are derived from a selection of the most relevant nation-wide collective bargaining agreements on wages between labour unions and employers' associations. Every month the press release "Contratti collettivi e retribuzioni contrattuali" publishes two wage indices in national labour agreements: per capita and per hour. Per capita index measures the change in the collectively agreed annual wages compared to the base year. Hourly index measures the change of the wages per unit of time (annual earnings divided by the total number of working hours in the year). Annual figures are in terms of accrual or cash values. The first one (retribuzione contrattuale annua di competenza) is the annual wage amount that employees would earn each year if the National Collective Agreement came in force on time. This remuneration assigns backdated una tantum and arrears payments to the theoretical relative month. The second one (retribuzione contrattuale annua di cassa) is the sum of wages that employees have actually received every month. Accrual values are revised if the renewed collective agreement settles the payment of una tantum and/or arrears for the period in which the collective agreement is expired and the new isn't still signed.
    • Januar 2016
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 26 Januar, 2016
      Datensatz auswählen
    • April 2016
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 09 April, 2016
      Datensatz auswählen
    • September 2015
      Quelle: Water FootPrint Network
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 27 Oktober, 2015
      Datensatz auswählen
      Data cited at: The Water Footprint Network Topic: Product water footprint statistics Publication: Reference: Mekonnen, M.M. & Hoekstra, A.Y. (2011) The green, blue and grey water footprint of crops and derived crop products, Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 15(5): 1577-1600. License:    
    • September 2015
      Quelle: Water FootPrint Network
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 27 Oktober, 2015
      Datensatz auswählen
      Data cited at: The Water Footprint Network Topic: Product water footprint statistics Publication: Reference: Mekonnen, M.M. & Hoekstra, A.Y. (2011) The green, blue and grey water footprint of crops and derived crop products, Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 15(5): 1577-1600. License:  
    • April 2016
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 09 April, 2016
      Datensatz auswählen
    • Juli 2023
      Quelle: World Health Organization
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 02 August, 2023
      Datensatz auswählen
      Estimates on the use of water, sanitation and hygiene by country (2000-2020)
    • Februar 2025
      Quelle: World Bank
      Hochgeladen von: Sandeep Reddy
      Zugriff am: 25 Februar, 2025
      Datensatz auswählen
      Climate change is expected to hit developing countries the hardest. Its effects—higher temperatures, changes in precipitation patterns, rising sea levels, and more frequent weather-related disasters—pose risks for agriculture, food, and water supplies. At stake are recent gains in the fight against poverty, hunger and disease, and the lives and livelihoods of billions of people in developing countries. Addressing climate change requires unprecedented global cooperation across borders. The World Bank Group is helping support developing countries and contributing to a global solution, while tailoring our approach to the differing needs of developing country partners. Data here cover climate systems, exposure to climate impacts, resilience, greenhouse gas emissions, and energy use. Other indicators relevant to climate change are found under other data pages, particularly Environment, Agriculture & Rural Development, Energy & Mining, Health, Infrastructure, Poverty, and Urban Development.
    • Oktober 2024
      Quelle: World Bank
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 12 Dezember, 2024
      Datensatz auswählen
      Data cited at: The World Bank Topic: Sustainable Energy For All Publication: License:   The “Sustainable Energy for all (SE4ALL)” initiative, launched in 2010 by the UN Secretary General, established three global objectives to be accomplished by 2030: to ensure universal access to modern energy services, to double the global rate of improvement in global energy efficiency, and to double the share of renewable energy in the global energy mix. SE4ALL database supports this initiative and provides country level historical data for access to electricity and non-solid fuel; share of renewable energy in total final energy consumption by technology; and energy intensity rate of improvement.
    • August 2024
      Quelle: Charities Aid Foundation
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 09 Oktober, 2024
      Datensatz auswählen
      Data cited at: Charities Aid Foundation   CAF World Giving Index 2019: For the 2019 edition, CAF included aggregate data for each country across the 10 years interview was conducted, namely 2009-2018. This data corresponds to the reports issued the year after interviewing took place (i.e. CAF World Giving Index 2010 refers to data collected in 2009). Due to the small variation in countries Gallup interview in each year, CAF has only included countries in this edition for which data was available for at least eight of the last 10 years. This means that this edition is based on 128 countries.   CAF World Giving Index ranking and scores: In order to establish a rounded measure of giving behavior across the world, the CAF World Giving Index relies on a simple averaging of the responses from the three key questions asked in each country. Each country is given a percentage score and countries are ranked on the basis of these scores. For this 10th edition, CAF has averaged the scores across the 10 years to give aggregate numbers.
    • März 2024
      Quelle: Sustainable Development Solutions Network
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 24 Mai, 2024
      Datensatz auswählen
      The World Happiness Report is a landmark survey of the state of global happiness that ranks 156 countries by how happy their citizens perceive themselves to be. The World Happiness Report 2020 for the first time ranks cities around the world by their subjective well-being and digs more deeply into how the social, urban and natural environments combine to affect our happiness.
    • September 2023
      Quelle: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 07 September, 2023
      Datensatz auswählen
      World Indicators of Skills for Employment (WISE) provide a comprehensive system of information relating to skills development. WISE presents countries with data upon which they can design skills policies and programs and monitor their impact on key outcomes, including responsiveness to current and emerging patterns of labour market demand, employability, productivity, health status, gender equity and lifelong learning.The database covers the period from 1990 to the present and consists of five inter-related domains of indicators:Contextual factors drive both the supply of and demand for skills.Skill acquisition covers investments in skills, the stock of human capital and its distribution.Skill requirements measure the demand for skills arising in the labour market.The degree of matching captures how well skills obtained through education and training correspond to the skills required in the labour market.Outcomes reflect the impact of skills on economic performance and employment and social outcomes.
    • Juni 2024
      Quelle: United Nations Conference on Trade and Development
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 09 Juli, 2024
      Datensatz auswählen
      The World Investment Report focuses on trends in foreign direct investment (FDI) worldwide, at the regional and country levels and emerging measures to improve its contribution to development. This Report further focuses on:Analysis of the trends in FDI during the previous year, with especial emphasis on the development implications.Ranking of the largest transnational corporations in the world.In-depth analysis of a selected topic related to FDI.Policy analysis and recommendations.Statistical annex with data on FDI flows and stocks for 196 economies.
    • Juni 2019
      Quelle: Ethnologue
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 21 Juni, 2019
      Datensatz auswählen
      Data Cited at:   The World Languages section of this site provides country summaries and language-by-language information. This section steps above that detail to offer a summary view of the world language situation. Specifically, it offers numerical tabulations of languages and number of speakers by world area, by language size, by language status, by language family, and by country.    
    • März 2025
      Quelle: British Geological Survey
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 01 März, 2025
      Datensatz auswählen
      World Mineral Production covers the majority of economically important mineral commodities. For each commodity constant efforts are made to ensure that as many producing countries as possible are reported. For some commodities, where statistics on production are not publicly available, estimates are made.
    • März 2025
      Quelle: Reporters Without Borders
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 13 März, 2025
      Datensatz auswählen
      The Range of Score to Access the Press Freedom. (New Scale) From 85 to 100 points: Good From 70 to 85 points: Satisfactory From 55 to 70 points: Problematic From 40 to 55 points: Difficult From 0 to 40 points: Very Serious   The Range of Score to Access the Press Freedom. (Old Scale) From 0 to 15 points: Good From 15.01 to 25 points: Fairly good From 25.01 to 35 points: Problematic From 35.01 to 55 points: Bad From 55.01 to 100 points: Very bad Note: Negative value is available for 2012 only and it represents the country in top* The press freedom index that Reporters Without Borders publishes every year measures the level of freedom of information in nearly 180 countries. It reflects the degree of freedom that journalists, news organizations and netizens enjoy in each country, and the efforts made by the authorities to respect and ensure respect for this freedom. It is based partly on a questionnaire that is sent to our partner organizations (18 freedom of expression NGOs located in all five continents), to our network of 150 correspondents, and to journalists, researchers, jurists and human rights activists. The 179 countries ranked in this year's index are those for which Reporters Without Borders received completed questionnaires from various sources. Some countries were not included because of a lack of reliable, confirmed data. A score and a position are assigned to each country in the final ranking. They are complementary indicators that together assess the state of press freedom. In order to make the index more informative and make it easier to compare different years, scores will henceforth range from 0 to 100, with 0 being the best possible score and 100 the worst. The index reflects the situation during a specific period. This year's index is based solely on events between the start of December 2012 and the end of November 2013. It does not look at human rights violations in general, just violations of freedom of information. The index should in no way be taken as an indication of the quality of the media in the countries concerned. In order to make the index more informative and make it easier to compare different years, scores will henceforth range from 0 to 100, with 0 being the best possible score and 100 the worst. The index reflects the situation during a specific period. This year's index is based solely on events between the start of December 2012 and the end of November 2013. It does not look at human rights violations in general, just violations of freedom of information. The index should in no way be taken as an indication of the quality of the media in the countries concerned. In order to make the index more informative and make it easier to compare different years, scores will henceforth range from 0 to 100, with 0 being the best possible score and 100 the worst. The index reflects the situation during a specific period. This year's index is based solely on events between the start of December 2012 and the end of November 2013. It does not look at human rights violations in general, just violations of freedom of information. The index should in no way be taken as an indication of the quality of the media in the countries concerned. This year's index is based solely on events between the start of December 2012 and the end of November 2013. It does not look at human rights violations in general, just violations of freedom of information. The index should in no way be taken as an indication of the quality of the media in the countries concerned. This year's index is based solely on events between the start of December 2012 and the end of November 2013. It does not look at human rights violations in general, just violations of freedom of information. The index should in no way be taken as an indication of the quality of the media in the countries concerned.   * In order to have a bigger spread in the scores and increase the differentiation between countries, this year's questionnaire had more answers assigning negative points. That is why countries at the top of the index have negative scores this year. Although the point system has produced a broader distribution of scores than in 2010, each country's evolution over the years can still be plotted by comparing its position in the index rather than its score. This is what the arrows in the table refer to – a country's change in position in the index compared with the preceding year.      
    • Januar 2025
      Quelle: World Bank
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 30 Januar, 2025
      Datensatz auswählen
      The Worldwide Governance Indicators (WGI) project reports aggregate and individual governance indicators for over 200 countries and territories over the period 1996–2020, for six dimensions of governance:Voice and AccountabilityPolitical Stability and Absence of ViolenceGovernment EffectivenessRegulatory QualityRule of LawControl of Corruption The Worldwide Governance Indicators (WGI) are a research dataset summarizing the views on the quality of governance provided by a large number of enterprise, citizen and expert survey respondents in industrial and developing countries. These data are gathered from a number of survey institutes, think tanks, non-governmental organizations, international organizations, and private sector firms. The WGI do not reflect the official views of the World Bank, its Executive Directors, or the countries they represent. The WGI are not used by the World Bank Group to allocate resources. Measure description: Estimate:-Estimate of governance (ranges from approximately -2.5 (weak) to 2.5 (strong) governance performance) Standard error (StdErr):-Standard error reflects variability around the point estimate of governance. Number of sources (NumSrc):-Number of data sources on which estimate is based Rank:-Percentile rank among all countries (ranges from 0 (lowest) to 100 (highest) rank) Lower:-Lower bound of 90% confidence interval for governance, in percentile rank terms Upper:-Upper bound of 90% confidence interval for governance, in percentile rank terms
    • November 2015
      Quelle: Wine Institute
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 15 September, 2016
      Datensatz auswählen
      Vineyard acreage is based on United Nations Food & Agriculture Organization (FAO) data, Eurostat data and estimates and reports from individual countries. It includes vineyards used for the production of wine variety grapes, raisin variety grapes, table grapes (for the fresh market) and juice grapes (for the production of grape juice and grape juice concentrate). Wine consumption includes data for 225 countries during the period 2011-2014. Consumption has been estimated by TDA by aggregating the exports of the major wine producing countries to each individual country. The aggregation includes 41 countries including the EU 28, Argentina, Australia, Canada, China, Chile, Hong Kong, New Zealand, Singapore, South Africa, South Korea, Ukraine, United States, and Uruguay. The November 2015 revision pertains to Sweden. Wine production quantity indicated for China does not include the production of Chinese yellow wine; quantity indicated for Japan does not include the production of Sake; quantity indicated for Korea does not include the production of fruit wine and rice wine.
  • Y
    • Juni 2024
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 14 Juni, 2024
      Datensatz auswählen
      The aim of this section is to provide comparable statistics and indicators on education in the 27 Member States of the European Union, at the regional level NUTS 2. In order to facilitate comparison between countries, data from each Member State are allocated to the various education levels of the International Standard Classification of Education (ISCED), UNESCO 1997.
    • Juni 2024
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 14 Juni, 2024
      Datensatz auswählen
      The folder 'population by educational attainment level (edat1)' presents data on the highest level of education successfully completed by the individuals of a given population. The folder 'transition from education to work (edatt)' covers data on young people neither in employment nor in education and training – NEET, early leavers from education and training and the labour status of young people by years since completion of highest level of education. The data shown are calculated as annual averages of quarterly EU Labour Force Survey data (EU-LFS). Up to the reference year 2008, the data source (EU-LFS) is, where necessary, adjusted and enriched in various ways, in accordance with the specificities of an indicator, including the following: correction of the main breaks in the LFS series,estimation of the missing values, i.e. in case of missing quarters, annual results and EU aggregates are estimated using adjusted quarterly national labour force survey data or interpolations of the EU-LFS data with reference to the available quarter(s). Details on the adjustments are available in CIRCABC. The adjustments are applied in the following online tables: Population by educational attainment level (edat1) - Population by educational attainment level, sex and age (%) - main indicators (edat_lfse_03) - Population aged 25-64 by educational attainment level, sex and NUTS 2 regions (%) (edat_lfse_04) - Population aged 30-34 by educational attainment level, sex and NUTS 2 regions (%) (edat_lfse_12) (Other tables shown in the folder 'population by educational attainment level (edat1)' are not adjusted and therefore the results in these tables might differ).Young people by educational and labour status (incl. neither in employment nor in education and training - NEET) (edatt0) – all tablesEarly leavers from education and training (edatt1) – all tablesLabour status of young people by years since completion of highest level of education (edatt2) – all tables LFS ad-hoc module data available in the folder 'transition from education to work (edatt)' are not adjusted. The folder 'transition from education to work (edatt)' also presents one table with quarterly NEET data for the age group 15-24 (lfsi_neet_q). Deviating from the NEET indicator calculation as provided in 3.4, the denominator in this table is the total population of the same age group and sex which explains differences in results. For further information, see the ESMS on "Unemployment - LFS adjusted series".
    • Juni 2024
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 14 Juni, 2024
      Datensatz auswählen
      The folder 'population by educational attainment level (edat1)' presents data on the highest level of education successfully completed by the individuals of a given population. The folder 'transition from education to work (edatt)' covers data on young people neither in employment nor in education and training – NEET, early leavers from education and training and the labour status of young people by years since completion of highest level of education. The data shown are calculated as annual averages of quarterly EU Labour Force Survey data (EU-LFS). Up to the reference year 2008, the data source (EU-LFS) is, where necessary, adjusted and enriched in various ways, in accordance with the specificities of an indicator, including the following: correction of the main breaks in the LFS series,estimation of the missing values, i.e. in case of missing quarters, annual results and EU aggregates are estimated using adjusted quarterly national labour force survey data or interpolations of the EU-LFS data with reference to the available quarter(s). Details on the adjustments are available in CIRCABC. The adjustments are applied in the following online tables: Population by educational attainment level (edat1) - Population by educational attainment level, sex and age (%) - main indicators (edat_lfse_03) - Population aged 25-64 by educational attainment level, sex and NUTS 2 regions (%) (edat_lfse_04) - Population aged 30-34 by educational attainment level, sex and NUTS 2 regions (%) (edat_lfse_12) (Other tables shown in the folder 'population by educational attainment level (edat1)' are not adjusted and therefore the results in these tables might differ).Young people by educational and labour status (incl. neither in employment nor in education and training - NEET) (edatt0) – all tablesEarly leavers from education and training (edatt1) – all tablesLabour status of young people by years since completion of highest level of education (edatt2) – all tables LFS ad-hoc module data available in the folder 'transition from education to work (edatt)' are not adjusted. The folder 'transition from education to work (edatt)' also presents one table with quarterly NEET data for the age group 15-24 (lfsi_neet_q). Deviating from the NEET indicator calculation as provided in 3.4, the denominator in this table is the total population of the same age group and sex which explains differences in results. For further information, see the ESMS on "Unemployment - LFS adjusted series".
    • Juni 2024
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 15 Juni, 2024
      Datensatz auswählen
    • Juni 2024
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 15 Juni, 2024
      Datensatz auswählen
    • Juni 2024
      Quelle: Eurostat
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 15 Juni, 2024
      Datensatz auswählen