Basic statistical data on public broadcasting enterprises and commercial broadcasting companies that broadcast radio programme, Republic of North Macedonia
Books and brochures by language of publication and by types, Republic of North Macedonia
Books and brochures by purpose and mode of publication, Republic of North Macedonia
Books and brochures by purpose and type of alphabet, Republic of North Macedonia
Books and brochures by subject areas and language of publication, Republic of North Macedonia
Books and brochures by subject areas and language of the original, Republic of North Macedonia
Books and brochures by type of publisher and purpose, Republic of North Macedonia
Business entities, by sector of activity, that provided CVT and other forms of CVT, Republic of North Macedonia
Business entities, by size, that provided CVT and other forms of CVT, Republic of North Macedonia
GDP of Macedonia
General overview of forestry development, Republic of North Macedonia
Graduated students by degree of studies, sex and place (municipality) of permanent residence, by year, Republic of North Macedonia
Graduated students by ethnic affiliation, mode of study, sex and higher education institution, by year, Republic of North Macedonia
Graduated students by place of permanent residence, by sex and region, by years, Republic of North Macedonia
Graduated students, citizens of other countries, by mode of study and sex, annual, Republic of North Macedonia
Graduated students, foreign citizens, by degree of studies, sex and citizenship, by year, Republic of North Macedonia
Gross feeled timber, by species,by years, Republic of North Macedonia
Gross Felled timber , by assortments, by years, Republic of North Macedonia
Issued building permits, according to the CC Classification, by number and expected value, by months, Republic of North Macedonia
Issued building permits, according to the CC Classification, by number and surface area, number of dwellings, by months, Republic of North Macedonia
Issued building permits, by number, type of constructions, investor, by years, Republic of North Macedonia
Macedonia Data Atlas, November 2017
Magazines by language and frequency of publication, Republic of North Macedonia
Magazines by purpose and frequency of publication, Republic of North Macedonia
Magazines by subject areas and frequency of publication, Republic of North Macedonia
Magazines by type of publisher and purpose, Republic of North Macedonia
Masters of science and specialists by age, sex and higher education institution, by year, Republic of North Macedonia
Masters of science and specialists by ethnic affiliation, sex and higher education institution, by year, Republic of North Macedonia
Masters of science and specialists by field od science, sex and higher education institution, by year, Republic of North Macedonia
Some activities of the business entities to art exhibitions, Republic of North Macedonia
Spent building and power materials, by years, Republic of North Macedonia
Spent building materials and energy, by type of materials, by quantiry and value, by years, Republic of North Macedonia
Students in Primary and Lower Secondary Schools by Gender, Municipalities and Year of Study, Macedonia
Students in Primary and Lower Secondary Schools by Gender, Regions and Year of Study, Macedonia
Students in Upper Secondary Schools by Gender, Municipalities and Year of Study, Macedonia
Students in Upper Secondary Schools by Gender, Regions and Year of Study, Macedonia