Gampaha - Number of children , Child's weight

801 (Number) im Jahr 2007

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Health insurance coverage, None, Distance to health facility, Atleast one problem accessing health care, Percentage for whom advice or treatement was saught in health facility or provider , fever, Number of women , Problems in accessing health care, Health insurance coverage, Number, Percentage for whom advice or treatement was saught in health facility or provider, Percentage delivered in a health facility, Public sector, Home, Private sector, Place of delivery, Number of births, Place of delivery, Missing, Doctor, Place of delivery, Total, Traditional birth attendant, Nurse/midwife, Place of delivery, Other, Person providing assistance during delivery, Don't know/missing, Percentage delivered by a skilled provider, Relative/other, Percentage delivered by C-section, Assistance during delivery, Number of births, Getting permission to go for treatment, Getting money for treatment, Having to take transport, Not wanting to go alone, Concern no female provider available, Concern no provider available, Concern no drugs available, Atleast one problem accessing health care, Number of women , Problems in accessing health care, Less than 2.5 kg, 2.5 kg or more, Total , child's weight, Child's weight, Number of children, Percentage of children with reported birth weight, Percentage with symptoms of ARI, Number of children , under five, Percentage for whom advice or treatement was saught in health facility or provider, Number of children , symptoms of ARI, Percentage with fever, Number of children , under age five, Percentage for whom advice or treatement was saught in health facility or provider , fever, Percentage who took antimalarial drugs, Percentage who took antibiotic drugs, Number of children , under age five with fever, All diarrhoea, Diarrhoea with blood, Number of children , diarrhoea