Ministry of Commerce and Industry, India

The Department formulates, implements and monitors the Foreign Trade Policy (FTP) which provides the basic framework of policy and strategy to be followed for promoting exports and trade. The Trade Policy is periodically reviewed to incorporate changes necessary to take care of emerging economic scenarios both in the domestic and international economy. Besides, the Department is also entrusted with responsibilities relating to multilateral and bilateral commercial relations, Special Economic Zones, state trading, export promotion and trade facilitation, and development and regulation of certain export oriented industries and commodities.

Alle Datensätze: F
  • F
    • Februar 2025
      Quelle: Ministry of Commerce and Industry, India
      Hochgeladen von: Knoema
      Zugriff am: 20 Februar, 2025
      Datensatz auswählen
      India’s overall exports (Merchandise and Services combined) in February 2022* are estimated to be USD 57.03 Billion, exhibiting a positive growth of 25.41 per cent over the same period last year and a positive growth of 27.07 per cent over February 2020. Overall imports in February 2022* are estimated to be USD 69.35 Billion, exhibiting a positive growth of 35.64 per cent over the same period last year and a positive growth of 44.62 per cent over February 2020. Merchandise exports in February 2022 were USD 34.57 Billion, as compared to USD 27.63 Billion in February 2021, exhibiting a positive growth of 25.10 per cent. As compared to February 2020, exports in February 2022 exhibited a positive growth of 24.60 per cent.Merchandise imports in February 2022 were USD 55.45 Billion, which is an increase of 36.07 percent over imports of USD 40.75 Billion in February 2021. Imports in February 2022 have registered a positive growth of 46.28 per cent in comparison to February 2020.